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zyklon_b ago

@pangaea @aged @maggotbait88 want to get some kids?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

For the record i think you are the only one who finds this particular angle amusing. I find it disgusting and won't be defending that kind of behavior, you have plenty of other routes available to you and while i love watching them squirm bringing pedos and kids into the mix is fucked up. Please stop.

zyklon_b ago

i give ZERO fucks of some kike kids die. lil kikes grow up to subvert

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

But they are not actually kikes. Just triggered boomers and targeting their children as a form of harassment isn't comical or productive.

zyklon_b ago

No kids is targeted what you not understand bout "all is satire"

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

What do you not understand about "Don't threaten anyones kids with pedos no matter the context or intention"? That little "all is satire" doesn't give you a free pass to be a degenerate. Its not comical. Its not productive. Do you want more normies to wake up to the JQ or do you want to shut down conversation? What you are doing is not trolling with a lesson, or shaking the boat to help anyone understand difficult concepts due to their own sense of self superiority. How does your actions benefit the preservation of the white race? How does your actions help bring awareness to the masses of dumb niggers?

zyklon_b ago

Any publicity is good publicity and if you did not that see the hook nosed beak on shizy then u would know those biyz is kikes

Shizy ago

You dumb mother fucker, that's not me! I'm not Jewish and neither is Srayzie. You're just changing the narrative so you can keep using your pussy pass to act out.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Valid point her nose was big enough to land all the planes that were hijacked on 9/11.

My point still stands. Leave kids out of it. Don't joke about it. Its fucking sick what is going on and right wing death squads are coming if you would just shut the fuck up sometimes and think about the greater consequences. Accelerationism is crafted and we have that dom openly discussing the JQ and holoax. I insult and i joke and if you notice it produces some results every now and then.

Be a builder. Not a destroyer.

SandHog ago

Probably a good time to stop and think about what is currently happening and who is being targeted in all this and why that might be.

zyklon_b ago

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Holy shit she is a fucking retard. I understand completely man. Just don't mix pedo shit with it. You've proved your point and upset a lot of others. Its obviously fucked up you didn't need to use and still don't and should stop. My advice is stop. Its sick. Don't mix that shit around its bad magic.

JackHoff ago

It's retarded to act like a retard, but blame the second retard and not the first. Sounds like retard logic.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It's retarded to act like a retard, but blame the second retard and not the first. Sounds like retard logic.

No shit you dumb nigger kill yourself today please. Show me where i'm not blaming the first retard. @zyklon_B have i made it perfectly clear to you and to anyone with an IQ above 4 that i disapprove of your tactics and have fulfilled the qualification of "blaming the first retard"? You fucking retard.

Oh and for the record again, it wasn't zyklon or anyone else who was the "first retard" to begin with. It was that fat cunt and her ego who started this nonsense so technically you've been blaming second retard while trying to fuck the first.

JackHoff ago

Confirmed retard!

zyklon_b ago

she started it about kids and deleted to try and hide these truths

zyklon_b ago

i just had to show the real hypocrisy

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

And you did. But it was already being done. I and others was wearing them down on r/cbts r/GA before they migrated over. The works has been ongoing and mixing pedo shit into the meme magic is unwarranted. You need to understand that regardless if trump pulls a double goy agent or not we win as long as we keep the game accelerating towards a great awakening. Not towards degeneracy and its still gone too far.

zyklon_b ago

We must expose the mods of GA personally

zyklon_b ago

i am building and if u open your mind you will realize and comprehend that srayzie did not leave just switched to her shizy acct. I will quit when she leaves.

i aint broke any laws nor do i care if some kikes die

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I think shizy is her other account too. Obviously you'll do you, i just wanted it out there that its not something i agree with and i think you are going about it the wrong way.

zyklon_b ago

well if it so bad and outrageous why is GA mods calling for same shit

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

i responded on the other reply

zyklon_b ago
