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Gothamgirl ago

I am not shocked.

Crensch ago

You must be one jealous, ugly, desperate bitch.

Srayzie has destroyed you at every turn, yet you continue to try and attack her, somehow thinking that your luck will change.

Now you've managed to to ensure that any guy beta enough to stick his dick in your disgusting slime hole has seen someone way hotter than you that they can talk to on voat, your reward is being insecure about the fact that anytime their tiny soyboy dicks enter your single mother trophy tube, they'll be thinking of her instead of you.

@srayzie @shizy @vindicator @think-

Gothamgirl ago

"somehow thinking that your luck will change"

From what? I have been booted off here by Srayzie already, take care.

Crensch ago

For someone booted off here you sure seem to be able to comment just fine. Is this another one of your lies, like the one where you tell people you love your little disgusting bastard child? Like the one you tell yourself in the mirror every morning when you see that ugly troll looking back at you?

Like the one where you tell yourself your luck is doing just fine somehow but you really know better and you keep trying to get it to change to match your delusion?

srayzie ago

I don’t know how to say thank you without sounding like a bitch lol. But thank you @Crensch.