adogrocket ago


Patriot222 ago

Schitt's just having a bad day because his buttplug won't stay in...

KYanon ago

Shitting his pants. They have no way out.

helpfulhuckleberry2 ago

There there liddle one, no need to project.

SkyeVeritas ago

Oh my, GOOD ONE!

Publius1778 ago

Scared Schittless

Roughboy ago


sguevar ago

I honestly didn't think you'd have a twatter account but well you put a good use to it.

srayzie ago

I think it’s good to have a Twitter and reach people while we have the chance.

bwarren2010 ago

I feel Adam is soon going to not be able to show his face in public ever again....of course, no one in public will ever see him in Gitmo!


Politican NPC response.

Fighting26 ago

hahaha I think someone is afraid and can't sleep at night LOL

mismacheta ago

Just saw Srayzie's pic... well shucks, all I can say is MODERATE me..;)

srayzie ago

Haha 😂

StormVet6 ago

Dumb Schitt projecting again!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

darkb ago


FishBoat ago

Trump threw down a dare and they went for it, hook, line and sinker.

RakerKey ago

It would be fair to say he is ' Schitt Scared '

Telern56 ago


P8prclip ago

...or scared Schiffless!

Kirbyrambo ago

...or he is so schittscared that he can't muster a schitt anymore because his schitthole is pinched off. And now schitt is flowing out his huge eyeball sockets! I could go on but....

P8prclip ago

..."that guy over there is built like a brick Schiffhouse"

P8prclip ago

..."I Schiff you not!"

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Actually taking a shiff right now! But not straining popping my eyes out like Adam though

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


1Sorry_SOB ago

Work will set him free.

TippyHome ago

I see what you did there. 🤔

frankenglock ago

Wow, is he projecting much?

Adam: All your base are belong to us, for justice!

Revodude ago

He has just told everyone the dems planned response. That was easy!

moblodite ago

Talk softly and carry a big stick! Just my opinion.. If you are going to do something.. don't mouth off and make threats, JUST FLIPPING DO IT! Making threats and then no follow through completely kills the effect of a threat, Stop telling us that big things are about to happen, Then nothing happens! Just flippin do it and shock the world! Stop talking and just do !

derram ago :

Adam Schiff on Twitter: "What Trump says: If Democrats play tough I will declassify “devastating documents.”

What he means: If Democrats do legitimate oversight I will burn sources and allies by selectively declassifying info so my legal team can misrepresent it to the public.

Why he’s doing it: Fear." :

Sʀᴀʏᴢɪᴇ on Twitter: "People are waking up #LittleAdamSchitt. You’re scared

Qanon… "

This has been an automated message.