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Rotteuxx ago

But @oh_well_ian said he was a photoshop expert since PS 5.0 !

How can it be that he'd argue the collar was a dead giveaway when he didn't even look for artifacts in the image ? Or if he did, being a photoshop expert, why not post graphic proof of it ?

But now that @Vindicator flaired a post as "debunked" it is irrefutable proof that the obongo moloch pic is a larp. I mean...

The fucking post was flaired !!!


The debunking was even spammed by @oh_well_ian in 3 different subs ! How can you argue with that ?!?!?!

Fucking shill posting graphical proof that the photo is legit, maybe @oh_well_ian can use his expert level photoshop skills to explain how the proof is bullshit so @Vindicator can retain an ounce of legitimacy.

dooob ago

I missed that comment, nice catch, updating post.

Yep. In my opinion, tracking and exposing the disinfo it one of the most important things we do.


@think- I agreed to respect your rules when you said you wont censor anyone for anything but now one of your mods collaborated (knowingly or not) with a user I have warned you of. You were the one who pinged him on my post so I do not doubt that he has missed my report v/PizzagateMods. At the very least, this was extremely irresponsible of him.

@Crensch can you weight in on the matter?

Crensch ago

@Crensch can you weight in on the matter?

Ugh. Gimme a few.

think- ago

I have my day off, @dooob, and didn't looked into the story, but since the guy in the horned costume wears a mask, I would have flaired it at least 'Unverified'.

As you say, there's no proof that this is Obama, photoshopped or not. At first glance: while the eyes are similar, the cheek looks different.

But @Vindicator looked into the story in detail, he might be able to get back to you.

dooob ago

Sorry for pinging you, you were the only mod who responded to my previous report on this user, thank you for taking time to reply.

Like I said in my original post, I am not arguing that Obama is in the picture, I am arguing the picture is not photoshoped. I would have respected your flair, although there is striking similarities to Hussein, we cant be 100% sure without more pictures and details. The problem I am having is @Vindicator accepting @Oh_Well_ian's narrative that the picture is photoshopped. which is unacceptable. Sorry for taking all this so seriously but I have strong negative feelings towards disinformation, hopefully you understand.

I still maintain my view that @Oh_Well_ian is a disinformation plant and I will keep exposing him every time he does his trickery. A person can be wrong once or twice but @Oh_Well_ian has a bad track record of sharing false information and his inability to admit when he is wrong.

Cc1914 ago

I wish people in the PG sub could read this !

Vindicator ago

This is the first I've heard of Ian having a pattern of pushing disinformation. Sometimes his posts need to be edited to satisfy our submission rules, and he can be rude...but that' is Voat Normal.

When I first saw this thread, I flaired it "Unverified". The consensus on the Chan links I read was by far that it was fake and disinfo.

I also replied to a comment where someone ostensibly "proved" it wasn't Photoshopped...except the comment didn't explain the supposed "proof". So I asked for an explanation of what the FotoForensics site analysis actually meant. I am no Photoshop experpt. When l left first thing this morning, neither the OP or the person who offered the "proof" had replied to my request for further information.

@Oh_Well_Ian's point the photo is being pushed hard on multiple platforms, plus the Chan opinions, plus the fact no one had replied to my comment asking the "proof" be explained led me to go ahead an change the flair to "Debunked".

There is no way to verify this photo anyway, since the guy is in a mask. It's a pretty lame subject to get your knickers in such a wad over, in my opinion.

@Crensch @think-

Crensch ago

I think it might behoove us to keep a closer eye on those that write a LOT, as it seems the tactic of 'baffling with bullshit' is working lately.

Vindicator ago


Crensch ago

No, I think @dooob is correct here.

I'm in the process of dismantling Oh_Well_ian from top to bottom here. At the very least, in 3 of his posts so far, he's done nothing but show that he has an agenda to try and push the idea that the photo is fake. I've seen not only zero proof from OWi, but evidence of something very sinister about him that anyone dealing with shill should be able to recognize very quickly.

I don't know for sure if it's fake or not, but the post I'm about to make will annihilate his entire existence, and will likely be used against him now and in the future as proof that he is full of shit.

Vindicator ago

I haven't had a chance to investigate this point of view about him...didn't get home until half an hour ago. Just catching up on my inbox.

Crensch ago

Ran over character limit. There will likely be 3 or more parts to this.