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oedipusaurus_rex ago

If you back him into a corner he gets all huffy and will leave you alone for a bit. You might get a ping every now and then as he links to something in your comment history and calls you a hypocrite due to some conversation you had with him 3 months ago and don't remember. Other than that though he'll leave you alone.

Crensch ago

Backed him into multiple corners. Once that happens, he waits a while before bringing up the same thing that I just destroyed as if I didn't already address it.

Antiracist10 ago

Okay. Let's see. I provide you a few reasonable sentences, and you display to everyone in this thread what the destroying response is.

I am calling you out. PICK A PREMISE and tell me it's false.

Premise 1. The suffering and death of white children, from lack of food, shelter, or medical care, is bad.

Premise 2. If Crensch has the power to prevent something bad from happening to a white child without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, then Crensch should use that power to prevent something bad from happening to a white child.

Premise 3. It makes no moral difference whether the white child Crensch can help is a neighbor's child ten yards from him or a European whose name Crensch shall never know.

Premise 4. The principle makes no distinction between cases in which Crensch is the only person who could possibly do anything and cases in which Crensch is just one among millions in the same position.

Conclusion: The next time Crensch wants to spend his money on something frivolous, (like a new car rather than a used car, or going out to eat at The Olive Garden rather than cooking inexpensively at home), he should instead donate that money to help white children. Their food and shelter, and the satisfaction that you get from helping them, would bring more happiness into the world than if you spent your money on frivolous things.

Let's see your rational response, brainiac. Or will you make a dumb insulting comment and run away from the argument like you always do instead of picking a fucking premise to refute? We'll see. lol

SumYungGuy ago

You are insane.

Antiracist10 ago

Wow what a perfect Crensch response of not picking any premises, you fucking idiot.