srayzie ago

@dooob and @oh_Well_ian

While you guys duke it out, as Corsi would say, Q is posting and I’m going to go focus on that.

argosciv ago


Love you Srayzie!

srayzie ago

LMAO ❤️ you too!

Oh_Well_ian ago

excellent timing... lol


think- ago

@dooob: We don't ban people for voicing opinions. This is Voat = free speech.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Crensch ago

Banning users doesn't really work here, anyway. It's like banning guns, someone that wants to be here will switch usernames and shoot up the place with stupid.

Best to leave be, and link to this OP in the comment sections under his submissions, or as replies to his comments.

dooob ago

I guess that is the approach I will have to take. Sometimes voat's free speech doesnt feel fair since the agents can easily slide your submission while uploading theirs. Hopefully this will be taken as a much serious problem in the future.

Oh_Well_ian ago

let me get you a tissue, you whining bitch

'free speech isn't fair' lol what a cunt

Crensch ago

Without admin help, it's a countdown until we're flooded. Still afloat, but the hole is there.

Oh_Well_ian ago

@vindicator @-think

You wanna get in here and stop this faggot who is obviously threatened by my submissions and has been concern trolling me for over 2 months ?

Vindicator ago

Not much we can do, Ian. Dooob has the right to voice his views, just like you do. And he did it in v/pizzagatemods where he is supposed to.