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srayzie ago

I want my pictures removed


zyklon_b ago


theoldones ago


when @Crensh did his expose on your ass i fully expected you to get nasty and do some dumb

doxxing a user, who didnt like your "shitposting", because that meant you couldn't shitpost crosses several lines actually breaks doxxing rules.

everyone involved in this news sub can and should be punished.

C_Corax ago

Doxing is posting actual personal information not otherwise publicly available. As in home address or other personal details. These aren't photos lifted out of some private folder, they have been very much publicly available the whole time under the same user name directly tied to the Voat identity.

theoldones ago

the user has requested deletion, and the content right rests with them, not you.

C_Corax ago

That is absolute nonsense. You don't want things on the internet, don't fucking upload it! That especially applies if you're the type to dig in other people's posting history for dirt as the retard you're white knighting has done!

theoldones ago

this is not how doxxing law works.

C_Corax ago

Doxing is still with a single x and thanks for the ban for pointing it out btw!

And no it is you that don't know how it works!

zyklon_b ago

i will publish her hubbies work and kids schools if i ever get a ben

SmockingGun ago

Tweet them too BabyloNTing too Patriot & I will be sure to show my group where thousands will see it.

How do you like that TRAITOR?

Not fun on the receiving end of being tagged team like you do here to others?

Shoe is on other foot now, just fucking wear it & STFU TRAITOR.

zyklon_b ago


SmockingGun ago

Seriously though, send info to me on Twitler and I will get the party started over there. I am already making this TRAITOR famous, that is what shim wanted. Shim should be careful what they wish for.

Okay, I am out, may be back in a couple of months.

SmockingGun ago

Exactly, because this TRAITOR pos is the enemy Q said we are fighting.

zyklon_b ago

could that be the traitor?

SmockingGun ago

Post on twitter too!

theoldones ago

i will publish her hubbies work and kids schools if i ever get a ben

@Puttitout @Atko user threatening even more now

zyklon_b ago

It aint a threat is a promise

Mumbleberry ago

Do it, pussyfag. You either don't have the balls or don't have the info. Fuckin nigger loving drama queen is all you are. And that "all is satire" shit is bogus.

zyklon_b ago

sure keyboard tough guy

Mumbleberry ago

Weak sauce, clown boi

SmockingGun ago

Who pinged you niggerfaggot?

zyklon_b ago

u aint even relevant here. stop tryin pretend like u are somebody

Mumbleberry ago

You should go look in a mirror, choad.

SmockingGun ago

If you look in the mirror, bet you would see srayzie’s face..

zyklon_b ago

NOPE No regrets. fuck hurr kods lofes

Shizy ago

More threats to kids.

@puttitout @atko

Mumbleberry ago

Meant to ping you, got side tracked. But you found it it anyway

Shizy ago

Thank you!

Mumbleberry ago

As you know by now, I am NOT a Q person. However, other than a few mistakes made in anger, you've done a great job modding a large and active sub. Having been attacked myself (see lowest rated comments) by a horde of alt accts, I would have snapped a bit too. Anyhow, carry on with what you do and are.

Shizy ago

That means a lot to me because I respect you! Thank you for the encouragement!

Mumbleberry ago

Illegetimati non carborundum. bad latin for "don't let the bastards wear you down".