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14805891? ago

Very bright? M8. Q just came out and posted the literal "democrats are the REEEEEEEEal racists" meme. It's a fucking meme. This tells me everything I need to know about Q, the demographic replacement of whites is still going to fucking happen. To Hell with that! We were built as a white European nation and we were doing just fine until the 60's when (((they))) opened the fucking floodgates!

Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.

Well, I'm telling you now, I WON'T just sit by and watch my race get eradicated when we are the ones who brought the world to where it is.

14806080? ago

The good news appears to be that this "Q" nonsense will be over in a couple weeks. What will all these cultists do once the psyop is over?

14807077? ago

You must be mental. You hate Q, yet you spend all your time on a Q board, reading about Q. Fucking mental.

14807654? ago

You must be mental.

In fact, I am a fairly cognitive individual. Thanks.

You hate Q, yet you spend all your time on a Q board, reading about Q.

I assume this is projection. As for me, I browse v/all, and comment on a wide variety of subverses. And while the "Q" psyop is currently topical, I've taken an interest in a number of other cults over the years. The structure and function of human belief is a fascinating topic.

14816795? ago

OK. Do you believe everything is basically OK in the world?

14817263? ago

Ah, breaking out the Rorschach questions. Well, yes and no. The laws of physics (as we understand them) appear to be functioning as expected, as apparently are the other laws we have yet to discover.

  • exclamation: used to express assent, agreement, or acceptance.
  • adjective: satisfactory but not exceptionally or especially good.
  • adverb: in a satisfactory manner or to a satisfactory extent.
  • noun: an authorization or approval.
  • verb: sanction or give approval to.

But in what sense might "everything be basically OK"? Or "not OK", as the case may be? I'll go with an adjective/adverb combo, as a personal choice. If I were the ruler of this planet, there are certain changes I might make, so in that sense, things are not as "OK" as they might be. At the same time, I am "OK" with not being the ruler of this planet, so perhaps things are "OK".

Note that I'm taking your "in the world" as generally referencing the human-centric aspect of this world.

14818009? ago

It wasn't a trick question.

14818827? ago

That wasn't a trick answer, although it might have gone to a depth you weren't expecting for a generic question. Perhaps this alternative will help: