Vindicator ago

@TruthEarthOrg, please explain how this is DIRECTLY related to child sex abuse by elite globalists? And what is the evidence?

This is pizzagate related due to the reference to Jimmy Comet's Instagram and another MK Ultra survivor's (Katy Groves) account of her and other children being dressed up in Roman Togas during their abuse.

Anyone can pull crazy shit out of their ass and blog about "Intervention by the Galactic Confederation, the incarnation of Starseeds and other positive groups in, around and above the Earth and of course the beautifully perfect cycles of time which brings about necessary and positive change" like this article you've linked and "reference" MKUltra and Jimmy Comet. That does not make this qualify for submission here. You need links that actually support the thesis here with evidence. We have an entire subverse for speculative stuff and theories like this.

This looks like a forum sliding attempt to me. Since there is no way to make "starseeds" directly related, I am removing this per Rule 4.

@think- @srayzie @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

mrnobu ago

Nicki Minaj literally refers to one of her personalities as “Roman”

DerivaUK ago

Same crazy bitch trolling @srayzie. Downvoat. Move on. Don’t feed the trolls.

nzmc ago

togas were used in other cultures too, so what is real origin then ?

Shizy ago

That's a beautiful picture. You're just a jealous hag!

TruthEarthOrg ago

Lots of strange unrelated comments occurring here. Never experienced this before on here. I love how transparent Voat is. One commenter here 'NatasHaah's account was just created about 3 hours ago and has just begin to comment on this post.

The user 'CallMeAnu' has just created their account as of about 45 minutes ago as of the time of this writing and has only posted on other topics on this post.

The user 'lipoinieiyfvdaopu's account was just created about 1 and half hours ago as of the time of this writing and they have only commented on this post.

Another user here 'AnElf's account was just created as of 6 hours ago as of the time of this writing and has only commented on this post.

I hit a soft spot eh? I will be looking further into this and publishing the research here. Thanks for validating this. If you had left it alone I might have stopped here.

Shizy ago

All those names you mentioned belong to the same person. It's a very disturbed person who has been stalking another voat user, and she posted on her twitter messages where she was harassing JEM777 who died last week.

Shizy ago

Not if you value your life 🖕🏻

CallMeAnu ago

Do you know who I am?

Shizy ago

Some nut. Other than that, don't know and don't care. Now go away and take your half assed threats with you!

CallMeAnu ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed @TruthEarthOrg @Gothamgirl @srayzie @Shizy

what do you call a bunch of lying reprobates screwing in a light bulb?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ANSWER: Union electricians.

Shizy ago

Some dumbfuck who has a 3 minute old account 🤣🖕🏻

CallMeAnu ago

My name is Scott Donnelly

Shizy ago

Hi Scott, my name is Shooter McGavin. Nice to meet you!

CallMeAnu ago

Think you're smart?

Shizy ago

I think you're a mentally ill troll who got banned from twitter for death threats and constant tweets to the NSA! Now that's not smart!

Vindicator ago

I think it's a bot. @srayzie have you ever tried not replying to these alts? I'll bet they can't function without input.

srayzie ago

I read how we can test them. But we need to do it when they aren’t expecting it.

Vindicator ago

I read how we can test them. But we need to do it when they aren’t expecting it.


srayzie ago

I tried the other day. You wouldn’t believe who interrupted it. GG! 😂

Shizy ago

Really??? Wonder why? 😁

think- ago


CallMeAnu ago

srayzie ago

@Gothamgirl, you and Sarah have a lot in common huh?

@Crensch @Vindicator @Think- @Shizy

@anElf is Sarah and sharing my picture now.

Shizy ago

Same with @CallMeAnu

Gothamgirl ago

A call for an uprising on youtube is great at pointing these types things out.

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

Bat Lady - Wisconsin is the cheese state, do you know who the big cheese is? Racine is in Wisconsin and it's where Paddock owns a mansion, aside from his Bohemian Grove estate.

Gothamgirl ago

James Alefantis is CEO of Big Cheese. Desteni Farms?

TruthEarthOrg ago

May I ask what this has to do with the topic of this post?

NatasHaah ago

@srayzie Hey Demon, Who is your Daddy and what does he do?

srayzie ago

Focus Sarah

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

Are you deaf Satan?

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

loqueris ad me satanas

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

Scio satanas Est Metatron

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

salve satanas

quid putatis, quia non audire?

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

ē, quod nomen daemonium?

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

Let us hear you speaking demon.

We are eager to hear the words of you demon

tell us your name demon

Gothamgirl ago

I am not shocked.

srayzie ago

Thanks for proving my point

Crensch ago

You must be one jealous, ugly, desperate bitch.

Srayzie has destroyed you at every turn, yet you continue to try and attack her, somehow thinking that your luck will change.

Now you've managed to to ensure that any guy beta enough to stick his dick in your disgusting slime hole has seen someone way hotter than you that they can talk to on voat, your reward is being insecure about the fact that anytime their tiny soyboy dicks enter your single mother trophy tube, they'll be thinking of her instead of you.

@srayzie @shizy @vindicator @think-

Gothamgirl ago

"somehow thinking that your luck will change"

From what? I have been booted off here by Srayzie already, take care.

Crensch ago

For someone booted off here you sure seem to be able to comment just fine. Is this another one of your lies, like the one where you tell people you love your little disgusting bastard child? Like the one you tell yourself in the mirror every morning when you see that ugly troll looking back at you?

Like the one where you tell yourself your luck is doing just fine somehow but you really know better and you keep trying to get it to change to match your delusion?

srayzie ago

I don’t know how to say thank you without sounding like a bitch lol. But thank you @Crensch.

Shizy ago

Oh look, another slimeball has slithered out of the gutter to play

@srayzie @think-

NatasHaah ago

Demon, who is your Daddy?

Shizy ago

Fuck off troll

permindex ago

GroveS. Not Grove.

TruthEarthOrg ago

Just changed it, thank you.

NatasHaah ago

You know Stephen Paddock has the house at the gates of Bohemian Grove right?

TruthEarthOrg ago

Okay I am sure that is something worth looking into what does that have to do with the topic of this post?

CallMeAnu ago

Oh yeah, I'm sure it's BIG ONE to look into alright

NatasHaah ago

Bohemian Grove + Stephen Paddock + Obama Administration owning his two planes.

Seemed connected.

srayzie ago

I like your smart side tho. Stick with this Sarah. Don’t waste your smarts away.

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago


Shizy ago

Awwww, did you get suspended from twitter so you come here to troll satans little skank?

@srayzie the stocker whore is here!

srayzie ago

She’s actually really smart if she’s not trolling. She’s done her homework on Paddock. Hopefully she will not get all psycho.

Shizy ago

Um, maybe she's smart, or maybe she's just obsessive? Anyone who has no job and no life can spend all their time obsessively reading about a subject, doesn't necessarily mean they're smart. It means they have nothing else to do 😂.

srayzie ago

Oh shit. Thank you Shizy

@Crensch @Vindicator @Think-...

@NatasHaah is Sarah

Vindicator ago

LOL. Am aware. @Millennial_Falcon used to ban these like crazy, in waves.

srayzie ago

Lol. Here are the new ones that I’ve noticed tonight...


NatasHaah ago

My name is LYNN

Crensch ago

Your name is CUNT.

NatasHaah ago

Opus Dei Celibate sweetheart.

Shizy ago

Is that Latin for so ugly no one wants any

NatasHaah ago

I'm a stud sweetheart.

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

Yes you are Lynn. You're an angel.

NatasHaah ago

Demon, who is your Daddy and what does he do?

Shizy ago

Oh I get it, you're mad because I said you didn't know who your dad is. Too bad! Take it up with that whore you call a mother.

NatasHaah ago

I don't have a Dad. What a ridiculous thing to say... lol

srayzie ago

Well you said your earthly dad ran Racine and your real dad is Satan.

NatasHaah ago

Are you on drugs?

Shizy ago

You need to get back on drugs. Your psych drugs!

061916 ago

Interesting read for sure

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

TruthEarthOrg ago

Many thanks as always <3

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Always welcome.

lipoinieiyfvdaopu ago

I like you, always have and always will.

Just so you know, Wisconsin is the cheese state and home of racine. It's on Stephen Paddock's birth certificate and he lives in Bohemian Grove, so make of that what you will.

Shizy ago

Here's another one @srayzie

She's unhinged!

srayzie ago

Lol. That’s another one to add under obsessions. Racine. I add dmthese tomthe list too and out them in the post. Rothschild’s and stratfor

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Okey dokey.

CallMeAnu ago

That's right Jordan. Bend the knee.