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14393150? ago

All of the GreatAwakening mods were SoapBoxBanHammer mods who are in league with ProtectVoat to attack Voat.

SBBH seems to spam and down-vote brigade the shit out of good Voat communities and when the mod deletes their disgusting images, ProtectVoat manufactures a "censorship crisis" and attempts to get all of Voat to down-vote brigade that community.

Then, after the community has been crippled or the mods abandon it, one of the SBBH mods requests to take it over or they create a replacement that their ProtectVoat sockpuppets naturally endorse.

All of these shills are pure globalist filth and it wouldn't surprise me if they are funded by Mossad.

Here's a breakdown of how SBBH now own GreatAwakening:

plankO [M] - Has an extensive history of karma-farming on SoapboxBamHammer;

Trigglypuff [D] - This archive proves Trigglypuff wasn't just a SBBH cancer-mod but an owner;

MolochHunter [M] - Seems to have deleted all of his SBBH posts since the ban;

srayzie [O] - Has a brief history of karma-farming on SBBH, but worse is the fact this user invited 100% SoapboxBanHammer domination of GreatAwakening.

14400578? ago

You missed one.. Hey George....... He banned me for simply disagreeing with him...... He is mod on several sub's. Behaved exactly like the leftards do.

14400640? ago

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