Dantalian ago

Thirty fucking eight love letters. anti racist will never admit being wrong, because they have been driven mad with love. They love you, and see the beauty of your intellect, and may actually agree with what you say, but it conflicts with their jewtube programming and leaves them with guilt. Being wrong means that antiracist is a racist and that you guys can't be together. :( So antiracist has created a psychotic safespace in which he is always right.

GoodGodKirk ago

@Crensch troll harder bro.


Shoot, I wish someone cared about me enough to give me that kind of attention

Kal ago

Right? I'd be honored.

JesusOfNazareth ago

Wahhhh wahhhh I'm not a fucking idiot who can't pick a premise though I can spew fallacy names because of a spammer!!! Wahhhhh!

antiracist ago

You are making extensive use of the "False Alternative", "Red Herring", and "Questionable Analogy" fallacies.

Way to pick a premise you fucking @Crensch idiot.

antiracist ago

^^^ Scholar detected

@bojangles @eagleshigh @SarMegahhikkitha



antiracist ago

How do you know I'm an athe-- I mean, I, uh, am careful not to reveal my actual position.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha @watitdew @Crensch

peacegnome ago

how about making the up/down, and days active a thing, and making them hella visible, maybe color coating them so that it was very clear when someone was a douche.

pitenius ago

Welcome to the internet. It's full of dumb. Have you seen the YouTube comments?

sinjinsmythe ago

Stand by for MIND CONTROL!!!!

Disappointed ago

This really becomes an issue when the admins seem to think that fettering our ability to self-regulate with downvoats is more important than username switching to harass legitimate users.

It is definitely a problem if they hamstring downvotes and refuse to do the same with upvotes. For example; If you limit downvotes to a cooldown of 10 per account against another account then what is the reason for allowing a person to upvote a person more than ten times? If you address downvote brigading you need to address upvote brigading brigading as well.

Antiracist10 ago

I don't care if he thinks I'm right. I don't respect him. I take pleasure in causing him emotional pain by utterly eviscerating his stupid worldview.

sgx191316 ago

Yeah, that is definitely what you're doing...

Antiracist10 ago

^^^ Internet atheist detected

heygeorge ago

Are you still podcasting or have any plans to in the future?

antiracist ago

Will you support me in Bitcoin?

heygeorge ago


Antiracist10 ago

Philosophy is garbage for the weak-minded. ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Calder, let's say you're right for the sake of argument and I should be doing something better with my time.

That still wouldn't change the fact that Crensch is an idiot atheist who literally doesn't know elementary logic or philosophy, but goes around pretending that he does in order to insult and be rude to every religious person he meets.

I have made him painfully aware of his logical and philosophical ignorance by crushing all of his points time and time again. He has no responses, and can only repeat his old already-crushed stupid rhetoric.

It makes me happy knowing that I've utterly crushed idiot @Crensch's pathetically flimsy worldview.

Antiracist10 ago

Crensch is a particularly stupid brand of religious. Utterly crushing his worldview flawlessly for months is like an orgasm that won't end.

Antiracist10 ago

He runs v/theisthate. I'm giving him a dose of his own medicine. He is unable to defend his worldview because he is unthinking. I've shown this time and time and time again, and he still says I won't admit when I'm wrong.

At no point did destruction of the prime mover argument occur. He is delusional.

Antiracist10 ago

Ahahaha, this thread made me so happy.

I told him I was done responding to him pending either the desire to do so, or some admission on his part that he was wrong - even for something small like trying to use a biologist's opinions to debunk a physicist's book. No dice.

I gave idiot Crensch multiple sources debunking his stupid book. The sources included atheists and physicists. But Crensch is unable to ever admit he is wrong about anything. He is a faithful idiot.

him asserting that his logic holds to things that do not exist in this universe, and in places where the laws of physics break down.

Ahahahaha! Crensch literally DENIES LOGIC in order not to have to think, not only about bizarre things like the Big Bang, but about everyday things like donating to charity. He literally acts like a champion for reason despite having no education in logic and being completely unreasonable.

Make more crying threads baselessly claiming you won.

For anyone reading, here's proof that Crensch is a total idiot: http://archive.is/1Sxft

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Maybe if you ... picked up a fucking book once in a while

Ahahahaha!! Crensch has refused to read ANYTHING I've provided him!

Also, No, I won't read about "arguing about gods". There's so little point or usefulness to it, I can't be bothered to waste that kind of time. ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Yeah! Says the guy who runs v/theisthate. Why learn anything about that which you hate, when it's so much easier to hate what you don't understand?!

piratse ago

/u/crensch ..... I just want to join in the fun.

Crensch ago

Gotta use the @ sign to ping. /u/ is just a link to their profile.

piratse ago

Shit..... you win this round @crensch.....

ExpertShitposter ago

How do you thinks @Crensch feels knowing he will burn in hell for his lack of faith?

For real tho @Crensch. What's going on here? Amalek harassing you over atheism and jews? Pls post best messages, i need e-drama.

Crensch ago

I'm not convinced antiracist is Amalek. Antiracist seems to think that philosophers can tell physicists what is and isn't true about reality, that biologists can refute physicists, that his DNA is special because of Jesus... or something, and that some preformulated logic works despite the premises not adhering to reality.


Down at the bottom where SarMegahhwhatever deleted a comment. Antiracist brought him up at some point, and the guy thought he could argue that his religion wasn't a delusion.

Not sure it'll be entertaining, but you're more than welcome to trawl through that.

fuckccf ago

or something, and that some preformulated logic works despite the premises not adhering to reality.

You are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of explaining why any premises don't adhere to reality. You mistakenly claimed question-begging. You mistakenly claimed special pleading. You mistakenly claimed you can dismiss logic because of "before time." Now you're desperately clinging to authority. "But MUH CARROLL is an atheist, therefore atheism is true!" While ignoring George Ellis. You just keep insisting that physicists are the only ones who study reality, not philosophers. Biologists study biology, and can tell physicists about biology. Topics like "necessity" and "truth" and "the prime mover argument" are studied by expert philosophers who specialize in those things. They study "necessity" and "truth" and "the prime mover argument" for years, that way they can devastate idiot Internet atheist crensch when he stupidly proclaims "question-begging!" after go ogling for 5 minutes and reading a Patheos article by a nonexpert. It's fucking astounding that you can't admit that "truth" and "necessity" are as a matter of fact studied by philosophers, not physicists.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha


Crensch ago

You are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of explaining why any premises don't adhere to reality.

Except now you know you have the onus to disprove Hawkins, Carroll, and Krauss, not the other way around.

fuckccf ago

You are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of explaining why any premises don't adhere to reality.

Except now you know you have the onus to disprove Hawkins, Carroll, and Krauss, not the other way around.


@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago


You argue for a first mover using premises not based in reality. I show you that those that actually study reality disagree with you at a fundamental level.

Somehow this means I still owe you some kind of answer? Get real.

fuckccf ago

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

You argue for a first mover using premises not based in reality.

Shallow assertion. You've never demonstrated this.

I show you that those that actually study reality disagree with you at a fundamental level.

Except you don't do that when I ask. Go ahead, share. Give me three quotes about "whatever is changed is changed by something else", one from Krauss, one from Carroll, and one from Hawking. YOU CANT!

Somehow this means I still owe you some kind of answer? Get real.

You've never given any adequate responses.

ExpertShitposter ago

Holy fucking shit dude. https://i.sli.mg/ywhUDn.jpg

This is no Amalek. This is something else, something advanced. I have never seen someone get so fixated. It's not like you're an atheist celebrity on twitter and he attacks you in front of an audience. He puts so much effort into it with almost no audience...a show just for you. This would be scary IRL, as this is LEGITIMATE insanity.

Crensch ago

You'll find dozens of hundred-nested threads of us going back and forth.

ExpertShitposter ago

You should probably just troll him or block him. No sense in actually debating an escaped asylum patient.

Crensch ago

He has almost 200 alts that he uses, with many thousands of downvoats between them. He makes a new username every single day, so it's not like blocking will work.

After some negative number, he can only post 10 times per hour, so he switches often.

antiracist1-70 jesusofnazareth1-88

and some form of crensch or eagleshigh usernames that aren't numbered, but... dozens of them.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck man. I thought he was up to 10...... I would pay 100$ for a photo of this guy. I just wanna know what he looks like.

Crensch ago

Kek. Basement dweller most likely. Responds to me within an hour no matter what hour it is, and I have an odd sleeping/working schedule, so I'd know. Unlikely to have any friends, given his neurotic behaviour, and unlikely to really be close to, or even loved by, his parents, whose house he most certainly resides in.

Crensch ago

Yeah, he's a special one. He doesn't like being shown that he's actually low IQ, uneducated, and in general wrong on more levels than his mind could possibly comprehend.

Really quite entertaining, to be honest. And yes, if this guy knew anything about me IRL, I'd likely have to worry about him showing up on my doorstep, but I seem to be rather safe at this point.

fuckccf ago

He doesn't like being shown that he's actually low IQ, uneducated, and in general wrong on more levels than his mind could possibly comprehend.

I bet you idiots don't even know Cantor's diagonal argument.

Shitheads: @eagleshigh @bilbo_swaggins @expertshitposter @stretched_girl @adhdferret @cancel-cat-facts

Cool: @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

stretched_girl ago

And in the general scheme of things, knowledge of Cantor's Diagonal Argument is just another bit of worthless trivia.

Who cares what you might prove by logic? You can prove the world is flat using the right logic, but that doesn't make it true.

fuckccf ago

And in the general scheme of things, knowledge of Cantor's Diagonal Argument is just another bit of worthless trivia.

Who cares what you might prove by logic? You can prove the world is flat using the right logic, but that doesn't make it true.


@eagleshigh @bilbo_swaggins @crensch @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago

I bet you idiots don't even know Cantor's diagonal argument.

I bet it doesn't disprove physicists saying that your god isn't needed.

fuckccf ago

Ahahahahahahaha!! Fucking idiot!

Hey @SarMegahhikkitha, check out @Crensch over here claiming he can conceive of more levels than I can conceive of, and he doesn't even know about cardinality! lol!

@eagleshigh never heard the word cardinality.

@bojangles, @Crensch is soooooooooooooo stooooopid and UNEDUCATED!!! I can literally conceive of more levels than him as a matter of fact.

@expertshitposter is a teenage Internet atheist like @stretched_girl

Crensch ago

Your god is unnecessary.

fuckccf ago

Yeah buddy, the necessary being is unnecessary. Okaaaaaay.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Hey Crensch, maybe if you assert your worldview hard enough, (instead of arguing for it, or addressing premises!!!), it might come true! Nope, it won't ever, because God is a necessary being.

Crensch ago

Yeah buddy, the necessary being is unnecessary.

Even your own expert says your god is unnecessary. What more could you possibly need?

Nope, it won't ever, because God is a necessary being.

You say this, but then you "assert your worldview hard enough" over and over again. It's almost as if you're projecting your own known weaknesses on me!

CrenschSuxKraussDick ago

Yeah buddy, the necessary being is unnecessary.

Even your own expert says your god is unnecessary.

George Ellis.

What more could you possibly need?

Reasonably address p2 without appeal to authority or the shallow "hurf surf reality".

Nope, it won't ever, because God is a necessary being.

You say this, but then you "assert your worldview hard enough" over and over again. It's almost as if you're projecting your own known weaknesses on me!

You dumb piece of shit. You never understand the difference between assertion and argument.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago

George Ellis.

Now it's MUH ELLIS? Says that making a comment about things "before" (his words, again) is absurd.

Try to keep up, Igor.

Reasonably address p2 without appeal to authority or the shallow "hurf surf reality".

Except I did, and you have no valid reason to remove them. Try again.

You dumb piece of shit. You never understand the difference between assertion and argument.

You don't understand the difference between fact and fiction. Infinitely more embarrassing, IMO.

CrenschSuxKraussDick ago

DURF! @eagleshigh

Crensch ago


CrenschSuxKraussDick ago



Crensch ago


CrenschSuxKraussDick ago



Crensch ago


CrenschSuxKraussDick ago

Ddddddddurf! @eagleshigh

Crensch ago


Crenscheatsshit2 ago


You run from logic, idiot. You can claim you won when you got your ass handed to you, but you have no evidence of that. I crushed you flawlessly and have a ton of evidence that proves it.

For anyone reading, here's proof that Crensch is a total idiot: http://archive.is/1Sxft

Cowardice and Logic-denial

He runs v/theisthate. I'm giving him a dose of his own medicine. He is unable to defend his worldview because he is unthinking. I've shown this time and time and time again, and he still says I won't admit when I'm wrong.

At no point did destruction of the prime mover argument occur. He is delusional.

Willful Ignorance

I told him I was done responding to him pending either the desire to do so, or some admission on his part that he was wrong - even for something small like trying to use a biologist's opinions to debunk a physicist's book. No dice.

I gave idiot Crensch multiple sources debunking his stupid book. The sources included atheists and physicists. But Crensch is unable to ever admit he is wrong about anything. He is a faithful idiot.

him asserting that his logic holds to things that do not exist in this universe, and in places where the laws of physics break down.

Ahahahaha! Crensch literally DENIES LOGIC in order not to have to think, not only about bizarre things like the Big Bang, but about everyday things like donating to charity. He literally acts like a champion for reason despite having no education in logic and being completely unreasonable.

Make more crying threads baselessly claiming you won.

Maybe if you ... picked up a fucking book once in a while

Ahahahaha!! Crensch has refused to read ANYTHING I've provided him!

Also, No, I won't read about "arguing about gods". There's so little point or usefulness to it, I can't be bothered to waste that kind of time. ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Yeah! Says the guy who runs v/theisthate. Why learn anything about that which you hate, when it's so much easier to hate what you don't understand?!


Exhibit A that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Soundness

Exhibit B that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Cues

Exhibit C that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Philosophy

Exhibit D that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Deserves

Exhibit E that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Morality

Exhibit F that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Strawman

Exhibit G that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Dialetheism

Exhibit H that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Pragmatism

Exhibit I that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessarily

Exhibit J that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Absurd

Exhibit K that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessity

Exhibit L that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Claim

Exhibit M that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Knowledge

Crensch ago

Physicists say your god isn't needed. The onus is on you to prove them wrong.

Crensch-denies-logic ago

Okay. I proved them wrong. Your onus is rebuttal. You're incapable. All you've got is a pathetic appeal to authority, baby Crensch.

@bojangles @eagleshigh @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago

Okay. I proved them wrong.

You did no such thing. You swept them under the rug. God is unnecessary, so sayeth the people that study reality, their data, and the predictive models they create from their data.

Crensch-denies-logic ago

Okay. I proved them wrong.

You did no such thing. You swept them under the rug. God is unnecessary, so sayeth the people that study reality, their data, and the predictive models they create from their data.

'Cept for George Ellis, amirite? Bc Crensch thinks reLIEgion is stooopid, George Ellis doesn't study reality.



@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago

"Do advances in modern physics and cosmology help us address these underlying questions, of why there is something called the universe at all, and why there are things called 'the laws of physics,' and why those laws seem to take the form of quantum mechanics, and why some particular wave function and Hamiltonian? In a word: no. I don't see how they could."

Yeah, he doesn't answer questions he didn't fucking answer, and didn't attempt to answer, and aren't even in the realm of the study of physics. What an awesome masturbatorial diatribe from...



Crensch-denies-logic ago

He didn't intend to. He intended to shit on Krauss, and did.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago

Reading comprehension fail.

Kraus didn't answer questions he didn't fucking answer, and didn't attempt to answer, and aren't even in the realm of the study of physics.

You really are stupid.

Crensch-no-education ago

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Virtual particles are not nothing. The end.

Crensch ago

Virtual particles are not nothing.

Doesn't matter, physicists say your god is unnecessary. Prove them wrong or fail like you've always done.

Crensch-no-education ago

Virtual particles are not nothing.

Doesn't matter, physicists say your god is unnecessary.

George Ellis. Freeman Dyson.

Prove them wrong or fail like you've always done.

  1. Virtual particles are not nothing.

  2. Prime mover proof proves prime mover.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Crensch ago

Prime mover proof proves prime mover.

Your premise requires a reality that doesn't exist. Once again, you fail.

Crensch-no-education ago

Hurf durf p2 faggot bitch.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Virtual particles are not nothing.

Doesn't matter, physicists say your god is unnecessary.

George Ellis. Freeman Dyson.

Prove them wrong or fail like you've always done.

  1. Virtual particles are not nothing.

  2. Prime mover proof proves prime mover.

Crensch ago

Kek. Ellis: "How indeed can you test what existed before the universe existed? You can’t."

His words, in case you want to mince about the complete irrationality of adding a time component to the words. Your god cannot be proven to exist. Failure.

Crensch-no-education ago

How many alleged "proofs of god" do you think there are? Is it anyone's responsibility to refute them?

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha

Sar, FUCK your username.

Crensch ago

How many alleged "proofs of god" do you think there are?

Uhh... countless?

Is it anyone's responsibility to refute them?

No, they're the ones making the claim. They fail at proving a god exists.

Crensch ago

Krauss does not address why the laws of physics exist,


Crensch ago

when asked whether Krauss has "solved the mystery of why there is something rather than nothing", noted that the "belief that all of reality can be fully comprehended in terms of physics and the equations of physics is a fantasy


Crensch-denies-logic ago

@eagleshigh @bojangles @SarMegahhikkitha


The only one who is being emotional here is you, demonstrating your anger regarding your utter inability to address premises.

Crensch ago

The only one who is being emotional here is you, demonstrating your anger regarding your utter inability to address premises.

Right, because parodying your own emotional outbursts of nothing but caps-locked whining is somehow my achilles heel. I already pointed out that you were projecting. We both know you have a pissyfit when you don't get your way.

Low effort bud, low effort, and disappointing.

SumYungGuy ago

Damn dude, you got @crensch good there.

(I'm sorry, other people were doing it and I just wanted to go along with the crowd.)

Crensch ago

No, no no no... you're supposed to call me stupid and then present a non sequitur and act like you could never ever be wrong. Ever.

Pawn ago


:D Keep smacking these shills upside the face.

piratse ago


oedipusaurus_rex ago

I do like the idea of downvote bans. If someone goes below ~-100ccp then their account is blocked pending admin review or something like that.

Alias_Unknown ago

That seems a little too extreme.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

Why? It's not like its hard to make a new account. The userbase of this site has shown that they can be adults about people disagreeing with them for the most part, and this system would take care of trolls. What's more, with admin review, the admins can make a call on whether or not the person was trolling. It's not a perfect system, but I invite anyone to design a perfect system that will make everyone happy.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

If you back him into a corner he gets all huffy and will leave you alone for a bit. You might get a ping every now and then as he links to something in your comment history and calls you a hypocrite due to some conversation you had with him 3 months ago and don't remember. Other than that though he'll leave you alone.

Crensch-no-education ago

You and idiot @Crensch have never backed me into any corners, idiot. You're out-classed.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

Crensch ago

Backed him into multiple corners. Once that happens, he waits a while before bringing up the same thing that I just destroyed as if I didn't already address it.

Antiracist10 ago

Okay. Let's see. I provide you a few reasonable sentences, and you display to everyone in this thread what the destroying response is.

I am calling you out. PICK A PREMISE and tell me it's false.

Premise 1. The suffering and death of white children, from lack of food, shelter, or medical care, is bad.

Premise 2. If Crensch has the power to prevent something bad from happening to a white child without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, then Crensch should use that power to prevent something bad from happening to a white child.

Premise 3. It makes no moral difference whether the white child Crensch can help is a neighbor's child ten yards from him or a European whose name Crensch shall never know.

Premise 4. The principle makes no distinction between cases in which Crensch is the only person who could possibly do anything and cases in which Crensch is just one among millions in the same position.

Conclusion: The next time Crensch wants to spend his money on something frivolous, (like a new car rather than a used car, or going out to eat at The Olive Garden rather than cooking inexpensively at home), he should instead donate that money to help white children. Their food and shelter, and the satisfaction that you get from helping them, would bring more happiness into the world than if you spent your money on frivolous things.

Let's see your rational response, brainiac. Or will you make a dumb insulting comment and run away from the argument like you always do instead of picking a fucking premise to refute? We'll see. lol

SumYungGuy ago

You are insane.

Antiracist10 ago

Wow what a perfect Crensch response of not picking any premises, you fucking idiot.