Vindicator ago

It's just that "Why haven't you all picked up your fucking torches and gone after them?" sounds a lot like this rule breaking post to GA:

Crensch ago

Handling it the wrong way.

To those not picking up torches, does it ever look like the right way?

Crensch ago


Do the townsfolk deal with all their problems by picking up torches after that, or does everyone return to being little Fonzies? (disgusting, i know, point stands)

Vindicator ago

Interesting. That sounds an awful lot like you're trying to stir up war among goats, Kev.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He's saying that if you don't align with Zionism/Trump/Q then you are the "dirty underbelly of Voat". This is a jewish group subverting Voat. Watch how they are working together. I've seen this many times before. If Voat ever faced a serious threat its them.

Crensch ago

It amazes me what you don't see sometimes. I don't blame you, of course... well, for some of it.

This one is pretty obvious.

What do you think I've been doing?

MolochHunter ago

you get kinda snooty when people dont tow your line, dont you?

whats the next barb you're gonna throw at me, that im a 'power mod' ?

THOTshot ago

Did you ever find those nudie pics you say you were sent?

PM me and I'll send you some big guy!

Crensch ago

That is really quite the emotive outburst.

SandHog ago

Maybe all that is really needed is a little tweaking and making people aware of how the block feature works. There's only so much we can do on this end. I think if the vote manipulation issue gets resolved on Putt's end it would help a lot. If people are prevented from farming up alts so easily that would ease a lot of the burden on mods and the shitposters would have to get more creative. That's kind of a win win since at least they'd be forced to be entertaining if they wanted anyone to see their handiwork.

Also, instead of people just arguing pointlessly for days over the immutability of the law, at least judging by @Vindicator's response, I would say that some progress is indeed being made.

SandHog ago

Ok, that's good. I didn't know it blocked pings too. I just saw people complaining about subs not being blocked from all so I didn't understand exactly what it did do. There are still a lot of Voat's idiosyncrasies I probably don't know about. I've pinged the mods of GA in so that they can see all of this and give their input.

It seems like we are starting to make some progress on this.

bopper ago

Following, thanks!

Goodnight for now..

SandHog ago


SandHog ago

If we agree in PV, then what?

Good question. I guess the next step would be to see if we can get broader support for some sort of 'martial law' agreement regarding alts. The problem is that the current environment is still so charged and since we have an influx of scheming Poaltards that I don't know that it would get a fair shake.

I think simplicity is best. What if we encouraged everyone to block the trolls?

Yeah, that helps I think. I'm pretty clueless on the details of how the block system works since I don't use it though. I have seen people making complaints about it but I don't know the details.

I kept telling @srayzie to do that and she let them eat up her head and drive her mad in this place. If everyone blocks the trolls then it is like the users decide as a group to "ban" them.

Yeah, I told her many times to ignore them and not take the bait. Block auto-collapses the comments from a user doesn't it? You can see their name and that they posted something but the content is collapsed?

SandHog ago

Hmm, I dunno. What I do know is that something needs to change or this stuff is just gonna happen all over again if we don't come to some kind of accord to stave it off. If we can do that without Putt's direct intervention that would definitely be for the best.

SandHog ago

No comment deletions because we are already seeing the slippery slope that immediately creates. I think we all did a pretty good job of defining comments that don't get protected: copypaste spam, direct threats against specific IRL entities, porn/gore in non-adult subverses, adspam, and dox.

I completely agree with the slippery slope argument because that is definitely something that will inevitably lead to censorship.

I called out @middle_path for banning a user because there was no sidebar law in place. v/greatawakening banned some users for excessive trolling in the comments section because they had rules in the sidebar and the community seemed ok with it. They still didn't delete comments until @crensch decided he was above the rest of us.

I suspect that the reason @Crensh did what he did was to force a discussion on this matter. He's free to correct me if I am wrong about that.

If a sub is under attack from alts I see no reason why a "martial" law can't be declared where mods can ban accounts on first offense. There is still no need to delete comments.

That seems like a reasonable solution on it's face. It is definitely worth discussing.

theoldones ago

bad actors are orginizing on poal apparently.

you didn think it was weird that dortex, the pedo pack and SBBH all combined into each other?

MolochHunter ago

y'all can get all huffy and pious about your rights and freedoms

but none of this is about the right and freedom to exchange information and evidence

its just about the right to rip peoples heads off and shit down their throats

thats the only liberty at risk here.

Yea, real noble quest, you pack of Percival's, you

sguevar ago

You can keep throwing tantrums here . But I am not about to compromise my faith and my belief to stand by the Truth because of your questionable character:

And regarding your stupid logic of Voat is a 9/10 in Freedom of Speech:

Crensch ago

Just let that one sink in for a while, you might find that it makes perfect sense.

SandHog ago

QRV mods last week 'so, we made a backup on Poal because Putt might kick us off...'

Vindicator ago

The Native American from Reddit is working with the QRV mods?

Crensch ago

Yep. Kek.

zyklon_b ago

u think you will break poal?

zyklon_b ago

crensch is next

Vindicator ago

Good luck with that. LMAO

sguevar ago

Go fuck yourself fucking junkie.

RockmanRaiden ago

I think this is the result of how everyone's metabolizing the information provided. I just called @sguevar a kike not too long ago because I didn't realize his decisions were based on Voat's well being.

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

I'm so happy you actually see it now. We will fight @freshmeat get our boys

-dial _indicator

sguevar ago

I can stand against it.

Thanks for the support. Even with their attacks I will call for objectivity to get this resolved and get Voat stronger.

Decidueye ago

I'd be more open to them if they didn't deploy SJW tactics... Zyklon is absolutely a piece of shit that should be ostracized off the site, and TOO disgusts me about as much.

ExpertShitposter ago

She also permanently had a link from her twitter, to the GA sub, right underneath her profile photo. Furthermore, even tho she deleted her twitter, she still hasn't removed pics from various other social media such as gab/medium/bitchute.

sguevar ago

I know. I check her twitter account at that time. I know she had them and even by taking the twitter account off that doesn't take the pictures of the google search result.

So in this case I am simply calling for a cease fire and that we work on a new consensus to deal with bans and with claims of harassment, harm and doxxing following a due process. This shit is getting out of control because people are letting it and we need to install order.

ExpertShitposter ago

Perhaps the best thing to come out of this is a warning to all the boomers who don't understand the internet. I warned them about this over a year ago when they first came, and they didn't listen. Literally had accounts with their real name and surname on voat with a real pic in the bio.

If you didn't listen then, maybe you will now that you saw it first hand.

CerealBrain ago

Everything is boomer with you lol.

ExpertShitposter ago

This song man!

Boomer education material. Also, i just had a monster energy.

CerealBrain ago


sguevar ago

Well I am a Christian so I don't care. But I need to stand by the Truth.

Octocopter ago

Trying to run defense now for those that are targeting kids with violence? I have zero respect for you so why would I now give a flying fuck what your position on the matter is?

Violence against kids is the line that should never be crossed, decide what side of that line you want to be remembered on.

sguevar ago

Trying to run defense now for those that are targeting kids with violence?

Mislabelling what I am doing here is a nice way to engage this conversation.

I have zero respect for you so why would I now give a flying fuck what your position on the matter is?

And I would have to care what your stance on me is because?

Violence against kids is the line that should never be crossed, decide what side of that line you want to be remembered on.

I agree, no doxxing of kids has occur on Voat and we have no "jurisdiction" on other sites. So your white knight faggotry can be put to rest.

Glory_Beckons ago

no doxxing of kids has occur on Voat and we have no "jurisdiction" on other sites

No doxx has occur on Voat as the user linked all her social media to the same name she used. I don't agree with the targeting of children but I will not stand by the spreading of false narratives that doxxing occur here at Voat.

What the fuck are you even on about?

All doxxing occurs by correlating meta information between various sources to make and expose connections from an online identity to personal information about someone's real world identity. That is literally what doxxing is.

You're effectively insisting that "it couldn't be doxxing because it was merely doxxing".

All this hair-splitting and hand-wringing and grasping-for-straws over made up technicalities that aren't even true. And for what? You just feel such a desperate need to defend people who do shit like this?

How mighty Christian of you. You rape altar boys on Sundays, too? Then tell yourself it's not really rape, because they came to church themselves? Because they should have known, that these things can happen, when a pretty young boy goes to church?

Yes, she was naive. Yes, she didn't protect her identity well enough. Especially for a place like this. None of that justifies what they did, and continue doing. None of that makes it "not really doxxing". If you spread information that exposes an online user's real world identity to people who didn't know it, especially with malicious intent, you are doxxing. Doesn't matter how you got the information. Doesn't matter how easy it was. It is a form of blackmail. It is meant to make you feel unsafe. By implicit threat of violence. In this case, the threat of violence is quite explicit.

Your defense of this is indefensible. You are complicit now.

They are vermin and scum. And, now, so are you.

sguevar ago

All doxxing occurs by correlating meta information between various sources to make and expose connections from an online identity to personal information about someone's real world identity. That is literally what doxxing is.

Ok so to sum up, a doxx is the establishment of a connection between User X and it's personal data in order to hurt this particular User. It also needs to be published by a third party against the User X's will. What happens when User X made that connection already willingly. Is that still a doxx done by a third party or a self inflicted doxx?

You're effectively insisting that "it couldn't be doxxing because it was merely doxxing".

No what I am saying is that it can't be doxx if the user in question made the link in the first place endangering herself and with disregard of the consequences of a possible doxx. Several users advised her to remove that information but even then she made posts that linked to her personal social media and hence there is no doxx happening since she did that publishing herself in the first place.

All this hair-splitting and hand-wringing and grasping-for-straws over made up technicalities that aren't even true. And for what? You just feel such a desperate need to defend people who do shit like this?

What you are doing is conflating my defense for Voat and defending the people that harassed the user. For your information I was one of the few that defended her and her friend against the constant harassment she was getting. I don't remember ever seeing you there nor did I ever remember seeing you denouncing and calling out the users that were harassing her. Suddenly you come here and tell me that there was doxxing on Voat but you can't prove it. So we are supposed to accept your word filled with emotional indignation just because you are offended and outraged?

The link that you posted if of a post made by a User that never brought concrete proof of said doxx. He just brought proof that he was being trolled by Zyklon_b. A known user to make disgusting jokes about "X user raped and murdered an infant in 1990" - he did it to me more than once. Does that imply a doxx? Does that imply a serious accusation or a mere effort to trigger sensitivities? He is also know for saying "deaf to her kids". Where is the doxx there? Do you even realize that there isn't any concrete evidence of doxxing there for you to even say that?

I agree he is a fucking imbecil. I agree there is harassment there but in no moment there is a credible source of evidence showing that he will perpetrate or has perpetrated any doxx or inciting harm into them at all. He did incite a harassment here. That definitely needs to be addressed but no doxx nor credible source of inciting damage.

How mighty Christian of you. You rape altar boys on Sundays, too? Then tell yourself it's not really rape, because they came to church themselves? Because they should have known, that these things can happen, when a pretty young boy goes to church?

Your poor attempt to try to appeal for any guilt on my position here is not going to accomplish anything. The reason why I say this is the following:

  • I stand by the Truth. If you have concrete evidence of the threat and doxxing, bring it to the table. If not then stop crying about it.

  • Trying to resort into some type of hypothetical character assassination of my online persona is not going to help you construct a valid argumentative point here. Basically what you are doing is throwing tantrums and ad hominem instead of actually providing concrete evidence of the matter. An analogy that can compare to this is the following: You are a racist because you don't think there is systematic racism - Do you see how stupid you sound now?

Yes, she was naive. Yes, she didn't protect her identity well enough. Especially for a place like this.

Thanks for accepting at least one part of your mistake here. She doxxed herself, end of discussion. I am sorry for what she went through but she did it to herself. Should you or I be held accountable for something that she did to herself? If you want to go on a guilt trip be my guest. I am responsible for what I do and I don't wish ill to anybody but I can't help her defend herself if she hurts herself.

None of that justifies what they did, and continue doing. None of that makes it "not really doxxing".

No one ever justified what they did. Which is why we need to work on a due process that attacks the type of harassment that she went through so it doesn't happen again. But that doesn't mean that she was doxxed by them. She doxxed herself.

f you spread information that exposes an online user's real world identity to people who didn't know it, especially with malicious intent, you are doxxing.

If the user spreads that personal information herself that is not doxxing. Stop conflating third party action with a direct action from herself. Because they are two different things.

Doesn't matter how you got the information.

Yes it matters because if you post your information yourself that is not doxxing and becomes of public domain so ANYONE can get it. No doxx happen there it was your reckless behavior that got you there in the first place.

Doesn't matter how easy it was.

Had she not linked her personal twitter account here I would agree that it was doxxing because someone took an outside source that was never referred here on Voat to spread it here on Voat. Since she made the link herself then that is just repeating what she did, hence it is not doxxing. The user should have placed a request to remove that information but not leave aside the fact that she posted the link herself as I showed on the post.

In this case, the threat of violence is quite explicit.

Here is what he stated - "pangaea aged maggotbait88 want to get some kids?" Though he is pinging alleged pedophiles what in here shows that is explicit violence? It could very well be other users with the same phrase and still not be explicit. And also it wouldn't incite harm to the kids because he is not doxxing the kids.

It is fucked up what he does. Yes I agree with you, but you can't fucking throw someone in jail for ambiguous commentary addressing alleged pedophiles. I also don't like aged either but imagine me going to the FBI and saying to them "aged is an alleged pedophile because he does a lot of loli posts on an anon forum and that offends me. So you need to do something about it" Do you see how stupid does that sound?

Do you understand that it can't hold on court?

Your defense of this is indefensible. You are complicit now.

I am not defending them I am defending Voat. Stating that there was doxxing on Voat hurts Voat. There was not doxx. There was harassment. And there is still harassment going on. You are right. And we need a due process to handle with this shit in order to stop it and prevent it. But we can't compromise the site's main core value that is Free Speech.

And again with your stupid analogy "You are racist because you don't believe in systemic racism".

They are vermin and scum. And, now, so are you.

And the stupidity continues... (G.G) Let's do one thing, please go ahead and report User zyklon B to the Authorities with all that you have from Voat. Go ahead and place the report and then tell me what comes out of it?

Please do it and take a screencap of the report also without doxxing yourself of course and then please make a post with an update to let us know what happened in the end.

I will be more than happy to wait for your update.

Why don't you go ahead and consult with a criminal lawyer while you are at it. Let me know what happens also. Because if you don't do that, according to your stupid logic, that also makes you an accomplice and hence that also makes you a vermin and scum.

Let's see if you are not full of shit.

EDIT format some spelling and adding tag on @kevdude.

Octocopter ago

User agreement

Do Not Incite Harm: You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

sguevar ago

Do Not Incite Harm: You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Do we have at Voat probable cause to determine that Zyklon B is in fact engaging on that or is more of a faggots way to attempt to discredit Voat and to appeal to the emotional indignation of the community?

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

Have any kid been doxxed here at Voat, if so show the proof? Verifiable proof not a comment that shows no doxx...

Octocopter ago

Its not about the doxx, its about calls to violence against kids, and your "muh comedy act trolling bullshit" would not hold up in court.

The line has been crossed and you are still here trying to deflect in defense of those that crossed the line. Your username and statements here will be remembered.

sguevar ago

Its not about the doxx, its about calls to violence against kids, and your "muh comedy act trolling bullshit" would not hold up in court.

But it has.. otherwise why sick fucking (((comedians))) haven't been brought to justice for making rape jokes about kids? Do you have a precedent there that we can lean on or are you just basing all this in your own personal moral and emotional, i might add, indignation?

The line has been crossed and you are still here trying to deflect in defense of those that crossed the line. Your username and statements here will be remembered.

At this moment it hasn't because a due process and concepts are not clearly defined to deal with this and as understanding as I can be to your frustration I am seeing this an opportunity to work on the voids that Voat currently has to prevent this shit from happening again instead of basing our decisions on the virtue signalling faggotry of a bunch of emotional wrecks that can't deal with the though task of getting this done.

followthemoney ago

Are the kids even real or was it a red herring?

sguevar ago

To me the main question to answer is where is the evidence that the kids were doxxed here at Voat. And should we act upon something that was done, if it had been done, on a different site?

followthemoney ago

So there is no evidence for the impetus to the collective outrage? This is all because people are taking the word of other Internet users? On Voat?

sguevar ago

So far yes. I haven't seen evidence of happening on Voat.

kestrel9 ago

But it has.. otherwise why sick fucking (((comedians))) haven't been brought to justice for making rape jokes about kids?

The comedian didn't say to Samantha Bee, "I gave my friend from Nambla your kids school address so he or his friends can meet them and rape them"

sguevar ago

Did Zyklon say this?

Vindicator ago

as understanding as I can be to your frustration I am seeing this an opportunity to work on the voids that Voat currently has to prevent this shit from happening again

sguevar, I appreciate what you are trying to do. Unfortunately, every time you attempt to do this, you start by "correcting the record". You are talking to an audience that has been fed shit until it's spilling down their shirts, and you start off by chiding them about the best interests of Voat. Labeling people's very real ire and moral disgust at how Voat has handled the instigators here as "virtue signalling" and "white knighting" is going to get you exactly nowhere in this attempt at constructive dialogue.

People are aggrieved, and for good reason. A great Voater was just run out of a very popular subverse she built from scratch and is still being slandered and lied about. It's not right. Start there if you want rumors and exaggerations to calm down and discussion to move forward.

sguevar ago

I then will have to refer you to the answer I gave you on our PMs that I will post here for the sake of the argument.

First off I think we all share your concern on how to address this issue.

The ban hammer was thrown to fight against different point of views and deleting comments left and right without any valid justification. @Shizy is being purposely obtuse to uphold the policy at convenience of her feelings for the users @Crensch is banning. She hides behind a mere technicality that the post, that was drawn out of consensus more than 3 years ago, just because the title says "public" and without reading the content. There is no mislabeling here when I say that they are engaging in power modding as a way to fight who they don't like just because they threw some mockery to OUR friend's departure.

No rules were broken. No doxxing occur either in this whole matter. I have shown that proof to PeaceSeeker, kevdude, Cynabuns, Puttitout, MadWorld and the two guilty of power modding at this moment before all this shit even started and AFTER I had pleaded with srayzie in private to set the record straight. And she hid herself in the arguments of convenience because the ban was applied to someone she didn't like and the one of her being unable to say anything because her advise wasn't taken into account. When we all know that she had the power to set the record straight and I made that argument in public multiple times before I had sent the new evidence to the admin team and all the people we trust (or trusted at some point) so we could start a healing process.

The two users in question here right now, @Crensch and @Shizy, are now engaging in the same activities that their enemies engaged on and with that they are justifying their actions with apparent hit pieces on @kevdude in some attempt of character assassination that is way below their own. The first "appetizer" (how Shizy called it) was nothing more than a compendium of conjectures from an anon sub and then from a screen cap that @srayzie sent in what appears to be a coordinated attack on Voat. And yes I am saying this very clear, on Voat.

Shizy was unable to defend her appetizer and was unwilling to answer questions regarding the credibility of her cause and for that matter her cause not only lacks objectivity but also lacks justification.

" I had no say in GA's Crensch-led revolt, nor did I even know it was happening until after the fact." This is the same behavior @srayzie took when I pleaded with her to set the record straight and she didn't do anything about it and now it appears that you as well are falling into convenience to fight your cause also. I strongly recommend you don't do this because you will corrupt it. Leave your appreciation to your friends aside for one moment, as I have, and see the bigger picture.

The way they have addressed this as the only way this conversation can take place is nothing more than an absolutism. A black and white picture when the whole scenario is more complex than that.

Regarding the PG matter: if @kevdude went on a temporal assistance to PG when apparently the sub was under attack to try to put some order in it and then leave the sub to his mod team, what would be the purpose of leaving the power to his friend @Crensch, whom he trusts and is actually concerned that he is currently being played, and stepping aside from it's control?

@Shizy justified her appetizer with saying that @kevdude didn't have the correspondance with @srayzie after @zyklon_B had posted a picture that in the whole mist of the conflict, to my eyes also, not only his, appeared to be a personal picture of srayzie and her husband. She is basically justifying this as a claim that kev tried to incite @srayzie to make a false accusation and discredit her doxx claims. But of one thing I am certain, I have no need to defend @kevdude because he is perfectly capable of defending himself and so far what he has shown to me is that he would be able to proof that her accusations regarding the correspondance between him and srayzie are false, but at this moment he is more interested to see where this is going.

From all of the parties in this conflict, the one that has taken the higher road is @kevdude. You may not like what I am saying here but it sure appears like this, at least to my eyes. And it does because I have put my appreciation of my friends aside and see the bigger picture.

Now you may say, what about your appreciation to @kevdude?

Fair question that may be hunting your thoughts at this point: I am not basing my defense of @kevdude because of my appreciation to him. I am basing my defense of him because of the fact that he hasn't been the one engaging in a public defamation campaign against either of the two users. He did a post on PV regarding the ban hammering that was happening on GA without any justification whatsoever. He is in fact trying to dialogue the way out of this conflict as he has shown in multiple exchanges with Shizy yesterday. He also have shown willingness to start a conversation/discussion of Voat's new way to approach a similar conflict like the one that we went through before this one.

I have repeatedly asked for the fights to stop and the dialogue to start. To reach a consensus on how to address future harassment, threats of bodily harm, and doxxing in a more objective way without appealing for a public "court" of virtue like the MSM did with kavanaugh last year. We must strive for better and we must learn from our mistakes and definitely theirs. If we continue addressing this conversation in this matter as @Crensch and @Shizy are doing then all that we have work for will be undone. The shills and shitposters and their enemies, your enemies would have won because instead of following a due process that insures the integrity of the investigations and the analysis of the situation, we would be creating chaos on the community.

You know that I understand what your fears are regarding the inability of the mods to defend themselves. Regarding the inability of us to act on such behaviors that hurt our community. But you can't in your sane judgement say that unjustified bans are the way to address them. I have been threaten also of being doxxed. I have been slandered here at Voat multiple times. I have been mocked by many due to my faith and I have been insulted in an attempt to discredit my persona. But I will never push for the censorship of those voices because the way that I discredit their behavior is by me taking the higher road. Sometimes I feed the trolls in a way to amuse myself and I know that a possibility of endangerment of my well being is there. However my faith is greater than that. I am maybe the only Voater that fears no doxxing, and actually doxxing me would be very easy. Currently my full name and email are held by 3 people here at Voat. Everyone knows where I am from and again, I am not concerned. Why? Because of my faith. No weapon of my enemies shall prosper against me. I fully trust in the Word of God and in Jesus.

I know that I was sent here at Voat to learn and to grow more but most importantly to share the Truth of the Word of God. I do not fear the tools of men, I do not fear the world and their schemes for I must not let them corrupt my actions. And I know that I fail sometimes. Yes we all do. But the one thing we can't loose is our north.

Regarding the shills you have reported and the fact that people, included myself keep talking with them is because some of the points they make are interesting. But if you asked me if I believed in them then I would refer to you to what I have always said about Q: I don't put blind trust on the tools of men. My faith goes to Jesus. I may find it interesting but I certainly don't trust it.

MadWorld and I agree that there seems to be a coordinated attack on Voat, that even if it has been going on for a while now, it is taken strength and momentum now. The very same shills you have reported as I have for example @virge, are taking this fires as the best smoke screen to put themselves to be relevant again and discredit Voat. They use convenience to once again use "preaching to the choir" techniques in order to achieve a certain position of authority among the folk and attack with either misinformation or character assassination.

If we are unable to stop this nonsense and reach a consensus on the new due process regarding bans and reports of harassment, threats and doxxing that has a promptly response and that insures the anonymity and integrity of the process then we won't ever win. So I leave this thought in your head: How is it that we are going to fight our enemies when we are busy fighting each other and how are we going to win against our enemies when we have fallen already by using their tools and corrupt our cause?

Octocopter ago

User agreement

Do Not Incite Harm: You agree not to encourage harm against people.

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

The line already exists within Voat's rules. Your "opportunity to work on the voids that Voat currently has" is a hollow excuse to push your obvious bullshit deflection attempts.

sguevar ago

Show me the proof of concrete and credible threats and not trolling from the part of the user.

Show me concrete proof of doxxing being made here at Voat.

If you find them then by all means share them but if this just an appeal for moral indignation from your part then we don't need this at Voat.

is a hollow excuse to push your obvious bullshit deflection attempts.

Not really you are simply frustrated because you can't proof your claims. You can't proof they are credible threats, you can't proof there was doxxing here at Voat.

It is not our fault the user linked her social media to Voat. It is not our fault the user didn't take care of that in time. It is not our fault what happens outside of Voat.

So if you only have moral indignation on you then, with all due respect, fuck off.

Octocopter ago

Read the comments yourself, the pages are filled with them from him and others. /u/zyklon_b

You can go ahead and fuck off. You can claim you are only "vigorously defending free speech" all you want. My opinion on you is set now and you had plenty of opportunities to distance yourself from the literal scum of the earth.

The site rules were violated and your pathetic deflection attempts wont do anything to change that, even now people are seeing past that and judging you accordingly to your actions here.

kestrel9 ago

The site rules were violated and your pathetic deflection attempts wont do anything to change that, even now people are seeing past that and judging you accordingly to your actions here.

Agree, isn't that what the process of real consensus entails @sguevar? Not just kneejerk avoidance when you said "So if you only have moral indignation on you then, with all due respect, fuck off."

sguevar ago

You only have circumstantial evidence of that but hey either one of you, let me propose this: I made this proposal to a user that behaves just like you too:

Let's do one thing, please go ahead and report User zyklon B to the Authorities with all that you have from Voat. Go ahead and place the report and then tell me what comes out of it?

Please do it and take a screencap of the report also without doxxing yourself of course and then please make a post with an update to let us know what happened in the end.

I will be more than happy to wait for your update.

Why don't you go ahead and consult with a criminal lawyer while you are at it. Let me know what happens also. Because if you don't do that, according to your stupid logic, that also makes you an accomplice and hence that also makes you a vermin and scum.

Let's see if you are not full of shit.

Why don't you guys try it and get back to us to let us know how did it hold up

sguevar ago

I am pretty distant from the faggot.

I am not going to help you compromise Voat for your own convenience and that of the virtue signalers out there.

The site rules were not broke as we have no explicit call to action but him trying to troll the emotions of the weak minded users that are here including yourself.

A doxx on a website that is not this one is not a justification for us to ban the guy if you can't understand that then fuck off.

Vindicator ago

A doxx on a website that is not this one is not a justification for us to ban the guy if you can't understand that then fuck off.

Wow. So you are saying that you think it's okay to knowingly harbor a predator just because he hasn't hurt someone under your own roof yet? WTF?

sguevar ago

If a known pedophile that recently got off of jail and now lives in your neighborhood, I welcome you to go post fliers telling the people that he is a known pedophile and that they need to be careful with their kids around that pedophile.

That is basically what I do with u/Aged. I call him a pedophile constantly here on Voat for we have circumstantial proof that he is one.

But if you are about to kill the pedophile that hasn't hurt anyone after getting off jail to prevent him from doing harm to a kid then I don't support that. Why? Because you are not a judge of anyone in this world. You wouldn't be pursuing a righteous quest, you would be corrupting it.

Isn't that clear enough?

We can't ban u/Aged from Voat for posting barely legal content on Voat can we? I personally disliked the fact that his ban from v/gaming was removed because he spams low effort content, doesn't engage with the community and because he is a known pedophile to the eyes of Voat. But the ban was removed and despite the fact that I didn't like it or didn't agree with the logic of some, I have to live with it. Period.

We don't get to ban someone from Voat because he allegedly doxxed someone on a different site. We can however start telling people that the user in question is not trust worthy and we should avoid engaging him/her. By all means go for it.

Vindicator ago

But if you are about to kill the pedophile that hasn't hurt anyone after getting off jail to prevent him from doing harm to a kid then I don't support that. Why? Because you are not a judge of anyone in this world. You wouldn't be pursuing a righteous quest, you would be corrupting it. Isn't that clear enough?

So banning equals killing?

You are seriously actually saying this? A Christian arguing "objectivity" and "fairness" is telling me that banning is the same as killing. Unbelievable.

The only thing a ban kills is the ability of a user's account -- with it's accumulated downvote-proof CCP and reputation -- to roam around scott free wreaking havoc and proving to all that there are no consequences for shitty behavior.

I am amazed you are making this argument.

We don't get to ban someone from Voat because he allegedly doxxed someone on a different site. We can however start telling people that the user in question is not trust worthy and we should avoid engaging him/her. By all means go for it.

A) No one is advocating banning for "alleged" doxxing.

B) You seem to be missing my point entirely. You or I following a user around dropping links to proof of his evil deeds is not Justice. Justice is a ruling rendered by the community, it's leader, or it's representatives that someone's actions will not be tolerated. A ban clearly communicates that. A sitewide username flair of shame might also satisfy justice. But being chased by schoolmarms shaking fingers and frowning is not justice.

These people are shameless. We need to create a system that causes people who abuse their free speech here to suppress the free speech of others to be shamed. Otherwise, only the evil ones will have freedom.

sguevar ago

I am amazed you are making this argument.

In a sort of speak it is. You are killing that user on the site. Now you want to go ahead and take a literal translation of the analogy that I am giving that is your decision. But again that is simple convenience to try to blind yourself from the argument at hand.

A) No one is advocating banning for "alleged" doxxing.

Yes doxxing never occur. She doxxed herself.

B) You seem to be missing my point entirely. You or I following a user around dropping links to proof of his evil deeds is not Justice. Justice is a ruling rendered by the community, it's leader, or it's representatives that someone's actions will not be tolerated.

As long as it follows a due process and it doesn't trump on the integrity of the main principle of the site. Period. That is non negociable. If you think it is then in that case you are following convenience and stating that the end justifies the means.

A ban clearly communicates that.

As long as is justified.

A sitewide username flair of shame might also satisfy justice. But being chased by schoolmarms shaking fingers and frowning is not justice.

Show me the crime to which we can uphold this ban with clear and concrete evidence of the matter not circumstantial. You know you can't. Stop trying to follow de argument of a moral ground because as you can't impose your morals on others I can't impose my faith to others either. I can only share it as you can only share your morals but if they are not well received you are not to ask for them to suffer them at your will period. Also non negociable.

These people are shameless.

Agreed, so your objective is to become shameless like them to obtain what you want? Is that your solution? I do not share that and many here don't either for it trumps the value that we all hold dear here: Freedom of Speech. For good or for bad that is our modo and we have to be true to ourselves.

We need to create a system that causes people who abuse their free speech here to suppress the free speech of others to be shamed.

This is basically what the (((jews in the letter))), the sodomites, feminists, leftists and many others SJWs look for. Censor free speech for their pursuit of what is deemed good and what is deemed bad. But their notion of good is corrupted by convenience and convenience changes with time and chaos reigns through convenience. The new system most respect objectivity and due process not a public court of virtue signalling. So your assertions here are blinded by mere pride - and you may not agree with me here but read your words outloud and hear yourself then play some videos of the same groups I just numbered saying exactly the same thing.

Otherwise, only the evil ones will have freedom.

Evil only roams free in a Godless world. And as this world is not of God I can only share Truth and stand by the Truth. I will not break nor compromise my faith by the convenience of a few to reign over all. That is what system of the antichrist is.

So to sum up - I also want to work on a system that comes by consensus. That follows due process and that remains objective. That doesn't base it's judgement on circumstantial evidence and moral indignation but that remains true to the facts. If we can't reach a consensus it will be just the authority of a few reigning over all. Due process must remain. If you don't believe in this then in that case there is nothing further to discuss.

Vindicator ago

I think it's a pretty shitty tactic to dismiss people's legitimate replies to you in a discussion as "convenience". It's a smear, implying the person you are talking to is not trying to have a serious conversation, and what they said to you isn't even worth engaging. Lame, dude. Especially in a thread purportedly about "healing".

If we can't reach a consensus it will be just the authority of a few reigning over all.

It already IS the authority of a few reigning over all. A few trolls who can do whatever they want with impunity.

I never had an opportunity to vote on any of the rules around here. Nor did anyone I research with or mod for. And my attempts to engage in the conversation these past few days have resulted in massive attacks against me with shills I've busted in the past lying about me and drowning my inbox with pings as well as longwinded replies demanding answers, which are then dismissed without honest discussion.

Due process must remain. If you don't believe in this then in that case there is nothing further to discuss.

What a shitty thing to say. Where the hell did I say I was against due process? Why would you imply I was advocating that? This statement is dishonest.

I started talking to you because I have been dealing with the situation that led to this latest trollfest for over a year. It didn't start with srayzie. It started with attacks against me. Srayzie became a target when she defended me.

My point was that Voat is fucked up. The "principles" as they are currently being applied are NOT protecting freedom of speech, because organized bad operators who have an agenda that is bigger than trolling (which I have documented) face no barriers whatsoever to their abusive ways.

You have not only NOT listened to my point of view, dismissing it as "convenience," "moral outrage," and "emotionalism" and repeating your own viewpoint over and over again, you've done it all under the umbrella of "dialogue", which is a travesty.

You don't want dialogue. You don't want to listen to me. You want to tell me why you're better and more noble and that I better shut up and listen.

Wake up. You're treating people like shit.

sguevar ago

You can criticise me all you want. Heck no idea is bullet proof without feedback, which is why @Sandhog ping you so you could also participate in this process. Are you willing to do it? Or you this is your way to say no to it?

And I am sorry if you felt I treated you like shit as it is not my intention but the chance is now and even if I sound dishonest to you I have never worked on the backs of anyone. So I ask you as I asked Crensch that keeps saying that I am dishonest and that he is taking me apart. Will you chip in?

Vindicator ago

Will you chip in?

What the hell do you think I have been trying to do?!

sguevar ago

Having a discussion with me. No process nor dialogue has started yet man. Look, I gave you my opinion from what I read on your responses. If you think is far off or is pretty shitty, well that is your opinion. Right now I am simply trying to find the users that are willing to sit down and talk.

You have a good insight on the problems Mods face hence I think you are needed also. So you can consider all our discussion the mere draft of what needs to be done. We need all to sit down and talk, that should be on a different post man.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That is one wordy SOB.

He thinks words = IQ

funny shit going on in this sub. Laugh-a-minute.

Vindicator ago

Especially if you have a gallows sense of humor.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


SandHog ago

I don't think you were being dishonest. You were just sticking to the letter of the law is all. @Vindicator please come contribute here We could use your input.

Vindicator ago

He was putting words in my mouth and making as if I am advocating for bans without due process. I never said any such thing, and stating that I did is dishonest.

SandHog ago

Ah, I read through the whole exchange. Possible he just misinterpreted what you were getting at. I know my brain is numb after days of this shit. It's become exhausting just trying to read through them much less participate.

Crensch ago

Fucking well said. He just keeps talking past everyone.

Dishonest as fuck.

kestrel9 ago

the value that we all hold dear here: Freedom of Speech.

you guys are doing a bang up job in tolerating The Antifa Philosophy of Free Speech

I also want to work on a system that comes by consensus.

Consensus from whom? Certainly not the members subs like in GA, who are quite happy to having to resort long lists of rules and shit because malignant bands of shitposters who WANT to be downvoted rule over Voat after weeks of harassment. But Protect Voat doesn't wait two hours before closing ranks to pontificate and object to the bans for actually breaking the rules. Just admit it, this sub protects shitposting trolls and nothing more. It's a joke, and therefore Voat is a joke too, because the great council of goats philosophically tug at their beards here as if they're accomplishing something worthwhile by doing nothing.

@Vindicator @Crensch

sguevar ago

you guys are doing a bang up job in tolerating The Antifa Philosophy of Free Speech


Consensus from whom?

The community, and this regards more Global rules than subverse rules.

not the members subs like in GA, who are quite happy to having to resort long lists of rules and shit because malignant bands of shitposters who WANT to be downvoted rule over Voat after weeks of harassment

Tell me from the recent bans in the past 2 days that occur in GA which ones broke the rules of the site?

But Protect Voat doesn't wait two hours before closing ranks to pontificate and object to the bans for actually breaking the rules.

Which rule was broken since the ban hammer was dropped?

And since we are at this, why are comment deletions justified? I thought that, that was the point of upvotes/downvoutes to determine the relevance of a comment or not. Am I wrong on that assertion?

Just admit it, this sub protects shitposting trolls and nothing more.

We protect all, or at least that is why I subscribed the sub and then joined the team. As I defended Srayzie and Shizy from that harassment that I never saw you do it, I defended Trigglypuff from an unjustifiable ban, I defended Obrez from an unjustifiable ban and I have defended many others from false accusations including myself. And under the same principle I would defend you or anyone else, including the ones I don't like because they all have a right to say what they want. Even if I don't agree nor like what they are saying.

It's a joke, and therefore Voat is a joke too, because the great council of goats philosophically tug at their beards here as if they're accomplishing something worthwhile by doing nothing.

This is a mere emotional outburst of yours for saying that. I have been in the front trying to stop the fights and trying to find a way in which we can create a new process that follows due process and is objective. I have been insisting to tell everyone to be true to themselves and the idea they married when they join the site. And though the two users that you are pinging here appear to want to (for one) follow convenience to fight their enemies resorting in the same tactic to see which moral outcry sounds the strongest amongs the community to shut their counterpart is simply disappointing. But hey, they already expressed they don't care about my opinion. For that should I just shut up or keep talking and reason with all of you?

I don't quit so easily as you see, I am a Costa Rican Christian that has been slandered many times here at Voat. But according to @Crensch only the (((chosen))) ones are allowed to thrive in this site. Am i then one of the (((chosen))) ones?

My mere interest is to end this and to start a new. So we can get the site stronger than before. And if you think is a joke, then amuse yourself or leave if you don't find it so funny. Why duel in a place that you feel so disappointing of? Or you could man up and start working with others. Up to you.

Do you have other comments you want to add in this moral indignation of yours?

kestrel9 ago

This is a mere emotional outburst of yours for saying that. I have been in the front trying to stop the fights and trying to find a way in which we can create a new process that follows due process and is objective.

Regarding up/down votes. You must be aware that a some of the shitposting trolls seek to get banned right? Downvoting them becomes in essence a form of feeding them. I've yet to see this wise council take up deliberations on how that affects the members. When I realized it I stopped downvoting them, until @crensch took over and it was clear that yes, there for once could be consequences for the trolls who had up until then relied on hiding behind the apron of protect voat to get unbanned or 'ignored'.

Why are you complaining so much?

I have been insisting to tell everyone to be true to themselves and the idea they married when they join the site.

Interesting way to describe that.

you guys are doing a bang up job in tolerating The Antifa Philosophy of Free Speech

Freedom of speech and right to freely assemble do have some crossover. In voat I would consider that the right to assemble within subverses and have a reasonable expectation that NPCs aren't stomping on the sub because they don't want people to speak or to be heard. You must be aware of the bias within Protect Voat against the existence of GA and Q related discussions. I don't believe the protect voat community cares when subs are overrun with brigades with the purpose of sabotaging the sub. I would bet that a good number of members of protect voat engaged in this using alts. How can they claim to represent the good of 'community' when they appear to reserve the right to act hypocritically? Choosing favorites when it comes down to it.

Tell me from the recent bans in the past 2 days that occur in GA which ones broke the rules of the site?

I can review them and tell you. But I imagine if it were so important a point for you, you would examine the rules and posts yourself. You just assume no rules were violated. Anytime a ban happens to a troll they squeal and protect voat jumps. When members of the sub complain about trolls, it's just 'moral indignation' or 'go make more rules that we will disregard if you try to enforce them'

My mere interest is to end this and to start a new. So we can get the site stronger than before.

So stay out the subverse bans where rules are broken, why does a bureaucracy of goats have to hobble over and chime in? People talk about the 'hands off' approach. Having protect voat goats and their alts milling around complaining because people broke the rules and were banned, but should they stay banned? Did the Mod get too emotional? Do the subscribers really just deserve what they get because they don't vote properly? FFS keep that shit here, it's almost worse than the trolling.

I have been in the front trying to stop the fights

I appreciate you have the best interests at heart and I don't know all the details of what you have done, but overall in regards to GA, protect voat gets an F in my book. Fights haven't stopped on behave of the shitposting trolls have they? 2 mods leaving have not satisfied them because that is what they like to do. And protect voat is feckless about dealing with them.

And if you think is a joke, then amuse yourself or leave if you don't find it so funny. Why duel in a place that you feel so disappointing of? Or you could man up and start working with others. Up to you.

You are sadly mistaken. If I thought voat wasn't worthwhile I would have left right? Why is discussing issues that oppose malignant shitposting activity considered 'dueling' but when the said harassment and sabotage of subverses goes on it's just 'free speech'?

sguevar ago

So stay out the subverse bans where rules are broken, why does a bureaucracy of goats have to hobble over and chime in? People talk about the 'hands off' approach. Having protect voat goats and their alts milling around complaining because people broke the rules and were banned, but should they stay banned? Did the Mod get too emotional? Do the subscribers really just deserve what they get because they don't vote properly? FFS keep that shit here, it's almost worse than the trolling.

We don’t mess with subs bans where rules are broken. We put our foot down on those that are not justifiable bans. If you don’t help your Mods, you are not adding value nor strength to your sub. You are diminishing it. If you can’t understand that I can’t help you further. And it seems that is an impasse we have reached. Regarding the hypothetical of the alts – bring me proof and I will stand with you. If not I am not engaging.

I appreciate you have the best interests at heart and I don't know all the details of what you have done, but overall in regards to GA, protect voat gets an F in my book. Fights haven't stopped on behalf of the shitposting trolls have they? 2 mods leaving have not satisfied them because that is what they like to do. And protect voat is feckless about dealing with them.

I was at the beginning when QVR moved here that fought for you guys to join forces and not be separated. That was lost fight but I am proud of it. @Crensch can vouch for me on there, he knows I am true in my words even if right now he is pissed at me for posting the truth about the so called doxxing of srayzie. And that is just one example of many. I may have not been as invested on your community because I am not a follower of it but I strongly believe in your right to be here. So there is that. Shitposts and trolls will never stop. You need to understand that. They won’t. You need to face them. Not dodge them. And by face them is not engaging them with responses. But by facing that truth and downvote and move on. And regard the posts that do not respect the rules of the sub, they can be deleted and if the offenses continue then the users can be banned. To be honest I agree with that. But no ban should be done because of a comment unless is illegal under the law and the same goes for its deletion. I am sorry that you feel like that on PV. To be honest that is one of the subs that stood on beside of GA to help you guys out when QVR wanted to infiltrate you and also to assist srayzie on her harassment. Could have we done better. For sure. But that is why we need to start a new and work together.

You are sadly mistaken. If I thought voat wasn't worthwhile I would have left right? Why is discussing issues that oppose malignant shitposting activity considered 'dueling' but when the said harassment and sabotage of subverses goes on it's just 'free speech'?

Hey don’t get me wrong, I took your comment “Is a joke” at face value. If that was a mistake I am sorry.

kestrel9 ago

fwiw "is a joke" in context of my statement was intended to imply 'is a travesty', I didn't think that would have been lost on you. Also when I said, "Interesting way to describe that." I meant the use of the word married, 'married to free speech'. It just was different that's all.

Shitposts and trolls will never stop.

When they come to break rules they want downvoats and want bans as troll badges of honor, you say that in those cases don't ban them and don't downvoat, correct? Just ignore them and they will vanish in the mist of our collective faith. oh wait

And regard the posts that do not respect the rules of the sub, they can be deleted and if the offenses continue then the users can be banned.

and then if they complain protect voat will make a week long all hands on deck event over it and if it's those trolls who wanted to be banned we all win right? They also win by getting unbanned. But don't talk to them, because then they win ;)

In Regards to how I feel about Protect voat, I'm speaking specifically about GA and about recent events. (not as much as the doxing I'm talking about what led up to that controversy, and why I think protect voat made things worse by opining way too much over the ban on zyklon_b's the ban that was overturned after he made many threats and to reward his great work, protect voat gave everyone voat's semi annual kumbaya with the trolls ceremony before the shit picked up where it left off. Members of subverses are very often told to shut up and ignore the trolls, but then the trolls come here and end up getting unbanned and it's even more rewarding for them imo.

But that is why we need to start a new and work together.

What does starting new entail? unbanning? shut up and downvoat the unbanned trolls when they return to attempt to get rebanned and unbanned again?

sguevar ago

fwiw "is a joke" in context of my statement was intended to imply 'is a travesty', I didn't think that would have been lost on you. Also when I said, "Interesting way to describe that." I meant the use of the word married, 'married to free speech'. It just was different that's all.

Sorry for misunderstanding you then. We've been going on and on so one can lose the track of some things. I apologize.

When they come to break rules they want downvoats and want bans as troll badges of honor, you say that in those cases don't ban them and don't downvoat, correct? Just ignore them and they will vanish in the mist of our collective faith. oh wait

No the posts that break the rules can be deleted. Repeated offenses can get the users banned. Go for it! Comments can't be the reason you get banned unless that it is illegal or against Voat's global rules. Most of the ban hammered in the past few days were for comments not posts.

and then if they complain protect voat will make a week long all hands on deck event over

No, i personally just took like 1 hour or maybe less to check the reason why Zyklon B was banned and also Gabara and saw that the bans were justified. So no we shouldn't take that long to back up justifiable bans.

They also win by getting unbanned. But don't talk to them, because then they win ;)

When unbaning is because Free Speech won there. Not the trolls. And again that would be only if the bans are not justified.

In Regards to how I feel about Protect voat, I'm speaking specifically about GA and about recent events. (not as much as the doxing I'm talking about what led up to that controversy, and why I think protect voat made things worse by opining way too much over the ban on zyklon_b

I agreed on his ban. I never asked for it to be removed. The only ban I disagree with was Triggly's on Voat and Obrez so far. But not from GA. I supported and defended the ban on ZB when it was made. I don't know about the others to be honest, but doubt that most were against it because we are tired of that faggot and he really didn't give us much with what we could defend him GA did provide proofs and hence I accepted the ban was justified.

What does starting new entail? unbanning? shut up and downvoat the unbanned trolls when they return to attempt to get rebanned and unbanned again?

I was referring to the whole harassment deal that srayzie had to go through. If we had better tools to work with to prevent that from happening again we would be very well more capable of defending the mods that are threaten and the subs. But that needs to be reached by consensus and the discussion hasn't taken place for me to be able to elaborate further.

kestrel9 ago

Okay on my new response consider it answered in this one (I was writing it before I read this) thanks

sguevar ago

Hey believe me I am not against you. And when it is justified I will support. If you have proof or evidence then I will back you up. If not I can't, even if it sounds as beautiful as the Word of God. Can't.

Crensch ago

That was lost fight but I am proud of it. @Crensch can vouch for me on there, he knows I am true in my words even if right now he is pissed at me for posting the truth about the so called doxxing of srayzie.


Oh, dude. I don't really know shit about you. You meander and wax philosophical so often that my eyes glaze over and I stop reading.

I don't care whose side you're on with any of the myriad facets of this happening. You either see the absurdity and immorality of this place looking from the outside in, or you're stuck in a bubble of impeccable internal logic. I know. I was there. Most of that logic was fashioned by me. Going against you guys is like playing chess against a me that had years to perfect his words and plays; I'm behind right now, but I'm right.

sguevar ago

Oh, dude. I don't really know shit about you. You meander and wax philosophical so often that my eyes glaze over and I stop reading.

Well you area good digger, why don't you go dig then and prove me wrong if you think you can :) Glad to see you are able to laugh still.

I don't care whose side you're on with any of the myriad facets of this happening

Many have already stated that but I am on the side of Voat. Period. I am not the one betraying my principles. You are.

You either see the absurdity and immorality of this place looking from the outside in, or you're stuck in a bubble of impeccable internal logic

I am seeing at what we can make of this together. That is all and even if it makes you mad or laugh that I express myself the way I do, that is besides the point I am making.

I know. I was there. Most of that logic was fashioned by me.

Yup ok

Going against you guys is like playing chess against a me that had years to perfect his words and plays; I'm behind right now, but I'm right.

Well I can only repeat myself: you betrayed your principles and decided to go to a place where the end justifies the means no matter how questionable your actions are. Basically you became a cynic.

That's too bad because I know you are better than that. You have shown it to me in the past and this mere frustration of yours is not going to change that. My understanding remains but my support is not. You don't care or not, I am just stating a truth.

The rest I leave it to God.

Hope you are doing well, but as I said to shizy, I will stand in the middle to reduce the effect this can have on Voat. I give you my word on it. So have at it my friend.

Crensch ago

Many have already stated that but I am on the side of Voat. Period. I am not the one betraying my principles. You are.

Define this "voat" you are protecting.

sguevar ago

Define this "voat" you are protecting.

The same one you fought for when you got all your exposés about the holohoax and the (((jews in the letter))).

Crensch ago

That's not an answer.

when you got all your exposés about the holohoax and the (((jews in the letter))).

When I "got" them? Interesting wording.

sguevar ago

When I "got" them? Interesting wording.

Oh well you will have to do with my wording because sometimes I mess up. Remember I am from Costa Rica. So, change it for "made".

That's not an answer.

It is in fact and that has been elaborated through all of the other answers I have made today and in the past days. So I will have to ask you to look for them.

The main principle I defend is Freedom of Speech, the good and bad of it. Everyone has a right to it. That is the Voat I defend. The one I saw when you showed me about the holohoax (not me directly but I read them when you were addressing others) and when because of them I learned more about the Word of God. Even when you didn't intend to.

Outside of Voat, I would probably have not understood the difference between the (((jews in the letter))) and the Jews in Spirit. So hey, thanks for that once again.

Crensch ago

It is in fact and that has been elaborated through all of the other answers I have made today and in the past days. So I will have to ask you to look for them.

"I answered it somewhere in my projectile vomit of philosophical masturbation. Please search through the cum all over the walls and ceiling for me because I just can't cum ONE more time."

The main principle I defend is Freedom of Speech, the good and bad of it.

Whose freedom? When this idea was fashioned, who had a vote? Who could be a citizen? In the first immigration act, who could become a citizen?

What do we have that is different?

Everyone has a right to it.

Oh, we agree! Now why is it that businesses will kick out the guy yelling at the customers and driving them off, instead of following that philosophy like you seem to want us to?

That is the Voat I defend.

The one that was made up by some users some time ago and was never officially sanctioned by the admin?

The one I saw when you showed me about the holohoax (not me directly but I read them when you were addressing others) and when because of them I learned more about the Word of God. Even when you didn't intend to.

I don't even know what that means, and my eyesight is yellow-shifting with the glaze, but I could still wreck some Jews if I were bored enough. The environment here is so target rich right now that I have to find ways to pare down the list of targets each night to something more manageable.

Outside of Voat, I would probably have not understood the difference between the (((jews in the letter))) and the Jews in Spirit. So hey, thanks for that once again.

Yeah, no problem. No idea still, but whatever gets your goat.

Outside of Voat, I would probably have not understood the difference between the (((jews in the letter))) and the Jews in Spirit. So hey, thanks for that once again.

sguevar ago

"I answered it somewhere in my projectile vomit of philosophical masturbation. Please search through the cum all over the walls and ceiling for me because I just can't cum ONE more time."

LMAO, well you got it now.

Whose freedom? When this idea was fashioned, who had a vote? Who could be a citizen? In the first immigration act, who could become a citizen?

The Voat users' all of them. But in a generic way: the Idea defended by most of the Constitutions of the western world before most of their govenrments go soooo corrupted that now is like a thin line in the horizon - too phylosophical for you?

What do we have that is different?

We don't ban because of our fee fees Crensch.

Oh, we agree! Now why is it that businesses will kick out the guy yelling at the customers and driving them off, instead of following that philosophy like you seem to want us to?

Oh so you are seeing it as a buisiness then. Good because economics is one of my things. Ok well what was the first thing that appeal those customers in the first place? And if that business starts betraying the main appeal it brought so many customers what happens then?

The one that was made up by some users some time ago and was never officially sanctioned by the admin?

Well that is what got me to stay here. The fact that I could be called a spic and not feel offended. Yes. Maybe we can approach the admin to get to it. Do you not think that?

I don't even know what that means, and my eyesight is yellow-shifting with the glaze, but I could still wreck some Jews if I were bored enough.

I am sure you could. Never doubted you there.

The environment here is so target rich right now that I have to find ways to pare down the list of targets each night to something more manageable.

I can understand that. But we can't compromise on Free Speech. This is our main sale point if we continue with the business approach.

Yeah, no problem. No idea still, but whatever gets your goat.

I just put the recognition where it must be.

But seriously man, can't we find a way to work together to achieve what you want that can accommodate to all? Or at least to most?

This is my point. You invested so much on GA and I heard on PG also. I know you have what it takes even when people say you are a one man army. If you did a lot of those things alone. Why can you see what you could do with all of us in the same ship? - Sorry for my philosophical vomit but I like writing, I spent a lot of my teenage years writing so... you are going to have to swallow it. (isn't that nice?)

bopper ago

We're already back on track. We're just gonna be like the pizzagate sub, we won't delete comments unless it's porn or gore but spam POSTS will be removed and after maybe three warnings there will be a ban on repeat spammers. Crensch is agreeable to that, I've private messaged him.

sguevar ago

I know you are but we need to have this discussion for all of Voat not just for one sub in particular. We need to make it so it is for the Community to give their feedback and we need to set an objective and due process in which we can handle with the situations of harassment in a promtp matter and making less drama out of it.

bopper ago

Oh, gotcha.

sguevar ago

I would of said I was proud of your post but I got myself banned btw... so congrats on that one.

bopper ago

Thanks. Are you still banned? Is he gonna unban you?

sguevar ago

I don't know and to be honest I don't care. I made a post that had nothing to do with Q. Hahahaha.

My main goal is that we sit down on the "table" and get through this together so our inmune system gets even stronger and we have more tools to defend our community.

bopper ago

Okay, thanks. Agreed.

sguevar ago

Regarding up/down votes. You must be aware that a some of the shitposting trolls seek to get banned right? Downvoting them becomes in essence a form of feeding them. I've yet to see this wise council take up deliberations on how that affects the members. When I realized it I stopped downvoting them, until @crensch took over and it was clear that yes, there for once could be consequences for the trolls who had up until then relied on hiding behind the apron of protect voat to get unbanned or 'ignored'.

I don’t disagree for banning users when they break subverse rules. That is up to the subverse how they want to handle their rules. So that council you are referring to would be one that has to be accorded by the members of that subverse. Nonetheless you can’t ban a user for posting a comment you don’t like. Nor delete his comment because you don’t like either. @Crensch help creating that Voat policy more than 3 years ago. So what you are praising here is just a betrayal of his believes at convenience of “defeating his enemies”. Cause is corrupted now. Bravo! I agree that giving attention to the trolls feeds them, so why not downvote and move on? You really think you are that desired as a community to bug that they will keep posting on and on and on because you downvote only or because you ignore them also? Is that really hard for you to see? For example, if I decided to not continue with this conversation and just moved on, then that is it. You won’t keep talking to yourself and probably will feel some type of arrogant realization that “I won the debate”. The only reason I keep reasoning with you is because I agree with you that there are voids and I know this is an important discussion that needs to be spoken. We need to work together, not against each other and point fingers at each other when we can work this out. This is my view. But one thing is unnegotiable – we don’t compromise on Free Speech. Period.

Interesting way to describe that.

What, that we remain true to ourselves by not compromising the main goal here that is Free Speech? Thanks, I mean I know it comes from a sarcastic view of yours trying to accommodate to your previous statement but you don’t realize that it is in fact a good way to describe the reason why we are all here at Voat.

Freedom of speech and right to freely assemble do have some crossover. In voat I would consider that the right to assemble within subverses and have a reasonable expectation that NPCs aren't stomping on the sub because they don't want people to speak or to be heard. You must be aware of the bias within Protect Voat against the existence of GA and Q related discussions. I don't believe the protect voat community cares when subs are overrun with brigades with the purpose of sabotaging the sub. I would bet that a good number of members of protect voat engaged in this using alts. How can they claim to represent the good of 'community' when they appear to reserve the right to act hypocritically? Choosing favorites when it comes down to it.

I agree that is up to each subverse to define their rules but Comment deletion and banning because you don’t like what they said is not amongst those. That is against Free Speech and you are engaging in a Twitter MO which is quite frowned upon here at Voat. Crensch knows this. I know he is just venting his frustration. But not in a healthy way I might add. Well Let me see, @bopper is a mod on PV, so is @argosciv, @Sandhog they all like Q. Myself I don’t follow Q though I find your subs publications interesting I don’t trust it but you have never saw me slandering the Q movement. I have always maintained an opened mind to your movement. But my faith remains where it must, Jesus Christ. So I don’t know of what bias are you talking about. If anything there is more risk of the bias being in favor of the GA subverse than anything else. We don’t want your sub to die, we don’t want you guys to go. I mean some at Voat may, but that is not up to them to decide. That is up to you whether you keep the sub running and yourselves here at Voat. I work as a mere middle man to avoid conflict as much as we can, but can we prevent all conflicts? No. We try to deal with them accordingly. And you betting on the alts matter is jumping into a hypothetical that I am not going to engage. Bring me proof of that and I will stand with you. I don’t like the use of alts. Period. I don’t like dishonest behavior. That is why so many hate me. I am not hypocrite that they can work on. I have no prize. I only put Jesus before my decisions and opinions. Even if they are more mocked at than anything.

I can review them and tell you. But I imagine if it were so important a point for you, you would examine the rules and posts yourself. You just assume no rules were violated. Anytime a ban happens to a troll they squeal and protect voat jumps. When members of the sub complain about trolls, it's just 'moral indignation' or 'go make more rules that we will disregard if you try to enforce them'

It was important for me. That is why I review the comments deleted and the people that got banned. None broke any rule of posting nor anything like that. I for example defended the ban that Zyklon B got for his bullshit and coward move to encourage a brigading effort against your sub and posting porn. So there is that. I was there calling him out. Look at all the history if you are going to state something. It is up to the members of the sub to understand that they don’t get to censor no one’s speech as they didn’t want theirs censored either. That is what it takes when you marry to the idea of Free Speech. If no illegal behavior took place then no deletion must happen and no ban must happen unless that a post rule was broken after a warning or an illegal behavior took place. But none did. This is why I agree with bopper’s post. Is up to you to engage on your community. If you spot a chill you downvote it and move on. Don’t feed it with replies. You guys were not doing that you were simply crying like a bunch of fags “daddy mod do something”. No, engage, it is your sub, not the mods’.

PART 1 because it is a long reply.

kestrel9 ago

so your objective is to become shameless like them to obtain what you want?

You sincerely equate the motives of @Vindicator with that of shitposters in question?

sguevar ago

So you seriously can't make 1 comment trying to debate all of what I said you have to go ahead and do it one by one?

And yes I equate using the tools of your enemies to pursue your victory over them in the same manner. Why?

kestrel9 ago

Here's suggestion to keep you true to your principals. How about Voat not allow MODS to use alts at all, that would keep them on a level playing field and users can rest assured that MODS are not using the tools of the enemy over the enemies.

sguevar ago

Well if you checked my profile and post history you would know that I am against alts and have argued that many times. For everyone. Using alts it just opens the door to dishonest behavior.

So I am glad to see that we are reaching to some common ground here.

kestrel9 ago

one by one is too fast for you? LOL

And yes I equate using the tools of your enemies to pursue your victory over them in the same manner.

And what does victory over them look like to you? honest question.


sguevar ago

Not compromising who you are and what you fought for even in defeat.

Jesus thought me that.

kestrel9 ago

And yes I equate using the tools of your enemies to pursue your victory over them in the same manner.

Now that you've qualified your moral position by invoking Christ (nothing like shutting down a discussion there /s), let me ask this equally honest question. What do you think victory over the enemies of a subverse looks like to the members of that subverse who have been battling them?

sguevar ago

Now that you've qualified your moral position by invoking Christ (nothing like shutting down a discussion there /s), let me ask this equally honest question. What do you think victory over the enemies of a subverse looks like to the members of that subverse who have been battling them?

I can't speak for them sorry. I can only share the Truth of what the Word of God have thought me. Sorry if my faith is a disappointment for you, but not sorry either. Don't take it sarcastically either. Just the truth. I am sorry if that is the reason why we can't dialogue more.

kestrel9 ago

I'm a Christian too. But I don't my invoke my faith to try to appear I'm morally superior. I try to use applicable logic and reason when having discussions about things like trolls and how protect voat can best serve the overall community (besides sharing their faith in God). Maybe I'm just talking to the wrong representative of protect voat.

sguevar ago

I'm a Christian too. But I don't my invoke my faith to try to appear I'm morally superior.

I never said or implied I am morally superior. I am simply stating my motivation on my decisions. And yes they have to do with my faith.

I try to use applicable logic and reason when having discussions about things like trolls and how protect voat can best serve the overall community (besides sharing their faith in God). Maybe I'm just talking to the wrong representative of protect voat.

In no part of our conversation i have engaged on nothing more than reasoning and applicable logic. So again you are misrepresenting my motivation for stating my faith. If you think I am the wrong representative, why don't you talk with @argosciv, @Sandhog or @bopper.

They all like Q more than I do. Maybe you can reach a better level of understanding with them.

I am glad we changed the tone through our conversation. I don't wish you ill not even to the people I don't like. I leave their choices between them and God. And me saying this is not because I am morally superior. To God's eyes we are all sinners. But I am saying it because God is really important for me. Not saying that more than to you but simply stating my side.

Hence a lot of users don't like that I put some preaching on v/whatever. Hey you can have @dontforgetaboutevil tell you that. He hates my preaching. Isn't that right son (XD)?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Not as much as I hate being called son.

sguevar ago

hahaha fair enough.

kestrel9 ago

In no part of our conversation i have engaged on nothing more than reasoning and applicable logic.

I'm interested to hear your logic about the issue over trolls who seek to be downvoted and banned on a sub, and then unbanned by appealing to protect voat. The zyklon_b case is interesting because people said the ban should have remained, yet there was goat pressure on the mod when the protect voat brigade showed up to overthink and overtalk the 'simple subject' that the ban should have remained but for the mod reacting to the incessant complaints of the one banned, which caused posts on the GA sub, making it a big extension of a protect voat shit show. IMHO troll banned WIN, troll unbanned WIN, shit show on sub on behalf of troll WIN. Subverse members, shut up and act like nothing is happening, down vote the next troll who wants down votes and wants to be banned.

SandHog ago

The argument currently raging on PV seems to hinge on the difference between the Letter of the Law vs the Spirit of the Law.

The letter of the law versus the spirit of the law is an idiomatic antithesis. When one obeys the letter of the law but not the spirit, one is obeying the literal interpretation of the words (the "letter") of the law, but not necessarily the intent of those who wrote the law.

That is really the hang up in this entire mess and people are either on one side of it or the other. Both have valid points and it is the reason noone can come to an agreement about what is right and what is wrong. It's also the reason decisions are made in the Supreme Court and are used to set a precedent for future cases that are similar. Putt is the Supreme Court in this case.

As I see it the Letter of the Law has failed us here in it's current form. We need to refine the law for situations such as this. It probably should have been done a long time ago because I think Voat would be much healthier if it were addressed before now. Currently the Letter of the Law allows for rampant shitpost and trolling everywhere. It has also been abused by those shitposters and trolls to the detriment of Voat as a whole in that the current law has always favored them. They have been free to rampage and shit up subs as they please and any time a mod gets frustrated to the point of issuing bans because they feel that they are seeing their sub destroyed the shitposters run to ProtectVoat and cry foul. They abuse the shit out of it because they can and they enjoy causing headaches for other people simply for the entertainment value that they see in it. Something needs to change because as it stands the Letter of the Law is being upheld to the detriment of Voat.

Perhaps some of the particularly contentious subs could be flagged as shitposts being off-limits? People could still have their say so long as they respected the sub. Shitposts really aren't saying anything other than 'fuck you' anyway. Or maybe allow 1 day temp bans when people are really starting to become disruptive in certain subs? I dunno. Just two examples that sprung to mind and I'm sure there are flaws in both. The point being that the current Letter of the Law is failing Voat and what we should be discussing are ways to bring the letter of the law into closer alignment with the spirit of the law instead of people just arguing back and forth over the current interpretation.

@sguevar @kevdude @argosciv @Vindicator @Crensch

Vindicator ago

Here's a problem I see that is not addressed by the letter of the law in any way:

Trolls and attackers who only operate in Comments because they know they will be banned for shitposts that violate Submission Rules are untouchable, even when they have been proven and documented to be out to destroy the subverse, and the userbase wants them booted.

That is a common thread, not just with the most recent perps, but with the ones I've mentioned targeting v/pizzagate like ES.

SandHog ago

What about some sort of limited state option that mods could employ instead of a full block? Similar to how a brand new account is limited to 10 comments or whatever the number is. I think it's 10. So if someone is repeatedly being a pain in the ass you could restrict the number of comments they could make to x amount per day for x amount of time. They'd still get to have their say but just not as much of it as they would like. I don't see how that would be any different than the comment restriction for new accounts given that those are in place to prevent abuse (spam) as well.

Vindicator ago point really is: at what point do people lose the right to have their say? The real crux of the conflict and bad feeling here is that users who abuse their free speech in Comments don't have to worry about it being taken away pretty much for any reason. ES should have lost his right to. Zyklon as well. That they haven't is a great injustice which is only growing larger by the day.

sguevar ago

How about if the subs are left with the ability to specifically put up a rule on shit-posting and low effort content. But that clearly states shit-posting. In that way each sub that has that rule the moment they see them they can remove with a warning . If the problem persists then ban is justified?


I mean that way shitpost can remain on the subs that allow it. However, comments arre not to be removed unless they are illegal (CP, doxxing, inciting harm) Now we need to define clearly what doxxing and inciting harm and that is clarified on the rules also like for example if the faggot ZB tries to say is all satire and i want to kill you, one could say well even "even if you claim this is, we have no way to see how others would see it, so it is inciting harm."

What are your thoughts?

Vindicator ago

Outstanding summation, Sandhog.

sguevar ago

@cynoclast, @bopper. check all the discussion and also the following comments. This is important.

sguevar ago

I couldn't have said it better but I think that more users need to be brought to this conversation!

@MadWorld, @PeaceSeeker, @PuttitOut. @Cynabuns.

This is a discussion that we need to have and once something that we can agree on it has to be presented to the community so they can vote on it. This is what I have been trying to initiate for quite a few days now!

However we need to make sure that this new "letter of the law" doesn't affect their ability to shitpost either. Is just setting boundaries. That need to be agreed on by consensus.

theoldones ago

i'll raise the point that stealing's policy on CP and then following the rules may be enough to stop at least certain cliques of our problem cases

the "ride the line of the law with blatant loli shit" type, yaknow

sguevar ago

i'll raise the point that stealing's policy on CP and then following the rules may be enough to stop at least certain cliques of our problem cases

Stealing not fond of that term but maybe we can consult it and see what we can grab from it. I don't mind doing that either.

SandHog ago

However we need to make sure that this new "letter of the law" doesn't affect their ability to shitpost either. Is just setting boundaries. That need to be agreed on by consensus.

Agreed. Maybe just make a post of the Letter vs the Sprirt of the law on PV?

theoldones ago

website ("federal") VS subverse ("state") law. define what each side can and cannot do, and to whom

add the ability so that a blocked users posts are collapsed, and we're golden, maybe?

sguevar ago

It has to go beyond PV. This post needs to be address by Putt. And needs to be prepared by all of us.

SandHog ago

Wherever it needs to go it should go there. It's pretty clear that this is an issue that really needs to be solved.

sguevar ago

That we can agree on.

SandHog ago

We probably agree on quite a lot, I suspect.

kestrel9 ago

You are killing that user on the site.

What if that user kilt another user on the site?

@Vindicator @Crensch

sguevar ago

And so again with literal translation of the argument at hand...

Well have a good one with that.

Octocopter ago

You are fucking scum and you will be judged both here and beyond for your defense of calls to violence against children.

sguevar ago

My judge will be the Lord and only the Lord.

If I stand before him and told him I had an opportunity to stand by the Truth but used convenience to attack someone I didn't like would you have condone it?

I am quite certain about the answer I would get. So to your effort to appeal for guilt, I am in no mesure going to follow that bate of yours. That is quite pathetic to say the least.

zyklon_b ago

show me one violated rule? "ALL is satire" lmao


VicariousJambi ago

These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Take Personal Responsibility: As you use Voat, please remember that your speech may have consequences and could lead to criminal and civil liability.

sguevar ago

Agreed but what is happening is not on Voat's jurisdiction. For example the doxx on Gab. That is not on Voat.

The doxx of kids didn't happen on Voat.

And the user is well known for trolling without restraint, which pisses me off quite a bit, users sensitivities.

For example he is well known for pushing the troll of " X user raped and murder a kid in 1990"

His sick ways may be sick ways but are not reason enough to believe the credibility of his so called threats.

To add to the matter the user also appears to be working for someone to try to destabilize Voat.

  • Attacks voat using free speech to appeal for a moral indignation of the community pushing for a ban of his user name and hence Voat betrays its own essence if we ban him for that.

  • Attacks Voat showing the empty voids on the UA and use the same MO than many others here stating Gas the kikes hence discredits voat as a far right site and so on and so forth.

We can't play into his hands because that is what he wants and specially his (((handlers)))

VicariousJambi ago

You can spin it any way you want.

The rules are clear.

The Rules are there to protect people.

People need to take personal responsibility for the shit they say.

Encouraging violence, especially against children, against the rules.

theoldones ago

these rules are not being fairly enforced, and certain events are slipping through the filter.

sguevar ago

People need to take personal responsibility for the shit they say. Encouraging violence, especially against children, against the rules.

So that includes the (((comedians))) out there that make jokes about raping kids?

The dangerous slippery slope you can't see because of your lack of objectivity is right in front of you.

VicariousJambi ago

Making jokes about raping kids =/= telling people to specifically go rape someones kid

[–] Shizy -1 points (+3|-4) 1.2 hours ago

Hey @pangaea pm me and I'll give you @gothamgirls address so you can fuck her kid to death. What fun! All is satire!

sguevar ago

Wait wait so are you telling me that she also engaged in the same behavior that she complained about?

Also did the pm ever happen? Do we have proof of this or again is zyklon fucking with all of you.

Dude I am sorry but we can't compromise for the lack of evidence.

VicariousJambi ago

Here maybe this will clear it up for your understanding.

Do Not Incite Harm:

You agree not to encourage harm against people.

sguevar ago

Of things that come from a user that often jokes (in a sick way I grant you that) with all of that.

No credible source of incitement appears. The only incitement I saw during all this was his attempt of flooding the subs with porn and loli and brigade the Mods.

That I did see and I called him out for that.

But regarding the rest I am sorry but I have to remain objective despite of the fact that I truly dislike the faggot at this point.

I can't support a biased stance on this. So I extend my apologies for disappointing you.

VicariousJambi ago

"Jokes" can encourage violence you know.

sguevar ago

I know but should we then make our decisions on what we thought he was trying to say?

Are we mind readers also?

Zyklon_b is a faggot and as I read before on another comment he should be ostracised for all the things he has done.

But I can't compromise my objectivity for hypothetical assumptions.

Again I know I come across as highly disappointing for you and many others. But I need to remain true to my self and my faith. I can't support false narratives that could compromise Voat in a whole and if for that I will be hated then so be it.

The Lord knows that I act only in the best interest of the site.

VicariousJambi ago

You are ignoring the intention of the rules, to keep people safe.

Is what z_b is doing safe? He's encouraging harm. It doesn't matter if he intended to just make a joke, troll, subvert the website, etc.

He's encouraging violence upon someones children.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees free speech, and the degree to which incitement is protected speech is determined by the imminent lawless action test introduced by the 1969 Supreme Court decision in the case Brandenburg v. Ohio. The court ruled that incitement of events in the indefinite future was protected, but encouragement of "imminent" illegal acts was not protected. This "view reflects longstanding law and is shared by the Federalist Society, the ACLU, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and the vast majority of Americans, including most staunch free-speech advocates."

Incitement to riot is illegal under U.S. federal law.

Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if (1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action, and (2) is likely to incite or produce such action.


[–] Shizy -1 points (+3|-4) 1.2 hours ago

Hey @pangaea pm me and I'll give you @gothamgirls address so you can fuck her kid to death. What fun! All is satire!

Imminent - Hey @pangaea pm me and I'll give you @gothamgirls address so you can

Lawless action - fuck her kid to death.

JackHoff ago

You're not telling the whole story. I saw this go down today and she left that comment in a reply to zyklon_b calling for her child to be raped.

The way you're presenting this makes it look like it was done out of the blue.

VicariousJambi ago

Here's the comment you're referring to I believe.

CerealBrain ago

His point is my point.

sguevar ago

Which has no valid argumentation on what is going on right now so nice try...

CerealBrain ago

You can't see the forest for the trees, dunno why you don't understand what I'm saying but okay.

sguevar ago

You are not saying anything. You are dueling on other people's comments to try to justify your virtue signalling.

And before you tried to address a slander on me and my faith to appeal for guilt in order for me to accommodate to your persona view of how things should work.

No, I won't compromise for you or any other than Jesus. I will stand by the Truth period.

CerealBrain ago

You are borderline zealot, not quite, but almost.

sguevar ago

You are borderline zealot, not quite, but almost.

Meh a zealot would never call for dialogue and work together. It would impose himself to others and I am not doing that. So your comparison is quite off.

After all you were the one that tried to impose guilt on me not me to you. Nice projection there.

CerealBrain ago


sguevar ago

Here is the convenience that I talked about and that is corrupting the mod team at v/GA

RockmanRaiden ago

Your information is outdated. Things have escalated. Provable doxxing occured and children are being targeted. Kill yourself, you kike faggot. No different from a Twitter mob of radical leftists.

zyklon_b ago


RockmanRaiden ago

I was referring to and reacting to this post.

zyklon_b ago

hahhahaha all is satire amd shizy deaf

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

and you are a shit alt that spreads lies


RockmanRaiden ago

We had a cordial conversation after my initial outburst. Feel free to read.

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

you could never handle my self if fully come after you.... Im smart enough to show restraint.

@puttitout @kevdude


CerealBrain ago

Lol, the hubris is very juvenile, sigh.

RockmanRaiden ago

I think you confused me with someone else, fren.

sguevar ago

Your information is outdated. Things have escalated. Provable doxxing occured and children are being targeted.

No doxx has occur on Voat as the user linked all her social media to the same name she used. I don't agree with the targeting of children but I will not stand by the spreading of false narratives that doxxing occur here at Voat.

Kill yourself, you kike faggot.

Please son, you are not the first that has called me a kike and certainly won't be the last one. But I will stand only by the truth.

No different from a Twitter mob of radical leftists.

Exactly the same way you all are behaving and more specifically from v/GA.

Nice projection faggot.

RockmanRaiden ago

Things have escalated outside of Voat. Provable doxxing has occured on Gab. I assumed you knew that. If you didn't you do now.

sguevar ago

I did know, we are not engaging on something that goes beyond Voat. We engage only on what happens on Voat.

Gab is not our responsibility and it isn't either the fact that the victim linked all her social media with the same alias. She is more than welcome to make her report to the proper authorities and in case they demand with a warrant information on zyklon b then I am sure that @Puttitout can accommodate to a probable cause.

Our focus is and will always be to work for Voat and the fact that the shit show is being used by forces that wish you destroy voat and others that conveniently use this as a smoke screen to render themselves relevant is why I do this. We are not to compromise the principles on which Voat runs by the convenience and the indignation of a group of users and mod team that have lost their objectivity.

RockmanRaiden ago

If you look at my history, I don't usually sperg out like that. This shit is just frustrating.

sguevar ago

It is frustrating to me too but it can't be handled like a simple and unjustified ban hammer. It needs to be handled better than the fucking MSM is doing out there

I can't and wont support the compromising of Voat for the convenience of a bunch of virtue signalers.

Enough is enough.

RockmanRaiden ago

That all sounds well and good, however you'd be foolish to think this whole episode isn't being documented, archived, and primed to be used against the platform. Your unwillingness to compromise on "free speech" has resulted in vulnerable parties being targeted. Calls to action aren't protected by the US Constitution. Even for satire that is rocky ground. This "joke" is negatively impacting Voat and it will not end here.

(normie mistakes made by Srayzie and others constitute as vulnerable.)

sguevar ago

That all sounds well and good, however you'd be foolish to think this whole episode isn't being documented, archived, and primed to be used against the platform

Which is why we need to work together to work on a due and objective process that doesn't compromise the site's main core ideal: Free Speech. If we let this to run by the same dynamics that were used against kavanaugh last year where we follow the same dogma of guilty until proven differently then we have already corrupted our site.

I can't let that happen.

Your unwillingness to compromise on "free speech" has resulted in vulnerable parties being targeted.

Those parties let themselves be targeted. It is not our responsibility and the partie in question here was advised multiple times to be more careful.

Calls to action aren't protected by the US Constitution.

And a due process needs to be created to deal with them not following the same trend the MSM has done for quite a while noe.

Even for satire that is rocky ground. This "joke" is negatively impacting Voat and it will not end here.

Unfortunately we can't engage in such otherwise we would also permit that society targets comedians for whatever indicent joke they make.

Again I am not justifying what the faggot Zyklon b has done or is even doing. But I can't let that their behavior corrupts Voat's main principles.

(normie mistakes made by Srayzie and others constitute as vulnerable.)

But their mistakes alone. Not ours. Ours would be that we engage in the same dynamics that the MSM does and not following a due process.

RockmanRaiden ago

I agree due process is important. The comment history for Zyklon will speak for itself. I just want to add that we were all in a different place mentally when v/greatawakening first started. It was our own little corner and we all got along because we were goats. That changed with the Q normie migration. They're the ones I'm railing against now. The Q worshippers that brought this down on all of us.

sguevar ago

They have a right to be here. They have a right to say what they want. Sadly that is what we accepted with Freedom of Speech, we also defend the people we don't like.

So at this point we need to stop pointing fingers at each other and work together.

RockmanRaiden ago

Fingers need pointing. We'll agree to disagree I suppose. Calls to action are not protected under free speech laws, and there is evidence to suggest that at the very least.

sguevar ago

If they were credible then I would agree but at this moment they are not and there isn't a clear process to handle this situation.

But yes we can agree to disagree.

RockmanRaiden ago

Fuck , you sound like Sessions. Lol.

sguevar ago

LMAO I think I feel quite offended by that I might have to push for your ban now.

RockmanRaiden ago

Save me, Putt!

CerealBrain ago

He won't listen, he's in a dogged and righteous pursuit of the defense of Voat at the risk of sounding like a pedo defender. I asked him to use discretion in that regard for his own sake.

RockmanRaiden ago

He's trying to look out for the platform. Any decisions made have to be for the good of the website. This is why I was trying to encourage Srayzie and others into putting a channel together and starting our own platform.

CerealBrain ago

Yeah I know, and in that regard I appreciate him. He's a bit disappointing in the way he comes across but whatever, he's a bit hard-headed.

CerealBrain ago

You're proving to be really disappointing mate.

sguevar ago

To be honest, your disappointment is irrelevant to me. I stand with the truth.

CerealBrain ago

Yeah, you profess to be a Christian but your works are beginning to stink above ground.

sguevar ago

My faith goes to Jesus only and for that even when I am hated by the world I will be standing on the side of Truth.

Stop corrupting the principles of Voat by following a questionable Crusade on character assassination and start helping us work on Voat so we can prevent the shit show that happen.

Otherwise step back faggot because we don't need unproductive users on our midst.

CerealBrain ago

And what would Jesus do?

sguevar ago

And what would Jesus do?

Stand by the Truth even if he got himself crucified. You need to read the Bible son.

CerealBrain ago

Right, but discretion is your friend when it comes to truth, I suggest fingering Zyklon more and lay off the innocents.

sguevar ago

Your suggestion is irrelevant. And your misinterpretation of the Word of God is likely not going to help you with me.

I stand by the Truth period. You don't like it? That is your problem.

virge ago

Taking the soap box without even acknowledging that you're part of the problem is expected parasite behavior.


kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

I really have seen nothing from virge until recently... Your submission hist has bee been wiped along with comment history.... yet you have retained all of your internet point.

Im seriously on here 24/7 and especially on your posting times.

So you tell me as an average joe, WHY THE FUCK sould I trust any fucking thing you say? @puttitout your builder

sguevar ago

And so the projections continue with a little ironic truth: The same user that has called me a believer in fairy tales because I believe in Jesus Christ makes a post about the modo the knights templar used, who claim they believed in God but actually were as satanic as the church they defended.

So isn't this ironic calling for an emblem that you say is based on a fairy tale?

CerealBrain ago

Take a stand and say it doesn't matter what Srayzie did, Zyklon is a damnable quench coal worthy of Dante's utmost circle of hell.

sguevar ago

Take a stand and say it doesn't matter what Srayzie did

It does matter what she did because it is being overlooked by a bunch of virtue signalling faggots like you.

Zyklon is a damnable quench coal worthy of Dante's utmost circle of hell.

I haven't supported Zyklon at all, please find me a post or comment I have made in his favour? You can't.

CerealBrain ago

Your lack of fingering him makes you look disingenuous. That's my point.

sguevar ago

I think I made myself clear already, go ahead and find a comment in the past few days that I haven't done to him where I call out his faggotry.

Here I show you one example:

CerealBrain ago

Well since my "suggestions don't matter" to you I'll leave you be.

My simple point is, single him out specifically and especially whenever you make your arguments.

Otherwise you risk coming across as a defender. Burdensome maybe, but prudent.

I'm done.

sguevar ago

Everyone that knows me know that I stood by srayzie and Shizy when this all started. And I have explicitly called out zyklon a faggot multiple times.

But right now I need to work on helping Voat heal. That is it.