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ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

gg doxed her own name. zyklon doxxed joe medina. screensht in over trehd

sguevar ago

Where did gg doxxed her own name?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

eef eye tell u u remov flayre/

sguevar ago

I don't speak niggerish and I have never done so so I will request the same consideration from your part.

Where did she doxx herself?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Very well, old chap.

I shall need some compensation from you, first.

Remove the Orwellian "possible misinfo" flare from my submission, and promise never to place a flair on my submissions again until you have thoroughly investigated my art.

sguevar ago

As I didn't consider the harassment that srayzie suffered, and defended her against, art I don't consider this hypocritical behavior like it.

It isn't going away for you haven't given proof that this was linked here before. Engaging in similar and might add worse behaviors than the guy we dislike isn't going to appeal here.

So proof this was linked here and any submission that you intend to do here in v/PV will be flaired from now on.

No concessions from my part. Where did the info come from?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

@kevdude yer attack dog has no intentions of addressing this with any civility. ALL of my submissions will be flaired here?

ain' dis da user atkin @crensch for powermodding?

sguevar ago

How is this power modding? You are looking to engage in the same or worse activities than the ones that I stood against before to conveniently go after the people your supporters dislike.

Attack dog? I am acting on my own decision here.

This hasn't been removed because we still have to prove that the information was linked or not before.

But your actions certainly prove what I have said before to your other supporters. You all have corrupted your ways and decided to use worse behaviors than the ones the faggot ZB used.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

The users engaging in this activity were specifically unbanned. Meaning there is nothing against what I am doing. Meaning there is no precedent or rule by which you have the right to flair all of my posts here.

Yes. On your own decision. Against everything everyone knows(knew) PV stood for.

Removed? @kevdude this guy wants to remove submissions. Will he remove comments too?

I have done nothing worse than the zyklon crew has done. they used public searches so did i

sguevar ago

The users engaging in this activity were specifically unbanned

u/trigglypuff didn't engaged on doxxing. Her ban was unjust and I proved that. You don't like the truth that is on you. But has nothing to do with the fact that I supported her actions either. And certainly won't support your actions here.

Meaning there is nothing against what I am doing

If there wasn't a precedent of information shared that you are putting out here then there is.

Meaning there is no precedent or rule by which you have the right to flair all of my posts here.

There is, you are using this sub to try to kill two birds in one shot, Supported by u/Crensch and feeding his pride.

Trying to post information that hasn't been confirmed to belong to the u/GothamGirl and for the sole purpose of engaging in the same harassment srayzie suffered. May I remind you all that that harassment wasn't supported by us and none of the alleged doxxing occur here on PV?

Your cause is misguided.

Removed? @kevdude this guy wants to remove submissions. Will he remove comments too?

Ah nice taking words out of context nice diversion you are doing there. But then again you already proved how corrupted you are.

I have done nothing worse than the zyklon crew has done. they used public searches so did i

Is that so? You think that engaging this trolls here the same or worse than they did is not reprehensible?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

you proved nothing. srayzie no longer had her images up and they claiemd they found them from public searches

this is nothing more than that.

you are feeding @Crensch by acting like a powermod.

it doesnt matter if you didnt confirm it. you flaired my submission without even trying to confirm it first which makes you a powermod

you prove how corrupted you are by saying you will flair all of my submissions

i dont care what you think is reprehensible and as a mod of PV you are showing you cannot be trusted to be a mod but somehow you are still there on the list


sguevar ago

you proved nothing. srayzie no longer had her images up and they claiemd they found them from public searches. this is nothing more than that.

When I engaged on the proof I gave 2 of the 3 pictures were there. That she might of taken them down doesn't remove any results in google for quite a while. Why don't you do the test and let me see what happens.

you are feeding @Crensch by acting like a powermod.

How am I being a powermod? Am I censuring your bullshit? Is it unaccessible? Are you banned without justification from the sub? Were your comments deleted?

it doesnt matter if you didnt confirm it. you flaired my submission without even trying to confirm it first which makes you a powermod

Possible misninfo states what this was, a possible misinformation because you have not given any proof of it's veracity and you are trying to ignite a fire that I am very well capable of face.

you prove how corrupted you are by saying you will flair all of my submissions

Sure whatever suits the convenience of your cause.

i dont care what you think is reprehensible and as a mod of PV you are showing you cannot be trusted to be a mod but somehow you are still there on the list

Well given the fact that someone that hypocritically engage in similar if no worse behaviors than the people he is after, or her - don't care to be honest, your notion of corruption is really shallow. But keep using convenience to feed your cause...

That is on you guys now.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

i found what i found on public searches too. why dont u try it and get back to me?

you don't even know if it's bullshit. you just told me you would flair everything of mine.

i have given plenty but it was flaired almost immediately. there was no investigation done on it. none.

honest? you aren't honest. you flaired this before even looking at it. you didnt even show up until i told kevdude he needed to remove the flair.

sguevar ago

i found what i found on public searches too. why dont u try it and get back to me?

When was the information linked to Voat before - any precedent? Show it.

You showed the joe medina one. Why is it so hard to do it for this one?

i have given plenty but it was flaired almost immediately. there was no investigation done on it. none.

Not really.

honest? you aren't honest. you flaired this before even looking at it. you didnt even show up until i told kevdude he needed to remove the flair.

Possible implies a possibility not a certainty. Might want to learn how to read and what words mean before you state this.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

ive showed it constantly.

and you took .8 hours to even ask me for it while my post was flaired as possible misinfo.

no investigation.

'possible misinfo' is the shit facebook and twatter do to right wing news sources and you know it. way to invite reddit here.


sguevar ago

and you took .8 hours to even ask me for it while my post was flaired as possible misinfo.

And the time I took to flair it has any relevance?

no investigation.

The flair states possibility no certainty. Investigation can be done to clarify.

'possible misinfo' is the shit facebook and twatter do to right wing news sources and you know it. way to invite reddit here.

Oh nice now he politicises this, well from all of the ones here right now, who are the ones pursuing safe spaces and censoring like a bunch of lefties?

Nice try.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

you flaired it almost immediately

is that standard operating procedure here? it is not. you just dont like what i had to say.

the flair is exactly what the big tech is doing to others right before going for the bans.

you know exactly what your flair does. so does @kevdude. hypocrite.

sguevar ago

you flaired it almost immediately is that standard operating procedure here?

I did it because I had no information at all and still haven't you haven't given me anything. You just claim you shared plenty already.

it is not. you just dont like what i had to say.

I may not like it, but you can keep saying it. I am not and will not remove your post until proven to be a doxx offense.and you can rest assured that I won't delete your comments either like your "leader" Mr Typhoon has. They are proofs of what you all have become.

you know exactly what your flair does. so does @kevdude. hypocrite.

Convenience keep pushing for it and lying to yourselves.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#47592) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@sguevar: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

because YOU had no information because YOU didnt ask for it until .8 hours later. guilty until proven innocent. @kevdude

you will keep flairing my posts before confirming info. you said this. you are a liar and a dishonest person. and you always argue about being christ-like. you did not know i was guilty but labeled me as such anyway and 'possible' does not make it better you know exactly what that flair does.

i think you are not very self aware

sguevar ago

because YOU had no information because YOU didnt ask for it until .8 hours later. guilty until proven innocent.

Not at all, you were suspected of doxxing some one. And you just confirmed that you used a different website to acquire the information that was never linked here previously.

This wasn't the scenario with srayzie. She linked her social media. And all her social media has the same name. Nothing we can do at this point. You also know that even if you delete something from twitter or any social media, if the profile was publicly available at one time the image will remain on google image results. If you don't know this then in that particular case There os nothing I can do for you.

you know exactly what that flair does.

It establishes a suspicion and publicly denounces that suspicion. You now confirmed that you use information that was never linked to voat before.

i think you are not very self aware

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Have to go now. But thanks for proving the report I sent. Have a good one.


That bitch is so retarded that she later confirmed it was her address. KEK.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

suspected = guilty. is that right? flair first ask questions .8 hours later?

public search is public search there is no delineation there it is what they used.

they doxxed themselves. their info from public searches is still in my possession even if they delete it off the websites.

the flair establishes a ministry of truth. i used information that was doxxed by gothamgirl and zyklon to find other information. same thing happened with pictures. this is not working well for you.

you are not a very intelligent person. your credibility is shot.