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virge ago

Just remember wherever Sguevar is, WhiteRonin (or is it DarkRaven these days?) is always close-by.

Crensch ago

I doubt any username will want to touch this one with any 12-foot pole. That shit is pure hypocrisy, inconsistency, and BIG TECH "soft" censorship.

virge ago

I confirmed my suspicions of Sguevar when we finally had a serious conversation and he just stopped responding cold turkey.

He's only interested in outrage porn he can twist around, not conversations that question his motives.

Crensch ago

He's only interested in outrage porn he can twist around, not conversations that question his motives.

Yeah. He's a sneaky fuck, that's for sure. Glad all of this happened, I was getting sick of his veneer of morality(vanity) that he loved to lord over others.

virge ago

I've seen multiple personalities from sguevar. This modern super-serious one is compensating for various aspects of his real personality based purely on his actions in the past.

You should see the one where he pretends to play Priest and scolds people about Christianity to highlight how morally superior to everyone he is. It's vomit-inducing.

Crensch ago

That's rather interesting. I hadn't noticed any of that. Anyone that starts talking too much godbot causes me to lose interest immediately.

He always just seemed like a smug little prick, puffed up with his own self-importance. He was never great at logic or argumentation, and that's not due to his limitations with 2nd language; he's simply not that smart.

virge ago

"the beautiful thing about Voat is that no matter how many accounts you have, we will never censor you" - Are these words genuine? Judge them based on his current actions.

"Used to smoke weed for 15 years." - Maybe he should pick that habit up again.

"I care not about your race, I am a spic you dumb cunt." - Minority aligns well with authoritarian liberal mindset.

"During my dark years I tried to kill myself several times but I wasn't able to do it." - History of not being able to follow through with complicated tasks.

I could go on but his entire post history is arrogant, self-entitled, holier-than-thou preaching.. until very recently.

sguevar ago

"the beautiful thing about Voat is that no matter how many accounts you have, we will never censor you" - Are these words genuine? Judge them based on his current actions.

Thanks for proving my consistency. But you can also check the post I did denouncing the fact of having alts.

"Used to smoke weed for 15 years." - Maybe he should pick that habit up again.

Rofl or maybe you just put people on the track of looking at the parent to see what the context of what I said was. But again have never denied my past. And you trying to use my affirmations of what I went through to try to discredit who I am now shows that you believe not in self improvement.

"I care not about your race, I am a spic you dumb cunt." - Minority aligns well with authoritarian liberal mindset.

This is an stereotype that you are throwing when I have proven not to be authoritarian and defend authoritarian behavior. But if you keep digging you will also find comments in which I stated that I used to be a lefty. I don't hide that either.

"During my dark years I tried to kill myself several times but I wasn't able to do it." - History of not being able to follow through with complicated tasks.

As Christian I know now that one goes through hardships in life to help others. You misdirecting what I said and accepted of my past to try to help another fellow Voater is simply showing your true colours.

You are also showing my consistency and you are also showing how much full of shit you are. But @Crensch will dodge the dare I put on him to find out who I am because that proofs that all your suspicions that were "confirmed" are nothing more than misinformation from your part.

A similar tactic that I saw when I read @Vindicator's reply to @PeaceSeeker.

You have tried to take advantage of all the shitshow Voat has gone through these past weeks to manipulate people. And even if Crensch can really tell friend from foe you, certainly won't fool anyone with this misdirections you are giving.

Crensch is just blinded by his hurt pride. You have ill intentions.

virge ago

I won't be responding to you further until you pick up our actual conversation where we left off. I'm talking to the adults in the thread.

sguevar ago

Here is the screencap where you had deleted the comments you did attacking me for being a Costa Rican.

And here is the post:

That was deleted by the author @andrew_jackson.

Again "adult" your trickery doesn't work with me so lets hear your counter statement to both this proof and your previous attacks to my character that are baseless and are use to conveniently manipulate people?

Or are you denying you engaged on that previous post before?

virge ago

You stopped responding to our civil conversation. Not me. What other conclusion could I draw that you have no interest in conversation and only show up when there is drama porn for you to muh dopamine high off of by brigading?

We were having a constructive conversation about our differences and you just noped the fuck out and went right back to your previous two-faced behavior. Like you always do.

Like I said before, we can continue our previous conversation but I won't be "feeding the troll" with dialogue with you until then. This was a courtesy reply.

sguevar ago

I had no interest in continue the conversation with you.

If you feel offended by that, that is on you but I am not the one trying to smear my way to the relevance on this site. Your schemes don't work with me and I previously had vowed to called you out, every time I saw you performing them.

"Multiple personalities"... I don't purge my history I don't purge my content. I don't hide from anyone. I don't manipulate and I certainly stand my ground when I have to.

Your campaign of smearing me is just an attempt to put yourself as a relevant actor in this whole matter. You are shady to say the least and you avoid accusations with tantrums. You are full of shit and cordiality is given to those that deserve it.

I provided the proof you asked before. And yet you didn't argued against them. You did your best to dodge. Keep it up.

Have a good day.

virge ago

And thus we go back to the same cycle before where I ignore your Jesus larp and you go back to being a piece of shit authoritarian liberal faggot.

sguevar ago

you go back to being a piece of shit authoritarian liberal faggot.

Your character assassination lost all power with your constant false accusations like the posts you did on PV accusing me of being WhiteRonin.

You call me authoritarian because I call out your bullshit. That is ironic.

Have a good one "adult".

virge ago

Your character assassination lost all power with your constant false accusations like the posts you did on PV accusing me of being WhiteRonin.

I have never accused you of being WhiteRonin. I've questioned if you are the same person, but the only thing I have ever accused you of is frequently being involved with his behavior.

You call me authoritarian because I call out your bullshit. That is ironic.

You are an authoritarian liberal based entirely on your behavior on PV in regards to your moderation.

Have a good one "adult".

Enjoy your day, Christ cuck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Enjoy your day, Christ cuck.

I sure will and proud to be.

andrew_jackson ago

I am sorry you are having problems with Virge. Hopefully he will treat you with respect.

sguevar ago

Nah all good. I call out what needs to be called out. Part of my nature, as I did it with you at the time you decided to make all those posts that made me laugh (now in a good way - then - mockery). Good anecdote I guess.

virge ago

Serious question, what was pot like 15 years ago before we had 20%+ THC strains?

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

serious answer, to a serious question despite I seriously dislike you:

Can't recall exactly, it used to be "lighter". The variations I tasted until about 2 years ago depended on the purity of what I acquired. Some were too heavy and numbing the others were just "light".

The advise I used to give people if that if they want to smoke, they plant it themselves and keep it with natural fertilization.

However I now understand that it helps to keep the mind conditioned... so I am glad I am out of it.

virge ago

However I now understand that it helps to keep the mind conditioned... so I am glad I am out of it.

To what capacity?

sguevar ago

  • you become passive
  • you become dependent (those that say it doesn't are simply lying to themselves but well...)
  • you become mediocre.
  • you become easily programmed to accept certain false narratives
  • You become quite a cynic also with what happens in the world
  • You tend to minimize importance on your responsibilities.

and the list goes on and on.

Anything that numbs your mind's normal functioning helps to condition it in favour of other things that you normally wouldn't agree to if you had not be under the effects of said substance.

virge ago

You stopped responding to our civil conversation. Not me. What other conclusion could I draw that you have no interest in conversation and only show up when there is drama porn for you to muh dopamine high off of by brigading?

We were having a constructive conversation about our differences and you just noped the fuck out and went right back to your previous two-faced behavior. Like you always do.