14401065? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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14400868? ago

Good keep calling out these numb nut shills.

14400741? ago

OP is v/GreatAwakening mod.

14400356? ago

Why was I brought into this shit sub

14400347? ago

You are one scared redditfag.

14399747? ago

@womb_raider we know you wrote that!

14400823? ago

Actually I didn't, your ping is the first I've seen of it. I'm curious as to whether you crafted it yourself. If not, I want to know who did.

14403251? ago

I didn’t wrote to blame you. You are being overtly blaming.

If you didn’t. I’m sorry for mistakening you. But, let’s be honest as I am, you would know who did more than I.

14407104? ago

I wish I did.

14399694? ago

Thanks, added to database.

14399536? ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectQRV comment.

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14399185? ago

Everyone here must engage in hive mind thinking and do everything the same! Q is not a team of military guys, he's a shiny golden GOD! We must all bow at his feet and worship him! We must punish the Q-deniers and the heretics! If you don't believe in Q, you don't believe in GOD! Anyone who asks questions or is skeptical (in any way) is a heretic and must be burned at the stake! Just call them "shills" and downvote them and get back to worshipping Q. Skepticism within the ranks will NOT be tolerated! Identify the non-believers and punish them with your witty comments and downvotes! Q has spoken. Amen.

14399338? ago


14399367? ago

You are? Since when?

14399348? ago

It's OK, we won't judge you. You can come out of the closet now.

14399069? ago

Don’t trust this type of post.

14399275? ago

It's literally going after the group of users who helped save Voat.

14399330? ago

You mean the group that destroyed v/theawakening through downvote brigading and routinely sabotage QRV through shit-posting?

They're not heroes. They're thugs.

They openly discuss their plans to sabotage Qanon. See for yourself:


No need to take anyone's word for it.

14425002? ago

Hey, you going to accept my invite, or are you going to let them divide us?

14399603? ago

Nah, bro. There to go printing fingers.

14399625? ago

Do you Engrish?

14399640? ago

No speek engrish!

14399670? ago

Impossibru to understahn,

14399773? ago

Yo dawg! What be you sayin? Just sayin!

14399808? ago

Y u no Engrish?:

Nah, bro. There to go printing fingers.

14400000? ago

To should be you.

14399590? ago

Hey! Look who showed up! The commenter that I was saying to not trust.

14399401? ago

They helped fucking recode the site so it wouldn't go broke running on Azure. You newfags don't know god damn shit. Now fuck off back to Reddit.