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Themooninthesky ago

Spic is only related to Puerto Rican’s. You do know that right?

andrew_jackson ago

What part of Mexico is Puerto Rico in?

Themooninthesky ago

The lazy part?

sguevar ago

Wow that was such a witty comeback... when I grow up I want to be just like you... LMAO

sguevar ago

The kiss of Jesus means you run around calling other people drunks.

No... my own experience and the fact that you acknowledge your drinking problem in one of the comments you so long deleted.

H-y-p-o-c-r-a-c-y. Exactly what I'd expect from an un-American welfare loving Liberal faggot Mexican.

No hypocrIsy here. Just repeating what you acknowledged before. I am pro your sovereignty so you are wrong there and I am from Costa Rica.... not Mexico. Keep kissing the bottle! Sure gives you happiness and courage ;)

sguevar ago

I am simply average. I don't think too much of myself and I do not think I am better than others. I am a Christian. I can't say I am better than others. The only difference is that I know Jesus.

You on the other hand.... know the kiss of the bottle ;)

sguevar ago

I know you have I have discuss that with @MadWorld. You are untrustworthy. As simple as that. Go drink another scotch son ;)

Product of public education, right there.

Actually I was in a private school with the french education system, speak 3 languages and I am quite versed in a lot of subjects.

I think the drinking problem is kicking in tonight!

sguevar ago

Affirmative Action is welfare, dumbass.

When have I ever said it wasn't? I am against affirmative action as well XD I think I did a post about affirmative action was a racist policy. I can look it up if you want ;)

Keep getting rekt... plus you are deleting your comments in 3...2...1...

andrew_jackson ago

Spic! Go back to Mexico!

sguevar ago

Costa Rica son... I am in Costa Rica XD Never even been to Mexico XD

andrew_jackson ago

Go back there, then! Go make your own website and get off white people's web site.

sguevar ago

How can you go back to somewhere you haven't left? (O.O)

andrew_jackson ago

Your problem, Beaner! Go back to Mexico!

sguevar ago

LMAO have a good night son

andrew_jackson ago

Hope you don't choke on any of your tacos!

sguevar ago

Thanks for the good wishes! Hope you stop being a power mod and defend Freedom of Speech!

andrew_jackson ago

Naw. I'm just ban spics and cat ladies!

sguevar ago

Meh Kat can kick your ass, you sound like a wimp so I would bet on her without a doubt.

After all she loves hockey so I am sure she's got a good grip. What do you think @Katharzso would you take him on a fight?

17806665? ago

Lol, after reading this little thread my conclusion is AJ works for CNN as he gets confused as to why Costa Rica ain't Mexico...

sguevar ago

Ahahaha but I thought It was Fox who aired Trump bans immigration from three mexican countrries XD

17807434? ago

Shit... maybe you're right! LOL Either way. (((MSM))) can't tell the difference between the news and their own assholes. Same with AJ and his facts.

sguevar ago

Same (((handlers))) just different networks..

17806537? ago

Probably but I don't beat up children or the retarded.

sguevar ago

Ah you are so zen.

andrew_jackson ago

Meh Kat can kick your ass

Maybe, but you'd still be unwelcome in the United States, Spic!

sguevar ago

Not planning on going don't worry ;) I won't steal your roofing job

andrew_jackson ago

Dude be careful. He's part of a downvote brigade. Never trust a spic. Please let people know he's a spic, it's why he causes so many problems.

sguevar ago

Actually I defend your sovereignty and I am anti welfare. If you bothered checking my submissions and comments you would know that but since you are simply a suspicious account that deletes comments when you get rekt in a debate no point in continuing with this, right?

How is your drinking problem? When did you start drinking today?

sguevar ago

And proud to be a spic son. I have only showing things that are easily verifiable.

Nothing more, nothing less. Enjoy your night power mod.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Wow. Quite a bit of hate floating around tonight. Is it a full moon? Well wishes @sguevar and God bless.

sguevar ago

Rofl he is just trolling, let him be XD

God bless brother!

CarpenterforChrist ago

Even if he is trolling, there are users, like me, who aren't aware of his motive. It leads to others jumping on the hate bandwagon.

sguevar ago

I hear you, he doesn't like me because i reported his powermod nonsense.

Same as virge... rekt him in a debate then started deleting his comments and then accused me of beeing @WhiteRonin... so... I just see them as trolls and a shill for the second one.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey bro! How ya doing!

This guy is an ass. Ignore him.

sguevar ago

All good man how about you??

WhiteRonin ago

Been busy. I haven’t be able to spend much time on here.

And I still get blamed for shit posting! Lol it’s funny as all hell!

sguevar ago

LMAO well good to see you are ok man!

andrew_jackson ago

You're friends with a spic! LOLOL

CarpenterforChrist ago

Skin color is of no consequence to me. Stop being so childish.

andrew_jackson ago

Welcome to Voat, Nigger!

CarpenterforChrist ago

Thanks. Same to you, waste of space IT guy.

andrew_jackson ago

And proud to be a spic son

Spic confirmed!

sguevar ago

Upvote because I have never denied it XD and love laughing at you to be honest LMAO

andrew_jackson ago

Laugh away, Pepe Lopez! Tu y tu muchacha Ocasio-Cortez

sguevar ago

I dislike Occasional-Cortex... please give me some credit here, after all I am dealing with you XD