16003797? ago

A white-knight appears!!


Q faggots


"Great discussion. Removed". - @thisistotallynotme



Shizy - I'm your alt now.

Everyone who disagrees with me is an "accomplice" or "operative" or "shill" or "JDIF" or "uncaring person" or ...

For the record, I'm none of that and not involved in your drama with any of these people. I decided to fill up your removed comments log simply because I could. You became a target to fuck with when you made this sub and started banning users for shit said and done on other subs. You simply want people to PM you so you can ban them... because you don't know who is speaking to you even now... because you put this sub anon. So be mad and keep blaming everyone you can think of. Outside of here I have had pretty good conversations with you... but here, you are the enemy.

I have left more than enough clues to figure out who I am... but you can't ban me... I'm already banned. Remove this comment and it's immortalized in the logs... leave it and it's immortalized right here.

What you gonna do?

15793520? ago


14725706? ago

========D ~~~ ~~~~

14723062? ago

===============D ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

14602784? ago

@thisistotallynot me is also @BuilderAnon, who is also @ElectroLumus and @Heru.

Liar is his name and manipulation is his game! I'm posting this everywhere until you delete this account too faggot!

14554666? ago

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14528218? ago

=========D ~~~~~

14507491? ago

Why do you suppose PuttItOut, the owner of Voat, would create a Set blending v/GreatAwakening and v/TheAwakening if this hogwash you're selling to noobs who don't know any better was true, if the mods and O of GreatAwakening were nefarious?

And an even better question: Q says "We have it all". Clearly they know whatever shit there is to know about any and all of the Voat subs and users they take an interest in. So, how do you explain Q sending Codemonkey to make a home on Voat for his Reddit followers if "SBBH" is so bad? Q waited a couple of weeks after the Reddit shutdown, after the Reddit mods had gotten into a goat war, before naming Voat the official holding pen for the normies he didn't want fucking up 8chan. He knew what he was sending people into. How do you explain it?

14526298? ago

Opsec? Maybe the set is clocking all the traffic to GreatAwakening? Why do you suppose voat magically got out of money trouble when all means of donating were essentially eliminated until the recent merge? https://gizmodo.com/goodbye-and-good-riddance-to-voat-reddits-gross-clone-1795337099

14526861? ago



Maybe the set is clocking all the traffic to GreatAwakening?


Why do you suppose voat magically got out of money trouble when all means of donating were essentially eliminated until the recent merge?

Why don't you make some completely baseless accusations on it, since that seems to be where you're going with this?

14505029? ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Vindicator.

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14460143? ago

Why do you suppose PuttItOut, the owner of Voat, would create a Set blending v/GreatAwakening and v/TheAwakening if this hogwash you're selling to noobs who don't know any better was true, if the mods and O of GreatAwakening were nefarious?

And an even better question: Q says "We have it all". Clearly they know whatever shit there is to know about any and all of the Voat subs and users they take an interest in. So, how do you explain Q sending Codemonkey to make a home on Voat for his Reddit followers if "SBBH" is so bad? Q waited a couple of weeks after the Reddit shutdown, after the Reddit mods had gotten into a goat war, before naming Voat the official holding pen for the normies he didn't want fucking up 8chan. He knew what he was sending people into. How do you explain it?

14447468? ago

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14428167? ago

=====D ~~~~ ~~

14407725? ago

It is strange how /v/TheAwakening and /v/QRV are suffer constant shill attacks in the style of SBBH, yet GreatAwakening does not.

Weird, huh?

14526252? ago

Not really that weird when you know what's up with this site. Everyone should look into how they were almost broke before pizzagate got here and then they magically didn't need money anymore.


15773671? ago

Today's announcement of private funding makes this even more prescient.

15775324? ago

I agree.

14526349? ago

I've wondered if team-Q will be helping to finance Voat's servers?

I noticed the search feature was just turned back on - a feature that has historically been disabled because it was taxing the servers too much... Hmmm...

14526471? ago

Suprised you didn't use the "🤔", idiot. You're done.

14526508? ago

Ha ha - you were triggered by the notion that Voat may have a bright future.

How odd...

Don't forget to SoapboxBanHammer down-vote brigade me while you're at it.

15033912? ago

SBBH = ProtectVoat = Pizzagate = GreatAwakening = theawakening. They control all of them. The latter 4 should be valuable resources but these kike shills have destroyed them.

14526582? ago

No, I'm disappointed voat wont ever be the place of freedom I thought it was. This site had the potential to be the next reddit, before it became a shit hole. But.. sellout. Just like reddit.

14622082? ago

Freedom? You want to talk about freedom you dumb fucking bitch! If you believe in freedom, why do you insist on mass deleting comments? You delete comments that are critical or questioning of you. Why is that? You like freedom for you but not for others. You know who else thinks that way right?

Freedom my ass you pathetic liar!

14627544? ago

LOL I don't have the power to delete comments other than my own. 100% I have never deleted another users comment, anywhere, Voat included. You should really put the meth down.

14526665? ago

I'm deeply concerned by your profound levels of concerning concern. /s

Can you tell me how your free speech is being denied by Voat?

14526720? ago

Voat is a honeypot. Everyone was lured here by shills to attempt to paint a picture of real patriots in a racist trailer park light. Some of us know what's going on, we've been here for years. Media Matters/MSM's main attack point during the election was Nazi's and.. You get the picture, you're helping paint it.

14602793? ago

@thisistotallynot me is also @BuilderAnon, who is also @ElectroLumus and @Heru.

Liar is his name and manipulation is his game!

14608727? ago

And what happens if I'm not any of those people? You call me a liar and keep the claim going? Want to take another shot at it? I'll tell you if you get it right, I'm not scared.

15606278? ago

Yep that's all you.

And here you are being a little bitch and trying to rally bro support, only they told you to get fucked instead. Womp womp:


And here you are bragging about a little story you created in your head. It goes like this " I'm so important, I'm Canadian yet I flew to America to hold a fake military tribunal for a civilian woman, not during a war time, who hurt my feelings on voat with her unkind words":


Do you really think everyone is so fucking ignorant that they would actually believe this shit?

15609375? ago

Uh.. That's not me. lol Not everyone has alts, like you. Your guilty conscience is eating you up.

15610229? ago

So you're not @thisistotallynotme?

Because he has an army of alts and has admitted as much.

14613078? ago

I got it right. And I also got plenty of proof to back it up. You wanna keep playing these games faggot?

14614354? ago

I'm not any of those people you named. If you have some info that they're shills, post it. I was only wondering why you're telling me that, like a "gotcha" moment.

14622091? ago

So that you nuke your account and crawl back to the dark sewer where you belong!

14627652? ago

I'm not any of those people in that post, srayzie. You really aren't very good at this.

14526769? ago

Hmmm, you seemed to have dodged my question, so here it is again:

Can you tell me how your free speech is being denied by Voat?

14526841? ago

Yes.. When I point out the shill mods I lose ccp by the hundreds because of sbbh downvote brigading controlled through v/protectvoat and crensch. I just continued your sarcasm through the rest of the post like it should have been.

14602960? ago

What's up BuilderAnon?

14608662? ago

Who the fuck is BuilderAnon? You obviously have a bigger problem than you think.

14613098? ago

No he has bigger problems than he thinks.

14614422? ago

If you have info, post it. I don't recall ever seeing that name and the account is vaporized so I don't even have a reference on what you're trying to call me.

14526947? ago

Yes, I too have posted this repeatedly as an anon and using my normal Voat account...

...and yes SBBH have down-vote-brigaded me. Nobody said life is fair, however YOU are the problem, not me, if you allow them to silence you.

Grow some balls.

100% of the /v/GreatAwakening mods are SoapboxBanHammer karma-farming, down-vote-brigading shills:

14527154? ago

...and yes SBBH have down-vote-brigaded me. Nobody said life is fair, however YOU are the problem, not me, if you allow them to silence you.

Grow some balls.

That's easy to say with even a couple thousand ccp, try a few hundred, losing a hundred at a time. I've had bigger balls than most, I didn't start posting anon until QRV and I've been here for 2 years battling the bullshit.

14527224? ago

Free speech isn't free.

Building up a few thousand CCP and then spending it on attacking SBBH is the least you can do given your forefathers gave their lives for the freedom you enjoy.

Grow some balls.

14526447? ago

They've been magically financed before Q was around. Well before FBI anon too. If Q team was financing voat why would they say 8chan would be the only one left? You sound pretty shilly to be a Q follower.

15033875? ago

Hey, this is @Womb_Raider. Do you mind sending me a PM? You sound sensible.

15606192? ago

If you think he sounds sensible, you're fucking retarded.

15606590? ago

According to you

14526487? ago

I do recall that dark announcement that Putt made about "Voat needing an angel" and then a mysterious entity basically took care of things with a single massive donation that was larger than everyone else's contributions combined.

If Q team was financing voat why would they say 8chan would be the only one left? You sound pretty shilly to be a Q follower.

Why did Q send us here at all then?

It seems fairly clear that Q somehow arranged the QRV sub to be created because Q endorsed it an hour after it was created.

Hey, just because I'm willing to explore a topic from different angles doesn't mean I'm a fucking shill.

Don't be a nigger.

14526545? ago

Hey, just because I'm willing to explore a topic from different angles doesn't mean I'm a fucking shill.

Okay, fair enough.

Why did Q send us here at all then?

Q didn't send us here, Q cleaned up thw mess once everyone was here and made sure everyone didn't end up in the shill owned sub v/GreatAwakening because Q knew that v/theawakening was compromised too. It was the same mods from Reddit they already outed.

14526591? ago

Q didn't send us here


In post 2270, Q stated:

[https://voat.co/v/QRV](https://voat.co/v/QRV) is a good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.
In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch).

Q cleaned up the mess

No, Q clearly express that QRV is important as a secondary central location.

Why are you lying about this?

14526660? ago


In post 2270, Q stated:

That was after everyone was here because the shill reddit mods drove everyone here with the v/theawakening sub. Get your fucking facts straight before you try to claim "BULLSHIT".

QRV is Important. So, why is srayzie (the owner of v/GreatAwakening) and her sbbh friends spamming it with bullshit?

15033894? ago

I'm glad someone else recognizes the threat Srayzie and Vindicator pose.

14526673? ago

More bullshit.

Most of the people came AFTER Q promoted QRV.

You are too full of bullshit to waste my time on.

14526786? ago

Yep... lash out.

I agreed QRV is Important. Why did you avoid my question about srayzie and sbbh trying to destroy it?

Of course I'm a waste of your time, you have nothing else. Yet, you claim I'm the one spitting bullshit. LOL

Edit: BTW there were 10,000 + people in v/theawakening before Q made that post.

14434500? ago

Maybe because v/greatawakening focuses on substance submissions and doesn't tolerate shitposts like this to stir up trouble. Leave people alone and they tend to not mess with you! It's not hard to figure that out.

14439868? ago

Wake up!

All of the GA mods are ex-SoapBoxBanHammer mods - known for karma farming and attacking Voat communities.

Where do you think most of the attacks against QRV and TheAwakening are coming from?

There's no reason to remain silent about this.

14602803? ago

@thisistotallynot me is also @BuilderAnon, who is also @ElectroLumus and @Heru.

14526180? ago

Agreed. I've been over this bullshit before I left voat for the first time. I specifically came back to expose these shills.


14404360? ago

Ahahaahahhaha There's as much infighting and distrust in the Q community as there is in trumps white house.

14403041? ago

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14400655? ago

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14400387? ago


Kevdude who recently deleted all his posts to sbbh, is also owner of protectvoat and GA.

14436796? ago

No, he isn't an O of GA. Do at least your research before attacking him.

14400607? ago

I don't see his name listed in the v/GreatAwakening sidebar.

14405301? ago

The rPV bunch are obsessed with @kevdude. They see him everywhere.

14526404? ago

Maybe it's becuase he is everywhere, like TopMindsofReddit/SRS.

14528550? ago

Rent free.

14505685? ago

Probably @freshmeat jumping accounts.

14526377? ago

Probably kevdude is a shill with the rest of them. Fuck your boogie man accounts that you soy boys run.

14529319? ago

XD Grow a pussy and come on out of anon subverse. For shills, such as yourself, even a pussy is a plus!

14530653? ago

Why? So you can be a pussy and downvote?

14531014? ago

Alright, keep your pussy and stay in the shadow where you vampires belong.

14532594? ago

"Grow a pussy" "keep your pussy"

Save it soy boy, you can't even get your shit talking straight. You've also been watching too much Buffy.

14399471? ago


im in league with who now?

wait you dont even list me here. carry on.

14415936? ago

Jack Nicholson gets it.

14506393? ago

That has got to.be the gayest comment removal ever.

14399054? ago


this is great

14447531? ago

This comment was linked from this v/AnonThoughts comment.

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14398964? ago

You're quite the brave patriot, anon. But are you brave enough to take the plunge off a highway overpass?

14398836? ago

Posting this anonymously is stunning and brave