22jam22 ago

The absolute stupid thing. Is Islam.. I was gonna try saying something smart.. But Islam is for fucking idiots.. Period.. The stupid thing is Islam.. Thats it nothing else matters Islam must be eliminated and labeled a cult and destroyed.. New crusades must begin soon.. As in yesterday.

fl3x ago

Civilization Jihad. It's why we have a wall here in Israel and strict immigration control :^)

1Sorry_SOB ago

I wonder what normies think of this.

AlarmClockandRadio ago

The Dutch define themselves by more than one factor in their history, and have dozens of names for their boys. The Muslim "migrants"; not so much.

phantomElectra ago

I quickly sifted through the names list with another list containing popular Muslim names, this is the result. I expected worse, I mean, there are 17 million people in The Netherlands.

You can check the names here.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I call bullshit

DeusVult1488 ago

I live in the Netherlands and judging by the amount of mudslimes currently living in relative close proximity of me, I'd say it is very accurate.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

My point was “I call bullshit on the fact that Mohammed is the most popular name” ... ie who says so? Fake news? Fake polls? Fake research? Fake data? Aka propaganda.

phantomElectra ago

If you add up all the different ways they write muhammed, it is the most popular.

Punished_Jack_Tunney ago

Lol there are entire parts of cities in the US that white people cant go. Entire no go zones. Hell a lot of Chicago, Baltimore, and Milwaukee are worse war zones than anywhere in the dessert. I love making fun of euro fags too, but we need to look into our backyards.

Mr_Wolf ago

Even a lot of no name towns, came across alot of them building communication networks. Always knew you were in the wrong place when the waitress would ask if you're lost.

CaptainChurch ago

"Children are the future."

undertheshills ago

Why do Muslims do this. You don't see Buddhist naming their kids Buddha, or Jews naming their kids Satan.

Landrictree ago

Muhammed, who did this!?

It was Mohammed Mohammed! Not me!

There are 13 Mohammed Mohammeds in the class. Point to one....

22jam22 ago

Rofl!!! I think jews should just name there kids six grazillon Shecklestein Goldstein... Then add there real jew name at the end

WilliamCutting ago

Why do Muslims do this. You don't see Buddhist naming their kids Buddha, or Jews naming their kids Satan Moloch.


Punished_Jack_Tunney ago

Do you know anybody named Joshua? (Yeshua).

Whitemail ago

Most people don't know this, so it doesn't count. Jesus is the known name of the one called the Christ (Messiah) to most English speakers. Most people throughout history of English speakers do not know any more than this.

truthwoke33 ago

You do see Christians named Christian or Jesus though.

Mr_Wolf ago

Jesus is a Mexican thing though, and pronounced "hey Zeus" still annoys the hell out of me, and is a poor excuse. Just admit it already you wanted to name your kid Jesus and he acts like a p.o.s. because you but him on a pedalstal

olltre ago

lol ya its pronounced that because they pronounce "J' with an "h" sound, even when they are reading the bible they refer to actual 'jesus" as "heyzeus"...its not like they changed one letter or somthing

Mr_Wolf ago

Did not know that, I've always gotten the "its pronounced differently" excuse for justification.

olltre ago

ya but i feel you when i was a kid and I found out they named peope that in hispanic culture, it pissed me off too

truthwoke33 ago

Christians named Christian is a white thing. I'd hope we as a society havent become so inundated with sjw branwashing that calling something a "white people thing" = bad but here we are.

olltre ago

lol, instead of "john doe" they should start using the name Christian White

dassaer ago

Joe Black ...

sguevar ago

Too much weed and mushrooms for the dutchs... they became so passive and now this is a reality

username-way-too-lon ago

It's so interesting to see someone say this. I've had a theory that psychedelics aren't good for us because they produce cheated experiences. So in my view, they must come with a price. Seems very much like a fruit of knowledge to me. And that's not a good thing.

I'm still on the fence about weed though. Do you have any reasoning to share as to how weed could also be a bad thing?

SIuuNEeFzkfasdPmqtAv ago

Jew are pushing for weed and jew want to destroy our kind. So i'm suspect.


Psychedelics made me realize life is a zero-sum game, You can be literally anything you want just by trusting your intuition. You are god and your mind creates the world around you. Life is exactly the same as death.

I am definitely autistic, obsessive, manic, sometimes psychotic and overall a sociopath though so this line of thinking doesn't work for everyone.

I love LSD/mushrooms/weed. <3

I want to try DMT!

sguevar ago

Used to smoke weed for 15 years.

I'ts been 6 months since I have stopped. Feeling great about the choice I took. Don't get lazy anymore. Workout more, debate better, and tend not to think such dumb things that often. Also I don't get distracted that much any more, really takes a long time for me to lose my focus on something now.

WilliamCutting ago

Thanks for saying this, I see so many people delude themselves and others about their marijuana use. Even outside of potential physiological effects, it just makes you lazy, boring and ultimately a waste of potential.

Regardless of what you think of the laws regarding it, just leave it alone. You will be a lesser man on it than with it.

weezkitty ago


shadow332 ago

Many such cases.

BlockMe ago

Jihad-al-Hijra - the war of migration.

Mr_Wolf ago

Odd way of spelling invasion

phantomElectra ago

I cry for the Netherlands

White-Supremacist ago

Hows about instead you unify with your white brothers now and defend your people and nations?

phantomElectra ago

There are only sleeping blue pilled idiots, I am only one man!

White-Supremacist ago

When theres a will theres a way.

phantomElectra ago


phantomElectra ago

Tears have been spared, will donate them to the UK.

captainstrange ago

save your tears.

Charity is for communists.

phantomElectra ago

Implying charity, Hitler let tears before he became the Bondskanselier!

captainstrange ago


ICweiner ago

Man, I just want this comment croche'd and framed in my bathroom now.

That was goddamn poetic.

captainstrange ago

My grandfather used to say it. He was a boxer, moonshiner, restaurant owner down in boston, life-long alcoholic and wife beater.

In other words he wasn't a saint, but he got at least one thing right.

shadow332 ago

The wife-beating?

captainstrange ago

Yeah, like I said, he wasn't a good man. He was a hard man though.

ICweiner ago

Whatever he was; he had a way with words, I'll tell ya that much.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thoughts and prayers...