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Goathole ago

We have mouth breathers here too, we're not special. It's a human trait if were honest with ourselves and we all do it from time to time.

I voraciously read the articles but to my shame it's only to tear them to pieces so that I can highlight what pieces of shit we have writing them. Rarely do I run across an article that's fair, balanced and non partisan but when I do I take the time to write the author and thank them.

THE DARK STATE: Discarded tea leaves, false positive drug tests

Ms. Yeager, I just wanted to thank for your article on the Harte family. So many in your profession are less than stellar in the honesty department and this was a welcomed refreshment. Thank you,

Mar 26, 2014, 9:28 AM was the last time that I know of where one was written. Sad isn't it.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm going to suggest that looking for nonpartisan articles on an internet forum like this might be a low-reward activity by the very nature of the site.

Goathole ago

Really I'm not asking for perfection, I'm only looking for better than sub par.

Hand_of_Node ago

Try mostly browsing new, because those are unlikely to get many upvotes. If you're interested in yet another 'partisan' article, you could do worse than this revisit to gamergate.