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NNdmt ago

@diesel4420 also appears to be a not/shill. Constant posts of nonsense to shit like /v/unexplained

diesel4420 ago

Here we go again. Another one of these fucktards thinks I'm a shill. Don't you assholes have something better to do, like a klan meeting or a special circle jerk.

NNdmt ago

well if you posted stuff other than socialist nonsense, and regular nonsense it wouldn't happen. Seriously you either are the stupidest human alive, or a shill. I picked the nicer of the two things.

diesel4420 ago

WTF, are you serious?!? I can feel my I.Q. lowering by just reading your comment so I'll try to make this quick and use small words so you can understand what I'm talking about. First off, anything related to socialism or any other type of political ideology gets deleted because that is not the type of content that is relevant or allowed in /v/theunexplained. There are plenty of politically based subs on Voat where lying sacks of shit like yourself can go and prove to the world that you deserve the gold metal for stupidity. I have the feeling that you are the undisputed champion for quite some time now.

@NNdmt, I challenge you to find anything remotely "socialist" out of the 2156 submissions I posted in the /v/theunexplained. I'm curious to see what kind of bullshit you can magically come up with.

Most intelligent people would show evidence to back up their "claim" but we both know you fall short in the intelligence category. I know facts don't mean much to assholes like yourself, but if you intent to put on your big girl skirt and make up erroneous bullshit then you should be prepared to back it up and show some motherfucking proof (which you have NONE).

Thinking that I post "socialist nonsense" in /vtheunexplained makes me question a few things:

  1. That you have no ideal what the fuck you are talking about.

  2. That you truly don't know or can comprehend the idea of socialism and why it doesn't pertain to my sub.

  3. That your comment is nothing more than attention seeking for all your little moron buddies on Voat.

Personally, I think you are nothing more than a Nazi cum swapper trying to stir up shit on Voat by making false claims and then you gather up all your ignorant fuck buddies to pile on.

The only thing that is truly unexplained here is how you managed to be so god damn stupid. Now that is something that can be posted in my sub.

NNdmt ago

Your reading comprehension is weak. I never said you post socialist nonsense in that sub, I said you posted socialist nonsense. A look at your lowest rated submissions says as much.

Edit: I wasn't aware that someone who believes in socialism and bigfoot could have their iq any lower than it is.

diesel4420 ago

Yeah, no one cares. Go fuck yourself.

NNdmt ago

here, this might be handy for you next time you feel like going on a long winded rant