Vindicator ago

I found another Chandler post that was also deleted by the submitter. It was posted 12/3/2016 and all the comments are on the same day. No archive was made (until me, just now). It looks like it was a Link submission to an copy of an Imgur album. According to SearchVoat, the post was titled "Epstein Lolita Island Rachel Chandler Pictures." Looks tantalizing.

Anyone have any ideas how to find what it was originally linked to?

@srayzie @Nomochomo @New4now @MadWorld

srayzie ago

Good job Vindicator!


@vindicator this was the original Twitter account to post the pics (account suspended)

TheDonald user also references this account tweeting about the Edge Billionaires Dinner that epstein, laybournes, and Bezos attended

z3r0117x • Nov 5, 2016, 7:33 PM

Vindicator ago

Zero Hour, huh? I followed him early on, through several accounts. Not sure what has become of him. Have not seen him in a while.


He's been suspended from twitter


@vindicator found it

From a comment linked on:

•z3r0117x • Nov 6, 2016, 4:24 AM CLINTON CHILD SEX SCANDAL PART 1


Vindicator ago

Well done, NOMO! I thought you might be able to dig that up. :-) Have you seen these before? I sure as heck haven't.


@new4now @think- @srayzie @shewhomusbeobeyed @letsdothis3

The Edge Foundation Inc. receives significant financial support from science investor, Jeffrey Epstein.

/ What has been dubbed "the world's smartest website" and think tank from the UK's Guardian and Observer, The Edge Foundation, has just received substantial backing from science philanthropist and Edge member, Jeffrey Epstein, and his foundation The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation.

Founded in 1996 by John Brockman, a cultural author, agent and expeditor of everything thought-provoking and avant-garde, the Edge Foundation, Inc., known as "Edge", is an online venue for the greatest minds in the sciences, social sciences and literature to share their ideas—but not just random ideas; cutting-edge ideas beyond the frontier of common knowledge. Ideas that challenge the constancy of the speed of light, the existence of a gravitron and things like that.

"We live in a mass-produced culture where …people…limit themselves to secondhand ideas," Brockman asserts. "Show me people who create their own reality, who don't accept an ersatz, appropriated reality. Show me the empiricists …who are out there doing it, rather than talking about and analyzing the people who are doing it," Brockman asserts.

The roster at Edge is a treasure trove of over 660 virtuosi, geniuses and masterminds including countless university department heads, authors, PhD's and a host of Nobel Laureates including: physicist, Frank Wilczek, chemist, Kary Mullis, economist, Daniel Kahneman, theoretical Physicist, Gerard t' Hooft, theoretical physicist, Waren Heisenberg, biochemist, Eric Kandel, chemist and physicist, Leon Lederman, neurologist and biochemist, Stanley Prusiner. Well-known writers include: Brian Greene, Richard Dawkins, Leonard Susskind, Freeman Dyson and Ian McEwan.

Unlike the exclusive salons of the 18th Century, or present day Mensa-type institutes, The Edge is proudly open to the public. Anyone can go to its website and read the daily conversations and essays by Edge members and their responses to Brockman's annual question, which this year is: "What is your favorite, deep, elegant or favorite explanation?"

This open approach stems perhaps from its humble roots: a roving gathering of intellectuals in New York City, called The Realty Club, which regularly met from 1981 to 1996 in restaurants, lofts, at Rockefeller University, the New York Academy of Sciences, ballrooms and elsewhere. But its openness also comes from Brockman's philosophy of challenging the public with mind-breaking ideas.

"Great ideas are meaningless, if they are not shared," Jeffrey Epstein remarked, whose own foundation supports science education and research around the world. "They challenge, teach and inspire a new generation of maverick thinkers. And that is what we need, less we become too arrogant to improve ourselves."

Christina Galbraith The Jeffrey Epstein Foundation (917) 573-7604

letsdothis3 ago

If you read up about John Brockman, there's very little about his background but what information there is has all the connections to the CIA and the IG Farben network of corporations that exist to this day...

In 1968 John Brockman was promoting a film called Head, starring the Monkees. His idea of publicity was simply to have the whole town covered in posters showing a head, with no caption.

The Monkees, you say?

Head (film)

Head is a 1968 American satirical musical adventure film written by Jack Nicholson and Bob Rafelson, directed by Rafelson, starring television rock group the Monkees (Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork and Michael Nesmith),[2] and distributed by Columbia Pictures.

The film's release also was delayed (partly because of the use of solarization, a then-new technique both laborious and expensive) and badly under-promoted. The sole television commercial was a confusing minimalist close-up shot of a man's head (John Brockman); after 30 seconds the man smiled and the name HEAD appeared on his forehead.[6] This ad was a parody of Andy Warhol's 1963 film Blow Job,[citation needed] which only showed a close-up of a man's face for an extended period, supposedly receiving 'head'.

Daily Variety was also harsh, stating that "Head is an extension of the ridiculous nonsense served up on the Screen Gems vidseries that manufactured The Monkees and lasted two full seasons following the same format and, ostensibly, appealing to the same kind of audience." But the review applauded Rafelson and Nicholson, saying that they "were wise not to attempt a firm storyline as The Monkees have established themselves in the art of the non-sequitur and outrageous action. Giving them material they can handle is good thinking; asking them to achieve something more might have been a disaster."

The Monkees were a CIA construct

More about John Brockman here: The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet

Dammbeck’s journey takes him to the offices of John Brockmann, a notable of the Digerati who cut his teeth in New York City’s avant-garde scene of the early 1960s before becoming the literary agent for many of the top thinkers and leaders in the fields of technoscience. The trail then leads him to Brockman’s close friend Stewart Brand, where we’re treated to an interview with the guru on a cramped houseboat on the California coast. Like Brockman, Brand is one of the Digerati, renowned as the founder of the early online community known as the WELL. He was present at the launch of Wired magazine, the official organ of the delirious Silicon Valley-style capitalism defined by Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron as the “Californian Ideology.” And like Brockman, Brand emerged from the New York avant-garde, and after filling his mind with the writings of Buckminster Fuller, Norbert Wiener, and Marshall McLuhan, struck out for the West Coast. He joined up then with the author Ken Kesey, who, having recently encountered LSD through the CIA’s notorious MK-ULTRA program, banded together the Merry Pranksters. Brand recounts for the camera his role in setting-up the Prankster’s Acid Tests, where participants were introduced to the drug while immersing themselves in complex, multi-media environments with a psychedelic soundtrack provided by a band called the Warlocks – later to find fame as the Grateful Dead. From this foundation, the archetypal image of the 1960s was born: the hippy counterculture, in full revolt against the Puritan society that their parents hoped to pass down.

Das Netz draws our attention to the fact that Kaczynski was teaching mathematics at the University of California at Berkley in 1967, not far from the ground zero of this counterculture at its height. It also draws our attention to Kaczynski’s self-made cabin in the forests of Montana, which was fashioned from plans advertised in the Whole Earth Catalog. The Catalog, in turn, was a publication devised by Stewart Brand as a means to provide tools for the communalist movement – those in the counterculture who sought a ‘back-to-the-land’ lifestyle far removed from despotic urbanism and the overreaching arms of the state. Years later, the communes that so motivated the Whole Earth Catalog would be resurrected online as the WELL, itself an abbreviation for Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link. For Dammbeck, lurking behind this shifting kaleidoscope of history lurks LSD – first in the hands of CIA, which then seemed to have passed the reigns on to Kesey and the Merry Pranksters....

Readers of this blog will have noted the ongoing fascination with cybernetics, in particular its role as the defining governmenality of the neoliberal ideology. This is one of the reasons I find Das Netz so appealing: it’s all there, from Norbert Wiener’s attempts to build anti-aircraft batteries through collapsing man and machine together in the pseudo-metaphor of the servomechanism, to the movement of Wiener and his theories into biology, to the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s Macy Conferences. It was there that cybernetics became articulated as the ideal instrument of liberal governance: a self-steering machine, a literal governor for maintain homeostatic social systems in a state of equilibrium. While Dammbeck doesn’t mention it, it was after these conferences that the CIA begin subsidizing social science seminars around the Western world to promote cybernetics as a unified science, their experts speaking urgently of the need to win out the “cybernetics gap” allegedly forming with the Soviet Union.[1] Maybe we can feel that familiar paranoia creeping in when we consider that the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation was soon receiving money from the CIA to host a series of seminars, modeled on the Macy Conferences with many of the same participants in tow, to begin studies in LSD.

See this post which links the Open Souce movement to Dyncorp, the company Epstein is believed to be working for: On the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Source and Open Government movements and the co-option of Counter Culture

letsdothis3 ago

Here's a bit more information about his foundation :

letsdothis3 ago

That's an excellent find @NOMOCHOMO. I knew about some of those names but not all

The third culture consists of those scientists and other thinkers in the empirical world who, through their work and expository writing, are taking the place of the traditional intellectual in rendering visible the deeper meanings of our lives, redefining who and what we are.

It is a large enough umbrella to also include the "digerati," the doers, thinkers, and writers, connected in ways they may not even appreciate, who have tremendous influence on the emerging communication revolution surrounding the growth of the Internet and the Web.

In other words, it's an organisation for aetheists and material scientists. Screw ethics and philosophy.

Edge bears resemblance to the early seventeenth-century Invisible College, a precursor to the Royal Society. Its members consisted of scientists such as Robert Boyle, John Wallis, and Robert Hooke. The Society's common theme was to acquire knowledge through experimental investigation. Another inspiration is The Lunar Society of Birmingham, an informal club of the leading cultural figures of the new industrial age—James Watt, Erasmus Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood, Joseph Priestley, and Benjamin Franklin. While different than the Algonquin Roundtable or Bloomsbury Group, Edge offers the same quality of intellectual adventure.

We already know about the Bloomsbury Group (so called intellectuals with a generous sprinkling of government spooks and associations with the UK's child protection services) : here

Coincidentally I looked up the Lunar Society of Birmingham yesterday because of a story to do with Prince Harry and Sparkles :

The Lunar Society of Birmingham was a dinner club and informal learned society of prominent figures in the Midlands Enlightenment, including industrialists, natural philosophers and intellectuals, who met regularly between 1765 and 1813 in Birmingham, England...The name arose because the society would meet during the full moon, as the extra light made the journey home easier and safer in the absence of street lighting.

In the UK the sky is often overcast during a full moon so I don't really believe that explanation. Anyhoo..

Venues included Erasmus Darwin's home in Lichfield, Matthew Boulton's home, Soho House, Bowbridge House in Derbyshire, and Great Barr Hall.

Soho House is a museum run by Birmingham Museums Trust, celebrating Matthew Boulton's life, his partnership with James Watt, his membership of the Lunar Society of Birmingham and his contribution to the Midlands Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. ...It was the home of entrepreneur Matthew Boulton from 1766 until his death in 1809, and a regular meeting-place of the Lunar Society... After Boulton's death, in the house, it passed to his son Matthew Robinson Boulton and later his grandson, Matthew Piers Watt Boulton, who eventually sold it in 1850.

In 1815–1816 M. P. W.'s father, Matthew Robinson Boulton, bought the 3,250 hectares (8,000 acres) Great Tew Estate and manor in the civil parish of Cotswold Hills in Oxfordshire. ..The Great Tew Estate would remain with Boulton's immediate family until M. P. W.'s son Matthew Ernest Boulton died without heirs in 1914,[9] after which it was eventually inherited by a more distant relative.

That would be the Johnston family. The current owner is Nicholas Johnston, friend of David Cameron and the rest of the Chipping Norton set.

The new owners — the Johnston family — have hunted out opportunities for revenue and employment. There is a giant new grain store and a reopened ironstone quarry. There is even Soho Farmhouse, a branch of the artsy London members’ club, complete with luxury yurts on estate land just outside Great Tew, employing 430.

The Great Tew estate is where Harry and Sparkles rented a cottage Apparently, they will be giving up the lease on the place at the end of March.. Rumour has it, that's where the surrogate is holed up. Lol... But an interesting set of connections.

srayzie ago

Wow, good find!


Jeffrey Epstein is a well-known financier and supporter of robust science is an avid supporter of EDGE, in which he provided the $100,000 EDGE of Computation Prize given to David Deutsch in 2005.


Edge Founder John Brockman is well-known for his annual “billionaire” dinners, which he holds alongside the famous TED conferences in Lengthy Beach. Featured guests have integrated such luminaries from the world of science (many Nobel Laureates), successful financiers, pioneers of high tech, philanthropy, and journalism. You may even find yourself convincing with a few of the most well recognized personalities in science in technology like Bill Gates, Lisa Randall, Jared Cohen, and numerous much more. Let’s just say, there’s little small talk going on.

The difference between these individuals doesn’t only offer a great avenue for discussions but also an avenue for company and philanthropy. Jeffrey Epstein met the individuals he chose to support at these dinners.


Nope, and I'm now especially intrigued by the Edge Billionaires dinner which we now know Jeffery Katzenberg also attended.

I'm trying to find the original photo referenced which shows john Brockman (founder of edge) with a young girl (possibly chandler) on Epstein's island


A reverse image search of the thumbnail is all I can think of atm

new4now ago

Will help as soon as I can

Vindicator ago

Nomo found the album!

SearchVoat ago

If you put "epstein island" into DDG it's the third result.

darkknight111 ago

I think this incident could be my fault.

I copy pastaed the url for the search voat hits for Rachel Chandler to 8 chan on Wednesday night as part of general info sharing. The post was not a notable.

Here’s the kicker. I wasn’t involved with v/pizzagate until March 2017, so I had no idea said post existed.

Vindicator ago

"Fault"? :-) It's a GOOD thing! Keep doing it!

I did it, too, btw.

think- ago

I think this incident could be my fault.

Which incident do you mean? The amazing number of views?

darkknight111 ago

Possibly. I don’t know. All I know was that I posted the search voat link on wednesday night, so this bizzare incident could have been partially caused by me.

think- ago

I see.

PuttItOut ago

I looked at this and it is a user deletion (no mod log entry and we always kept mod log entries since the beginning).

Deleted by author at 11/26/2016 3:58:32 PM

Vindicator ago

Really? Oh, wow! So it was only up a couple of days after all. Thank you for confirming this!

Any idea why it doesn't say Deleted by author on the thread?

PuttItOut ago

Code changed since then that's why, but this is 100% deleted by author.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for the clarification :-)

think- ago

I looked at this and it is a user deletion (no mod log entry and we always kept mod log entries since the beginning).

Deleted by author at 11/26/2016 3:58:32 PM

Thank you.

@Crensch @kevdude @MadWorld @PeaceSeeker

think- ago

including Numbchuck, the sleeper shill mod who went rogue a bit later and was caught and stopped by Kevdude

I remember reading about him. So maybe he was the one who deleted the post.


think- ago


think- ago

On a side note:

This is a post that was listed in one of the results you posted below, Vindicator.

Tony - "I could bring a pizza home". John - "I'm going to pass. I have too much to do before heading to Michigan tomorrow. No need for pizza."

I've never seen this email. But it seems to be significant, since it is a bit odd when you read the exchange as meaning literally pizza, not 'pizza'.

And guess what? I get a 'internal server error' message when trying to access the email on Wikileaks.

@Srayzie @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @Shizy @shewhomustbeobeyed

Vindicator ago

Why are you pinging everyone to this submission? You should make a separate submission about that email in the appropriate subverse, v/pizzagate. :-(

think- ago

Sorry, what's wrong with pinging legit users to this submission? I don't expect them to discuss this here anyway.

Do you want me to delete my comment?

think- ago

Well, I'm glad that post turned up. It's the first about Rachel Chandler on v/pizzagate; then a month later or so, @srayzie did another one.

MadWorld ago

Record off the archive:

  • 2016-12-14 13:32:23 UTC: 252 views (19 days from submission timestamp)
  • 2017-01-09 23:09:20 UTC: 407 views
  • 2017-03-19 00:26:25 UTC: 832
  • 2017-06-13 00:20:33 UTC: 1163
  • 2018-04-06 23:01:40 UTC: 4888
  • 2018-04-08 03:16:51 UTC: 18598
  • 2018-04-08 06:54:47 UTC: 19149
  • 2019-03-21 03:56:41 UTC: 30354
  • 2019-03-21 04:19:40 UTC: 30885
  • 2019-03-22 07:16:47 UTC: 48078 ( +17k views after 27 hours)

That is a ton of views recently!

Vindicator ago

Why didn't I think to look at Thank you!

The April dates from last year when the view count popped from 1163 to 19,149 over two days coincide with the previous QAnon Rachel Chandler drop digging. Could that have caused the server problems that took Voat offline for three days right afterward?

The insane explosion of an additional 30,000 views in the past two days coincides with QAnon's latest drop naming Chandler as a child trafficker for the rich and famous and probably the Jane Doe that is trying to keep the Epstein trial documents sealed.

Q came right out on 3-20 and said they were not just prostituting kids on pedo island, they were ritually torturing them in an underground dungeon there (Chandler had security cam pics of it on her Instagram).

He also said that if the Epstein trial records are unsealed, it will link back to Mueller and Comey through Nick Lewin, a top federal prosecutor who is one of the attorneys trying keep them sealed, and October 2, 2017 went into private defense practice with two other SDNY prosecutors, according to this pdf from Above the Law. They say,

Nicholas J. Lewin served for more than a decade as a federal prosecutor and senior FBI official, including as the Special Counsel to former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey. He was most recently Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division in the SDNY. Nick is among the most accomplished national security prosecutors in the United States. He served as trial counsel in United States of America v. Usama bin Laden et al in which capacity he conducted many of the most significant international terrorism jury trials since the September 11 attacks, including the trials of the senior-most al Qaeda leader prosecuted in court, a founding member of al Qaeda, as well as the only former Guantánamo Bay and Central Intelligence Agency black site detainee transferred and tried in federal court.

This could be REALLY BIG. When I read the above bio, it seems clear as day we're looking at a Cabal gatekeeper. And given his resume, he's probably responsible for covering up whatever the truth is about 9-11. He went from prosecutor gatekeeper to defense gatekeeper just a couple of weeks before QAnon showed up on /pol/ and started discussing indictments against Hillary and the Podestas.

QAnon keeps saying "You have more than you know." I would really like to see who deleted this Chandler post and what else they removed!

@Peaceseeker @Crensch @Cynabuns @srayzie @MolochHunter

think- ago

I would really like to see who deleted this Chandler post and what else they removed!

Maybe it would be worthwhile to go back to the deleted submissions log, and see what other significant submissions got deleted?

Who was on the initial mod team in the first days of the v/pizzagate sub?

@Crensch @Kevdude

Vindicator ago

Who was on the initial mod team in the first days of the v/pizzagate sub?

Just posted my dig into this below in another comment.


Crensch ago

You'll have to go back through the archives of pizzagate submissions. The only one that ever stood out to me back then was MF.

think- ago

You'll have to go back through the archives of pizzagate submissions.

Ah, good idea. Thanks.

Crensch ago

wecanhelp and numbchuck i think

think- ago

Thanks. numbchuck seems to have been the mod who later went rogue, and randomly deleted submissions.

Crensch ago

That definitely happened.

srayzie ago

You’ve really got me curious now

Cynabuns ago

Question, perhaps just aloud or a wondering if you will...

Why and by whom was a deleted post archived so many times?

Vindicator ago

That's an excellent question. Just pinged you to some contextual information that might shed light on that.

It kind of looks to me like someone has been archiving it during high traffic times to track the change in page views (the only thing that changes after Voat archives the submission in the sidebar). However, with thousands of autistic anons trying to preserve information on Clinton corruption, it could just be organic. A few decided a fresh copy was worth saving.

MolochHunter ago

we have some kind of shadow community

@srayzie did someone tip you off to this link/post or did you come across it in organic search mode ?

think- ago

Yes, I haven't seen it being linked by any of the Rachel Chandler posts that were submitted yesterday. Or did I miss that?


Do actually so many people use, looking for archived submissions on a topic?

Vindicator ago

Apparently, they do. QAnon recently said they are reaching 20 million people now worldwide when they talk about stuff like Epstein Island.

I occasionally drop links to SearchVoat searches on 8chan and in threads on v/GA and v/QRV, so word is getting out. I also occasionally tweet them.

srayzie ago

It’s going around on Twitter. Here’s one...

Vindicator ago

Interesting, thanks.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch...we've got a sleeper/ghost [O] whose original provenance has always been sketchy. He created v/pizzagate on 11/13/2016, the same day he created his account, but has no submissions whatsoever until 11/23/2016, the day of the Reddit ban. He's been a complete ghost for a year and a half. There was a lot of suspicion at beginning the v/pizzagate was a deliberately created limited hangout where information could be controlled. What if he's the one who suppressed this information?

The first three posts to the sub, made within a very short time of it's creation, were by a user named @pedokiller. He was only active for that day, and then he became a ghost, too.

WTF is going on, here?

letsdothis3 ago


Vindicator ago


letsdothis3 ago

Don't worry. I'm in an odd mood today. Think I need to head outside for a bit.

Vindicator ago

This post was first archived 19 days after it was made. The sidebar shows these mods in place at that point in time, including Numbchuck, the sleeper shill mod who went rogue 12/31/2016 and was caught and stopped by Kevdude.

Digging a bit more, I discovered KKWW was the one who created the Pizzagate chat room on Riot, in which numerous users were doxxed, including several of the really major early pizzagate researchers such as PleadingtheYiff and mod abortionburger.

He also was the one who added rogue mod numbchuck, who may also be @numbcuck, who is apparently a tranny lover pushing submissions on all of the classic shill memes.

That's a lot of suspicious accounts associated with the creation and early days of v/pizzagate. It makes me wonder if the origin of the "v/pizzagate is a limited hangout/honeypot" shill meme might actually be true: Did they create it to be one, but we foiled their efforts?

Weirdly, the creator of the original pizzagate board on Reddit (whom I have spoken with quite a bit over the years and consider reliable) says that KKWW approached him the week before the sub was banned in his detailed piece on how Pizzagate started:

A week or so prior I had been contacted by the creator of /v/Pizzagate on Voat about taking over this subverse, because he no longer wished to be responsible for moderating it. At the time moderating /r/Pizzagate on Reddit was already so time consuming and overwhelming that I turned the offer down. With such short notice, being aware /v/Pizzagate already existed, as well as being aware of the fact that Reddit had turned into a complete shithole over the years, and that numerous other subreddits I never really cared for in the past had moved to Voat for free speech after being banned from Reddit. I decided Voat was the best plan of continuation of the Pizzagate investigation.

I was told separately by both PleadingtheYiff and Pizzathrowaway777 that the reason he and the other original mod/researchers from r/pizzagate left Voat was because KKWW refused to make any of them O's once they brought everyone to v/pizzagate, despite him saying he wanted to hand off the sub to them prior to the Reddit ban. Once they were doxxed, they felt Voat wasn't safe, and went on to create Disobedient Media, much as srayzie went on to make her own sub. RebelSkum, one of our other all time great researchers, also worked closely with them. Here's r/pizzagate mod @sigmawarrior discussing his concerns about KKWW back then.

Shizy ago

This all sounds eerily similar to what's been happening with v/GreatAwakening, and the attempts at infiltrating.

think- ago

Digging a bit more, I discovered KKWW was the one who created the Pizzagate chat room on Riot, in which numerous users were doxxed, including several of the really major early pizzagate researchers such as PleadingtheYiff and mod abortionburger.

Interesting. I always thought they were doxxed in a Discord chatroom.

It makes me wonder if the origin of the "v/pizzagate is a limited hangout/honeypot" shill meme might actually be true: Did they create it to be one, but we foiled their efforts?


that KKWW approached him the week before the sub was banned in his detailed piece on how Pizzagate started

That would make no sense though. Why approach someone who I understand was legit, and asking him to take over the v/pizzagate sub, when he was a limited hangout?

If KKWW was compromised (mere hypothesis) and knew Reddit would ban r/pizzagate, why make sure that there was a Voat sub where people could continue? Why create v/pizzagate in the first place?

Vindicator ago

That would make no sense though. Why approach someone who I understand was legit, and asking him to take over the v/pizzagate sub, when he was a limited hangout?

He offered to hand it over so they would migrate here, but then didn't hand it over when they came.

If KKWW was compromised (mere hypothesis) and knew Reddit would ban r/pizzagate, why make sure that there was a Voat sub where people could continue? Why create v/pizzagate in the first place?

So they could gain control without it looking that way. That's the definition of a limited hangout.

  1. Create active, helpful username that becomes familiar to mods on Reddit
  2. Helpful username makes subverse on Voat
  3. Several weeks later, ban sub with non-comped mods from Reddit
  4. In the ensuing chaos, put forward different helpful username to volunteer as mod and mod him
  5. Refuse to mod the experienced mod team who has the most comprehensive shill-spotting view
  6. Create helpful shill busting account to attack members of original mod team and original researchers as shills (ArmySeer, v/PizzagateShills) and try to get them banned or pissed enough to leave
  7. Monitor submissions, undermining them in Comments or removing them
  8. Use intel gained to target slim.g,, Facebook, Instagram etc. with DMCA Takedown Requests
  9. Use intel gained to attack Voat's web host and credit card processing (probably with DMCA Takedown Requests)

I believe @srayzie was approached by BuilderAnon in a very similar fashion to the way KKWW approached @pizzagatethrowaway777.

think- ago

Well, that's a convincing hypothesis I guess.


As I understand it, when a post shows the author as [deleted] it is because the submitter deleted their profile and on the account deletion page they elected to Anonymize the content they submitted.

If it had been deleted by a moderator then it would show up in the mod log. It's too bad the v/pizzagate mods are such butthurt censoring tyrants that the 20 pages of mod logs only goes back 8 months. You all played yourselves.

Vindicator ago

this might be because the author deleted their profile and on the account deletion page they elected to Anonymize the content they submitted

Except it doesn't say Deleted by Author.


I know that's what it says when the author deletes a post but the account stays active. I don't think it says that when the author deletes their account but does not delete all their posts and comments.

think- ago

When an author deletes their account, but chooses not to delete his submissions, ususally the post doesn't show a title anymore (as it does in this case), but instead of the headline you see a 'Account deleted by user'. That's why nobody here thought the author might have deleted the post.


Vindicator ago

Pretty sure a tombstone icon goes on their profile page when they delete their account.

Vindicator ago

It's too bad the v/pizzagate mods are such butthurt censoring tyrants that the 20 pages of mod logs only goes back 8 months. You all played yourselves.

This is an idiotic comment. A) I'm the mod of v/pizzagate, and I'm the one drawing attention to the removal. B) Mods have no control over how many pages of Removed Submissions shows up.

new4now ago

Remember after we went down for 3 days, my post history only went back 8 months

Vindicator ago

Comments only show 6 months to other people. I think they show more than that to the user.

new4now ago

I gave up on comments, I talk too much :)


All the mod log cap at 20 pages everywhere. Mods have total control over how far back that log goes because every new entry they add to the mod log bumps the oldest one off. Did you dipshits really never consider that in all your zeal to control and curate the sub you could end up destroying some information that might turn out to have been useful at some point down the road? Did you think that the only reason voat is a free speech website is because people wanted to say nigger without getting in trouble?

Now you want to kiss putt's ass in the hopes that the information even exists, and that he is willing to spend his time to dig this up for you, when the only reason you don't have it anymore is because you reject the foundational principle of the site. Those 20 pages represent 500 posts that you removed, but it only goes back 8 MONTHS! The information you're requesting is a direct consequence of you and your mod team not being able to let go of probably 1,000+ petty inconsequential infractions of totally unnecessary rules. Why would putt or atko ever care to store more than 500 records of you guys deleting submissions for petty bullshit?

Your mod log looks like more than half the removals are due to formatting rules. The only reason you don't have this information right now is literally because you make people paste the URL in the body of their post instead of just submitting a link, how fucking retarded do you feel? What was the point, did you all get off on the censorship power trip? You played yourself. I hope you learn from this.

Vindicator ago

The only reason you don't have this information right now is literally because you make people paste the URL in the body of their post instead of just submitting a link, how fucking retarded do you feel? What was the point, did you all get off on the censorship power trip?

There's a link to the community discussion that led to the "No Share a Link Submissions" policy right in the sidebar of v/pizzagate (where it's been since the institution of the rule). Link posts don't allow users to edit and thus take advantage of our 24 Hour Grace flair preventing the vast majority of removals, or explain the pizzagate connection as required by our primary submission rule. In addition, child porn was direct-linked and our users were pissed about it.

MolochHunter ago

oh ptttthhhhh you expect the mods to leave all the garbage and disinfo posts up there in consideration of a 20 page limit ? GTFO

its easy to see that would be waaaay back in the queue of considerations compared to making the sub relevant and useful for day to day users

you in Bad Faith, a-hole

Crensch ago


Is there any chance of you letting us know who deleted this? It might be pretty important to note.

Crensch ago

Actually, is there a way that the modlogs (or at least PG) could show all the deletions?

think- ago

They should show all deletions by mods. Did you check whether this one shows up in the PG modlog?


Crensch ago

I definitely did. Limited to 19 pages.

think- ago

Ah, it is limited to 19 pages. Damn.

@PuttItOut @PeaceSeeker @MadWorld - any way we could change that? So that the modlog entries of the past years will also be accessible? Thanks!

Vindicator ago

Crensch ago

JFC it looks like someone we had on the mod team knew.

What the everloving fuck.

Made a comment asking putt about it.

Posted by:

Vindicator ago

JFC it looks like someone we had on the mod team knew.

Is this a bad time for me to mention that the last time we did a big dig on Rachel Chandler, Voat went offline for three days?

MolochHunter ago


I woudnt be so certain of the 'compromised' angle

this could be white hats who knew the Ray Chandler aspect should be kept contained for when te curtain was ready to be pulled

think- ago

I don't understand. Why pull the post in the first place then?

Vindicator ago

That's an interesting idea. That would be censorship, though, and ought to be investigated.

MolochHunter ago

lol you think Q only came upon that cache of Chandler digs a couple of days ago

strategic release

Vindicator ago

I agree completely.

Putt has confirmed the Chandler high school pal leak was self-deleted within 24 hours. Which made me wonder...why would some Brentwood Barbie come on Voat to dish on her illustrious fellow alumnus? She said,

"I became aware of the Pizzagate theory several weeks ago, not long before the election. I'll admit I didn't pay a ton of attention to the controversy at the outset. I was pretty shocked when, a few days ago, a friend e-mailed me a photo of Rachel Chandler posing with Bill Clinton that was being circulated by Pizzagate theorists...I know Rachel IRL and have some information that I think ya'll might find interesting.

Rachel graduated in June 2005 from Brentwood School, a pretty elite prep school on the Westside of LA. I attended the school with her..."

Riiiiight. There are probably dozens of Brentwood alumni who followed pizzagate during the election. Suuuuure!

Whoever this user was, I'd bet my left nut they were a Q Team leaker like FBIAnon, pedokiller, alphabravo and IamQ. They made the account to make the post, left it up long enough for people to see, and then self-deleted it.

Could have been whitehats DDoSing Voat, too, to force Putt to remove the Search feature so we couldn't dig this stuff up before they were ready for it to spread.

Brentwood Barbie/Ken Anon also says:

"Let me start off by saying that I know absolutely nothing about the photo with Bill Clinton. It seems like Gawker posted that photo way back in 2006 ( but I saw it for the first time yesterday."

Uh huh. Chandler was supposedly 19 -- right out of high school at NYU when Gawker posted it in 2006. (She says she graduated high school in 2005). Have you met teenage girls? That picture would have been all over everyone's Facebook or MySpace or whatever was hot in 2006. There's no way a friend from high school wouldn't have seen it at the time. Even if it's Brentwood Ken, he'd have known his classmate was on Burkle's jet with Clinton.

Just rereading that post with a keener eye again...check this out:

"So, Rachel is definitely a part of the LA-based Hollywood/media elite. She's not some runaway or kidnapped kid or anything like that like some have theorized. She's probably the most powerful scion of one of the most powerful families in Southern California."

Rich kids don't talk like this about their peers. This is the voice of an outsider talking. And there a slip-up, here too:

"I can tell you that during her teenage years she knew A LOT of celebrities, media industry insiders, and was going to a lot of parties that most kids at her school and in our social circles (who were pretty well-connected and very wealthy themselves) could never gain access to."

Her school? I thought it was their school? And listen again to this:

"There's a tangential Rothschilds connection here, by the way, because Nicky Hilton ended up marrying James Rothschild and Rachel used to party with all of them."

A "tangential Rothschilds connection"? Does that sound like a rich kid talking, or an outsider? If this person graduated around 2005, eleven years prior to the submission, they would be around 28 or 29 years old. What twenty year old would be talking about Rothschilds in November 2016? And how about this:

"One thing you guys have missed is that she has a much deeper connection to the occult artist Marina Abramovic than I've seen documented so far."

"You guys" (not a truther). "The occult artist" (not an elite art officianado, like AreWeSure who critiques us frequently for this claim).

And don't forget the outsider greeting: "Hey /Pizzagate,"

No, this was a whitehat feeding us information.

@srayzie @Crensch

MolochHunter ago



srayzie ago

"So, Rachel is definitely a part of the LA-based Hollywood/media elite. She's not some runaway or kidnapped kid or anything like that like some have theorized. She's probably the most powerful scion of one of the most powerful families in Southern California."

I thought the same thing. It didn’t seem like something a rich young peer would say. This is really interesting

Vindicator ago

It is, isn't it! :-)

srayzie ago

I know!