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sguevar ago

Too much weed and mushrooms for the dutchs... they became so passive and now this is a reality

username-way-too-lon ago

It's so interesting to see someone say this. I've had a theory that psychedelics aren't good for us because they produce cheated experiences. So in my view, they must come with a price. Seems very much like a fruit of knowledge to me. And that's not a good thing.

I'm still on the fence about weed though. Do you have any reasoning to share as to how weed could also be a bad thing?

sguevar ago

Used to smoke weed for 15 years.

I'ts been 6 months since I have stopped. Feeling great about the choice I took. Don't get lazy anymore. Workout more, debate better, and tend not to think such dumb things that often. Also I don't get distracted that much any more, really takes a long time for me to lose my focus on something now.

WilliamCutting ago

Thanks for saying this, I see so many people delude themselves and others about their marijuana use. Even outside of potential physiological effects, it just makes you lazy, boring and ultimately a waste of potential.

Regardless of what you think of the laws regarding it, just leave it alone. You will be a lesser man on it than with it.