14694569? ago

Moron. You can't even spell 'Awakening'. Fuck off.

14693694? ago

The Great Awakening is about the jew, absolutely spot on. If you are genuine, you will now engage in intensive research regarding jewish criminality and destruction of civilizations.

A good start is Eustace Mullins' The Biological Jew. Then, The Track of the Jews Through the Ages, then, The Myth of German Villainy by Benton Bradberry. Brother Nathanael on youtube (although I dont support his pro-Russia stance, since it seems communist [jewish] Russia did not fall), E.Michael Jones, Brian Ruhe, Neo triestowarnyou, Mark Collett. The snowball should be big enough by then.

14692877? ago

what did Q say about jews?

14692419? ago

Stop being a coward. Stop being a victim of mind control. THINK FOR YOURSELF!

But you want to tell us to think the way you tell us to think............ hmmm

14692695? ago

The OP is sharing info.

Why would facts bother you?

14693095? ago

If 95% of jews have committed crimes, do you go out in the streets hunting jews? No. This will be dealt with in our legal system in as an unbiased a way we can manage. I have no desire to see the Jewish organized religion exist any longer, but there are plenty of shills out calling to kill jews and hate all jews even on a local level for being complicit in the religion. We should be careful to be different from the shills, and not to lump in innocent victims who were lied to, with their puppetmaster pseudoJew behind them

14693758? ago

This will be dealt with in our legal system...like Traficant? Zundel?

Jewish organized religion? What did Churchill and others say about atheistic jews? What does atheistic jew mean?

Desperate times call for desperate measures. There is a place called Israel for them. We are fighting for survival; we cannot pick hairs here. They act collectively, they must face the consequences collectively.

14698619? ago

This is entirely false. Obviously the legal system I'm referring to is those currently purging the corruption in our government right now. You never prosecute based on religious affiliation because EVEN IF THEY'RE GUILTY, if they can find a way to play the victim and weasel out of it they WILL. Investigate all the jews you want, but the consequences should be decided by a legal system that has been set up to be fair, kind of like our newly reformed supreme court. Trump has hinted he's going to put even more judges on the SCOTUS before he leaves office, and we have an underground intelligence OP leaking info to us. Trafficant and Zundel, I would put large sums of money to guess they're owned by Jews or that the owners are prime targets for a smear campaign. Otherwise it would be a liability for them, and they wouldn't have that.

We're reforming our entire countr's legislative body because we know this is an issue. It's being dealt with outside of the viewpoint of religion. There is nothing to gain from blaming anyone (Jews included) unless it's new information or something useful. Otherwise you just make us all look bad

14692549? ago

What he's doing is called telling the Truth.

Hard to discern after a lifetime of being lied to, I know. I was the same way.

14692416? ago

Hey, I made that first jpeg image link.
