FuzzyWords ago

I haven't been doing anything related to Voat in a very long time. I don't even log in daily anymore and I'm not very up to date with the latest Voat news/bugs. My only server code contribution to Voat was more than an year ago and it was for fixing a markdown bug, I never contributed code related to comments, submissions or any of the important functionality parts of Voat. Most of my contributions were just visual design changes and bug reports. Sorry for the disappointing reply but I lost interest in web communities/forums a long time ago, now I only occasionally log in to check my private messages.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

what it do playa!!!!

11249597? ago

This is strange, do you know anything about the mod purge that took place this morning or late last night?

gabara ago

It seems to have moved all the mods and janitors from the subverse. The other day when I accepted a mod invite, it said it had expired and then weird stuff started happening like I clicked on "Top" and it logged me out.

181kubel ago

10 ccp wtf reddit i took way to much pride pissing shits off on here. Now you want me positive ... why anakin why?