Just a PSA about reading before upvoting (ProtectVoat)
submitted 6.3 years ago by Broc_Lia
OP made a mistake, he linked to voice of europe's frontpage rather than the actual story. But 16 goats upvoted it anyway, clearly just responding to the title and not the content.
Makes me wonder what kind of clickbait on here is getting traction just because of titles without the content to back it up.
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Mumbleberry 6.3 years ago
Yes, people upvoat solely on title. Look how many upvoats this troll post got; https://voat.co/v/QRV/2734682
Hand_of_Node 6.3 years ago
Not as many upvotes, but same sub with an "anti-concrete spalling" post. WTH? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2828652
Damn, that OP must invest a fortune in tinfoil for all his hats.
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Mumbleberry ago
Yes, people upvoat solely on title. Look how many upvoats this troll post got; https://voat.co/v/QRV/2734682
Hand_of_Node ago
Not as many upvotes, but same sub with an "anti-concrete spalling" post. WTH? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2828652
Mumbleberry ago
Damn, that OP must invest a fortune in tinfoil for all his hats.