14432866? ago

Reddit NPC Muppet mod.

14424355? ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectQRV submission.

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14394074? ago

Thanks, but there were shills on reddit too. Additionally, many reddits are also chans. We know what they look like.

14393724? ago

I'm so happy to see so much participation from the shills. Here's one acusing me of being antifa... check it out. A great submission, thanks shill.

14394264? ago

Well you do sound like the the liberal faggots on Twitter screaming bot at everyone they dont agree with.

14393597? ago

"It's a pretty quiet little subreddit. Now that the Qult has moved over to Voat this could be its moment to shine!"


14393502? ago

Shills are getting triggered.

14393606? ago

They are!!! I'm kicking the same one's ass on 3 separate posts and actually, I am loving it. This same "little girl" has been busy posting today. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a funny som' bitch. If you want a good laugh, click on every post that you suspect is shill. This poster is a triggered LOSER.

14393466? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapBoxBongHits submission by @WhiteRonin.

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14393458? ago

Fuck off antifa agent

14393391? ago

All 1990 posts are shill posts. They try to insert some distraction conspiracy clue.

14393468? ago

No, it's just a running joke.

Oldgoats having a giggle. Obstructive at worst.

Downvote them and either have a giggle or ignore it, they usually give us space.

It's those who are sowing doubt/spreading propaganda(narrative pushing/consensus manufacturing) that are shilling.

14393963? ago

Beatle here and I was serious when I typed 1990

14394112? ago

Where you super cereal?

14434329? ago

Super cereal 1990

14393305? ago

They start posts like this:

"Spare me the anti-Jew posts (((WWG1WGA)))": https://voat.co/v/QRV/2777649

...but then expose themselves to pro-Zionists:


14393293? ago

This is a typical example of a low energy shill post.

14394366? ago

Ummm that post was dead on. You sound like a liberal twatter faggot that screams "Bot" at all differing views.

14393256? ago


Q#2328: https://qmap.pub/read/2328


The following three external (i.e. external to 8chan) research platforms must unify:

  1. v/GreatAwakening
  2. v/theawakening
  3. v/QRV

Our collective research efforts are scattered, diluted and duplicitous. Not all subscribers partake in all three subverses.

If we are to be efficient and therefore formidable enough to repel the cabal, we are to unify!


Q#2328: https://qmap.pub/read/2328

ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

v/GreatAwakening and v/theawakening are non-anoymized subverses.

The existence of these subverses permits and encourages SELFISHNESS, NAMES, FACES and FAME on the part of mods and subscribers.

Both mod groups selfishly cling to the FAME of their NAME and their positions as power-hungry authoritarians. Both mod groups have failed in not possessing the humility to relinquish their positions and respective subverse by unifying with v/QRV.

  1. v/theawakening's mods proved too trigger-happy in censoring content that would ward off the greater "normy" population and resultantly poorly acclimated.
  2. v/GreatAwakening's mods, in their ignoring of Q's mandate to unify, believe that they outrank Q by merit of their tenure on Voat.

The subscribers and contributors of each subverse, in their clinging to the familiar paradigm of NAMES and FACES, permit and encourage the cult of personality that is FAME.

The time and testing of the degree of the selflessness of your altruism is upon you:

  • Forgo your selfishness.
  • Forgo your name.
  • Forgo your face.
  • Forgo the allure of fame.
  • Forgo your fear to forgo your ego.

If we are to be efficient and therefore formidable enough to repel the cabal, we are to anonymize!

14546102? ago


Both mod groups selfishly cling to the FAME of their NAME and their positions as power-hungry authoritarians. Both mod groups have failed in not possessing the humility to relinquish their positions and respective subverse by unifying with v/QRV.

You’re spreading disinfo. QRV is not THE Q sub. It’s the Reddit Replacement sub.

Reddit Replacement
Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors

14434271? ago

you post this thing every day, huh? sowing division by aggressive demanding unification. it stinks.

folks, wanna know what a shill is? here it is.

14393169? ago

This is a pathetic post. Now everyone who asks questions is a shill. It's no different from liberals on Twitter calling everyone a bot. This movement is done. Fucking pathetic

14393528? ago

^^^ Shill post tactic: Convincing Qanons that the Qanon movement is at an end.

14393728? ago

^^^^^ cult faggot tactic.

14393850? ago

^^^ Shill post tactic: Vulgarity and personal insult.

14393976? ago

1990 m8?

14394096? ago

^^^ Micropenised incel tactic: Suppress failure at life by constructing an online identity to derive distorted compensatory versions of love and power.

14393150? ago

All of the GreatAwakening mods were SoapBoxBanHammer mods who are in league with ProtectVoat to attack Voat.

SBBH seems to spam and down-vote brigade the shit out of good Voat communities and when the mod deletes their disgusting images, ProtectVoat manufactures a "censorship crisis" and attempts to get all of Voat to down-vote brigade that community.

Then, after the community has been crippled or the mods abandon it, one of the SBBH mods requests to take it over or they create a replacement that their ProtectVoat sockpuppets naturally endorse.

All of these shills are pure globalist filth and it wouldn't surprise me if they are funded by Mossad.

Here's a breakdown of how SBBH now own GreatAwakening:

plankO [M] - Has an extensive history of karma-farming on SoapboxBamHammer;

Trigglypuff [D] - This archive proves Trigglypuff wasn't just a SBBH cancer-mod but an owner;

MolochHunter [M] - Seems to have deleted all of his SBBH posts since the ban;

srayzie [O] - Has a brief history of karma-farming on SBBH, but worse is the fact this user invited 100% SoapboxBanHammer domination of GreatAwakening.

14546127? ago

@ObamasPinkSock a mod from TheAwakening, used to be a mod on SBBH before making this sock puppet account.

14546148? ago

I just did a search on ObamasPinkSock's history and he never contributed to SoapboxBanHammer.

Here: see for yourself: https://searchvoat.co/?t=&s=Soapboxbanhammer&u=ObamasPinkSock&d=&df=&dt=&nsfw=off

Why lie about that?

14647147? ago

That’s the point nigger. They used their alt

14652459? ago

What are the accusations based on?

The claim was the ObamasPinkSock was a SBBH mod - and that is FALSE.

14434338? ago

this is a shill post.

14400578? ago

You missed one.. Hey George....... He banned me for simply disagreeing with him...... He is mod on several sub's. Behaved exactly like the leftards do.

14400640? ago

Conversation is continued here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectQRV/2781102

14400628? ago

Is this the profile you're referencing?: https://voat.co/user/HeyGeorge

14401293? ago


14399766? ago

you're such a dick knob lol

the first i ever even KNEW of the SBBH sub was when you accused me of being a mod on it


14399261? ago

kill yourself

14399242? ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#3410) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14399224? ago

@plankO @Trigglypuff @MolochHunter @srayzie, that pedo hecho is loose

14400164? ago

I'm no longer a mod because I was fired for being drunk :/

But hey thanks for thinking of me

14399126? ago

Do you smell bagels?

14399487? ago

Loooove me some bagels.

Only a retard would turn down a bagel. And nazifags.

14393408? ago

Fuck off kike

14399474? ago

LoL...nazifag gave up his position

Nazifags are simpleminded folk...

14393456? ago

So those that oppose kikery are now kikes themselves? Great reasoning, you dirty closet kike.

14393771? ago

No, I won’t suck your dic. Stop pm’ing me!

14393969? ago

He = gay

14393157? ago

Excellent, we need to keep this going. The funny part is that if shills post here... well they're actually contributing to the thread.

14393505? ago

Ironic and poetic. I like.

14393303? ago

we need to find this "1990" spammer and report to authorities.

14434312? ago

which authorities?

14394178? ago

All your 1990's are belong to us

14394367? ago

u 1990 mate?

14393490? ago

That's TheBuddha or one of his incel cohorts. We feel sorry for him around here ever since it was reported to us by an undisclosed third-party that he's micropenised. It's kind of sad. The only love he derives in his day to day life is in the form of our rebuke. That's how small his limp dick is.

14393541? ago

Where can I report this /u/TheBuddha and his sidekicks?

14396460? ago

I'll take that.

PM me the details @puttitout!

14396480? ago

giggles I ain't even a little sorry for that!

14393709? ago

Shut the fuck up, you lonely cunt.

14393732? ago

I ain't the lonely type so you will be banned after I push this report button.


14393903? ago

Nobody gives a fuck. Fuck off back to v/ProtectVoat for one of your circle-jerk group therapy sessions.

14393952? ago

1990 trump

14393524? ago

@thebuddha was the kid Q raped and merdead in 1990