Gothamgirl ago

We won you lose

SmockingGun ago


SmockingGun ago

Poo hoo hoo, poor @srayzie the low life TRAITOR.

You should have stayed home instead going against your country you pos.

I’m just going to spread this link, and if I need to add more later then I will...

No problem I am letting the world know who you protected pedos over patriots and openly showed that you worship satan. I got so much evidence on you, that you are SCARED to CONFRONT ME ON TWITTER ABOUT IT. 😂😂😂😂


Yup this is how the CIA reverses the MK-Ultra routine, by having the agent have many sock puppet accounts to have “different relationships” with a particular researcher instead of the trauma based split personalities they do to children.

Think good cop vs bad cop but on steroids. God will judge you for that Rayne.

Oh yeah, looked up your name, it is a very popular muslim name they give to BOYS which supports that you are transgendered and not a woman you claim to be.

It comes with caveats though; using the same words & writing styles on another unrelated acct of their uses, repeating something said on another acct that user doesnt talk to, showing up out of nowhere when one of their other accts are at, so many things and yet they cant keep track (keep notes next time TRAITOR) & expose themselves too. Isn't that right “DIPSHIT?”

Don't feel like wasting my time with your manipulated screenshots, because I have many of my own already of you, one of America’s many TRAITORS that needs brought to justice.

Isn’t it strange that Zyklon_b didn’t turn against Triggly after...blah blah blah..

No I don't find it strange because these are the same tactics you yourself uses against American patriots TRAITOR.

All I’ve asked of these people is to leave us alone.

But you are the shit pot’s biggest stirrer!

Think whatever you want about me.

I don't think but know you are a pedo protecter, satanist that worships openly, and just a fucking lo-life TRAITOR

I’m just trying to run a subverse and want it protected.

Oh you mean with your artificially inflated numbers of subscribers when the same 30 people talk and the other 12,000 don't say a word? You mean when you have upper hand using many alts to attack a person when it is only one person running many accounts? Or did you mean artificially upvoted posts with 3 digits numbers when real American patriot researchers are lucky to reach 2 digits and pushed down board so no one can see their legitimate posts? Personally, I think it is all of the above TRAITOR.

it’s been a constant fight because shill groups making coordinated attacks.

When you start you pointing fingers, just remember 3 more are pointing back at you TRAITOR.

Now they are spreading rumors that I’m having an affair with @Kevdude.

I dont really like kevdude, but I dont see this guy hooking up with a transgendered pos TRAITOR, you are giving yourself too much credit namefag.

This is pathetic.

I actually agree with you there TRAITOR, you are truly pathetic.

So, I will just spread this..

Like an STD? Sounds like a biological warfare threat TRAITOR.

so people can at least see there’s another side to the story.

Yeah there is another side to this story and it is filled with truth,

Dark to light, you lose.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I don't know you and i'm not a q person but i've seen some of the threats against you, criminal threats. They are criminal threats whether online or offline. If you presented the threats to law enforcement, I am fairly certain they would take action. Faceless addicts and criminals that frequent this place think they can get away with this behaviour cos free speech. You would be well justified in approaching the police at this point, you have valid cause to feel alarmed and threatened.

Nosferatjew ago

Sounds more like you got trolled, and are just too dumb to get it lol

AndrewBlazeIt ago


wokeasfook ago

It's the dying throws of a fatally wounded animal. Panic in DC. Panic in media. Panic in EU. Panic on voat. Panic everywhere you turn. This current madness and drama at voat is a manifestation of that panic. That's what it looks like to me anyway.

It may not seem like it to you, but your reputation here is immune to these attacks.

They look desperate to me as an outsider looking in. I understand you have to deal with it but just wanted you to know what it looks like from a bystanders perspective. They look desperate.

I had stayed out of all this until now mostly because defending you is still adding comments and attention to (their) narrative. It adds more comments and thus more notoriety and attention to control the narrative here at voat. It's the same tactic the MSM use to spin the narrative and distract from real news. It's the same slight of hand tactic to get their opposition to go on the defensive. Exactly what has happened Trump since he got in. Put him on the defensive. Even after the Muller report they found anything to keep spinning the narrative to keep it looking like they are on the offensive.

Everything happening to you and voat atm is drama manufactured by them to distract the community from all that is happening. It won't work. Id wager most good goats are just sitting back stoically waiting for your it all to stop. And it will stop. Soon I think. I'm with you and behind you and voat %100 as I'm sure many others who haven't written to you in support are too. Voat has a silent majority just like real life. Hard working men and women who don't have the time to compete with unemployed drug addicts in their endless drama inducing nonsense. Drug addicts are addicted to drama most of all.

Hand_of_Node ago

Panic everywhere you turn.

Why is none of this panic visible?

wokeasfook ago

Because you are wilfully ignorant and wilfully blind perhaps? Not sure but that's my guess.

Hand_of_Node ago

The thing is, the "they're panicking" meme has been in use for a couple years now, and as yet, there is still no one panicking. If you know of a person panicking, point them out to me.

wokeasfook ago

So Comey and Brennan and even Nadler don't appear panicked to you?

They look like shells of their former selves to me.

Hand_of_Node ago

Haven't seen Comey or Brennan, but I think Pelosi has a degenerative brain disease that's getting progressively worse. I would agree that the world is undergoing a shakeup at a number of levels, but I highly doubt those changes are going to favor us. Whether "Q" is a real thing is debatable, but there are jews behind the "Q" phenomenon.

PacaGoat ago

Yeah, Ive been trolled by some dufus who claims he has a constitutional right to post porn whenever and wherever he wants and that scotus says he can. Some of these people are clowns and some are copycat wannabes. We know who many of the clowns are. QRV allows to be "anon" when posting. But this just gives the shills an open door. Thank goodness we have a sub which is moderated by real mods, not s#@t posters R Us.

On a bigger note, we are starting to see the global take down of the old guard, (EU elections), they have known this was coming. Also T. May stepped down because of Britians involvement in the 2016 US elections and she got busted. And this is why we are seeing a large increase of attacks. The MOTU ("masters of the universe") would love nothing more than to silence us. We are dangerous to their agendas and to them individually. Thus the purpose of Q's last post. Take heart (seriously) we ARE winning or else why is the beast screaming and howling?

The reason we are here.

Spread the light

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Is this a troll post? TMay stepped down due to her failure on the Brexit issue. I’m sure the cabal is super worried about conspiracy theorists on a relatively unknown website. Get over yourselves. This is why the Q boards get trolled so hard.

SmockingGun ago

relatively unknown website.

Mike Rothschild makes this site famous each and everyday and even has videos on it. TRU Reporting on YT namefags Godsangel almost daily.

Get your head out of the sand and look around once in awhile.

Nosense ago

Yall need real shit to worry about

bosunmoon ago


anon44568821830 ago


MolochHunter ago

Subverse Disabled

work of Putt , or someones conscience kicked in ?

SandHog ago

Pretty sure it was Putt. There doesn't appear to be any conscience at all involving this lot.

MolochHunter ago

may have been theoldones - he just made a post explaining why he banned a bunch of SBBH accounts for both doxxing and 'conspiracy to dox' (pre-emptive ban)

MolochHunter ago

a few were just unbanned again on a warning

SandHog ago

Yeah, those were subverse bans. Not sitewide bans like I linked you. I'm pretty sure Putt himself nuked the subverse that was involved since he dished out a global ban over it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hit me up!

srayzie ago

@sguevar @theoldones

Thank you both for everything

bopper ago

That one guy should be made a mod. (oldones)

theoldones ago

zyklon_b is the most unethical human being i've ever encountered in life.

argosciv ago

Has zero standards, that one.

theoldones ago

something something performance art take some pills beat the wife get arrested again.

Shizy ago

I'm not a hoe so I don't post my skanky ass pictures!

SmockingGun ago

Actually you did, you posted of pic of yourself srayzie you fucking TRAITOR.

AR47 ago

Did you disable your shitsrayziesays sub?

It says disabled ow.

zyklon_b ago

but the angel paid for expenses so no reason to do nuffins.....allegedly

zyklon_b ago

look @srayzie hook nose and curly hair and nigger eyes

sguevar ago

This is tiring... @zykon_b, @trigglypuff, @Rotteux. Please can you give it a rest. I am calling for your rational character here, you guys may not like the girls but this is getting out of hand.

Please guys.

zyklon_b ago

whenever my accts arw unbannes for ga as well. as my armies accounts and i get publix apology for sayin i posted loli. then it over. if apologies are sincere.

sguevar ago

Proofs were provided that you did requested the posting of loli and porn to GA. Even if it doesn't show that you posted loli one of your accounts was proven to post porn on a sub that doesn't support that kind of postings.

The bans are justified. Sorry but I can't argue for your unbanning here.

I can however ask you to stop doing this shit because it is not in the best interest of Voat and you can't be claiming here to be the victim when you were the one that started the trolling to their sub in the first place and the took the blame for someone else.

Any reasonable user would have had the same concerns they had as Mods and see that your bans were justified man. I am not saying to stop trolling the Q movement I am asking you to change the approach you are taking here that directly affects the safeness of two user in particular and their families.

The pictures taken may have had been publicly available on their twitter account but you are publicly demanding persecution of said users for the fact that you got offended that your jewery wasn't supported by them nor by many of us man.

Please stop. @srayzie is forced to make these public denunciations for the fact of what you are engaging and our support for her and @Shizy is justified by the proofs they have provided.

zyklon_b ago

i NEVER posted porn dumbass. It was "research" i was asking if the girl in tub was ivanka???? was nothing sexual or porn just research.

it will end when demands are met.

MolochHunter ago

power tripper

SmockingGun ago

Hello TRAITOR, aka Rayne, aka Srayzie. 😂😂😂

sguevar ago

i NEVER posted porn dumbass. It was "research" i was asking if the girl in tub was ivanka???? was nothing sexual or porn just

You are now calling it research, then you called it art, How was that linked to the the subverse main topic or subtopics? For that matter you could have directed your research to v/whitebeauty,

This wasn't research this was a mere attempt to start a fire man and you know it. Stop calling for it. The bans are justified.

zyklon_b ago

then my war does NOT stop

sguevar ago

Then you know where I stand man. I won't support your harassing here.

RockmanRaiden ago

You tried to be reasonable. Reason is not what they want.

zyklon_b ago

i dont know shit

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Go away

heygeorge ago

Some of these may have been meant as rhetorical questions, but sice you pinged me, I figured I’d comment. I am trying to be as forthright as possible.

Have you ever seen the “shit posters” go to such lengths

Yes. Especially when the foil keeps giving and giving.

Are us Q people a threat to shit posters?


Or do real shills hide out in plain site among shit posters, only to become TOXIC, to divide Goats, when the time is right?

Maybe, but extremely unlikely in this case.

Now it makes sense who would have planted child porn in her [gothamgirl’s] phone.

I would think think it far more likely that this never happened and was a troll.

All I’ve asked of these people is to leave us alone.

This post doesn’t sound like a plea to be left alone. It sounds like asking for more.

SmockingGun ago

This Patriot gets it.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

This is why, when things get too deep, I retreat to the belief that everyone else on Voat is either an Sanegoat alt or a Mick alt. It's far more fun if I narcissistically believe they are both trying to vie for the attention of an audience of one.

PuttsMum ago

I only have two parody alts, that's it. PuttsManager and PuttCorp :)

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Lalalalala fingers in my ears we are all @Mick alts including me that's my story and I'm stickin to it

srayzie ago

@Puttitout @Cynabuns...

They are even manipulating usernames to make it appear like I am commenting in the sub created, and like my friends are too

SmockingGun ago

Waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah! i want my mommy!

Hate it when Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals tactics are used against you?

I love this post, gonna get some popcorn for this!

RockmanRaiden ago

True. Seen it. Had questions.

Shizy ago

You're a total psycho! Take my name off that CSS fuckery.

Fake ass bimbo posting her phony "legs in mini skirt" photo to earn a pussy pass! What a joke!

SmockingGun ago

Shut up “dipshit.”

Gothamgirl ago

You were given warning nigger.

Shizy ago

Found the fat jealous bitch you were looking for @trigglypuff

Bitch is so nasty, dude has to sleep on the couch to get away from her.

gabara ago

did she?

zyklon_b ago

hell yeah she did.

are u her new white knight?

@trigglypuff @rotteuxx @cheeseboogerhimself. looky who got cucked?

gabara ago

evident please

Nadeshda ago

Not sure if this means anything but Srayzie doesn’t mind publicity at all.

zyklon_b ago

u chose the side u chose and @trigglypuff and @rotteuxx and @cheeseboogerhimself chose our side.

if u aint with us then thats cool but remember who has ALWAYS backed you up? not them

Rotteuxx ago

I'm not with you, just standing there besides you m8 !

zyklon_b ago

@gabara change my flair in SBBH....backstabbing cuck

gabara ago

@srayzie, how did @trigglypuff get these photos? Did you post them to Voat?

Shizy ago

@Srayzie did not post these on voat. These psychos got them from the internet.

SmockingGun ago

Bullshit TRAITOR srayzie, you sent one to me though PM you fucking idiot.

gabara ago

Did she not post them to gab and then let people on Voat know she's on Gab? This detail is crucial. @srayzie

zyklon_b ago

Yes ask trigs

u KNOW we aint gonna violate tos or beg like they do for brigades

Shizy ago

I'm not sure where they were online.


srayzie ago

On social media. I even changed Twitters profile pic after I saw people trying to dox me before.

No, I didn’t post them on Voat @Gabara

zyklon_b ago

Id NEVER not blindly have your back as would trig and rott.

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie wants her pics removed. @neon_revolt @neonrevolt

post her pics EVERYWHERE

SmockingGun ago

@NeonRevolt and TRAITOR srayzie is on the same team. Why do you think she constantly advertises NR’s book and his Gab link?

Sure it is bad publicity, but that is what drives the Streisand effect.

Let that sink in.

zyklon_b ago

any publicity is good publicity

SmockingGun ago


RockmanRaiden ago

I thought Neon was above such kikery. Never figured him for a rabbi.

zyklon_b ago

neon is straight

srayzie ago

I want my pictures removed


SmockingGun ago

That's not how the internet works. £If you didn't want your pictures online, you shouldn't have uploaded them to a public sitePNG. Now I have your pictures too. Thanks, Streisand

Hahahaha Dortex just pwned you.

Waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah, take my namefagging pictures down!!

Lol I am loving this.

Dortex ago

That's not how the internet works. £If you didn't want your pictures online, you shouldn't have uploaded them to a public site. Now I have your pictures too. Thanks, Streisand.

C_Corax ago

You probably shouldn't have uploaded them in the first place then!

NotHereForPizza ago



stupid normies putting personal info on the internet and then claim they're being doxxed all too often. how don't they learn?

SmockingGun ago

The trannys TRAITOR comments and these responses are worth a screenshot.

Great job Patriots!

NotHereForPizza ago

you seem faggot

zyklon_b ago

deaf to @srayzie kuds

zyklon_b ago


theoldones ago


when @Crensh did his expose on your ass i fully expected you to get nasty and do some dumb

doxxing a user, who didnt like your "shitposting", because that meant you couldn't shitpost crosses several lines actually breaks doxxing rules.

everyone involved in this news sub can and should be punished.

srayzie ago

You mean like that time he said he was going to doxx GothamGirl and ping the pedos, and the next day he did just that?

do not apologize to that stalker next time she appears in apost of mine i am giving pangaea and aged hecho her half nigger sons name address and school and pic

SmockingGun ago

What does this have to do with pictures, or since this is a losing argument (for you TRAITOR) you want to change subjects?

Don't worry, I put your pics on Twitter too!

C_Corax ago

Doxing is posting actual personal information not otherwise publicly available. As in home address or other personal details. These aren't photos lifted out of some private folder, they have been very much publicly available the whole time under the same user name directly tied to the Voat identity.

SmockingGun ago

Upvote for you, out of upvotes now.

Dortex ago

Shizy ago

That link says Dortex is a lying fucking snake. Is that what you want to be spamming around?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ilikeskittles comment by @theoldones.

Posted automatically (#43448) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SmockingGun ago

Look at shitsy, or should I say srayzie? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dortex ago

Which one?

Dortex ago


SmockingGun ago

Upvote for you

C_Corax ago

Dude don't waste that on a comment when it could be a topic for all to see!

Dortex ago

Bro, I've been spamming this for months. He and his friends just vote it down and nobody sees it. I'm better off just piggybacking on other people's comments. :(

zyklon_b ago


Dortex ago

Naw, man. I ain't about 'dat life no mo'. I'm just letting everyone know u/theoldones is a felon and a hypocrite.

SmockingGun ago

Boom another upvote for you!

zyklon_b ago

ima invite n uqccept

theoldones ago

the user has requested deletion, and the content right rests with them, not you.

SmockingGun ago

Upvote for you too.

ooberlu ago

the user has requested deletion, and the content right rests with them, not you.

You need to double check that statement. This is directly from Voat's User Agreement:



You retain the rights to your copyrighted content or information that you submit to Voat ("user content") except as described below.

By submitting user content to Voat, you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display your user content in any medium and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so. You agree that you have the right to submit anything you post, and that your user content does not violate the copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other personal or proprietary right of any other party. We take no responsibility for, we do not expressly or implicitly endorse, and we do not assume any liability for any user content submitted by you to Voat.


A question that is germane to this discussion: did she submit those photos to Voat?

If she submitted these photos to Voat herself, she waived her rights to control of her pics. They now fall under "Fair Use" for copyright laws. More here.

Another question: Did she submit those photos to another site?

If she submitted photos anywhere else online (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and they were able to get her pics, then she is pretty much SOL. All major social media companies have similar User Agreements and Privacy laws that grant them legal Fair Use over any and all personal information you choose to share with them. The only way to not grant fair use is to not use the sites, not upload any personal data, etc. By using those sites, you agree to the Privacy Policy and User Agreement.

You're trying here, but your arguments tell me you do not know copyright laws in the US nor have read many User Agreements on major websites.

These guys have done nothing illegal by posting her pics and making a satirical subverse if all her information was already freely available online. Their subverse is categorized as satire. Satire is a highly protected form of free speech.

Your trying to make them take it down would be considered censorship of their free speech rights. US law as it is currently written is on their side.

Save your moral outrage for a better fight. This isn't a fight you will ever win on legal grounds.

SmockingGun ago


ooberlu ago

That's unfortunate, then.

Seems Putt does not support free speech, after all.

theoldones ago


she 100% deserved it.

ooberlu ago

How is posting photos that have already been uploaded by the user doxxing? That is not doxxing.

Shizy ago

Those photos were never uploaded by Srayzie here.

ooberlu ago

Those photos were never uploaded by Srayzie here.

If that is case and if her photos were not uploaded to Voat, then how were they found?

SmockingGun ago

Shizy aka Srayzie, did you get haxxed? No, you didnt and you liked the pics when people gave you compliments on it so STFU with your whiny argument. Instead of making 72 alts, you should have read Voat’s ToS you fucking pos pedo protecting satanist TRAITOR.

C_Corax ago

That is absolute nonsense. You don't want things on the internet, don't fucking upload it! That especially applies if you're the type to dig in other people's posting history for dirt as the retard you're white knighting has done!

SmockingGun ago

Give this Patriot an upvote!

theoldones ago

this is not how doxxing law works.

C_Corax ago

Doxing is still with a single x and thanks for the ban for pointing it out btw!

And no it is you that don't know how it works!

zyklon_b ago

i will publish her hubbies work and kids schools if i ever get a ben

SmockingGun ago

Tweet them too BabyloNTing too Patriot & I will be sure to show my group where thousands will see it.

How do you like that TRAITOR?

Not fun on the receiving end of being tagged team like you do here to others?

Shoe is on other foot now, just fucking wear it & STFU TRAITOR.

zyklon_b ago


SmockingGun ago

Seriously though, send info to me on Twitler and I will get the party started over there. I am already making this TRAITOR famous, that is what shim wanted. Shim should be careful what they wish for.

Okay, I am out, may be back in a couple of months.

SmockingGun ago

Exactly, because this TRAITOR pos is the enemy Q said we are fighting.

zyklon_b ago

could that be the traitor?

SmockingGun ago

Post on twitter too!

theoldones ago

i will publish her hubbies work and kids schools if i ever get a ben

@Puttitout @Atko user threatening even more now

zyklon_b ago

It aint a threat is a promise

Mumbleberry ago

Do it, pussyfag. You either don't have the balls or don't have the info. Fuckin nigger loving drama queen is all you are. And that "all is satire" shit is bogus.

zyklon_b ago

sure keyboard tough guy

Mumbleberry ago

Weak sauce, clown boi

SmockingGun ago

Who pinged you niggerfaggot?

zyklon_b ago

u aint even relevant here. stop tryin pretend like u are somebody

Mumbleberry ago

You should go look in a mirror, choad.

SmockingGun ago

If you look in the mirror, bet you would see srayzie’s face..

zyklon_b ago

NOPE No regrets. fuck hurr kods lofes

Shizy ago

More threats to kids.

@puttitout @atko

Mumbleberry ago

Meant to ping you, got side tracked. But you found it it anyway

Shizy ago

Thank you!

Mumbleberry ago

As you know by now, I am NOT a Q person. However, other than a few mistakes made in anger, you've done a great job modding a large and active sub. Having been attacked myself (see lowest rated comments) by a horde of alt accts, I would have snapped a bit too. Anyhow, carry on with what you do and are.

Shizy ago

That means a lot to me because I respect you! Thank you for the encouragement!

Mumbleberry ago

Illegetimati non carborundum. bad latin for "don't let the bastards wear you down".

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

hahah. see how that write up worked for him.Keep on and u will get it too. U are a destroyer and this aint got shit to do with u so stay the fuck out of it.

@heygeorge this is why it will not end. dumbasses want to jump i. and white knighr

theoldones ago

shut up zyklon.

whatever the fuck you're doing here, this is not the way to do it.

zyklon_b ago

keep involving yourself in drama in a pathetc attempt to be relevant. you aint. weak ass attempt to be like us.

theoldones ago

why the fuck would i want to be like you?

you're a pill-popping abusive kike with half-breed wife and daughter, and you've been arrested multiple times.

zyklon_b ago

keep jumping in the middle trying be relevant. u aint nobody here and chose the hook nose cunts side

zyklon_b ago



thelma ago

I fight this battle for ya @zyklon_b ... you can count on me !

Zyklon_b provides his unconditional surrender.

zyklon_b ago


thelma ago

I'm better at counter-punching.

Mastering phrases such as:

"Oh yeah, sez who?"

"Yo Momma !"

"Fuck that shit."

"I am rubber, ....."

"Oh yeah, well your mother is so fat, her shadow weighs 200 lbs"


zyklon_b ago

friends for life

SmockingGun ago

Oh here we go, she is bringing in her alt army. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

MudPuddlePie ago

What the hell??? Jeez...these people are evil and I think a little bit insane..

Hang in there, Srayzie.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Copy. I am following and will do what I can to support you per directives given. You are obviously having effect or you would not be under attack. Appreciation for you and the mods here. Not an easy or quick victory, in the trenches. Psalm 91. Godspeed!!

MadWorld ago

That doxxing in ShitSrayzieSays is way out of line!! I do not care what disagreement we have among other goats. But doxxing is not the way to go!!

Having said that, you should not have fed the trolls... If they broke the rule of GA, just ban them and clearly state such reason and link to the source.

I also think that @zyklon_b is either paid to be here or someone who has nothing else to do in real life than pushing the upvote buttons.

SandHog ago

I also think that @zyklon_b is either paid to be here or someone who has nothing else to do in real life than pushing the upvote buttons.

Could be both but he is definitely the latter.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

definitely, along with dial and kat and all their alts

theoldones ago

Trigglypuff likes to send private messages turning people against one another. She even admits she has hundreds of alts.

if @OhRutherfordBehave is one her alts then that incident where he aimed me at @gabara might need some closer examination

argosciv ago

The only other comment from @anElf:

Look who replied. Why, isn't that a friend of... nah, couldn't be...

The address points to what appears to be a residential address in Tasmania Australia.

Here's the link from the comment, archived:

Perhaps the person who replied to anElf can shed some light on what the submission's linked-image was (and who owns the obvious burner account itself), as it appears to be gone now, along with the context of the comment?

And what of the submission author?

No comments for the past 3 months:

Suddenly made a submission 4 days ago after 2 months since their previous:

Oh look, goat404 stands with Dial_Indicator:

@PeaceSeeker @Cynabuns @PuttItOut @kevdude

MolochHunter ago

triggly just got a sitewide ban

argosciv ago

Yus. Well aware.

So did the account @anElf, which appears to have a connection to the usual suspects (Dial and z_b; GG, via goat404 and TheBuddah respectively).

zyklon_b ago

hahahaha i guess she underestimated my power levels

SmockingGun ago


Gothamgirl ago

You are not Q stop trying to drag those people into it, you are a complete skitzo who manipulates others.

ExpertShitposter ago

In the old days, mods would ask their community for opinions if someone should be banned, rules changed, etc. Even putt and atko always asked the community. But @srayzie doesn't need such democratic input, for she is the Q queen. She can make decisions for GA all by herself, no time for chitchat with her peasant underlings.

@Trigglypuff @Rotteuxx

zyklon_b ago


theoldones ago

you accuse her of the child porn on your phone thing, than admitted you knew that was bullshit afterwards, because you were having some type of mental episode.

Gothamgirl ago

No not true I had a nervous breakdown. I have a nerve disease called reflex symptomatic dystrophy. In other words when people get on my nerves it hurts enough to be hospitalized.

theoldones ago

No not true I had a nervous breakdown. I have a nerve disease called reflex symptomatic dystrophy. In other words when people get on my nerves it hurts enough to be hospitalized.

none of us give a single fuck about your nerves. we care about your conduct.

Gothamgirl ago

No one gives a single fuck about your opinion.

SmockingGun ago

Oh wow, needs more 🤡s to save her. This will make a great PDF!

zyklon_b ago

HALP HALP HALP please whiteknights the white peeples exposed my hook nose

SmockingGun ago


theoldones ago

zyklon you're a fucking pill-poppin kike.

SmockingGun ago

Oh wow, needs more 🤡s to save her. How many alts do you need Pedo supporting TRAITOR?

This is so comical! Need more 🍿🍿🍿!

gabara ago

thats clearly doxing and crosses the line. @cynabuns

zyklon_b ago

yuck cannot believe you are choosin a jew power mod over @trigglypuff. YUCK

zyklon_b ago

nope if thats a dox then.they doxxed me

theoldones ago

“ I am a performance artist ALL here is satire. ”

oh really, i thought you weren't real and this was a larp

@srayzie doesn't think this is satire. you have no legal right to involve her with that then

YOU are different though. everything we do to you is clearly "satire" and the moment you say otherwise, all the other shit you've done becomes real and you become 100% accountable for it.

SmockingGun ago

Read the fucking ToS service idiot, even you agreed to it.

How many fucking morons does TRAITOR srayzie for friends?

You are the company that you keep...

Gothamgirl ago

She posted them on Voat herself, how does that work? Where were you when she posted an unauthorized pic of 1 of my properties the other day?

theoldones ago

she posted them, she requests their removal.

Where were you when she posted an unauthorized pic of 1 of my properties the other day?

bitche your nerves cant even make it clear when people can and cannot send your phone child pron. i don't believe you for one single second.

zyklon_b ago

if she aint like my artwork then tell her not look at it.

was ok when she was participatimg in my "plays" it seems tho.....

@heygeorge @trigglypuff looky how the troublemaker interjecting himself to try and appear

theoldones ago

@puttitout @Atko we have a doxxing situation here that's getting out of hand.

zyklon_b ago

keep attempting to remain relevant.....instead of getting involved why not just stay quiet?

theoldones ago

your excuse about making art is bullshit and you are still subject to normal user rules.

zyklon_b ago


theoldones ago

i agree with this charge.

Gothamgirl ago

The whole story isn't even there kike..

theoldones ago

i don't give one fuck what you think, you're the guilty party here.

this user was already across my desk because you tried harassing her for an alt that called a guy a faggot, the situation was complicated. you started this shit while i was watching the situation still, that was a fucking mistake on your part