14811293? ago

OP, Great minds...!

I wrote practically the same thing on a forum about 11/11/18 today. All the people on that forum don't follow Q but they are all open to the idea of the movement. Probably because I have been beating them into submission on the Q-Movement since Nov. 2017. Also most of them are like me, 'Nam vets. We were young and rebellious once too. Hell we still are rebels.

Q Drop # 2396

On Armistice/Veterans Day? If Trump is going to be out of the country that day that will be the day the hammer falls. Q has been talking about 11/11/2018 since early in the year. He's also said when it all goes down POTUS will be out of the country for his own protection. I don't know for sure but from the clues he's dropped it's starting to look that way. Maybe when he was talking about a military parade in DC on 11/11/2018 it wasn't the kind of parade we were thinking. He's done that before with his clues, they'll seem obvious but have a different meaning than you think. So yeah there may be a lot of military in the streets of DC but they won't be there for show, they'll be doing what they've been training so hard for this last year. Arrests and urban control. Even a bunch of the M1Abrams have been modified for urban use. If that happens I'll be smiling from ear to ear.

14810834? ago

Praying most of your post comes to pass. As a Christian, I don't think we are in the last days; book of Revelation clearly states a One world government and total enslavement of the planet. God may be giving us a respite of time. Gods timing is not our timing. Better to take it one day at a time and trust God in these days. Satan has been running the "World" since day one...Jesus took control back over 2,000 years ago. But Satan is still running "his" system on the earth. However, since Jesus' resurrection; we as Christians now have the power to defeat Satan...a power we did not possess until Jesus defeated Satan at the cross.

14811091? ago

I like your analysis and have too thought about the book of Revelation and the one world order. I have also translated that into the possibility that this one world order is the cabal, at the direction of the Rothschilds and the satanic cult that fuels their power. They are responsible for the wars and disasters world wide. It is being threatened, attacked, and by reading some of the replies being defended vigorously. Evil will lose and if there is a second wave of this in the future that controls the people in a worse way than what we know today, only Jesus can help us. Great reply.

14810322? ago

So Great! Yes Indeed! Could be! God Almighty is Leading this Plan, this Destruction of Evil & a New Day for His America & World!

14809761? ago

I think you got it! I like your thinking

14809896? ago

There is so much more to my reasoning and I couldn't writeabout it all. The post would have looked like a copy of "War and Peace." I'm more worried about what Wednesday brings after the election. Civil unrest is almost assured. I will be following the biblical scripture of 2 Thessalonians 2:7 - keep your powder dry.

14811888? ago

Yes. Be ready. These losers really don't accept losing. Their victimology makes them believe that, once again, they are victims, and therefore, allowed to grab whatever power they can.

14808989? ago

Speaking of hundreds of trillions of dollars in gold, a man by the name of Neil Keenan has had a blog online since 2013 talking about this. He claims to be working with this "Alliance" to take back what is called the Global Collateral Accounts. According to him, JFK tried doing the same thing during his presidency. Whether or not he is legitimate, I have no idea. Maybe someone here knows more.

I have been very skeptical about him in the past, but after Q started posting, it made Neil a bit more believable.

His blog: (http://neilkeenan.com/sample-page/)

14810228? ago

The M1 part of Keenan's is real...indonesian bloodline president was given the accounts and control of the gold after WW2...These funds were meant to fund third world and also the first...The indonesian leader was taken out by CIA coup and kept in house detention.. Then the question of neil Keenan and if he is a scammer or worse still a agent of deepstate...people need to know of US military intelligence and the outright theft of gold and wealth from Asia..At the behest of the british I believe the japanese pillaged the whole wealth of all those countries they ransacked,killed and murdered...The gold there amounted to 500,000 metric tonne of gold.This was the Emporers family.. What they couldn't get back to Japan they buried in the Phillipines...Thats where general...,i'll be back for the booty McCarthur comes in and goes on recovery mission of all the gold.

14811286? ago

There was also the mention of taking gold from Gaddafi when Hillary and Obama took him out. Nobody knows where that went either.

14809645? ago

There is an Alliance. But there are multiple factions. Even if they agree with the ultimate goal, each faction favors a different way to reach it. And accepting the notion of the existence of the Alliance brings you into the deepest rabbit hole possible where people just can't seem to go there. So even in that Keenan guy was really Alliance, that's just his opinion. You can have many factions in the USA, then you have many factions in Russia, just as many in China, in Europe, etc. Each of them draw their plans, and they are trying now to negotiate with each other to see which part of which plan will be applied, plus you have moles and traitors to complicate matters, etc.

14809078? ago

That is not a name I have heard yet but you are correct in the JFK dissolving the Federal Reserve and that getting him killed. Bush Sr was part of that. This Deep State has been over a century in the making with deep satanic ties. So many oblivious to the facts. I question everything out of who I am but will check out the link provided. Thanks for the info.

14808690? ago

I think I know the location of Trump on November 11/12 (it's not a secret).

14808718? ago

As long as he is surrounded by military personnel, I'm fine with it.

14808289? ago

Xi? The president of China who made himself president for life? You're kidding. I suppose the NWO might put a cramp in Xi's plans so Xi wants to get rid of them.

14808741? ago

Did Xi do it, or the masters see an opportunity?

Edit: That is a great question though.

14808267? ago

For the troll/shill/anti-boomer/racist/homos; if you are not a Q supporter, there apparently are other subverses you can go wank off to.....go ye therefore and do so.

14808162? ago

So many bull shit comments in here..I totally agree with you OP We are in a definite and final change! I believe Putin and XI are on board with POTUS..They, like USA, are not buying this nwo crap

14808331? ago

Like we are asked, think logically. Why was it nit a problem with Hillary Clinton and the failed Russian reset? Why was it not a problem with Obama and China? China was a beneficiary of the Globalist agenda because of the slave labor and money coming into the country. Now that Trump has disrupted their plan, China is in some economic trouble. But it is not China per say but the Globalist agenda that is impacted. Xi, like so many others, are controlled. No more. We have reached that tipping point.

14807861? ago

Why do the comments here seem unrelated to the post?

14807926? ago

Because they are scared. They have nothing. One accused me of projecting. They don't know the meaning of the word let alone the use of an online dictionary. Sad. Pathetically sad.

14807987? ago

Well, if you are the OP, it is a good post! Thank you!

14808129? ago

I, am praying for the perp walk parade. Shills heads will explode late Tuesday night when the voting tabulations show the blue wave became the blue grave and Americans are taking back the country. These posers using derogatory language against others are nothing more than pawns for a losing cause. They don't even believe in what message and platform the Democrats stand for. Just losers in the end. Pathetic little losers.

14809563? ago

A perp walk parade would definitely be a good thing.

14807722? ago

RE: that Satans (sic) 1000 year reign on Earth is coming to an end

What calendar are you using? The Watchers/Aliens were on Mt. Hermon about 6000 years ago.

14806399? ago

Shilling for a LARP. Priceless.

14806428? ago

That is what happens when they lack testosterone. Don't have the balls to put on a real uniform so they fight behind a keyboard, and fail, bigly. Soros cucks.

14806686? ago

/>calls out shills multiple times

/>while responding to his own fucking posts as if they're from someone else

/>calls out other people as the shills

Fucking hell lol I can barely breathe. Hilarious.

For the non soros shills here, take note. The shills aren't the ones bitching about niggers and jews. They're the ones calling out others as shills.

14806843? ago

Just called out you. You are the only one posting comments on the thread.

14806863? ago


I have literally one comment on this thread (and for that matter, this entire post) you delusional monkey

14807211? ago


14806512? ago

Why are you replying to yourself?

14806613? ago

Why do you post several times to the same post pretending to be more than you are?

14807901? ago

He asked you a question. Stop dodging the question.

14807972? ago

Why do you register several accounts on voat and reply to the same thread to project you are several people? Don't like that answer either? And it's a she.

14807999? ago

"Several accounts"? I'm not poster 14807901 nor am I 14806512.

You're a fuckwit of the highest order. Pull your fucking head out of your arse and stop replying to yourself in an attempt to make yourself sound legitimate.

14808807? ago

Oh. Are you now the tight towel wrapped around your head almighty guru of the Voat police instructing people to STOP! How about this. No.

14808893? ago

Then continue being a fuckwit and being ridiculed. Not my problem.

14809007? ago

But, you will make it your problem. I can handle ridicule. You can't handle being a loser. You can't handle having no control over others. You can't handle when someone points out you are a shill. You can't handle when you are exposed using several different accounts set up to make it look like a bunch of people agree with you and support you. Truth is, you have no friends. Your Twatter followers are fake too. Face it. It sucks to be you.

14809063? ago

You clearly didn't read what I said before. I'm not poster 14807901 nor am I 14806512.

I don't do social media.

I have quite a few friends.

You, on the other hand, reply to yourself on your own post, and are called out on it. That is all I did. You are the one who are sperging out and lobbing ad hominems my way when I said to stop dodging the question.

14809099? ago

Riiiiiight. No. Really. I believe you. 😉

14806140? ago

Shillfags working overtime today!!!!

14805891? ago

Very bright? M8. Q just came out and posted the literal "democrats are the REEEEEEEEal racists" meme. It's a fucking meme. This tells me everything I need to know about Q, the demographic replacement of whites is still going to fucking happen. To Hell with that! We were built as a white European nation and we were doing just fine until the 60's when (((they))) opened the fucking floodgates!

Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.

Well, I'm telling you now, I WON'T just sit by and watch my race get eradicated when we are the ones who brought the world to where it is.

14806152? ago

I suspected you were shilling before. Now I realize you are an unfortunate victim of mind control. It all seems so clear to you, doesn't it? You will end up being the next patsy. The deranged "Q follower" who attacks a black church, or something like that. So sad that the deep state uses people like this. It won't work. We will win back America. Satan lost already.

14806464? ago

Big fucking lol, bitch. Yes, you. You're a bitch.

You're doing a whole lot of what is called PROJECTING. You have been inadvertently mind controlled by Q. You take every damned word as gospel and have made Q your idol. Funny, because the team never wanted that in the first place. You are a nigger-tier kike cocksucking Qtard. I, and other actually intelligent beings far superior to you, are the ones doing the digging, making connections, spelling it all out for dumbasses like you who stumbled into this place. Those of us who are indeed far superior to you are known as Q Followers. We follow. We dig. We ask questions. You fools just sit on this website with your dick in one hand while humming "The Star Spangled Banner" and holding a beer can in the other. You are degenerate. The epitome of everything I despise about weakness and ignorance, and I despise your kind even more because you are IN THE MIDST OF TRUTH, YET YOU DO NOT LISTEN. YOU DO NOT READ. YOU DO NOT WATCH AND OBSERVE. YOU HAVE FAILED ANON. COMPLETELY FAILED.

You are no patriot. You are a cog in a machine. You are a pawn. A useful idiot for another side.

That wasn't what Q wanted. It all started happening when Q went mainstream. The team severely overestimated the intelligence level of the general public and now we have this mess of nigger-tier trash in our midst.

I'm not going to tell you to leave. I'm not going to tell you to do anything. Hopefully, you have a Come to Jesus moment and wake the fuck up.

14807954? ago

When Q went mainstream you had a whole heap of fuckers who started famefagging and spewing out useless crap they had heard from someone else (and often getting it 100% wrong, making it look like people who follow Q are fuckwits). Then they have the audacity to attack those who have been digging and researching since day 1.

14809069? ago

EXACTLY. FUCKING THANK YOU! I was on /pol/ for the CBTS drops and had been there long before even THAT.

14809172? ago

You're welcome. I'm one of the originals as well, and can't stand the normie-tiers fucking shit up. I don't have a problem with the normie-tiers as people, but when they start co-opting things as their own and are very misinformed about it, and start spreading outright lies, that's when I draw the line.

14809518? ago

Is... That what what you refer to? ;)

14809509? ago


"Derrr Hitlerrr was a Rothshield Nazi=AshkeNAZI lolol my baysd black fagman dems are duh reel raycists MAGApedes lololol I liek Librty ayand Freddm!

14807196? ago

Who is telling you not to look into Q? Who is paying, I mean telling you to go to this thread and do your very best to discredit, belittle, berate, accuse, and to not believe anything that has already been written on in open source that leads one to believe there is more to this Q thing than what the Mockingbird media wants you to believe? Are you incapable of thinking for yourself? Does it make you feel special that you can anonymously attack another person's free will to exercise their God given and Constitutional right of free speech and believe what they want? Does it make you feel so very special that you are able, anonymously by the way, to project to be intellectually superior? Is mommy proud of you? Is your name Kelly Zimmerman? Are you that butthurt aboit the election? You realize that we are not going away, right? After Tuesdays election is over, are you going to be one we see in the street, attacking old, frail ladies? Because face it, they are the only ones where you stand a 51% chance of winning a physical altercation against. You do realize you are on the losing side of this fight don't you? You will never win, loser. Never.

14806662? ago

Get him, dude

14806685? ago

I hate doing that... I really do. These people have their hearts in the right place just like many over on plebbit on The_Donald but it's like instead of building the wall on the border a wall has been built in all their heads...

For what it's worth, Gott mit uns friend. Have a good one.

14807529? ago

Ich werde meinen Penis in den Mund nehmen, bis Schweine meinen Arsch fliegen lassen.

14806739? ago

Right back at you, Hans.

14806196? ago

^ REAL SHILL - with his mates reinforcing his comments to try and reinforce concensus

14806337? ago


I'm a 19yo in college. NatSoc. Anyone that thinks I'm stupid enough to go it alone and shoot up a bunch of innocents for no reason... Big fucking lol. Funny, the Qtard accuses me of mind control, what is it called? Oh yes... Projection. He has been inadvertently mind controlled by Q. That's what separates the followers from the nigger-tier cocksucking retards. We have weaponized autism. They... They have weaponized down syndrome.

14806621? ago

Why are you doxxing yourself? I could find you by the things you've said here and in other threads. Who do you work for?

Why are you leaving an identifying trail on this site?

14806649? ago

I work for a greater future.

Oh... Hate to tell you but there's a lot of us out there that fit my description.

14806105? ago

I hope, no. I'm praying that you are in your late 80's with one foot in the grave with your utter, idiotic, and extremely bigoted opinion. I've said for years now we are only a few generations away from ending racism. Nobody, absolutely nobody in the American party gives two fucks about a skin color. Nobody. Your comment is so off topic it glares of shill fuckery. The insignificance of your comment, and you by the way, is duly noted and dismissed. Oh look. I ran your race card and it was declined. Do you have any other form of argument, or intelligence? And no. You are not eligible for a Purple Heart in this fight. That requires courage.

14810396? ago

I get your drift that we have moved towards not seeing with skin color in mind...Yes thats true..But what we have seen is the hijacking of that drift in natural evolution.being consumed by a agenda that wants to absorb all discourses....from transexuality to gender fluidity..He does not realized that our position in the geo economic food chain was gifted to us by the social and financial engineers...I like his response to your weighted barrage.."speak for your self"...when the pitch fork and torch guy is leading a call to arms with this paranoid idea they are squeezing in on us...

14806844? ago

Nobody, absolutely nobody in the American party gives two fucks about a skin color. Nobody

Well that simply isn't true, is it? If you had a brain, you'd know that race tensions rose under obama. They also rose under trump. They exist in many places, to different degrees. Here's an example : https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2014/12/Race-IAT-score-map_White6.jpg . Fun game for you - overlay that map with the % of non white residents by state. You'll notice a little correlation. To be precise, exposure to non whites aggravates racism. So the browning of America that you 'totally don't care about' will in fact lead to rising rates of racism. Just the way things work.

If you think America moving from majority white to minority white is going to occur in the midst of some kind of kiked kumbaya level of racial harmony, you are literally delusional.

And no. You are not eligible for a Purple Heart in this fight. That requires courage.

The sheer levels of fucking delusion. We're not out here dodging shrapnel you boomer cuck, it's a fucking keyboard slugfest. Precisely nobody will be getting purple hearts.

The fact you think you can make snide comments about his intelligence, whilst mocking the fact that so many Americans are brainwashed about their own genocide is kind of funny, to be quite honest. You're not alone in your views, you're quite right. What you are, however, is alone in them amongst the youth. When boomer / X cunts like you start to die out, you may start to realise just how little tolerance for racial harmony exists amongst gen / late millenials.

A storm is indeed coming, regardless of what Qucks like you and Q think you can achieve.

One way or another, racial tensions WILL keep rising.

14807310? ago

But, but, if I'm dead, how will I realize just how intolerant the Democrats are of blacks leaving their party and the fomenting of racial division, cuck? Again, the American party doesn't care about skin color. Only those who have the most to lose do. The only ones out there creating racial divide are cuck Democrats. We know who you are.

14807502? ago

the American party

Nice to see you don't have too high an opinion of your party.

Only those who have the most to lose do.

*You're upset about genocide? You're just bitter? #whitemalerage. Go ahead and call me a fucking democrat darling, but there's exactly one group out there using these arguments, and I'll give you a hint, it's not your precious 'American party' - example https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/29/opinion/stacey-abrams-georgia-governor-election-brian-kemp.html

The only ones out there creating racial divide are cuck Democrats

No. People like you who try to claim that anyone upset about being genocided is just being hateful are honestly doing more to push racial tension at this point than fucking anyone. At least with the democucks it's old news. You scum are actively destroying the old America whilst wearing it's decaying corpse as a cloak and pretending you're it's saviours. Digusting.

We know who you are.

I've heard this line so, so many times.

Every time it's less impressive than the last.

Do you think you sound impressive when you say it? It just serves as a handy npc identifier for people who don't have the originality to react in a self-driven way.

14807833? ago

You mention genocide several times. Where, in America is this happening, outside of the Democratic controlled inner-cities where blacks seem to be doing it to their own race? I started this thread out, stating it was only my thoughts that 11/11/18 was going to be a parade of perp walks and you have somehow deflected, projected, and using the all too trusting New York Times as a source have gone batshit crazy personally attacking me with vilgarity, as if that is somehow going to make me say, "Uh yuk yuk yuk. She sure has a point. I need to stop thinking for myself, stop following this Q thingy, and just fall in lock step with these fascist fringe fucktards and just finish off the USA for the good of the Globalist. I mean, why is it that I have to be so privileged to have been born in the USA to loving parents, even though I really didn't have any say in who or where I was going to be born. Sheesh. How could I be so stupid?" Well cupcake. That ain't gonna happen. The genocide you speak of. Is it the genocide of the Cheyenne tribe when the Lakota Souix drove them out of the Black Hills? Or was it the genocide of the European Spaniards that tok out the Aztecs, Mayans, or the 15 other tribes that don't exist in the country known niw as Mexico? How narrow is your microscope of life dialed down? You are an ignorant little girl. Daddy issues?

14808995? ago

where in America is this happening

How about : in America as a whole? http://www.davidduke.com/images/third-world-immigration-invasion-set-to-destroy-america-small1.jpg . Or how about Canada as a whole? https://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/statistics-canada-2016-immigration.jpg . And before you say 'well I don't see the death camps', please actually learn what genocide entails : http://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.html - sections C,D,and possibly B currently apply in most all white countries.

You seem to believe it merely entails violent death of people, which is laughably narrow minded - that is merely one of the likely end results of carrying out a program of genocide. The rwandan genocide did not start (or end) with rampaging bands of machete wielding blacks. The nature of these events is somewhat more complex.

You are entirely correct when you speak of the genocide of other groups though. The spaniards and the aztecs are a particuarly good example, so lets focus on them. Last I checked, they didn't wipe them out, at least in the way you're invariably going to respond is required for it to truly be genocide when I state the US and Canadian whites are being genocided. Aztec and mesoamerican native blood is still around - it was merely subsumed by another culture, and reduced to a genetic fragment, present more in some than others (hence the spanish caste system). That represents the end result of America, fast forwarded 3-4 hundred years. In 1950 it was a ~88% white country. In 2350 its percentages are harder to assume, but if you count 'white' as 3/4 + white it will likely be a less than 10% white country. Just as the pureblood aztecs were genocided, so too will the white Americans be genocided.

But hey, no death camps, nobodies actively firing shots (yet) , so it can't be genocide, right? Stupid girl.

How narrow is your microscope of life dialed down? You are an ignorant little girl

Mercifully unlike you I wasn't born with the birth defect of double X chromosomes, and as a result I'm capable of considering these situations with logic, rather than feelings, and at a broader scale.

But go ahead and tell me I'm wrong by pointing out how you don't feel like it's a genocide so it isn't and how 'I'm just an evil stupid fascist (correct, at least as far as the political component goes) who wants to destroy America' (funny way of saying save...).

When whites are removed from America as a majority, America will have ceased to exist. America is inseparable from its founders. If you want evidence of this, look at Liberia. Until very recently, its constituion was heavily modelled on that of the US. It was founded by US originating blacks. It was founded on very much American ideals. It is, as DJT would say, a shithole (and one where those American ideals are now long dead). Why? Well that's simple - it was founded by african americans, and not Americans. Culture is downstream from race.

14809149? ago

Ok. You have put some time into your reply so now I'm going to analyze. First, your first link is to davidduke.com. Is this the same white supremacists David Duke? If so, you just lost the argument.

14809368? ago

It represented the only easily accessible one at the top of google images - the others were EU blocked. If (if lol) you don't like that source, simply search 'US white population over time graph" and look at any of the results, that's all it shows. The hoster of the image has no particular context here, and the same data can be found in a number of other locations.

14809465? ago

Straight up honest. Do you believe the white race is superior to all other races?

14810102? ago

That depends how you phrase the question. I believe whites are amongst the smartest races (average IQ is slightly below ashkenazi/east-asian, but with a higher spread leading to a higher number of geniuses). I also believe they possess the best balance of low criminality and high empathy, for all their criminality levels could stand to be decreased. Those are just facts, and if believing them makes me white supremacist nature herself is white supremacist.

In regards to absolute terms, no, not really, although I won't deny an in-group racial bias - you could consider this analogous to supporting your favourite football team. I'm also fully cognisant of the fact that differences between groups across multiple traits exist, and these differences will lead to differences in the resultant culture - I think ignoring this is very dangerous, and intellectually dishonest.

I also genuinely believe white people have done more than any other race to uplift others - against, call me evil for that view if you like, but I'd appreciate you not denying white history. Whites stopped slavery (globally). Whites created modern farming practises that allow so many people to be alive today. Whites created the systems of government used in most every civilised country today, as well as the basis for most judicial systems. Whites created most of modern technology, and whites them freely spread this technology with other races. White aid currently props up Africa, whilst Chinese 'investment' seeks to exploit their resources. We've certainly done horrible things, but no race has done more to help others than whites. You can mention the input of other races, and you'd be right that they have contributed, but the lions share of this has been whites (and even then, primarily western Europe).

More importantly, I believe in one simple fact : no race deserves to be genocided. That should be a point we can agree on, yes? Believe me or not, but I'm honestly genuinely sad for what happened to various indigenous populations in regions whites moved to, most particularly the Amerinds and the Aboriginal Australians. Were I undisputed ruler tommorow, I wouldn't be hunting them down and genociding them. I wouldn't even be removing them from their respective lands. I might reduce overt aid, but that's for the same reason republicans want blacks off welfare - it doesn't help. Neither does integration, most especially where aboriginies are concerned. They need to be free from our cultural influence in order to continue their societal growth as it was before we arrived, and our help has to be much, much less overt and much less damaging to their societal structures. My approach on how to help them may seem 'supremacist', but it's also one taken out of sincere respect for their original societies. I don't want their genepool or their culture to die, and I believe reducing western cultural influence and contact would be a good way to preseve it, although really it's a case by case basis kind of problem - the maori suffer far less from it than the aboriginies do.

However, the simple fact is in a huge, huge number of white countries, whites are being demographically displaced. We live in democracies, and as such when we fall below (or close to) 50%, we are functionally disenfranchised as a group. The founding fathers had similar concerns regarding the remaining Indians - that's why they were permitted their own land, and a degree of freedom from federal oversight. Do you believe we will be granted the same kindness? In terms of countries that will within the next 100 years suffer this fate, just off the top of my head, I believe the list is : US,UK, Canada, France,Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, maybe Italy, Australia, maybe NZ, Spain, maybe Portugal. I've probably missed one or two off that list. That list still encompasses the entire anglosphere, and most of Western Europe. That isn't just the displacement of one group, its the displacement of an entire culture, inarguably amongst the greatest that have ever existed.

I favour a world of multiple nations and cultures which retain their individuality, and believe that smooshing these together invariably reduces and destroys the diversity. Pic related explains it perfectly. http://i.magaimg.net/img/2ty9.jpg . Flooding every single western European country with non-whites is an act of harm against the race, and the culture. On that basis alone, it should be a bad thing, and yet desiring to prevent this outcome leads to endless cries of 'racist'. It's worth noting, if I argued these views, even PERFECTLY civilly in public, I'd lose my job, were I overheard and it reported back to them. That isn't even doubtful.

What does it say about the world when wanting to preserve my own culture and race and ability to collectively decide our future through democracy is not merely regarded as wrong, but is an action I will be publicly punished for? You made your comment presumably on the basis of believing I held a morally reprehensible view. Given your view would maintain the status quo where I would be ostracised for desiring my nation and culture to continue to exist as it historically has, can you, straight up honestly claim your position is not morally reprehensible, regardless of whether you believe this is what the end result of it should be? Because if I'm right, even slightly, your position is actively advocating for genocide, and the disenfranchisement of an entire race of people. Is that fair? You may believe after reading this I'm an evil white supremacist, and at times, when aggravated, I may even tend towards statements that might err towards that position. I would still never act in this way towards another race, I could never be capable of that degree of hate. Not merely genociding a race, but doing so whilst telling them they're evil, and should feel bad for not desiring this outcome? Even treating the most comparatively stupid, violent, and ungrateful race this way would be beyond wrong to me. Why is it ok to do it to a race that has, at the very least, done amongst the most good for humanity of any race on the planet?

Is genocide our reward for ending slavery, for curing diseases, and for creating the basis for a just and fair legal system based on the precept of 'innocent before proven guilty'?

Can you not understand how this being the result will only make people more angry, more hateful, and more willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve their race?

Nobody wins if people continue down this path.

14810919? ago

I appreciate and have great respect for you to reply as you did. We do agree. Genocide in any form is bad. Comments you made required me to reflect on my beliefs.

You make excellent points on the populations in Europe especially. But what I see happening there has nothing to do with genocide as it does virtue signalling. They are doing it unwittingly to themselves through ignorance. The religion of peace has got them brainwashed into thinking they can live together. Here is a great explanation for why it can't. https://youtu.be/t_Qpy0mXg8Y I think this helps explain parts of your statements.

You mentioned Liberia. There is still slavery there to this day. Slavery world wide has not been irradiated but yes, the whites have done more to end it than any other race.

I had absolutely no say in what race, family, geographic location, or economic status I was born into, as you. That being said, I also think I have nothing to be ashamed of, embarrassed about, or apologetic for. If that makes me racist, I guess we have more in common than not. Thank you. Thank you for providing me with the perspective not previously discussed or considered by myself. You ask thought provoking questions, make a cogent argument, and use great comparisons to emphasize your points.

When it comes to welfare, it should be a hand up in times of need, not a generational way of life. Republicans may want people off welfare but Democrats want them dependent on it. They use the hopes of prosperity, accompanied by a vote, to keep them in slavery. Nothing has been done, until Trump was elected. Blacks biggest threat of genocide in the USA is Planned Parenthood.

When it comes to the genocide of the whites, I really don't know what to say, think, or do about it. I've never even thought about it or saw it as an issue. To say if it does it will be long after I, my son, his future family, and their families are gone is being ignorant of the possibility. I have nothing. It is hypothetical and if this ever does materialize, the state of the world will have degenerated to a point where it just might be a blessing not to be here.

Thanks again for your honest and thought provoking reply.

14811789? ago

I'm very happy to have helped - thank you, sincerely, for being so willing to listen. Apologies for being so heated in my inital comments, it gets a little tiring repeatedly saying the same thing only to have it thrown back in your face 9 times out of 10.

I definitely agree r.e Europe and Islam, although realistically the bigger risk there is actually the growing sub-saharran african population which will desire to migrate in the future (5-40 years) - muslim migrants are honestly a comparatively trivial issue in comparison, for all I'm not even remotely in favour of their presence. This graph should give you an idea why that region is so worrisome http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/un_population_projections_steve_sailer_2.png .

You are also correct r.e Liberia, Libya, and a number of other African countries - the global trans-oceanic slave trade was eradicated, but enforcement has slipped recently, and it's been hard to remove entirely from Africa (not even mentioning the modern pseudo slave labour variants sadly used by many middle eastern countries). Unfortunately when dealing with internal affairs like that striking a balance between allowing them liberty and stopping practises we regard as verboten is particularly hard - there are similar issues surrounding how to prevent the genocide of the DRC pygmy populations.

I do also agree r.e welfare, although I'd also suggest there are more depths to the 'plantation' argument that most people consider. For example, consider migration from other countries. Many countries try to take the most 'desirable' migrants from other countries - the US in particular does this to a large degree. There's nothing overtly wrong with this, and they will certainly integrate easier than average citizens of their original countries. However, the effects on the countries they leave behind can be troubling. By removing the highest performing individuals from countries you essentially hamper the abilities of countries to progress naturally, creating a dependent population that is less capable of improving its own situation - I see this especially in the worst instances as a comparable form of creating dependent populations, in this case populations that are politically dependent on aid, and will continue to present situations that cause the high IQ natives who would otherwise work to improve their communities and countries to be more motivated to leave instead. It's a vicious cycle - what appears to be motivated in kindness often ends up causing harm. I think it's something star trek, for all it's a fictional show got absolutely correct - interaction with other cultures should be undertaken with profound caution and care. Definitely agreed r.e planned parenthood too - it's prevented black population growth for the past 50 years, and has occurred alongside / aggravated the breakup of the black family unit that blacks have undergone at a slightly earlier time period than whites. I have no love for the business of murdering infants, let alone focusing it on a particular race.

With regards to white genocide, I agree its one that is fairly worrisome, to say the least. It's time shifted enough neither of us will live to see it in full swing, but your childrens children, or perhaps their children could well live long enough (even assuming stable life expectancies) that whites begin to approach levels of 'endangered race' currently associated with Amerinds.

More worrisome is probably the reaction that will occur in response to it. Elements of this are already apparent - brexit, Trump, and Salvini all represent good examples, as do the actions of Eastern Europe. I'm tempted to say it's not at toooo much risk of actually occurring en masse, the main issue is simply how messy whites solving the situation is going to be. This is why it's a point I keep pushing on here. The more people get redpilled on this now the less messy the end result can be, although realistically in many cases the solution will be somewhat violent at a population level. I wouldn't be surprised to see mass deportations from at least a few countries inside my lifetime, nor would I be surprised to see the occasional civil war (France in particular will see this happen). If people can wake up to the threat and attempt to exert diplomatic, non violent, and democratic options to prevent it whilst they still have enough of a majority to do so, the solutions will be relatively 'nice'. In instances where whites become a minority subjected to the democratic whims of the mob I think the end result could be much scarier, with the 'best case' scenarios in those situations probably being balkanisation (I regard that as distinctly probable for the US, and albeit with something of a unique twist the UK). There are still solutions that don't involve things this extreme (and America is trying harder than any other nation to do this, for the primary reason that they cannot afford to balkanise like a smaller, non superpower nation could. Being a superpower comes with risks), but ultimately the end results are not going to be pleasant by modern standards - looking at the independence of colonial nations is probably a good example of the kind of events that will happen.

Unfortunately, it's also an issue where burying our heads in the sand isn't going to remove the issue, and will invariably leave our childrens generation and their children with fixing the issue, just from an even worse starting position. The sooner people start to understand the scale of the problem, the nicer the solutions will be for everyone, and the less animosity will be created on both sides. Honestly my biggest worry about the whole situation is it's going to get so bad as a result of people not taking it seriously and utterly shutting down discussion on the topic that the only options left are terrible ones.

Either way, thank you as well for a lovely discussion, I'm delighted it was so productive. Have a lovely day, God bless.

14812104? ago

It really got me thinking about it. I've never seen population as a problem. I grew up in Western Nebraska where land was, and still isn't a problem. I've also travelled extensively the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Kansas, Colorado, and there is a lot of land that can sustain a whole lot more people. The questions I always ask is can they sustain themselves. We do not have a shortage of land. It is for this reason that I wonder if that time comes when a full blown race war happens that parts of the country are segmented up and defended against the others. Where I grew up and spent 32 of my 54 years on this Earth, we had the most abundant supply of ground water, produced a huge percentage of the dry edible beans, beef, corn, and we even have oil and huge wind farms. There were no professional sports venues, cultural centers, or venues that held over a few thousand people. We also had about a 70/30 split White/Hispanic population. In our prime we had 4 beef packing plants, a large ag manufacturer, and the only black people in town were recruits that played basketball for the local junior college.

While your apology is accepted, it was not necessary. I too have grown short with the temper. I loathe bigotry, ignorance, and just plain stupid people. After really disecting your reply, I found it to be an honest and plausible. To dismiss it would have been ignorant. Thanks again and may God continue to bless you and your family.

14816220? ago

America is lucky in that respect - it has so much land, and it's still comparatively unpopulated. The risks of larger populations aren't worth ignoring though - Bangladesh has a similar land area to Nebraska (~20% less), and has 80 times the population. If there's ever a huge disaster there then the refugee flows could easily collapse surrounding regions due to their number. There are some 2 billion people on the Indian subcontinent - if something went really badly wrong there (like for example, climate change warming the central region to uninhabitable levels) then the knock on effects of refugees could collapse the entire region - the death tolls would be in the hundreds of millions. For all America is relatively underpopulated, going in the other direction would be so, so much worse especially due to the higher per capita environmental strain of a western lifestyle. Ultimately our planet is already overpopulated right now, there's no way around that problem really, especially as living standards rise around the world (i.e chinese meat consumption growing). Putting people from the overpopulated regions into the regions that have sensible population densities seems a very risky plan, especially if the people who are arriving tend towards having larger families on average - it merely transplants the issue, and removes slack from the system that could otherwise be used to aid in the event of localised disasters. There are so many problems facing humanity at the moment in the near future (10-200 years), and we desperately need to start positioning ourselves to tackle them instead of reacting to and trying to manage the symptoms - otherwise we could find ourselves overwhelmed, and unable or unwilling to help those who need it most. It's a very messy business all round - we're at a point where many of the solutions merely involve deciding which solutions are the 'least painful' or the 'least bad'.

14807143? ago

Using the Washington Compost as a source proves your utter bankruptcy of ideas. Try again. Better yet, give up.

14807354? ago

sources from a source I dislike are less useful than unsourced opinions.


Enjoy your fantasy world boomer.

14807881? ago

It's not a legitimate source. It's fake news.

14808708? ago

A.) that they're a fake news source doesn't mean EVERYTHING they report is fake. It simply means they publish fake things. They probably do weather reports too, and report the results of the elections. Does that mean their reports are false? Shall I pull up their post '16 election summaries of who won how many seats, so you can call those objectively true numbers 'fake' too, since they came from there?

B.) They merely aggregated the sources you unbelievably dense fucktard. They did not do the 'poll' themselves. The data they created if from is open fucking source. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/user/jaxt/blogposts/piblogpost005.html . Run the numbers yourself if you don't believe me.

But hey, maybe the entire decades worth of data is a fucking fake news psyop too? Anything to avoid having to consider the possibility you might be wrong.

14806578? ago

I'm 19. We're going to replace you, nigger lover.

Sieg Heil, Gott mit uns.

14806669? ago

Brilliant, educated reply. NPC for sure.

14806211? ago

Speak for yourself negro cuck

14806242? ago

While you speak for the Democrats? Sure. I'll do that. God bless you, and good luck with that.

14806080? ago

The good news appears to be that this "Q" nonsense will be over in a couple weeks. What will all these cultists do once the psyop is over?

14807077? ago

You must be mental. You hate Q, yet you spend all your time on a Q board, reading about Q. Fucking mental.

14807654? ago

You must be mental.

In fact, I am a fairly cognitive individual. Thanks.

You hate Q, yet you spend all your time on a Q board, reading about Q.

I assume this is projection. As for me, I browse v/all, and comment on a wide variety of subverses. And while the "Q" psyop is currently topical, I've taken an interest in a number of other cults over the years. The structure and function of human belief is a fascinating topic.

14816795? ago

OK. Do you believe everything is basically OK in the world?

14817263? ago

Ah, breaking out the Rorschach questions. Well, yes and no. The laws of physics (as we understand them) appear to be functioning as expected, as apparently are the other laws we have yet to discover.

  • exclamation: used to express assent, agreement, or acceptance.
  • adjective: satisfactory but not exceptionally or especially good.
  • adverb: in a satisfactory manner or to a satisfactory extent.
  • noun: an authorization or approval.
  • verb: sanction or give approval to.

But in what sense might "everything be basically OK"? Or "not OK", as the case may be? I'll go with an adjective/adverb combo, as a personal choice. If I were the ruler of this planet, there are certain changes I might make, so in that sense, things are not as "OK" as they might be. At the same time, I am "OK" with not being the ruler of this planet, so perhaps things are "OK".

Note that I'm taking your "in the world" as generally referencing the human-centric aspect of this world.

14818009? ago

It wasn't a trick question.

14818827? ago

That wasn't a trick answer, although it might have gone to a depth you weren't expecting for a generic question. Perhaps this alternative will help:


14810368? ago

lol okay podesta

14806958? ago

It's a fricking Saturday afternoon, WHY the F are you here if you don't believe in Q? The ONLY logical explanation for you sympathizing with pedophiles and satanists, is that you're an innately evil/paid shill. 🧐

14807466? ago

No, she is one of them knowing her gig is just about up. Pulling out all the stops do make us think it is just untrue and a political hit job by the Republicans. Boo hoo hoooooo!!!! Enjoy hell. You're going to be there a very, very, very, long time. Bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!

14807096? ago

The ONLY logical explanation...

Sorry to hear the bad news about your IQ... But it makes sense that you believe in something like "Q". You've literally come to my site with this "Q" psyop, so of course I'm going to comment on it. Go back to reddit or 8chan if you don't want to hear it.

Half of you are jews larping as "patriots", while the other half are falling for their "we mustn't be racist, my fellow goyem!" bullshit. Like rubes at the country fair...

14808193? ago

how is it 'your site'?🤪 and you're the one who sounds like a butt-hurt Jew😆

14806592? ago

Lose their shit.

14807503? ago

The Breatharians lost a lot of people when Wiley Brooks was caught coming out of that McDonalds. What a shock that must have been. lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inedia#Wiley_Brooks

Same with the Sannyasins (followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) when they realized they were in a machine-gun toting cult that deliberately poisoned an entire town. And this after they bought him 93 Rolls Royces to ferry him past his worshipers every evening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajneesh_movement

Having your cult come to an end can be extremely unsettling for a lot of people. "My life is a lie"

14809120? ago

That's how I felt for awhile learning about the Reich and what it REALLY stood for.

I felt cheated. Hell, I was questioning my faith (Christian).

After taking a deeper look though, I'm happy to say my faith has only grown in God. I mean... Which army marched with "Gott mit uns" on them? Wasn't the Allies. Wasn't the Bolsheviks. Just... SO MANY THINGS man.

But, my loyalty is to Truth. In Truth, you'll find God. That's how my faith has grown. These weak Christians deserve eveey insult they get for being Cuckianity followers, or Christcucks. They don't understand what is going on. They won't question the Bible at all, even though there is a shitload of proof it was influenced for less than Godly reasons.

14806221? ago

Whatever happens the JQ remains a priority

14806465? ago

It does, but tbh, I've lost some degree of faith in sufficient IQ levels for anything to ever be done. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic.

14806589? ago

Nope, I'm the same way.

14806040? ago

Fucking clown shoes

14806059? ago

Nein, nigger.

Clown glow in the dark. I'm white... That's about as much as I glow.