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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No just the retards who think people have their head in the sand on. Sand niggers is easy

wake up to the jew and stop being a bitch

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm in the process of aggressively trying to red pill my brother. he has no interest in research. he wants to live a gluttonous life in this age of plenty meanwhile I'm trying to be a spartan. without the alleged child diddling lol.

and yea, the holohoax did not happen, but if it did, good. Hitler was fighting the exact same thing that's strangling us out now. But then again... he was funded by the warburgs apparently and it all could have been to kill goyim by the millions. I don't know, I just know what's going on now feels so fucking wrong deep down inside and that's all I need.