NotHereForPizza ago

For as smart as this anon is, it somewhat delights me that they still don't know they've been groomed by /ourguys/ in MIL.

It should break the surface soon. It'll be glorious.

Rawrination ago

God I hope that's true and we really do have /ourguys/ in MIL and elsewhere. Q may be a shit tier larp but the concept is a good one.

NotHereForPizza ago

Besides, this is common knowledgeable for most anons. Hell, most of them are MIL, know MIL personally, or are directly taught and such.

Rawrination ago

What does MIL mean ? I'm guessing it means Military Intelligence ... L something

NotHereForPizza ago


NotHereForPizza ago

You're about to be delightfully disappointed.

Rawrination ago

I was born disappointed and a disappointing. Its something I'm used to. Would be nice for a change, but meh trust the plan goy lulz.

22jam22 ago

that was really good read. I am surprized the low iq trolls have not attacked this more

AburntoutForest ago

Gab has been taken down and TPB is being censored at the backbone level. They are practicing absolute removal.

Omnidempotent ago

Why does he think varg of all people is a homosexual?

Hand_of_Node ago

varg vikernes

Dunno, but searching his name bring up some "interesting" results. Burning ancient churches, murder, and a musician claims Varg stole the music of the guy he murdered.

In August 1993, Vikernes was arrested and charged with the murder of Mayhem guitarist Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth. In May 1994, he was found guilty of murder and the earlier church arsons, and sentenced to 21 years in prison. Vikernes maintains that he killed Euronymous in self-defense and denies responsibility for the church arsons, though he supported them. During his time in prison, Vikernes became affiliated with the Norwegian Heathen Front, had several writings on Germanic paganism published and recorded and released two ambient albums as Burzum. Having served 14 years of his sentence, Vikernes was released on parole in early 2009. He changed his legal name to Louis Cachet to avoid difficulties with the public in Norway. He still goes by Varg Vikernes in daily life.

On 6 June 1992, the Fantoft Stave Church, dating from the 12th century and considered architecturally significant, was burned to the ground by arson. By January 1993, arson attacks had occurred on at least seven other major stave churches, including one on Christmas Eve of 1992. Vikernes was found guilty of several of these cases: the arson and attempted arson of Åsane Church and Storetveit Church, respectively, in Bergen, the arson of Skjold Church in Vindafjord, and the arson of Holmenkollen Chapel in Oslo. He was also charged with the arson of Fantoft Stave Church, although the jurors found him not guilty. The judges called this an error but did not overthrow the whole case.

Omnidempotent ago

I know varg's history. I have seen nothing suggesting he is homosexual. Just go look at his youtube channel and the videos of all the kids he has.

Hand_of_Node ago

Yeah, I don't know where that came from. Seems pretty unlikely.

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BentAxel ago

Gamergate was about a woman who sucked off five guys for good reviews on a less that shit game. She was outed. Cunts came to her rescue, it was done. That's it. Don't rewrite history so it fits your narrative good or bad. Keep it accurate.

Perhaps what happened after that, may be accurate, so illustrate that. Just keep it accurate.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Except Trump ain't gonna do shit.

Hand_of_Node ago

Interesting. That Varg guy was just recommended a few days ago. Also, this is the first explanation of Gamergate I've seen that makes sense.

Triple_Agent ago

(((They))) would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling speds.

7e62ce85 ago

Except Trump has yet to build a wall or imprison anyone. He has Jews in his family.

Ever considered that Trump is the controlled opposition and they used the stupid SJWs to give him legitimacy?

"Hey if people do the opposite of what our media and SJWs say, let's just have them oppose this controlled candidate!"

Keefin ago

He is playing the two sides of Jewry against each other. Even Churchill talked about this schism, and it has only deepened since then. I'm talking about the Marxist Jews (Trump's clear enemy), and the Nationalist Israeli Jews.

Honey_Pot ago

Just tell me which group is going to win so I can convert and get one of those cool beanie hats.

You are spot on with analysis. (((They))) are far from being a single entity, but they are both pillaging OUR planet.

7e62ce85 ago

Ok I have no interest in siding with any party in some supposed Jew conflict.

Phantom42 ago

Let them bith fight each other, and then crush them both beneath our Panzer- I mean, boots.

chirogonemd ago

This right here.

Notice how the Marxist side stopped inching toward the cliff and instead dove right off from it. We went from arguing about gay marriage rights to having men and women using the same bathroom in children's schools and 65 genders. All in the matter of a few years.

BOTH sides are being controlled. This insane liberal marxist swing has been INTENTIONALLY radical so as to legitimize Trump in the heart's of the population base.

They sensed the conservative traditional element of this country was starting to swing a little too ethno-populist, so they set up this very controlled conservative revolution and installed Trump to promote a more tame civic nationalism. We are fighting a false enemy right now, and all of these democratic fuckups aren't accidents. We are meant to think we are winning so that we all kind of calm down and start to ignore the water boiling. Meanwhile, immigration is still proceeding illegally and although not unchecked, we are handicapped to manage it. Media and banks are consolidating more and more by the year. None of the Jewry at the top of this pyramid is seeing any justice, and there doesn't appear to be any legitimate structural means to actually apply justice non-violently to the participants in this organized crime. We have politicians committing perjury, election and campaign fraud in broad daylight and NOTHING is happening to them.

(((The plan))) is still going as planned, it's just they are giving us the appearance that it isn't through smoke and mirrors, and some misdirection onto issues that aren't really the issues. They create fights to misdirect us from the things we should actually be fighting.

Phantom42 ago


Now, lets all embrace a third position and praise Mein Führer for standing against this rigged game.

7e62ce85 ago

Go spend a few minutes in the circle jerk at The_Donald to see just what I mean

If you suggest physically removing communists they will no shit ban you for anti-semitism.

Btw you might like our sub and political movement: /v/EmergencyNation

anamazonslittle ago

If you suggest that immigration/invasion isn't being handled quick enough, you get banned for concern trolling.

truthwoke33 ago

Stop noticing things and please don't point out inconsistencies, you're hurting the narrative.

7e62ce85 ago

I give points for defending the border, minor reforms and the reduction in section 8 aid though.

tzitzit ago

There is some truth here, but it needs to be paired with this:

sn00tyfr00T ago

Just commenting to refer back to later

Hand_of_Node ago

There is a 'save' button.

sn00tyfr00T ago

Kek, learn something new every day

AmaleksHairyAss ago

half truths and idiocy

hankylanky ago

How do all you conspiracist morons even function day to day? I'd think the level of idiocy it takes to believe all this bullshit would keep you from feeding yourselves, tying your shoes, remembering to breathe, etc.

Laserchalk ago

You say that like being a conspiracy theorist means people are crazy.

HungryCrow ago

Uh huh.

bernitdown ago

This is impossible to read on a phone

Hand_of_Node ago

Browsing the internet on a phone is not recommended. Take care of your business, then go home and use your computer.

bernitdown ago


BentAxel ago

You're correct, I would never be on Voat. You are correct though.

qwsp0 ago

Actually it's about ethics in gaming journalism.

Truly, a terror to sinful to be left in the dark to fester.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

12-17-2010, 11:19 PM #1 kathaksung kathaksung is offline Banned

Join Date Aug 2010 Posts 28 Obama use school shooting to disarm America In approximate 2 years from today there will be mass school shooting in Connecticut. A lone gunman will kill many children. That's a trick of propaganda. Step by step, they make it a totalitarian country.

They have a false flag attack on December 2012 to justify their war on 2nd Amendment. The responsible gunowner is wronged as terrorist. The real mastermind of the shootings grins at the soap opera they directed. They treat you like fools. Do not have a logic confuse.

ITT we expose various false flags of all kind.

I will start with the Nice truck and Munich shooting, as those are fairly easy to expose due to their common link:

He is known for covering the terror attacks in Nice and Munich in mid-2016 with a mobile phone, and he "explained how basic mobile technology allowed him to cover the two attacks". Now it could be coincidence, however there are 2 small things that stick out. He started filming the McDonalds in Munich apparently before the shooting already started, and this bit here Gutjahr is married to the former Israeli Knesset member and ex-intelligence officer Einat Wilf since 2007

Also he is an anti independent media shill

On July 14, 2016, Gutjahr was on vacation in Nice, when the city was struck by a terrorist attack [13][14] He reported on Twitter and in the ARD night magazine (Nachtmagazin) and the Bayerischer Rundfunk. He made available to the WDR German television network a video that apparently shows the beginning of the attack; he explicitly objected to publishing the material on social networks, because he wanted to leave it to professional journalists to decide which images should be shown.[15][16][17][18]

And screeches anti semitism at the first chance

His coincidental presence at events gave rise to conspiracy theories, alleging his presence at both events could not have been a coincidence. Gutjahr has pressed charges against these those who make the allegations[21][22], which he sees mostly motivated by antisemitism against his wife considering the often antisemitic nature of the hostilities[23].

Additionally you see Gutjahr casually filming the guy before the shooting starts [Embed] Almost as if he knew

There is also the always reoccurring issue of the shooter being on anti psychotics

While Lanza's Psychiatrist recently was charged 3 different accounts of sexual assault and sexual depravity is a common sign of the deep state puppets as its a good source for blackmail

While a school official did share this recollection with OCA interviewers, authors cannot independently confirm this recollection, and other records indicate Mrs. Lanza may have already had an appointment with the community psychiatrist set up at the time of the Danbury Hospital emergency department visit. Staff from OCA spoke with this psychiatrist during the course of this investigation in an effort to identify and obtain records related to the doctor’s evaluation and treatment of AL. The doctor indicated that all treatment records were destroyed.

The doctor indicated that all treatment records were destroyed." Of course they were.

The next weird thing about Sandy Hook (aside from no footage of the shooting or the shooter even entering the building to be found) is that they demolished the whole complex

Just like they plan on doing with the Parkland school too which may could be to get rid of any evidence.

Lets go to Parkland, Florida

Hogg is connected to an organisation founded by John "Ya think UR hot shit, dontcha?" Podesta

how did he make this interview than during the shooting if he wasnt there? [Embed]

interview during the ongoing shooting while hiding "get rid of guns REEEEEEEE" is the only theme According to the Interviewer (Hoggs) and official timeline done either 5 hours before the shooting happened or 6 hours after the arrest of the shooter (9:32, AM or PM not specified) you also see the light shining through in the background shortly at around 0:38. so its not 9:32 PM but AM, since PM would be dark in winter meaning it was made before the shooting happened

Said when he heard about the shooting he grabbed his cam and bike and rode to school to film. how did he make the interview during the shooting then?

Shooter was also on drugs like most school shooters are

they already agreed to get rid of the evidence, like they also did in Sandy Hook

On the same day a drill was announced where the kids were told the police would fire blanks around. who didnt have that in school on the same day someone came in to shoot your school up for real? [Embed]

One girl talked with Cruz when the shooting started [Embed]

And apparently the actual shooter wore helmet, mask, bullet proof west and more combat garb, yet they could somehow identify him as Cruz [Embed]

Also precisely 11 years before the 9/11/01 Bush SR. held his infamous New World Order speech, while 11 years later on that same day Benghazi happened. on 9/11 1990 and 2012

Hindsight is 2021 9/11 and 2023 9/11.

From the Mueller report on 9/11

What I did not know, Mr. Speaker, up until June of this year, was that that secret program called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda in January and February of 2000, over one year before 9-11 ever happened. In addition, I learned that not only did we identify the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, but we identified Mohamed Atta as one of the members of that Brooklyn cell along with three other terrorists who were the leadership of the 9-11 attack.

I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September of 2000, again, over one year before 9-11, that Able Danger team attempted on three separate occasions to provide information to the FBI about the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, and on three separate occasions they were denied by lawyers in the previous administration to transfer that information.

Mr. Speaker, this past Sunday on “Meet the Press,'' Louis Freeh, FBI Director at the time, was interviewed by Tim Russert. The first question to Louis Freeh was in regard to the FBI's ability to ferret out the terrorists. Louis Freeh's response, which can be obtained by anyone in this country as a part of the official record, was, ‘Well, Tim, we are now finding out that a top-secret program of the military called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda and Mohammed Atta over a year before 9-11.’ And what Louis Freeh said, Mr. Speaker, is that that kind of actionable data could have allowed us to prevent the hijackings that occurred on September 11.,_2001 On September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) was involved in an ongoing operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to northwestern North America. The U.S. Military and NORAD had also planned to conduct several military exercises and a drill was being held by the National Reconnaissance Office, a Department of Defense agency. The operations, exercises and drills were all canceled following the September 11 attacks. Operation Northern Vigilance, was a NORAD operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to locations in Alaska and Northern Canada. In order to simulate a hijacking situation including terrorist pilots of course on the same day the attacks happened an awkwardly similar case was practiced resulting in confusion and bonus time for the actual event to go down unnoticed as it was thought to be just the practice. together with AD it gets clear that the US government aided in the event giving the perpetrators an opportunity to do it and increasing the chances.

Like always some CIA niggers used some radicalized patsies to do their dirtywork so that the deed itself isn't as easily traced back to them as there is no official connections. They always do that, whether its shooting, smuggling, assassinations (think of the Seth Rich murder done by MS13) Donald Rumsfeld 9/10/01 and the missing 2.3 trillion dollars anyone? 9/11 was a Bush inside job.

2Weird2Live ago

Holy fucking shit.

Honey_Pot ago

Welcome to Voat. :)

Laserchalk ago

Trump was supposed to be the politician that couldn't be bought by Israel. Sadly one of the few people that already had the money to take down the Israel Lobby is also on their side.

Themooninthesky ago

Thanks for the info. I’m not a gamer nor did I know about gamer gate. I’m now informed. But the girl who traded sexual favors for positive reviews, that’s outstanding!

Phantom42 ago

Lol, that's just girls in general.

I'm 19. Don't be surprised if you find birthrates at zero and "assault charges" (thot patrolling) rising.

Aleste2 ago

Recently I watched again the Ethnic Cleansing gameplay. When I played it like more than a decade ago I thought it was so absurd it was funny. Now I understand what is in there.

Phantom42 ago

Hmm... Never heard of this game.

silly_potato ago

Where is this thread located?

Fenrir-1488 ago


operation_wetvac ago

And when was it posted? I only see relative timestamps. It's always nice to read things like this years after the fact to see just how well the predictions have held up.

Fenrir-1488 ago

The fact that they’re even talking about Milo means this is 2016 or early 2017. The post number is in the 5,430,000s and they’re up to the 12,363,000s now. So it was nearly 7 million posts ago. The thread is almost definitely long gone unless someone archived it.

Rawrination ago

It was before the election in 2016.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

What better controlled opposition than to control a president blatantly in bed with the jews...

Hand_of_Node ago

Which is what makes the validity of "Q" highly improbable. Trust the plan, goy. We've got this.

Runwithscissors ago

Jesus Christ was telling us about this a millennia ago and got murdered talking about the same people to this day.

hankylanky ago

As if I couldn't already tell you were an idiot simply by buying all this bullshit, you confirmed it by not knowing what "millennia" means.

Runwithscissors ago

Please little cunt how your amazing faggot is better then mine faggot!

hankylanky ago

Um... what? Write some more. It's funny.

Runwithscissors ago

What do you know is real faggot? What does a bitch like you mister know more than me mister soaked up hanky.

hankylanky ago

Did you just throw all those words in a blender? WTF are you even trying to say?

Hand_of_Node ago

hankylanky You Voat people are always stupid, but rarely THIS delusional.

This appears to be your schtick.

agodgavemethisland ago

Larry Silverstein is a Saudi.


gazillions ago

They can't win this time, because their power has always been the media. They've blown that to hell.

smokratez ago

Gamergate was finding out that there is a small group of satanists who are behind everything. Digging deeper found that this small group of satanists are the slaves of jews.

Phantom42 ago


smokratez ago


Phantom42 ago

You're right.

LadyMermaid ago

I think this sort of hypothesis is what I would consider a product of misinformation.

Obviously false flags have a role in our society, in that it creates a need for a military industrial complex. However, although Trump is not a bad President, these posters make him sound like some sort of Revolutionary. In fact, both the Democratic and Republican parties represent two sides of the same coin - the pro-corporation party. Trump, like every other President before him, including Obama, is a puppet and spokesperson for the pro corporation entities that keep them in power.

I imagine after the Occupy Wall St global movement that govts around the world had to come up with a feasible plan to keep people addicted to money. After all, that is what has controlled people, money. The Occupy Wall St movement threatened that balance of power and so govts simultaneously began these topics such as immigration, race, female reproduction rights to keep the population occupied with race bait tactics and emotional discourse, in other to prevent that very revolution from occurring.

So if you think a politician today actually represents the people, you are probably a fool. Politicians represent corporations and financial institutions. They want everyone to be addicted to money, to keep on working for money, and to fall in love with money, and to do anything for money. Our social media corporations are merely an adjunct of the military industrial complex that keeps everyone in check. As long as everyone aspires to be Mark Zuckerberg and desire to be a paper billionaire, then the illusion will never be lost on the people...because they will be so busy working for money, that they forget they actually have all the power to topple the house of cards that is the shoddy economic system of GDP that we all live under.

YugeDick ago

Occupy Wall Street was controlled opposition. Funded by the Koch's, Soros and others. The topics you say that developed afterward as a distraction were around before occupy. They were just revisited to distract from occupy, not to diminish the movement but to draw attention away from it being outed as controlled opposition. BLM was the new Occupy afterward. The next version, new update, of the controlled opposition.

As for Trump and the two party system, I don't know if you've noticed but neither party supports him. He has been deemed the bane of both party's existence. Both parties, as we all know now, serve the same masters. Two sides of the same coin as you said. The Republican party that Trump foments and brings to power now is primarily not the Republican party that has been. This is a new party existing and usurping under the old brand. A newly revealed side of an old long since used coin.

To understand his Jewish allegiances you have to recognize that both American political parties are controlled by the same outside group and that Trump serves a different group. He serves one that operates in opposition to the other. Opposition of method and theories but one with the same ultimate goal for the rest of us. When King makers fight you don't take both down with a pawn, you pick a side, serve, and wait. If you are particularly crafty you can direct your King maker using the influence and leverage of the fact that he needs you if he is going to defeat the other. This is what Trump has done and this is his Jewish allegiance.

As for a love of money, that's an entirely separate discussion. First to understand what money is, what currency is, how they're different, and how you can survive without one but not the other. Ever explored the communist on a deserted island scenario? (Rhetorical)

LadyMermaid ago

I don't believe for a minute that Soros and Kochs funded Occupy Wall Street. I'm sure though that Mr. Soros used his media influence in order to make himself appear sympathetic to Occupy Wall St protesters.

Occupy Wall St was different from other controlled oppositions, in that it began as a concept project by artists working at AdBusters, following the lead of CIA-directed Arab Spring protests in the Middle East. However, it differed from a controlled opposition, but the funding was too diverse to say it had originated from the Kochs, Soros and others. If I had to make an extrapolation, I would say that British intelligence had more to do with Occupy Wall Street than Soros.

President Trump has generally been disliked by politicians that back Big Pharma (both Republicans and Democrats), and initially, he had been a large critic of Big Pharma, but since he had softened his position, I think Republicans generally support him again. Obviously he is continuing to read the bi-party script of racial division and female reproductive rights to keep the public pre-occupied with these one-issue matters, being that Occupy Wall Street was eventually contained and now we entertain ourselves with CIA-lead controlled oppositions about racial division and gun rights.

The US has always had an allegiance with Israel. Israel is our Black Ops, our right hand man who does all the dirty work we don't want to do. America gives them billions per year to be our no 1 hitman.

Trump and his cabinet has always been a vocal critic of the China-Russia-Iran alliance, whilst John Kerry under Obama was hoping to profit from American presence in Iran. However, critics have already decided that the Obama administration's soft tactics on Iran have fueled and funded the Syrian War. So imho, I don't think the Republican Party has changed at all, it still has its old stripes, and still at heart, lead by the military industrial complex, but Trump sure did make some politicians mad that they couldn't profit to become billionaires over their investments in Iran when he disavowed the Iran Treaty that Obama and Kerry engineered!

YugeDick ago

You seem to be grossly misinformed.

I may have been wrong however about the Koch's involvement, maybe. But probably not.

Other public Jews supported occupy too.

alalzia ago

Great post yet i disagree with parts of it .

Gamergate is ongoing , we fight , we boycott , we out . There are no "Radical progressives" , there are societies that resist regression and look beyond dicks / cunts and false dilemmas.

The revolution is not inevitable , since neoliberals came into power in the 80's their faulty system was so patched up that there is no longer any system but only patches . Their downfall reveled the true nature of globalist elites , their contempt for citizens , laws ,borders , free speech etc . Modern republics provide plenty of tools to annul their power through conventional means .

Social justice is used to enforce self censorship and guilt , it sets the framework of what ideas can be discussed and what ideas are too dangerous for the establishment .

lucabrasi ago

There is no neoliberalism, there is just liberalism. They didn't come into power in the 80's, they've been around since the 60's. I don't think you know what liberalism really is, it's nothing more than communist sympathizers.

alalzia ago

Neoliberalism is not liberalism . If you want some examples of how neoliberalism works :

It doesn't matter where you live when we all shop at IKEA - immgration

Unemployed ? why don't you try a start up - false hopes of social mobility

QE those banking derivatives and then bail out the banks - capitalism for the poor socialism for the rich

Still unemployed ? why don't you try another country ? - nomadic workforce with no roots

metoo #believewomen #nohatespeech - because every sense of community must be destroyed

i can go on but you get the picture .

Communism is about ending the state , go read some Engels if you are interested . At the other hand neoliberalism needs the state and the state needs neoliberalism so no there are no "communist sympathizers" there .

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Liberalism has been around since the 1700's, and the problems now are the same ones which were argued on the French tennis courts between the Jacobins on the left side of the court and the Giorondis on the right.

Jacobins argued the destruction of all societal structures to be replaced with total "freedom", while the other side desired to maintain some institutions like marriage. All of this has morphed into the factions we see today, but the problem is even the "conservative" Liberals like our modern Republicans do not have a leg to stand on philosophically. Hence why both sides ultimately boil down to the same result.