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drakesdoom2 ago

If it bleeds it breeds. 18 is an arbitrary number.

sguevar ago

NIce justification of pedophilia and hebephilia you degenerate.

No wonder you like anime!

drakesdoom2 ago

Puberty happens before 18. Biologically they are not children anymore.

sguevar ago

Well we know now who doesn't have a relationship and that hunts young teens in social media.

Well done son!

drakesdoom2 ago

Good job insulting a white man in the internet that disagrees with you. Meanwhile spics, niggers, and towel heads are fucking pre pubescent girls left and right.

sguevar ago

I care not about your race, I am a spic you dumb cunt.

Begone you degenerate.

drakesdoom2 ago

Just because you can't count to eleven doesn't make them legal. You are the pedo here.

sguevar ago

sure whatever makes you feel better about your self pedo.

Project harder ;)