vladtep ago

White men today simply have no stomach for suffering and death, giving or receiving. Even slaughtering our enemies is too much let alone taking any casualties.

I'm not sure why this is since many in the past were great warriors, maybe most of you have been raised soft. I was raised in a ghetto with a miserable situation so maybe that's why I have no problem with these outcomes. I hope to die to fight, not as an old man, I like it. Do you?

Without this, one cannot prevail.

Notice that the moslems never say, "it's too hard, we can't win, they have too many". Nope, they just fight, anywhere and everywhere.

You think that you will beat this how?

TheWorstImaginable ago

I agree. Way too soft.

feral-toes ago

People believe in their own capacity for empathy. People who three-eighths believe in their own religion understand people with weaker faith, who quarter believe. And they understand people with stronger faith, who half believe. In this way, people who three-eighths believe in their own religion, become convinced of their own powers of empathy. They think that they can empathize with both those of weaker and of stronger faith.

They don't see the narrowly limited range of their empathy. When they encounter some-one who wholly believes in their faith, the 3/8 believer misunderstands them as some-one who 1/2 believes, because that is the strongest faith that the 3/8 believer can imagine.

That leads to anomalies. Some-one who fully believes behaves differently to some-one who half believes. The 3/8 believer can see that anomaly, but such people have no doubts about their own social skills; it never occurs to them that belief can be stronger than half belief. So the anomalies get explained some other way or just ignored.

snortykat ago

The races should never have been mixed in the first place. We are all to different and need to be separated again.

flapjack_charlie ago

A lot more people see it for what it is than you realize. The media pushes a narrative and big tech silences dissenting voices.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

No, your sane I think its like a kinda like a deer in the headlights type of problem, Maybe go a little easier on them after you've bitch slapped them awake. Remember that the fuckers who orchestrated these invasions have things like think tanks and the Tavistock institute to help deliver "our strength" in a way that would be hard to detect or reverse until its too late.

keksupreme ago

the reason we are being invaded is because of jew globalists. never forget

Humansized ago

Conditioned since childhood to think everyone is the same despite moutains of evidence suggesting otherwise.

looking4truth ago

And what's funny is those dishonest cowardly fags who try to act as if all religions are equal. They pretend that Christians(who are getting cucked by trannys, fags and sandniggers btw) are as "intolerant" as muslims.

TheWorstImaginable ago

We can't really argue that turn the other cheek is working can we? We need to start turning THEIR cheeks. With hammers.

NeoGoat ago

People live in ivory towers. They don't see it in person. They project; they assume all Muslims are like themselves or their friendly Muslim co-worker. The MSM gives almost no coverage. Thus, it is not real to them.

totes_magotes ago

In truth, no one wants say that an entire demographic, let alone a complete mainstream religion is centered around barbarism. People "in the west" generally live lives of self-actualization, not survival. So we sit there and try to squash lizard and primate parts of our brain that leads to war and death and destruction. Then when someone does these things (especially repeatedly), it's in complete conflict with the mental training most people give themselves.

You can't blame them as much as you'd like. No one likes to face their own contradictions. Most people have to be forced.

That's our job.

vladtep ago

They don't know anything about moslems, their history, their beliefs, any of it.

Our system of education was destroyed and the church that once repelled them was neutered, setting the stage for what we see now.

vladtep ago

Most people are "NPCs".

That's why democracy has not worked and can never work, the founding fathers were very clear on this.

If every moron's opinion matters, we'll never make intelligent decisions.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Its not a culture. They are savages.

coucou ago

Low vibes, muslim or else, are bound to disappear into nothingness, or 3D. They will not adjust. Humanity is evolving, some will be left behind. They will be like birds who can't fly because their wings are covered with oil tanker spills. We are close to the gates.

modsrcuntz ago

People know, what people stick there head in the sand over is that the kikes are causing it. The kikes “prophecy” says Muslims and Christians are to destroy each other mutually, then the Jews are to rule the world. They are artificially causing the conditions to speed up there end times apocalypse and the return of the messiah.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Moloch worship and Baal worship meets the 21st Century.

Churlish_Rogue ago

I have a working theory that Jews exploit some unspoken and unpublished, but among them well known scientific reality about humans wherein we get collectively stupider when gathered in large numbers. It's more than just social groupthink pressures. Like a sort of psychological breakdown occurs and our minds begin to deteriorate in some important way when we are herded into too large of a group. Over time it inclines us towards certain self destructive tendencies and renders us susceptible to influences that we normally would not be vulnerable to in smaller, healthier numbers and that the Jews know this and exploit this to their advantage all throughout history, rootless cosmopolitans that they are.

There's this American ethologist named John B Calhoun who ran these behavioral studies involving mice and overpopulation. He gave them enough food and necessities, everything but space, and the psychological breakdown and destruction of the overpopulated colony draws a number of particularly eerie parallels to what we see going on in our own dense urban environments.

And this was all done in the 1950s and 60s, garnering international recognition. It's the sort of thing that really reminds you that foreseeable consequences are seldom unintended.

goytoynamedtroy ago

The only thing Islam gets right is that women have no rights.

That and sodomites.

hfkmfn ago

They also got warfare good enough to do all those conquests over time.

Alysiam63 ago

Okay last post. This is a good overall article about the threat of Islam. One of the previous articles explains how Islam was started as a tool for war.


Alysiam63 ago


Amil Imani

Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known throughout the history of man. The invasion of Persia was completed five-years after the death of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, though Persian resistance continued for centuries up to and including the present time. (Most Iranians consider the current regime as the continuation of 1400 years of Islamic tyranny and oppression).

The Bedouin Arabs who toppled the Sassanid Empire were propelled not only by a desire for conquest and to steal Persian jewels and treasures, but also to enslave Iranian women and children, while imposing their barbaric ideology upon the entire population. With that, they almost wiped out one of the most benevolent and ancient religions, Zoroastrianism, which is often called the mother of all revealed religions.

The political nature of Islam demanded that a conquered people not only convert to Islam but also to regard its past history as a time of darkness before the light of Islam came. Today the Islamic Republic of Iran is busy purging Pre-Islamic Persian history from children’s textbooks. Islam required conquered people to scorn their own past and love their Islamic Arab conquerors by striving to imitate them. According to Islam, all history before Islam was an era of “darkness” and should be discarded. Islam is a brutal, hyper-masculine, barbarian, tribal warrior cult that glories in murder, mutilation, rape, genocide, terrorism, destruction and anarchy.

When Arabs, a collection of backward, nomadic warrior tribes who did not even have a fully developed scripted language, conquered sophisticated cultures such as Egypt, Syria, Persia, and the Byzantine Empire, they took control over some of the world’s largest centers of accumulated knowledge. To claim that there was an “Islamic Golden Age” is like saying a group of savages storming into the world’s largest libraries, murdering all the librarians and then claimed to have written all the books there, gives credit to this myth. Islam’s much-vaunted “Golden Age” was in fact just the twilight of conquered pre-Islamic cultures, an echo of times past. In all honesty, Islam’s trophy to human civilization is and always has been Islamic terrorism.

The prophet of Islam motivated his rapidly growing body of followers to rally around him by proclaiming: if they are victorious, they will have the treasures of the infidels as well as their women and children as slaves to hold or sell; if the faithful kill the infidels in doing the work of Allah, further reward awaits them in paradise; and, in the unlikely event that they are killed, they find themselves in Allah’s glorious paradise for an eternal life of joy and bliss.

The Persians underestimated the power and dedication of this newly formed Islamic ideology of hate and violence by the desert dwellers. An unexpected unorthodox attack on the Persian army caused it to fall into the hands of the butchers of Islam and eventually, the culture of death prevailed and the era of Islamic terrorism began. Americans need to learn from the Persian experience and become more vigilant.

My fellow Americans, 1400 years later, a few Islamic terrorist States, flushed with petrodollars, are seeking and working hard for Islamic world domination through worldwide Islamic terrorism.They are determined to destroy everything America and the free world stand for and intend to replace it with the most barbaric ideology known as Sharia. Islam sees Christian America as a formidable enemy standing in its path of world domination. Hence, it has waged stealth jihad on Christian America. It is time to wake up and wake up fast.

In many surprising ways, America resembles the great ancient Persia. Like the ancient Persians who were the first world managers and the most tolerant empire-builders, America, by its constitution, is also the most tolerant and benevolent nation in the world. Let us hope that America’s destiny will not end up like Persia’s.

Regretfully, reading about the Islamic religiously mandated horrific acts and even seeing them on television or the Internet may momentarily repulse, but does not terribly concern many Americans. After all, those things still are happening on the other side of the world and away from their homes, we are safe in fortress America, so goes the thinking.

“Fortress America” is a delusion that even the events of 9/11 and the Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan massacre seems to have failed to dispel. Many prefer to believe that the assault of 9/11 was an aberration, since nothing like it has happened since, and it is unlikely that anything of the sort will ever happen again, so goes the wishful thinking. Reality portrays a vastly different picture. America is far from a fortress, given its vast wide-open borders. It is a nation of laws where all forms of freedom are enshrined in its constitution; where Americans live by a humane ethos diametrically different from those of Islamist savageries. Sadly, these differences confer great advantage to the Islamists and place America in imminent danger.

The breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 is only the first installment of many more forthcoming heinous assaults, about which we have been repeatedly warned by Muslim thugs living in caves. Unless we abandon our way of thinking, we will suffer the consequences of a dangerous complacency. We need to stop relying on the invincibility of the law-enforcement people and will make the sacrifices that would protect our way of life.

I have never claimed that the reported 1.2 billion Muslims are all jihadists aiming to destroy civilization and establish Muhammad’s Ummah over all of us. I certainly know that the active jihadists are a small minority. Yet, it takes a blind eye to ignore militant minorities. Did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany because he and his gang got the majority vote in Germany? More than 65% of Germans were not supporters of Hitler and his party and viewed the Nazis as louts and worthless. Yet, we all know what this little minority did while being ignored.

What about forest fires? You cannot ignore a little smoldering fire here, a little smoldering fire there because the rest of the forest is not on fire. Only a fool will ignore these fires because they will eventually devour the forest.

The recent migration of Muslims to non-Islamic lands began as a seemingly harmless, even useful; the trickle of desirable cheap needed labor. Before long, greater and greater numbers of Muslims deluged the new territories and as they gained in numbers—by high birth rate as well as new arrivals—Muslims began reverting to their intolerant ways by, for instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic law), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past.

Just a sobering note; mild Islamism is already here. As an example, there was the Muslim cab driver of the Minneapolis Airport and his refusal to ferry passengers with alcohol or even those with seeing-eye dogs; Muslim inmates demanding to be served only halal food, Kentucky Fried Chicken opens first halal restaurant in New York City, honor killing, Muslim students badgering universities for special facilities for their meetings, and, for the first time ever two Muslim Congressmen assuming the office by swearing on the Quran and not the Bible.

Islam need not even literally destroy the civilized world. All it needs is to gain enough power to impose its worse than death Sharia on everyone. If you are not up to speed with the horrors that Muslim governments and their jihadist foot-soldiers commit on a daily basis, you need to open your eyes and deal with this deadly threat of Islam with much more realism.

Ignoring the smoldering fire and relying on a few local “firefighters” to keep the fires from spreading is either naive or outright criminal, but it is certainly the easiest thing to do. That’s why I have chosen to fight the fire and I am calling for help to put out Islam, the source that raises arsonists — the minority that they may be. It takes one arsonist to set a fire that a thousand firefighters will have difficulty putting out. The few Muslims who are brave enough to advocate reform of their religion are tossed out of mosques or, very likely labeled as apostates with a death warrant.

When our leaders, for instance, call Islam a great religion, they are appeasing, if not lying outright. We the people, elect our leaders and we hold them accountable to be honorable. When they are using their voice to call Islam a great religion, the most deadly threat to everything we cherish, not only do they legitimize Islamofascism, but also they infuse the rest of us with a false belief

hfkmfn ago

Yes, but what can any of us do about that? Burn down the Lutherin churches supporting refugees? We can't do that... Boycott all halaal meat? Not all of it is labeled... Try to convert them to Christianity?? Well we should, but as if! And always more where thoee came from...

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Useful idiots using even more idiotic asshats to eek out a few extra imago-bucks. The complacency is defeaning to me. NPCs everywhere worried more about their Apple watches and opiates than building a legacy. And you should probably rethink your stance about Christianity, because these things are signs that we're entering the apocalypse at a breakneck pace.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I think I could be a christian without believing in God, do you? I think I'm a pretty good judge of people with or without religion. I don't need something to unify me with others, good and evil is good enough for me.

Speaking of Imago-Bucks... Remember around 2010-2012 that North American Union and the Amero Dollar that was getting pushed hard back then? I started thinking about that the other day for some reason. I wonder what's going on with that.

ThierryofAlsace ago

They just don't want to admit their wrong.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Most days I wish I had never stuck my stupid head down this rabbit hole. I don't really blame them. It's hard not to be spitting mad constantly when you know this shit is happening and people are too fucking stupid to realize or care.

Alysiam63 ago

This article is written by an expert on Islam! He helped organize the “Draw Mohamed “ contest in Garland Texas. Risking his life knowingly! Once again; Islam is Not a Religion and should not be treated as such! It was started as a political ideology! They use the term Religion to further encroach on our way of life. They will cry discrimination all the way until they get their way and get their numbers up! Then they have caliphate and Sharia law! Woman ( or Infadels which is everyone not a brainwashed Muslim) will not be safe!!!


TheWorstImaginable ago

Yea I just read some of that from your other post. Got any source for the political ideology thing? I'd like to look into that. Seems like a looooong fucking time ago to be really sure what happened. We don't even know what happened in the last 100 years for sure.

TheWorstImaginable ago

not available, what was that?

TheWorstImaginable ago

It must be one of your friends or private groups or something.

lanre ago

Just have them read the Koran. Say they're ignorant if they haven't.

coucou ago

But the thing is, Islam being such an evolutionary ¨religion¨, many muslims can't even read, hence they never read the cran. So the question is, why do you see them reading the cran, all of them, when they can't read. I saw a laughing muslim say ¨They hold the book, follow the line with their fingers, and mutter, pretending they understand¨. They are abysmally ignorant, and our average leftist would fare much better, in spite of his college education, on the IQ scale.

hfkmfn ago

Actually, Arabs can be good at memorization despite a somewhat lower IQ. It isn't unheard of for Muslims to memorize the Qu'ran.

coucou ago

That's right. :-)

Alysiam63 ago

Muslims trying to build their numbers up and encroach on our rights is evil! Sharia is not for America! Linda Sarsour is part of the deep State! She is using taquiia( deception) to get her way! Islam is not a religion and should not be treated as such! It’s a political ideology to take over the world!!!


TheWorstImaginable ago

I've seen first hand how the moderate among them are shamed and ostracized and beaten because they aren't raving lunatics.

Alysiam63 ago

We cannot let them invade

TheWorstImaginable ago

We are though, and the only real solution is so drastic it makes me sick

Alysiam63 ago

And if they are moderate they are not good Muslims bc to be an Islamic You ARE a raving lunatic!!! The ONLY Muslims to Tolerate are the ones who are cultural Muslims! They are in a country where they Have To Be Muslim and cant get out for fear of death! Or to a lesser extent, the ones here; where that’s all they know! I think you said you are not Christian but, they need God!!!

hfkmfn ago

Becoming a martyr makes up for sins in Islam, up to 70 family members too. The suicide bombers/shooters/hijackers/etc could have been suicidal anyways and carry the community. :/

thebearfromstartrack ago

I AM a Christian. God will kill them.

ForTheUltimate ago

That's the morning prayer inshala

TheWorstImaginable ago

I could go my entire life without hearing that word again.

ForTheUltimate ago

you only read it this time. good luck

TheWorstImaginable ago

So many memories :(

ForTheUltimate ago


Here's your free therapeutic AI

TheWorstImaginable ago

huh.. interesting. I probably will forget about that in the next few minutes, not for me. But I am intrigued a wee bit.

coucou ago

You are definitely not insane. But most people have been formatted, and nourished from the multicultural poison. Not mentioning the diversion of Christian principles. The 1st Christian principle is the family protection. If you let dangerous barbarians into your land, you put your family in danger, and this is a crime. Non-assistance to someone in danger. Invite-me for your thanks-giving dinner, you and I will have lots of fun. :-))))))))))) I have a big mouth! Also, at some stage, multiculturalism was I show you how to make a pizza, I bring you some fortune cookies for my Chinese festival, etc... It was good, then. Then the barbarians moved in with the complicity of the globalists, in the name of diversity. Indeed, burkas in our street is ¨diversity¨, till they are numerous enough to force any woman into a rubbish bag. Then diversity gone. But those rulers are the enemies of humanity. And they will fail, abysmally so.

TheWorstImaginable ago

We just had Thanksgiving in Canada. A member of my family wrote an essay demanding that we write one in response. It's about the threat that our Western values face from these 'intellectuals'

coucou ago

They are not intellectuals at all, they pretend they are. A real intellectual has common sense, just like a trades man. Now, be careful, I see the trap here, they want you to commit your point of view IN WRITING, so they can report you to the authorities if you do not conform ¨SEE WHAT HE WROTE!!!¨. Leftards have not a single shred of morality, so if you think they would hesitate just a split second to throw you to the wolves, they would not hesitate. Tell them, -maybe-, that you will respond to them after they have welcomed in their homes x number of those poor refugees for a year or two. Acts speaking more than words. As I feel it, they want to trap you, plain and simple. The best way to defuse that is to name the game, and just ask ¨Why do you try to trap me?¨. ¨Why are you trying to manipulate me ?¨ I learned this in the book ¨The game of life¨ by Dr James G. Murray. Sorry, I can't find it in pdf. An even better way is avoidance, pure and simple. That's the only way to deal with bullies. Because they are bullies.

mattsixteen24 ago

It's victimization propaganda. This is what the enemy does. They portray the bad guys as the victim. Then all the ignorant who know nothing about these supposed "victims" become sympathetic towards them. The jews have been using this type of propaganda for centuries to cause strife in society.

The jews need constant conflict in gentile society for control and power. They also use conflict as a way to distract from their deeds. When do you ever hear about jew corruption? Never. Their operations' cost must be insanely high, but no big deal since they have an endless supply of stolen money from goyim.

coucou ago

It used to work... Boooohhhh, and the Republican would fall, blindly, into the trap. Now it is ¨You are racist, anti-semitic, anti-women, anti gay, homophobe¨, you name it, and then: WE LAUGH OUR HEART OUT BECAUSE WHEN YOU USE ALL YOUR AMMUNITION ON A SINGLE TARGET, YOU RUN SHORT OF AMMUNITION. AND YOU REMIND ME OF THE ¨MANLY¨ ARABS WHO SHOOT IN THE AIR AT MARRIAGE CELEBRATIONS. Wasting bullets.

Original_Dankster ago

Leftists have fetishized victimhood and conflated power = evil and lack of power = good.

Sometimes the weaker, smaller group or ideology is the evil one. But the leftist paradigm can't accept that fact.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No just the retards who think people have their head in the sand on. Sand niggers is easy

wake up to the jew and stop being a bitch

ThoseFeels ago

Fucking seriously.

Niggers, spics, Muslims....yea, not a fan, not my culture. But these races would not be thriving in western nations -or even in them at all- of it wasn't for the Zionists.

Islam sucks but it doesn't have you planned for dead 12 steps into the chess board. They just kill what's in front of them. Jews are poisoning every fiber of your being.

knije_tahou ago

This truth will take some time to absorb if you are new to it. It is freeing though

ThoseFeels ago

It's took me probably six months minimum (not my first account) on Voat to finally see the entire picture. Heck probably a year even. I wish you could just tell somebody the truth, but you can't. It's so enormous that you can't swallow it in one bite.

Rawrination ago

I came over when The_Donald first went down and the good mods where being pushed out. (Fully Compiled Introductory Redpill Dump) https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/2092975 was my intro point.

Its only been in the past few days its finally clicked for me. Listening to an english language audio version of Adolf Hitler's audiobook Mein Kampf https://voat.co/v/whatever/2794478 is what finally made it click for me. (sorry for bumping or spamin or whatever my own post)

Acerphoon ago

Same. I started out as a leftist/liberal. Back then, I was pretty anti-capitalist, etc. so I stumbled upon a video about the Rothschild bankers and that was my first red-pill.

After that I got into the usual conservative channels, saw videos about islam, the quran, their crimerates etc. and was a /the_donald/ kind of civic nationalist.

Then I went to 4chan /pol/ and that was, when I realized that the Rothschilds... were actually jews. Why Hitler hated them; and realized that the rothschilds weren't the only jews, who have a lot of power.

Rawrination ago

That is the path most must take. I started out a tiny bit knowing that bankers where the problem but then followed that same path.

Only I used to be into "conspiracy theories" and a long time ago used to live on the chans. Only place that could keep up with my ADHD was 4chan /b.

Now the chans are too fast for me so I came to reddit and then here.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm in the process of aggressively trying to red pill my brother. he has no interest in research. he wants to live a gluttonous life in this age of plenty meanwhile I'm trying to be a spartan. without the alleged child diddling lol.

and yea, the holohoax did not happen, but if it did, good. Hitler was fighting the exact same thing that's strangling us out now. But then again... he was funded by the warburgs apparently and it all could have been to kill goyim by the millions. I don't know, I just know what's going on now feels so fucking wrong deep down inside and that's all I need.

ForTheUltimate ago

what nigger faggot socialist parent gave him part of the inheritance? I would give 99.999% of my wealth to the biggest capitalist shitlord progeny. and if one of them turns out to be a faggot he better shiver in fear that I give him anything undesired besides nothing. No , not physical violence, just a final bullet.

step 1: make as many good children

step 2: do not giv emoney to the plebs.

step 3: Shitlord capitalist continues the cycle

BentAxel ago

How old is your brother and why would he give a shit about the world around him? Start there and I believe your answer will present itself.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Mid 20s. I don't know.. why do any of us care? Honestly... I don't have much to live for. I'm not a very happy person and I don't see myself finding any kind of lasting happiness. I'm an extremist, I have fun doing ridiculous things and then I get hurt or the sun goes down. I just see where things are headed and it makes me feel sick. I can't explain it. I've never liked violence much, I don't enjoy conflict. I don't want any of the things I think are going to happen to happen. But... if I look deep down I don't really have a reason. Just my family I guess, and the innocents. It's bad enough that I think that killing a lot of innocent people may be the only way to keep this same thing from continually happening again and again. And even then.. we always find something to fight about.

Why do you give a shit about this world, our society, its people? if you do...

WhiteMan ago

Thats because they lie and are incredibly united in their scam. Whitey is tolerant and Muslims take every advantage they can.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I mean why the fuck can't whitey see all these " 'ZOG nation' projected to be muslim majority by 2050" and then look at muslim majority places and put the simplest 2 and 2 together, we're FUCKED if they keep coming and are already fucked on a long enough timeline because these mutts are like cockroach rabbits.

WhiteMan ago

We are not united like them and we are free loving people. Suppression and control over people is not whitey’s goal in life (in general - some whites are hard core)...however we lack Unity, we are divided and Israel is in every Western governments business,..through the Federal reserve, banks and media. And I mean EVERY white country - perhaps except Iceland...now mix that with the Muslim influx of late and there you have it.

Gonna take a huge massive effort. We have to unite - create our own Media, banks, government - not allow Dual citizens in positions of power and get whitey back to whitey.

TheWorstImaginable ago

It's disgusting how tribal muslims are. I see these fucking niggers in my bank with a stack of cards 50 deep, a bunch of fake ID and credit cards. And they're working through this stack doing all kinds of shady shit, and the fucking muslim teller just nods and goes along with this blatant fraud.

Once in a while they get an asian teller, and they'll say "this is straight up fraud, you can't do this" and the fucking nigger is like "dat mah brotha" pointing at the card. Yea I bet you have 20 brothers and they all look exactly like you, fucking mohammed. Of course nothing ever happens, then this fucking nigger goes and greets every muslim in the bank. They all look at him like he's a dirty criminal but say their greetings and look at the floor. I have a feeling these cunts are related to terrorism in some way.

TendieChadster ago

Be better. Don't engage with NPCs because that's what they are. You swallowed the red pill, they didn't, and chances are they won't be swallowing it anytime soon. Focus on yourself and fuck the rest

TheWorstImaginable ago

They're my family. If they don't come I stay and die, and chances are they aren't coming anywhere. I don't care anymore. I'll die sometime around the time they realize they're wrong, or we'll fight out together. I'm not optimistic, but give in?

haveyoursafespace1 ago

Yes, it would be nice if we could corral all the godtards back into the middle arm them all to the teeth with small arms and let them kill each other off.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I really am not about religion at all, I think if it fucked off we might even have a chance at peace with some of our mortal enemies. But it's here and will be here for hundreds of years at least.

I've spoken with some real christians lately, and as much as they harp on about abortion which I could argue is good all day, and will never back down on that point, they are our allies. Some will argue pagans developed our value system, fine whatever, but the christians are mostly about good moral values and having a peaceful respectful society.

We white people get made fun of because we do the gay little head nod at each other. Our simple acts of respect, tipping our fuckin hat in a sign of respect, they mock that. They are incompatible with our society, and I mean all the white niggers too.

enginedriver13 ago

Oh, you're not crazy. The problem w/a lot of modern 'right-thinking/Christian-oriented' americans is that because they operate from a non-mercenary, non-exploitive perspective, they think every other religion does the same thing. A dangerous assumption.

Alysiam63 ago

It’s not a religion

barraccuda ago

Correct, islam is not a religion, it is just an enemy.

Alysiam63 ago

These freaking liberals need to get that through their thick head that’s been brainwashed by mockingbird!!! Before we lose our country and turn into Syria, etc.!!!

BoraxTheFungarian ago

More of an anti-religion, right? I still think the Bible is an amazing document full if goos advice, but Christ was way more about the spirit of what works versus the letter of the law.

elitch2 ago

It's a breeding strategy. They have to conquer in order to get laid. Hence all the rape.

They really are conquering our lands, just ask them.

TheWorstImaginable ago

non-mercenary.. that's interesting. Can you expand on that a little?

seattlethrowaway ago

Islam has religiously sanctioned lying, called "taqiyya," which allows them to disavow their religion or make any lie to the infidel. The Talmud encourages jews to lie to gentiles, to not help them out to not deal with them fairly in business.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Not to put words in his mouth, but I would imagine he means that the Akbars will warp their beliefs and how they're perceived in order to ingratiate themselves to the host country, and only start showing their true nature once they've gotten a local majority and can start setting up sharia courts. They've even got a name for it, taqiyya, and that's how you get first-world useful idiots writing papers about the "intersectionality of Islam and feminism" or whatever the fuck. Christians by contrast are pretty earnest about their faith, and won't pretend to be Muslim in their countries. Well, maybe when they have those sweet going-away parties on top of buildings, but come on, who wouldn't participate in those?

Rawrination ago

I know rite! Free base jumping lessons (bring your own parachute/Allah gonna be your parachute)

TheWorstImaginable ago

They definitely already practice sharia among themselves but obviously none of us want that shit so they haven't started trying yet. They will. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind. This is an invasion. a soft invasion, but it's fucking happening and it's insane.

obsecro-morietur ago

In the UK there are already courts that recognise sharia law. Invasion has already happened