shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This is garbage. Stop wasting everybody's time. If half of what you accuse is true, then why aren't you raining 'fire and brimstone' down on their heads, in real time, afk? These posts are becoming tiresome, webby. You've stopped posting PG and other news here, and moved elsewhere. So I'm having a hard time giving a shit about this.

If this is true, and not just you being a blow-hard, then crucify those pieces of Khazarian Crap.

But, do it with a lawyer and two black-belts, ffs.

MadWorld ago

Like @Crensch or hate him, you are a much bigger of a threat to Voat users than he will ever be.

I am just going to leave it right here, as you are not worth of my time.

Good luck with your compartmentalized accounts and good luck with your consensus cracking.

followthemoney ago

I think they've blown their load. Next draft include antipublic data.

Shizie ago

Nice talking to yourself from your alt fraudulent faggot!

SandHog ago

Oh, look more doxing threats. Color me surprised.

theoldones ago

I think they've blown their load. Next draft include antipublic data.

doxxing is against voat TOS.

@puttitout @Atko @cynabuns

followthemoney ago

Also worth mentioning that this research was a bone of contention:

You can double check these are real, for yourself, in the haveibeenpwned database or by downloading the torrent and searching it, yourself on your own computer. You do not have to take my word for it.

[email protected] 34db7ed52753394de58d0f72a8c49bd7

[email protected] curtis999

[email protected] geujVdbWf

[email protected] angel1

[email protected] pk3x7w9W

SandHog ago

Lol. Of all the spergs on voat you've gotta be the absolute spergiest. I note that you do not link to an unedited version of whatever podcast you are talking about nor back up any of the claims you make in that kvetching diatribe. I also note that you neglect to mention your doxing of a voat user. That's pretty convenient.

Gonna dox me now, too? Or maybe try and sue me for pointing out all your bullshit in the past? Someone with such thin skin probably shouldn't spend time on Voat.

followthemoney ago

You are defending criminal behavior and relying on ad hominem arguments. Do you have irl connection to the criminals you are defending?

Do you agree with calls to violence? The repeated doxxing of @othamgirl? Going from site to site to stalk users? It seems that is exactly what you are admitting right now.

SandHog ago

You complaining about other people doxing is the pot calling the kettle black. Your threats of doxing and actual doxing have always been my problem with you. Oh, so now I am part of some criminal conspiracy? LOL got it. I didn't have anything to do with any of that shit. Don't let that stop you from trying to wrap me up in it though.

You are unhinged. Maybe step away from the internet, take a shower and go outside once in a while.

followthemoney ago

You defend doxxers right now in this thread. Your lie is obvious.

SandHog ago

What lie? I'd ask for proof but I know you don't have any because I had nothing to do with doxing gg. I had nothing to do with 'stalking' anyone, anywhere. I don't even know what the hell you are referring to about 'calls for violence'. Not that any of that matters because I'm sure you will just squirm and twist things to suit your agenda like you always do. It's pretty transparent to anyone with a brain.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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followthemoney ago

Wrong imgur album. Check the other album. It has both sets of threats.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yo mane!! Glad you stooped by. Try to to h8 m8, just relax and enjoy the clown site then.

kneo24 ago

@Crensch admitted to doxxing @gothamgirl and @TexasVet

Uhh, too bad Sean Sweat, aka @TexasVet did that to himself. You could ask @antiliberalsoceity about all of that.

You've been caught being a massive faggot before claiming people on Voat were trying to attack your website with proof that amounted to nothing. Now you're using someones instance of a claim to say, "see they did this", which calls into question your other claims.

Did you read your link for claims of an alt? I did. Nothing seems to substantiate what you're describing. I chose this one randomly, thinking there was something spicy in it.

You very well could have legitimate claims, but I took 5 minutes to easily debunk three of yours. The claims of CP solicitation against @theoldones is easily debunked when you look at context of the conversation. You're taking the side of those who support pedophiles because someone went into an overzealous campaign against them here. You consistently poison your own well.

I'm not even a fan of @Crensch anymore. I'm not even a fan of @theoldones. You just suck at this.

followthemoney ago

Who are you?

Also, people post themselves on Facebook. That is not doxxing with intent to harass. I'm sorry, but you're definition falls short and you fail to address the systematic doxxing of @gothamgirl which seems like you are pro lying an agenda.

Who are you?

kneo24 ago

That is not doxxing with intent to harass. . I'm sorry, but you're definition falls short

Way to shift the goal posts. My point is TexasVet doxxed himself. Crensch did none of that. TexasVet did it to himself. Claiming that Crensch doxxed someone who already self doxxed is is beyond dumb.

and you fail to address the systematic doxxing of @gothamgirl which seems like you are pronoting a double standard an agenda.

Why do I need to address every bit of that shit show? I purposely stayed out of it even though I kept getting invited by all parties involved. I don't see you addressing the pedo loving nature of users like Maggotbait88, yet you and your kind love using their twisted explanations to defame @theoldones. It's not hard to make fun of that guy, but for whatever reason you use the worst possible piece you could gather to do so.

I'm calling you a hypocrite per your selective choice of examples.

Cool, name calling. Earlier in this thread you chastized someone for calling someone names. It's a shame registration is closed on Voat right now. I'd try to convince you to change your name to (((followthemoney))) since you're so fond of using (((their))) tactics.

Who are you?

I'm me. While you sit there trying to figure out who some nobody is, I'll just remind you and everyone else that we're all @kevdude according to @9-11.

Gothamgirl ago

"I kept getting invited by all parties involved."

That's a lie and now everything you just wrote is questionable. I have no idea who you are, and never not once seen your screen name until tonight.

heygeorge ago

It’s a bit of hyperbole, if you put your reading comprehension hat on, love

kneo24 ago


I messed up your username above.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks, I'm glad someone called that out.

Here's a snippet from the megapost:

Even though he doxxed himself and then cries about being doxxed. in a failed attempt to get me banned.

See a post from a year ago 4/3/18 that he deleted 3/30/19 trying to hide the fact he did it himself

heygeorge ago

Dude, this is a perfect collection of links. Slimey would do well to learn from you here.

By the by I have no control over that crackhead fella. Although I do with you’d taken my bait about being ‘successful’. That shit was funny.

Crensch ago

I know it's meaningless, but kudos for actually looking into this unlike the rest of the sheep around here.

kneo24 ago

Hey, I might not see eye to eye with you on your new found campaign here after the whole srayzie drama, but that won't stop me from at least being fair when I do take the time to look at these claims.

He could be right, you could be a giant massive faggot, but it's hard to take them seriously when they don't support 90% of the claims they're making. It's baffle them with bullshit style.

followthemoney ago

@Vindicator exact quote. Interesting.

kneo24 ago

What do you even mean here?

Vindicator ago

When shills post long, complicated "research" to v/pizzagate with a million links to waste moderator and researcher time (a fancy form of forum sliding), I call it "Baffle with Bullshit".

antiliberalsociety ago

That saying has been around for decades.

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit"

heygeorge ago

I also use the common expression ‘baffle with bullshit’, I guess we’re all the same person now. @kneo24

Also, are you picking up in this thread that @followthemoney is pretending to be a distinct individual from slimey? Peculiar.

Vindicator ago

He has numerous alts for his shenanigans.

thewebofslime ago

@crensch has gone beyond what you are describing and has taken to stalking me irl. So, I don't know what you are suggesting, but it sounds like you fail to understand the scope of what is going on, here.

thewebofslime ago

Local and federal. It isn't an internet fight, it is systemic harassment where doxxing and threats of violence are being used specifically to prevent normal course of business for other users with an element of specific intent.

But, go ahead... let these people lord over your Internet use.. by all means... and do nothing when they try to paint you as a pedophile to... in the case of @theBuddha... students. That is real harm with specific intent.

thewebofslime ago

I thought he was @gabara. No?

Crensch ago

I highly recommend anyone taking this guy even remotely seriously talk to a lawyer, because he is giving the kind of advice that is going to get you royally screwed.

Notice his tone and what he is asking you to do here. He's asking you to do it because he knows he can't and that it's not safe for him to do so. Why isn't it safe for him to do so? Because of what he himself has done.

Not one of you has any legal leg to stand on, but he what have a lot of problems if I were to respond in kind.

TheBuddha ago

I'm fairly easily doxxed and a quasi-public figure. I could probably demonstrate that I have standing, as it is a fairly low bar. At that point, a suit for libel becomes feasible.

I'd have to actually give a shit, and I can assure you that I do not. You have my permission to make all the clams you want about me. Outside of a court of law, there's not much you can really do to impact my life in any meaningful fashion. In a court of law, you can bet your ass I'd be terribly inconvenienced!

But, I probably could get it in front of a judge. I can also employ some pretty good lawyers, of a certain ethnic persuasion.

Don't sweat it. I give no shits. None. I don't actually invest that much emotional energy into voat these days.

Also note that getting it in front of a judge doesn't mean I'd win. I'm also pretty sure you don't actually have enough money for me to bother. LOL A C&D would be kinda amusing. You'd just have to re-ban me with a new excuse, but it'd crack me up.

Seriously, though... You're fine. I give no shits. You can accuse me of eating babies, if you'd like. I ain't scared.

ExpertShitposter ago

My claim about you:

You attended a gay pride parade once.

TheBuddha ago

I used to go to a gay bar. It was so gay, they called it The Rainbow Club.

I'd do mountains of free party drugs and almost never bought my own drinks. By the end of the night, I would be half naked and dancing to electronic music by the end of the night.

I was pretty much a cock tease.

I got so many free drugs and drinks.

Mountains of drugs...

kneo24 ago

My claim about you:

I think you're an elf with three legs who drinks beer (because if you don't you would die - so you're always at least a little buzzed), and has shouting matches with squirrels in your kitchen. I'll let you tell everyone how the squirrels got into your kitchen in the first place!

Crensch ago

No, actually it proves that you are.

thewebofslime ago

You knowingly and are continually making the false accusations. You admitted to it in a recording.

I am insisting that you cease your harassment of myself, my family and other users.

Crensch ago

Talking like you know what you're talkin about doesn't actually mean that you know what you're talkin about.

Sounds like you have some problems of your own that have nothing to do with me. I didn't invite you to another platform by painting you. I didn't talk about you on another platform without you being active there.

Almost literally everything you're accusing me of, you, yourself, are guilty of.

And just like those thirty some odd links that you deleted because you couldn't support the claims on them, you can't support your claims against me.

followthemoney ago

The recording shows you are lying about this one. I'm slacking over the sound bytes now. Do you have a copy of the recording as well? Looks like you hit record button in chat before timestamp That I have.

Do you deny you made an agreement and requested those links be deleted? I can slack over a screenshot of that conversation as well.

The use of electronic devices to stalk makes it federal fyi.

Crensch ago

The use of electronic devices to stalk makes it federal fyi.


thewebofslime ago

We have you on recording admitting all of this. I again request you stop stalking me and leave me alone.

Now, you are threatening legal action against me, based on false accusations, which you admitted were false. This is continued criminal harassment.

I will continue to screenshot and report your threats to the authorities. This is not a joke.

If you would like report numbers, so that you can give your side of the story to the authorities, I can provide that.

Crensch ago

More of your pathological lying. What you have on recording is not what you are claiming here.

And you admitted to assisting a violent convict in identifying his victims and their whereabouts.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually no, that was @KatHarzo that gave all Srayzies info to everyone.

Crensch ago

You really are a special kind of stupid.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you want me to show the emails he forwarded to me from FatFartso? Cause I have those too..

thewebofslime ago

Another false accusation. You admitted to all of this on the recording.

I know you hit the record button. You gave consent to have your words recorded where you admitted to persistent criminal harassment of myself and other users.

I insist you cease this behavior immediately. Leave me alone. Stop stalking me.

Crensch ago

You posted this out of the blue after no contact for 5 days. Here you are lying again about who is perpetuating this.

thewebofslime ago

On "The Old Ones":

That idiot is far worse than you realize. It isn't worth being caught up in his drama, unless you can slam him with a ton of prior proof of his insanity. That guide to forum spies pins him down. He's a sophist bullshitter, relying on pilpul and lies (omission, half-truths, DARVO, twisting points, and just straight up fabrication). You'll never get honest debate from him. The one great thing that can be said of him is that he somehow always finds a way to absolutely undermine his allies. Take for instance the fact he leads the pedo hunts on Voat, and yet is a CP solicitor.

Saved evidence:

Pics + available archives - 1 2 3 4 5 6

Apparent justifications - 1 2 Still searching for the comment where he defended it as provocative argumentation.

The post made by the ban all VPNs alt, beastofbalthazar, is important to observe for multiple reasons. TOO used pilpul to avoid defining CP in order to continue his attacks, and I pressured him into providing a definition, albeit very poor. When I told him pictures of naked kids was also covered under CP, he interpreted and twisted it into a delusion that I believed it was legal. The OP of that post was likely an alt of TOO due to its observed inactivity pattern, the post being those two vs. almost everybody, and the most damning is that the TOO tried fulfilling the giant leap from step 4 to step 5.

His tantrum after being cornered:

1 2A 2B 3

Some prior shitstirring prior to accusing Maggotbait88 of posting malware, accusing Thelma of posting malware, and whiteknighting when Srayzie went crazy:

From Obrez's experience, sguevar on TOO's lack of objectivity, MadWorld suspicious links research results and the spergout.

And remember... 18 U.S. Code § 2252A 3B

theoldones ago

hey TWOS, go ask PYMB2 on poal to give an explanation for banning my poal account, k babe?

followthemoney ago

Criminal harassment. That is why. Case closed.

theoldones ago

Criminal harassment. That is why. Case closed.

he said, proving himself to be a blatant TWOS alt

followthemoney ago

Not atm. Myself and others have helped WoS along the way. We had a plan to expose the shills in early 2020, but the honesty traps we set allowed them to expose themselves ahead of schedule. You are one such exposed. You have repeatedly engaged in the criminal harassment of other users and the information available on you is included in the reports to law enforcement. We do have those report numbers, if you'd like to call to add your point of view which we encourage. You will have to navigate the concerns about your requests for child pornography so be prepared to field those questions.

At this stage you can expect a bit more convergence from us since the data is there.

theoldones ago

you suck his dick harder then a hooker.

followthemoney ago

I helped make the site. You have repeatedly libeled against my work product with zero evidence. There are plenty of reasons you belong in jail and should be held accountable for damages.

theoldones ago

I helped make the site.

oh so you're blatantly his accomplice then, got it

Nosferatjew ago

When @crensch banned me from GA (a sub I have never been active in), which I posted about here, he said it was because I was "friendly with pedos zyklon and gothamgirl probably also a pedophile". This banning occurred mere minutes after this exchange I had with @argosciv (@crensch was not part of this conversation), where he said:

I don't recognize the user(s) you speak of and you're certainly not someone I'm interested in sticking up for, given the camp you've settled in with.

Coincidence? I think not. Is @argosciv a @crensch alt, or just an associate?

thewebofslime ago

Also, @kevdude.... @crensch told everyone you were a "sleeper agent" for three years, which is exactly what @vindicator said about me. They are using the same script for harassing people.

followthemoney ago

Soundbyte 011 in slack if you want to link it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Maybe @puttitout should just hold him to the same standard as he held other doxers, such as zyklon, kathartzo and triglypuff.

SandHog ago

That would also include the OP. He doesn't like it when people point that out though.

followthemoney ago

The law, per the Supreme Court, allows sharing criminal records as part of news gathering which the wenof slime operation is specifically about. Crensch admits to not doing anything research or news related and his posts exist in the context of criminal threats.

Shizie ago

psssttt... you're thewebofslime so stop pretending 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Shit alt!

SandHog ago

Read the sitewide rules you dumb fuck. Continue on with this gaslighting idiocy though. It's pretty hilarious.

followthemoney ago

Insults mean you have no argument. The law is clear. This is a legal matter not a voat site wide matter. The stalking outside of this site by the people you defend is the crime. Why are you defending criminal behavior?

SandHog ago

I don't know anything about any stalking. For all I know you could be making it up. I thought all this dumb shit was over yet here you are again stirring the pot. You broke the site-wide rules of Voat and should have been banned like everyone else that was doing it. You are a manipulative little faggot and I don't believe a word you have to say about anything. Care to explain what user data you were secretly harvesting from v/Pizzagate btw? The only thing that stinks around here is you.

followthemoney ago

It is on a recording listened to live by 500 people. You are dishonest af.

SandHog ago

Post the whole thing then.

followthemoney ago

I'm sure WoS will post the whole thing when enough of you have put your foot in your mouths, like you are doing right now.

SandHog ago

We shall see.

followthemoney ago

Hundreds of people listened in. Crensch was the one who started recording. Ask him why he isn't denying any of it. Isnt it weird that he didnt share it? I'll bet if you ask him nicely he will avoid giving it to you at all costs.

SandHog ago

Post it then.

followthemoney ago

To prove you are wrong? I already did that. At this point youknowwho has the option to agree or deny. That's how honesty traps work. The OP is an honesty trap which you already failed and crensch is aware enough that he is trying to navigate his way through it. He can't though because there is a recording.

SandHog ago

Your track record for 'honesty traps' is pretty laughable.

If you have what you say you have then just post it and prove what you are saying. It's pretty simple. Yet you haven't done that. Weird.

Gothamgirl ago

Way to expose them @webofslime, they have chased many people away, people who cared about the children, and the state of affairs the world is in, sad. @theoldones is a weird individual.

YoHomie ago

What a thin-skinned little faggot.

followthemoney ago

Everyone agrees @crensch is a thin skinned faggot. The wider issue is that he is also engaged in criminal harassment against users of Voat.

Crensch ago

This is an ALT of op.

It's called consensus cracking.

Nosferatjew ago


thewebofslime ago

It's my cousin. Expect more of them.

Shizie ago

It's unfathomable to me that goats just sit back and allow some asshole use threats of legal action to try and censor free speech!!!

I mean really, WTF? Why aren't goats telling you to get fucked already for trying to imply that calling you a faggot is some sort of crime? Has everyone lost their nuts and turned in to leftists spy boys?!

heygeorge ago

You can go ahead and fuck off. You have done more than enough ‘scorched earth’ shit spraying here. Users aren’t defending Crensch because he has shown he is a sad, small man. Disappointing

Shizie ago

Funny that YOU choose to take offense to my comment! Did I touch a nerve? Yes it did because you know I'm right.

heygeorge ago

I’m not offended. I just don’t see why you would speak to how goats should behave after the unredeeming lows you sunk to.

Shizie ago

Eat a dick George if you want to slam me after I had to endure weeks of death threats to my kids!

How low you've sunk loser!

heygeorge ago

You didn't seem to care much when he was doing that

Bullshit, you don’t have any idea. What I did not do, and you did, is engage in the sick display.

How low you've sunk loser!

See above: Projection. Sad!

Crensch ago

It's not your cousin. It's you.

frivolousfingering ago

Can confirm. You are wrong.

thewebofslime ago

Not in the same location. Factually untrue. Go ahead... check the IPs.

Shizie ago

Yo liar, you've admitted that you use u/followthemoney when using different devices, because passwords are hard.

Shady fucker


Crensch ago

That's fishy.

kneo24 ago

Yeah dude, totally check the IP's that you have no access to!

followthemoney ago

In a live broadcast, he claimed to have IP information.

kneo24 ago

Sharing a link with time stamp would put that to rest, wouldn't it?

SandHog ago

Ha, I thought you might get a laugh out of this from earlier today:

He dindu nuffin'!

SandHog ago

Like, actual proof works.

Yeah. There's the rub. He doesn't have any so he'll likely resort to doxing more people he finds inconvenient.

thewebofslime ago

Here is where @Crensch posts @gothamgirl's doxx (first archive link)

@Crensch ran a disinformation campaign against a Pizzagate researcher who would later end up dead in a DC hotel room. She confronted Alefantis, herself.

@Crensch falsely accuses TheBuddha of being a pedophile:

@Crensch uses an inconsistent and false reason to ban @thewebofslime (notice he uses other reasons elsewhere) and makes a false accusation against @kevdude.

@Crensch falsely accuses account /u/AuthorizedSupervisor with no posts of being an alt of @thewebofslime (How would he know unless he had admin access, if that was true? Is @crensch claiming admin privileges over at Voat? Why is he lying about this one? Weird.)

Here is evidence of a false accusation by @Crensch

Here is where it is pointed out that @crensch does not contribute to research... either in the Q movement or the Pizzagate movement, which he mods both of.

"If Crensch was a good leader of GA he would post decodes and powerful content instead of scare tactics, don't you think?"

@Crensch works hard to circumvent the CCP system:

@Crensch starts fights, then blames his victims:

@Crensch bans those who criticize because of a fragile ego.

@Crensch "fucks over" /v/niggers

@Crensch uses alts for forum manipulation and we all know it.

@Crensch makes another false accusation.

@Crensch bans someone else for criticizing him.

@Crensch seeks to manipulate Poal.

@crensch repeatedly throws toddler like tantrums and everyone notices

@Crensch is commonly criticized for his (((authoritarian))) approach to modding:

@Crensch is accused of being @creq on Reddit... a moderator of /r/conspiracy

@InsaneGoatPosse knows how to spell @Crensch