nukethecube ago

Yeah. I copy pasted the wrong link. We cannot edit the URL?

Broc_Lia ago

Nope. It's intentional to prevent bait and switch posts. Like someone posts a link to breitbart, gets the post on the front page, then changes it to some other website they're shilling for.

nukethecube ago

OK. Thanks. Sorry for posting the wrong link

Broc_Lia ago

No worries, it happens. I was more concerned that people were upvoting.

kneo24 ago

This is a pet peeve of mine on Voat. We all like to think we're better than redditors in all aspects, but the community, before these past few invasions, aren't any better in this regard. The recent refugees has made the problem worse IMO.

Hand_of_Node ago

Those were all first page results from a search on my initial one sentence reply. One I didn't include was more about the dramatic reduction in reading over just a few years. Kind of ironically, I removed that and a few others to make my comment shorter. Here's a different article by the same guy/group on the subject. "Summary: They don't."

auto_turret ago

Either people are dimwittedly upvoating things without even reading the content, or you've just uncovered evidence of vote manipulation.

Trouble is, either one is equally as likely..

Broc_Lia ago

I think it's just upvoting titles tbh. Although the latter does happen.

If OP were vote manipulating, why not link to an actual article?

BentAxel ago

Thank you @Broc_Lia

srgmpdns ago

While I agree with you in principle, it’s possible that the upvotes did come from people who read the article, as it was, at the time of posting, the top story on the front page.

I read it, but didn’t upvote, as I didn’t think it was very interesting.

Here it is, judge for yourselves:

Hand_of_Node ago

  • How people read online: Why you won't finish this article.
  • 13 Reading Stats Proving that Nobody Reads Your Content | Uberflip
  • 59 Percent Of You Will Share This Article Without Even Reading It
  • 55% of Visitors Read Your Articles For 15 Seconds or Less: Why We ...

Some relevant search result titles.

matthew-- ago

Well I finished reading, so now I'm going to upvoat you.

I_Always_Lie ago

OP is indubitably a fag.

Broc_Lia ago

Relevant username

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

Well I think part of it is that you don't have to leave the title the same as what it actually is in the article.

"School bus crash fatality" is posted as "Jews allow black to drive and kill children for profit" and the circle jerk just keeps going....

Hand_of_Node ago

Sounds like something the jews would do.

C_Corax ago

That would be part of it I think. Just browse a few user profiles and see what their highest ranked comments are. Most would be 1-3 sentences and anything above 5 is rare. That's not to say that there isn't a quality to keeping it short and on point, but I too do feel lengthy and thoughtful posts are getting ignored which is a shame.

I don't have a solution.

Goathole ago

We have mouth breathers here too, we're not special. It's a human trait if were honest with ourselves and we all do it from time to time.

I voraciously read the articles but to my shame it's only to tear them to pieces so that I can highlight what pieces of shit we have writing them. Rarely do I run across an article that's fair, balanced and non partisan but when I do I take the time to write the author and thank them.

THE DARK STATE: Discarded tea leaves, false positive drug tests

Ms. Yeager, I just wanted to thank for your article on the Harte family. So many in your profession are less than stellar in the honesty department and this was a welcomed refreshment. Thank you,

Mar 26, 2014, 9:28 AM was the last time that I know of where one was written. Sad isn't it.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm going to suggest that looking for nonpartisan articles on an internet forum like this might be a low-reward activity by the very nature of the site.

Goathole ago

Really I'm not asking for perfection, I'm only looking for better than sub par.

Hand_of_Node ago

Try mostly browsing new, because those are unlikely to get many upvotes. If you're interested in yet another 'partisan' article, you could do worse than this revisit to gamergate.

doginventer ago

New Study PROVES Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatards!!!

YoHomie ago

So what? You think everyone should upvote things just like you? Somehow it bothers you if they don't follow the protocol that you think they should follow? It bothers you enough that you decided to enlighten everyone with your eternal wisdom by posting a self-righteous PSA about how we should use our upvotes?

You're a bigger asshole than I am, an arrogant fuck too.

Hand_of_Node ago

While I'm not voting either way, I have to give your comment a 9/10 for trollish excellence.

Dortex ago

You should see v/science with it's anti Global warming shtick. The title says it's a hoax, then they link to an article saying the effects are worse than we predicted.

acheron2012 ago

And Dates!

I usually check those. But got suckered into a “news” story from 4 years ago the other day.

Broc_Lia ago

Good point, it's happened to me a lot, I should be more vigilant.

myvoicefromhell ago

Happened to me. Even though the content was still relevant, idiots downvoat because the link I posted was chronologically "old" which, in their mindset, somehow makes it automatically unuseful or misleading. Face it: Most people are just sheep.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

I wear my down voats like a badge.

Proud of every single one.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

NPC's are everywhere.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Even on the right.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Of course. Stop thinking in terms of left/right and look at averages. Lots of low IQ righties. Quite a few on this site. Trump could sacrifice a child on national TV and you would still see 70% of the dudes on here sucking that dick. Same way on the left with Obama. Dick riding till the end.

Hand_of_Node ago

Dick riding till the end.

I think this mischaracterizes the way agreement typically works. Although certain groups do seem more prone to "trusting in unstated plans", and such. "Bootlicking" is another example one often sees. However, that trope or meme overlooks the boot polishers, and even those who believe the boot polishers don't go far enough.

draaaak ago

Makes me wonder what kind of clickbait on here is getting traction just because of titles without the content to back it up.

All kinds of silly bullshit.

Mumbleberry ago

Yes, people upvoat solely on title. Look how many upvoats this troll post got;

Hand_of_Node ago

Not as many upvotes, but same sub with an "anti-concrete spalling" post. WTH?

Mumbleberry ago

Damn, that OP must invest a fortune in tinfoil for all his hats.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Good thing that sub is anon and non of those voats count.