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19255048? ago

It's about to come out that Q is a racist movement. Major networks researching the Voat GreatAwakening sub and its antisemitic white supremacist head moderator. I wouldn't want the letter Q within a mile of the POTUS.

19256862? ago

You're right on this. It's my understanding this is how the chans are being attacked. A fake alt right anti-Semitic troll has been attacking this board and 8 chan. I don't have a link close to source this. People should be downvoting those posts, without comment, because they're trying to trap Q people, in the same way the FBI did on 8 chans by screen shooting his own LARPing posts.

19259002? ago

It's my understanding this is how the chans are being attacked.

Exactly. @Crensch is clearly a DS plant and there are too many willfully ignorant people who don't want to see it because he "saved" them from the trolls he is friends with.

19259185? ago

Has he been posting anti-Semitic threads??? He's a mod. You're sure? Wow! He's a fake proMAGA?

19259497? ago

Setting the stage before srayzie's fake exit

Namefagging like a champ - a fake fight with his shitposting buddies needs a place on a Q sub

Once you move past his dramathreads you see his true colors. Start here and then keep hitting "next".

19259634? ago

I checked the first 2. Good riddance srayzie. She's a POS, and happy she's gone. Thanks for the links. I'll read the last link now.

19259645? ago

The last link is to a history of his posts.

19259828? ago

God he's an asshole! I think you might be right. He's a shill.