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darkknight111 ago

Let me guess, “donkey” is involved in this group.

29again ago

So much going on that I was unaware of. I'm just doing my best, with what I know, but there is a LOT I don't know... :( Good golly, it's going to take me weeks to get caught up, and then there'll be yet more to get caught up on!

Crensch ago

The effort is appreciated. Do better today than yesterday is all anyone can ask.

29again ago

One thought came to mind, after seeing more comments about voting. Which is more important, upvoating the post, or the comments? I frequently run out of upvoats, so now I'm thinking I have to be more selective with them. So, which is better?

Crensch ago

Comments, generally, mean more. CCP is your lifeblood here.

29again ago

That's what I thought.

Vindicator ago

Good call to action, Crensch. Stay strong people!

VoatsNewfag ago

I don't love them but since I have nothing to complain about their moderation I think they are alright.

VoatsNewfag ago

meh? Don't you want the world to know that the only way one could possibly disagree with you is if they are paid to disagree or work for the deep state or are guilty of crimes?

While you're at it also tell them that pride is a sin and how virtuous and humble you are. :)

VoatsNewfag ago

You forgot to tell me how you must be "ova da target!!1!1" because someone on the internet disagreed and how that means the cabal will end next week.

MudPuddlePie ago

"...@Zyklon_b, doxed his fiancee's kids to the known pedos of Voat..."

Okaaaay...who does that?

That kind of evil (mind boggling) is what GA and all you mods are up against. That is some next level satanic scumbaggery.

This is a spiritual war. I'll be praying protection for you all.

Hang in there, guys.

VoatsNewfag ago

Why are you spending so much time in this thread?

I only made two comments. One of it was a reply.

If you're interested for why I'm here - Some people were banned that have over time become familiar faces to me. Most recently Trigglypuff who has been here since the beginning and even helped to develop voat with bug reports and testing - you can still see her badges for that on her profile.

Now maybe hers was warranted for pointing out that your moderator uses the same username here as she does on youtube and twitter. In my opinion that's not doxing, that's almost like using your real name on voat. But she was a cunt towards your mods and you will probably not miss her as much.

But the others haven't doxed anyone and the rules they violated are not made clear.

Furthermore not too long ago our site admin said that voat is attracting government involvement and that he might be updating the canary for the last time. and finishes with "I have a feeling where this going to lead". Then he does a giveaway for VPNs and starts passionately talking about builders and destroyers. Not so passionately he rushes the warning or banning of people with a bad config file and is rather opaque and distant about it.

The canary of voat is almost useless anyway since puttitout updates it very infrequently, which as far as I can tell defeats the purpose of a canary. (

I'm still willing to trust him since voat has been a sanctuary for radical free speech for years by now - but it does worry me. Does it now make sense to you that I'm interested in this?

Oh and people are paid to harass people.

Yes. But probably not close to the extend people in your community like to pretend.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I like being around retards. Makes me feel really smart.

Patti_McGreen ago

Thanks. Good advice here!

Podingo7 ago

I have no problems calling out the fkrs who come here and try to cause infighting with bs against mods.the mods are why GA is a good place for actual research and of the main issues in this country is ppl wont stand up for the " good guys" anymore, and ultimately evil doers seem to get upper hand..take a look at QRV(shithole of reprobates), there are more post with down votes than with positive votes, because they think freedom of speech is the right to offend others with porn and me, thats exactly what radical lefts in politics are doing, and if you call them on it they claim you're racist or trying to quash their rights..50% or more are trouble makers who try to cause problems here and then go back to QRV and call GA mods vile names and try to keep hate going so others will do it too..theres nothing patriotic about it, because there is only good vs evil not black, white, or gray..

PuttitoutIsGone ago

@crensch's obvious white knighting makes me sick. It's this kind of behavior that has turned the world into the shithole that it is. It's the same shit you claim to be fighting against. Fucking retards.

MudPuddlePie ago

So, @Crensch's sticking up for someone who is being unjustly attacked, fighting for right, fighting against lies and evil, against deception, against destroying another's community, porn, doxxing, threats and just plain "the kind of behavior that has turned the world into the shithole that it is." unbelievably dumb...(gasp)...ahahahhahahahahahahaa...

(I bet Puttitoutisgone wears a pink knitted hat...kek.)

Cleareyes ago

I don't know, i saw a thread discussion between mod (srazyie) and intrixina, optics were pretty damaging for the mod here, rang pretty fishy to be honest. Normally for me to weigh whether someones a contributer or damager, i compare the net effect of their contributions. How popular was this sub before this mod came along into a power position and how popular is it after they have had time to influence it? Year or two later (throwing out a number since i don't know), are there more users or less? That is the tale of tape. If there are less daily users, doesn't mean they're a bad actor but definitely means they're ineffective to lead, and adds just another variable toward the "bad actor" probability. People can say what they want but to me results say it all.

Vindicator ago

How popular was this sub before this mod came along into a power position and how popular is it after they have had time to influence it? Year or two later (throwing out a number since i don't know), are there more users or less?

Just for the record, srayzie made the sub from scratch. It was he4 personal Q research sub because the shills where attacking anything q related we were investigating on v/pizzagate. It blew up exponentiatlly in popularity as QAnon went viral. Your analysis, while sound in general, does not really fit the situation.

Cleareyes ago

ahhh okay i didn't know that, thanks for clearing that up. I don't want to divisionfag myself but i have to be honest, the responses surrounding this drama (not yours/this comment) makes it hard to ignore how shady it comes across as. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt though on this one, many of the other guys are clear shit disturbers (except Inixtrina thread or w/e, that one came across as pretty intelligent and rational- made mod look pretty bad, her responses just made it worse). Actually i got a whiff of something the last big drama (stickied) even though i defended board side but was just a whiff back then and now this one to add to it. Also pizzagate went really downhill in users since i started there, so the point would stand on that one.

I trust my instincts but will be fair in any case, thank you for the info

Vindicator ago

Also pizzagate went really downhill in users since i started there, so the point would stand on that one.

Hmm. We've added almost 6,000 subscribers since this time last year, Cleareyes. I think you may be buying into the narrative pushed by some of these same jokers. We busted a major shill about five months ago (sticky is still up), which took about a year of research gathering. He was using multiple sockpuppets to brigade content he didn't want discussed, silence users whose research he didn't like, and upvote those pushing narratives he approved of. We exposed his sockpuppets and documented the voting patterns. Claiming "pizzagate really went downhill" was his favorite meme. It also happens to be the siren song of the Washington Post, John Podesta, Buzzfeed and numerous other hopeful consensus setters. It simply ain't true.

There is real fuckery going on here on Voat.

The thing I look for is: what is the overall pattern? Anyone can get trolled into outbursts that can be used against them later. We all have our breaking point. And the more you invest here in creating content, the more you care, the bigger target you are. They will troll you until you break and then use that to troll you some more until they can turn it into a witch hunt.

Look at the users' overall contribution pattern to Voat. That's what people should be accountable for, for good or ill.

Cleareyes ago

True i assume, on subscribers but daily viewing is very low. I'm subbed to things i lost interest in and never read anymore (not pizzagate though). To be fair haven't followed the full narrative or know fully what is going on, i'm relying on the screenshot of using an alt and the intelligent questioning by a couple posters, the mod and a couple of supporters looked very shady in responses (only a couple of supporters though not all of them). Those are really the two main issues holding me back now, the daily viewers of pizzagate doesn't look good in terms of results either but could also mean more people migrated to the political happenings surrounding it (Q) rather than the crimes itself, since the crimes wont be dealt with without the political/judicial component of it so i can see that as a reason.

Yes i defended the board during the esoteric guy because that was clear manipulation no doubt. Now here's another one that could be just as easily cut and dry as the previous (since many of the current attackers are shady themselves and are using the same approach as esoteric), but doesn't really explain mod being shady herself, true though mod could be near a breaking point i will give her the benefit of the doubt here since one incident (meaning incident i personally witnessed) isn't enough for me fully make up my mind.

Thank you for your viewpoint, sounds pretty fair

Vindicator ago

i'm relying on the screenshot of using an alt and the intelligent questioning by a couple posters, the mod and a couple of supporters looked very shady in responses (only a couple of supporters though not all of them)

I guess I'm not totally clear which thing we're talking about.

Pizzagate is in its third year (one of constant attacks designed to drive the audience away, too). We definitely don't have as many people sitting with the page open waiting to see what comes across the board, but I think that is a function of the role the board has always played in the larger elite pedo investigation. It's sort of the encyclopedia or library. People who want breaking news get it from Twitter -- there's just so much more of it, if you follow the right people. That's partly because a lot of those people can't participate on Voat (at least publicly) due to the sullied reputation Voat has. They tweet their material, publish it on their own blogs, and then we pick it up and archive it here in case their feed gets shut down. We're the place people come to dig.

Srayzie has never actively modded pizzagate. She is listed on the mod team so she can help in the event Eric or I can't get online.

Cleareyes ago

Yeah i kept getting banned from twitter so can't follow or comment anymore. Ahh okay fair enough on the pizzagate modding, but i appreciate your reasonable approach to this, provides me confidence in giving the benefit of the doubt to this situation

Vindicator ago

Your name checks out, Cleareyes. :-)

Cleareyes ago

haha sweet

Cleareyes ago

also forgot to add, checked the comment history of the people attacking mod, and they're pretty fishy too. So speaking objectively here, starting to smell like divisionfags working together in this event (in the event mod is truly fishy)

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Jew 101. Cause the problem then control both sides of the argument, forcing normies to choose sides.

RealBlackberry ago

I lve you guys. I admire you for what you do. I am just so untechnical I do good to put postings up when I can find share something but I will. I'll try to get better so I can help you all. Sending blessings and virtual hugs. Thank you!!

MolochHunter ago

its more important that you upvoat constructive conduct and downvoat divisive conduct

no obligation to post material any more than you are naturally inclined to

GoodGodKirk ago

I support you guys. Think you’re doing great; but tend to lurk more than talk. Can’t agree with all the content posted with high upvoates and tend to find the gems a few pages down. It just seems loud voices get the votes that others should be getting as well, but they’re not. It’s weird.

Sorry for all the shit you all are going through, but it’s appreciated. Keep being loud, we need it. Shit is moving like molasses and has burned me out, but I’ll regain my itch.

Scablifter ago

I do, the shit they must get must be incredible, my love and prayers to all in the front line, in meatspace, cyberspace and spiritual space. God bless you all.

VoatsNewfag ago

The bad actors are growing. More money is being thrown about. It will overwhelm the good people that keep this place humming peacefully.

If I'm not mistaken from what I gathered she can be "doxed" with a 2 minute google search and without any secret or prior knowledge.

As horrible as those trolls might be I have to point out that if someone leads a community dedicated on a conspiracy to take on the deep state, on taking down pedophile elites that run and ruin entire nations - and if they actually believe this conspiracy - they should perhaps take their privacy a bit more serious.

MudPuddlePie ago

Your argument seems to be blaming the victim for the crime. Lawyer-ese: The victim of the mugging would not have been attacked if she had been home instead of walking to the liquor store to get a soda. Therefore, she is partially responsible for her attack. Wrong.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda...everything in life is like that. If we all had a crystal ball, things in America would not have gotten to this point. It's not Srayzies fault an evil scumbag does evil things.

I've never been on any social media, not twatter, FB, gab, linked in, that one where you put cutesy animal parts on your face, then send the picture or any of the others I don't even know the name of.

The point being, in this digital age nothing is really private. If you are online, you can be doxxed. If someone was determined to do a person some evil, it can be done.

Put the blame where it belongs...not on the victim, but on the person who committed the crime.

VoatsNewfag ago

The point being, in this digital age nothing is really private. If you are online, you can be doxxed. If someone was determined to do a person some evil, it can be done.

Yeah. But if you use the name of your online identity and people find out about your online identity...

It's almost like using your real name as the username and people figure out it's your real name.

And sure everyone can be doxed if someone is determined. But if you don't want to get doxed - don't dox yourself with your username.

The victim of the mugging would not have been attacked if she had been home instead of walking to the liquor store to get a soda

It's not comparable at all. It's more like leaving your wallet in a debauched bar. No one should have stolen it in a perfect world but it's not exactly suprising. It's not even like that.

It's like you would get mad at people for finding out that you are Mister MudPuddlePie.

MudPuddlePie ago

The crime is the crime, don't blame the victim.

"It's like you would get mad at people for finding out that you are Mister MudPuddlePie."

LOL...first, that makes no sense. Second, it's clear in my comments what gender I am.

VoatsNewfag ago

Okay, miss MudPuddlePie then.

The crime is the crime, don't blame the victim.

I will blame people who act careless.

first, that makes no sense.

They "doxed" her by googling her username and figuring out she used it everywhere.

They found out that srayzie outside of voat is... srayzie.

Yes, it makes perfect sense because that's exactly what happened.

MudPuddlePie ago

People who act careless are still not responsible for a crime committed against them. The responsibility still resides with the criminal...

Sure, Srayzie prolly should have changed her name. But that does not absolve someone from doxxing her. Only evil people do that for evil purposes. Stop blaming the victim.

VoatsNewfag ago

not responsible for a crime committed against them.

They can certainly be responsible for acting careless.

And in this case she has responsibility for using the same name everywhere.

I don't even think this should be considered a ""crime"".

It's not illegal to point out that some girl uses the same username on twitter as she does on voat or facebook. That is not a crime. I think ""crime"" is a really manipulative way for you to describe this.

Stop blaming the victim.

No, fuck off.

I generally have a lot of sympathy for people who are being victimized. Even if they are rather careless or made bad choices. But not if they entirely brought it unto themselves.

Sometimes there are news stories about people jumping into a lions den in the zoo and getting mauled. It doesn't matter to me if they became the victim of a wild animal attack (a horrible thing to become a victim of). I can't have much sympathy for that and I will most certainly blame them for it. Do you disagree?

Now if someone goes camping and get's mauled by a wild bear I will have sympathy even though they put themselves at risk. And of course I will have sympathy for anyone who get's attacked by their neighbors dog without provoking it. But people who jump into an animal enclosure in a zoo and get mauled do not deserve my sympathy. It's not an accident but entirely foreseeable.

If you use the same username everywhere with the same profile picture and post public images on there it's not an accident.

There is no crime.

MudPuddlePie ago

Blabbity-blah, word salad, trying too hard, agenda driven.


VoatsNewfag ago

Not an argument.

Cleareyes ago

Yeah this is what i mean, you have a intelligent fair and reasonable approach to questioning about this and these childish responses by some of the defenders just ring "off" to me, not helping their case here.

MolochHunter ago

she had those profiles out there before Q came along, before Q became a big thing, before she knew what she was going to get caught up in

Where's the real villainy here - @Srayzie's former naivety or the Malice of those who would weaponize it against her?

83855 ago

@Srayzie wanted to have her little clique. It's ruined the sauce. That is the reason I rarely comment or post in this sub. When someone makes a point of whining because someone hasn't been online to talk to her...she needs to quit being a mod. My 2cents.

VoatsNewfag ago

She should have made a new account at some point in time.

That's what I did. I had a >3 year old account on voat where I basically doxed myself in an even worse fashion than her. I deleted it and made this account after I realized that voat with each migration became an increasingly radicalized place (and that I myself got radicalized along with it).

Where's the real villainy here - @Srayzie's former naivety or the Malice of those who would weaponize it against her?

If you QAnons actually believe that the government is run by pedophile murderers who pay people to harass you, then she is a liability. She put herself in a position where she could easily get threatened and blackmailed.

You wouldn't even know if it's a user pretending to be from the deep state or a serious threat. Or the deep state pretending to be a regular user. Assuming you actually believe this conspiracy.

It's just stupid.

To answer your question In my opinion she doxed herself. I really don't think someone is a villain for posting something from her public social media that is obviously her's, just an asshole. However crensch mentioned veiled threats and other stuff - these things certainly cross a line.

Shizy ago

He doxxed his "girlfriend". He put her address and her child's name in comments. He is most definitely a villain.

VoatsNewfag ago

You could very well be right about him. Oddly enough he wasn't banned.

I'm here after I read that trigglypuff was banned. And before that a bunch of people have been banned in the recent days that have been on voat for years and whose names became familiar to me.

Now maybe they did deserve it. Unfortunately I can't tell because I have no insight into behind the scenes. But I will miss a couple of them.

In regards to Zyklon I tried reading the stuff crensch posted and I can't tell what is possibly satire but either way it just's full blown cancer.

srayzie ago

Thank you Crensch! We really do need you guys to use your votes. Support each other, upvote fellow Patriots and downvote shills.

TradMan ago

Zyklon_b, AFAIK, is taking responsibility because it's funny to him. He's not actually spamming porn.

Shizy ago

He posted porn here!

Crensch ago

Yeah, keep pushing that narrative, sockpuppet account with 2 submissions and barely over a month of existing.

MolochHunter ago

Kudos Crensch, and thanks for your tireless vigilance

Crensch ago

Thanks. I want to continue helping but if these people won't lift a finger to help you guys, it's just a countdown to a loss.