drakesdoom2 ago

Whatever boy, make sure to give the senate good knives as gifts before the 14th of March preferably.

drakesdoom2 ago

I found the jew shill that does nothing but farm upvoats and brigades.

freedumbz ago

It promotes whatever the fuck the artist wants it to. Fuck off.

One-Way_Bus ago

Anime promotes beta cucks and large tits on beta cucks.

sguevar ago

LMAO I even farted from the laugh

riffwraff ago

Pretty sure most God-fearing white men can make the distinction between reality and fantasy, as well as understand the difference between Eastern foreigners thinking that Western gothic and occult aesthetics look cool and people actually trying to harm them.

sguevar ago

However most God-fearing men (taking white out for obvious soy boy racism there) are not the rule in the world. Because the world is not of God and we Christians are not of the world, reason why we are hated by the world.

The weak minded are those that let themselves be fooled by the falsehoods of the world and anime is one of them.

riffwraff ago

So you assume no one has agency? Bold assumption to make. Don't speak for Christians other than yourself.

sguevar ago

I am referencing the Word of God, but if you want a direct quote:

Matthew 7:13-14 King James Version

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Edit I can give you more if you like ;)

riffwraff ago

Your interpretation of it is ridiculous and the reason why organized Christianity has failed to stop degeneracy from overtaking the white world.

sguevar ago

Is just one verse that supports what I said ;) I can give way more than that.

riffwraff ago

I'm going to dismiss anything you give me because your interpretation is incredibly narrowminded and senseless.

sguevar ago

Well that is two bad either way my voat public service was done.

Have a good day!

AmericanMerit ago

How can I change your mind when you're right?

sguevar ago

My man!

Walk1 ago

Anime is a kind of a feminized/soy program that promotes what usually is found with Eastern Asian paganism and that is Satanism.

sguevar ago

soy for soys!

library_of_stupid ago


You do realize that anime is made by a "pagan" culture? I mean, you're not actually so such an inbred retard to not know about Japanese religion, right?


Care to present some examples? Also, Christian iconography does not carry the same weight in Japan because it's not their faith or part of their culture.

Also, pedophilia

And Doom teaches children to shoot up schools. If something you watched on the TV makes you want to rape children there was already something wrong with you to be begin with.

sguevar ago

You do realize that anime is made by a "pagan" culture? I mean, you're not actually so such an inbred retard to not know about Japanese religion, right?

Did I say it wasn't a pagan culture? When did I say that?

Care to present some examples? Also, Christian iconography does not carry the same weight in Japan because it's not their faith or part of their culture.

So you are telling me that you have not seen the star of remphan symbolism on MetalAclhemist for example?

There are plenty of examples you can simply research for online and you will get your results.

And Doom teaches children to shoot up schools. If something you watched on the TV makes you want to rape children there was already something wrong with you to be begin with.

I don't disagree that games could have a negative influence on weak minded people such as anime does to the cucks like yourself ;)

library_of_stupid ago

on MetalAclhemist for example?

Oh, good job. You managed to hunt down one show out of hundreds that features mystic iconography directly inspired by historical sources. Might want to read up on the history of alchemy so you don't embarrass yourself next time. Good going fuckwit.

There are plenty of examples you can simply research for online and you will get your results.

You have yet to prove they are actively promoting Satanism. Next you'll tell me Evangelion is promoting Christianity because the creators thought Christian iconography looked cool. I already told you that the shit you consider offensive does not carry the same weight in Japan.

I don't disagree that games could have a negative influence on weak minded people such as anime does to the cucks like yourself ;)

Stellar non-argument from a cretin. Keep it up and you might actually accumulate enough IQ points to post on reddit with the rest of the mental cripples. Call me back when you actually have some facts to argue back with.

sguevar ago

h, good job. You managed to hunt down one show out of hundreds of them that features mystic iconography directly inspired by historical sources. Might want to read up on the history of alchemy so you don't embarrass yourself next time. Good going fuckwit.

You asked for one example and I gave it to you.

You have yet to prove they are actively promoting Satanism. Next you'll tell me Evangelion is promoting Christianity because the creators thought Christian iconography looked cool. I already told you that the shit you consider offensive does not carry the same weight in Japan.

Actually not, evangelion did not promoted Christianity it promoted atheism and rebellion vs God. Which is a perversion of Christianity. Also Christian Iconography based on the whore RCC.. Your reasoning skills are really poor.

Stellar non-argument from a cretin. Keep it up and you might actually accumulate enough IQ points to post on reddit with the rest of the mental cripples. Call me back when you actually have some facts to argue back with

The fact that you think is a non argument doesn't make it so. Is simply you dismissing a reality. If you think that things like games or anime series, or even pornography can't influence weak minded people like you are proving yourself to be (giving honors to your name, obviously there was a reason you put yourself that name) then the blinded one is you and all out of pride XD

library_of_stupid ago

You asked for one example and I gave it to you.

I asked you for proof that it's promoting Satanism. You gave me a show that is based on well researched alchemist symbology. Not my fault you're stupid.

evangelion did not promoted Christianity it promoted atheism and rebellion vs God

It promoted neither of those things because they're not actually fighting against God and the Angels are not biblical Angels. The show makes this abundantly clear early on, but we both know you never watched Evangelion or Fullmetal and are just talking out of your ass.

Remember when I wrote that the authors used Christian stuff because they thought it was cool and didn't have any deeper meaning for them? Remember that part? Oh, wait, you're mentally challenged, I forgot.

Also Christian Iconography based on the whore RCC

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Is simply you dismissing a reality.

Every study ever conducted came to the same conclusion. Playing a violent game does not make a person commit acts of violence. Correlation is not causation. Also, good luck arguing anime promotes pedophilia when Japan has one of the lowest number of sexual assaults (against both minors and adults) in the world.

Go be a passive-aggressive bitch someplace else. Those smileys aren't fooling anyone, I can practically smell the impotent rage.

sguevar ago

library_of_stupid ago

I think we're done here.

sguevar ago

Clearly ;) Go read more of that stupid lecture you often do.

sguevar ago

I asked you for proof that it's promoting Satanism. You gave me a show that is based on well researched alchemist symbology. Not my fault you're stupid.

What is the star of remphan? There are other shows that promote satanism but sure I can look for more examples because you are such lazy cuck that can't look for them.

It promoted neither of those things because they're not actually fighting against God and the Angels are not biblical Angels. The show makes this abundantly clear early on, but we both know you never watched Evangelion or Fullmetal and are just talking out of your ass. Remember when I wrote that the authors used Christian stuff because they thought it was cool and didn't have any deeper meaning for them? Remember that part? Oh, wait, you're mentally challenged, I forgot.

You are too blind to understand it.

Go be a passive-aggressive bitch someplace else. Those smileys aren't fooling anyone, I can practically smell the impotent rage.

Nice projection little cuck XD

library_of_stupid ago

What is the star of remphan?

For the last time. If you had watched the show you would know that the story makes it abundantly clear that alchemy is fucked up and creates more problems than it ever fixes. Basically every single character in the story has suffered some personal trauma due to alchemy, and to defeat the big bad the protagonist has to actually sacrifice his magic to succeed.

You are too blind to understand it.

By all means, feel free to explain it to the audience. I need the laugh.

sguevar ago

For the last time. If you had watched the show you would know that the story makes it abundantly clear that alchemy is fucked up and creates more problems than it ever fixes. Basically every single character in the story has suffered some personal trauma due to alchemy, and to defeat the big bad the protagonist has to actually sacrifice his magic to succeed.

Who said I didn't watch it? You are assuming stupid arguments out of your pride.

By all means, feel free to explain it to the audience. I need the laugh.

LMAO i think I already did but you simply don't see it... and once again, out of pride.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Two words: TENTACLE PORN!!!

sguevar ago


jokersmild ago

You're just "tentacle phobic"! You fucking bigot!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

anime like the fate series has more references to Christianity and european history than anything created in the west

sguevar ago

The references they use is to pervert Christianity and they use mostly RCC references.

Regarding european history... much of that is based on paganism


library_of_stupid ago

european history

much of that is based on paganism

Yeah, what is Rome and Greece? What are the Celts? You mouthbreathing imbecile.

sguevar ago

How is this contradicting what I said?

Wow your reasoning skills are awesome!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

name one product of western media made in the last 10 that features an entire Christian prayer, or any show on television right now in the west that portrays Christianity in a positive light. The japs might not agree with us but the kikes who control the media here and in europe openly hate us

sguevar ago

I don't disagree with either of the two intakes you and the other guy posted.

But you sure need to watch this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF0Z1KcunfA


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i'm not taking up for Japan, their people, or their history to any large degree they have their issues but some of the content they produce is entertaining and unlike what's on tv or in the movies here it's not openly hostile to Christianity or the european heritage.

sguevar ago

They do pervert Christianity and let me remind you that they crucified Christians when they first tried to evangelize the country.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're not a Christian country retard

sguevar ago

Who said it was?


Drunkenst ago

It’s shite all right

vonbacon ago

how is it any different than what western jew controlled media promotes.

Infact the japanese have come to a more mature understanding adult subjects while western media infanticizes anything that might hurt a liberals fee fees.

sguevar ago


That is why their sickened nation and culture has brought upon themselves a bunch of cucks that do not want to have real life relantionships!!!!

Well done son, you keep proving me right there ;)

vonbacon ago

I actually agree with you.

Anime has turned japanese men into beta males. I'm just asking how is it any different or worse than western kike controlled media,

If Japan and the west wants to improve those birthrates they have to give men a reason to actually raise a family because right now Western mean are saying fuck It I'd be better off being a hikikomori Mgtow and just avoid women all together.

Takes womens rights away institute a patriarchy again is the key to ending these low birthrates

riffwraff ago

Japan is 99.9% Japanese and America is less than 56% American. Clearly they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong.

riffwraff ago

I'm not watching random youtube links. Sum it up in a paragraph or less

sguevar ago

Is a documentary about Japan the Kamikaze nation.

You will like it I am sure.

riffwraff ago

Sum it up

sguevar ago

Don't be lazy ;)

vonbacon ago

Gas yourself you brainlet We not gonna educate you if you refuse to educate yourself.

riffwraff ago

I'm not autistic enough to watch an hour and ten minute long documentary because someone doesn't like anime.

vonbacon ago

Then your opinion has been discarded fuck off back to deaddit brainlet.

riffwraff ago

I've never been on reddit but you're still a fag.

Tsuishika ago

Because you idiot, raising family requires hell lot of cash. Average young Japanese can't make much money. Even without anime, they would have given up on the dating always preferring to play video games. So what? Are you gonna blames games are degenerate as well?

drakesdoom2 ago

If it bleeds it breeds. 18 is an arbitrary number.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

NIce justification of pedophilia and hebephilia you degenerate.

No wonder you like anime!

drakesdoom2 ago

Puberty happens before 18. Biologically they are not children anymore.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Well we know now who doesn't have a relationship and that hunts young teens in social media.

Well done son!

drakesdoom2 ago

Good job insulting a white man in the internet that disagrees with you. Meanwhile spics, niggers, and towel heads are fucking pre pubescent girls left and right.

sguevar ago

I care not about your race, I am a spic you dumb cunt.

Begone you degenerate.

drakesdoom2 ago

Just because you can't count to eleven doesn't make them legal. You are the pedo here.

sguevar ago

sure whatever makes you feel better about your self pedo.

Project harder ;)