19259885? ago

I heard Srayzie was in the parking lot flashing her boobs until people paid her to stop. Amrite @Crensch?

19257452? ago

LOL Q LEADERS, the shills are desperate!

19256698? ago

$coffee says DHS has facial recog on ALL antifa et al & are able to finger the fake assholes at entry instantly.

19257440? ago

this sends blood to my nether regions...

19256307? ago

Q people know to wear their shirts inside out until permission given at checkpoint. They were probably Democrat trolls to harass our President and the family

19255976? ago

Because Trump doesn't want any connections to you crazy, loony, delusional Q-tist's.

19257993? ago

Trump could shut Q down by denying any connection to them, the military, or his administration. Go work on that and get back to us.

19255752? ago

Was Neon one of them?

19258008? ago

Peon Revolting?

19255540? ago

my guess is - aside from calling attention to the movement giving the other side an opp for a false flag - trump is not ready to reveal q to the world. I'm thinking the "Who is Q?" question will be staged and likely asked by john solomon, carter or the other guy. Doubt hannity.

19256245? ago

Timing, yes. This is war.

19255525? ago

Can't wait to see how qbert's interpret this as further confirmation of Q

19255362? ago

What's a "Q leader"?

19258545? ago

Communist ploy. Anyone elect leaders here? I didn't.

19255619? ago

The ones that are making a shitload of money off of this crap.

19257460? ago

people making money off telling the truth.


19256577? ago

So weird that people who do work make money.

19256790? ago


Lol, good one

19255314? ago

We were just told we couldn't wear our Q hats. :(

19255831? ago

Bevause its in no way connected to Trump and is an internet LARP advocating for the mass execution of whoever they deem a traitor. Trump himself has said he doesn't want to prosecute Hillary, multiple times.

19255922? ago

u seem confused

19255898? ago

"If it was up to me you'd be in jail!"

19255962? ago

He literally said to a crowd chanting "lock her up" after he was elected, "that played well before the election but now we don't really care, right?"

19256056? ago

You’re using quotes...what is your source? Your ass?

19258332? ago

Any response Trump worshipper?

19259589? ago

Why would I respond to my own post? That’s for shills to do.

19259610? ago

To the sources posted, that you're avoiding

19256812? ago

Holy shit dumbass, he said it the day after the election. "She's been through so much, we should just leave her alone aww poor Hillary"

Lol don't stop believing qtard

19256326? ago

https://youtu.be/Ix49LjgaTaI - trumps mouth is my source

19255203? ago

bullshit post.

19255048? ago

It's about to come out that Q is a racist movement. Major networks researching the Voat GreatAwakening sub and its antisemitic white supremacist head moderator. I wouldn't want the letter Q within a mile of the POTUS.

19256862? ago

You're right on this. It's my understanding this is how the chans are being attacked. A fake alt right anti-Semitic troll has been attacking this board and 8 chan. I don't have a link close to source this. People should be downvoting those posts, without comment, because they're trying to trap Q people, in the same way the FBI did on 8 chans by screen shooting his own LARPing posts.

19259002? ago

It's my understanding this is how the chans are being attacked.

Exactly. @Crensch is clearly a DS plant and there are too many willfully ignorant people who don't want to see it because he "saved" them from the trolls he is friends with.

19259185? ago

Has he been posting anti-Semitic threads??? He's a mod. You're sure? Wow! He's a fake proMAGA?

19259497? ago


Setting the stage before srayzie's fake exit


Namefagging like a champ - a fake fight with his shitposting buddies needs a place on a Q sub

Once you move past his dramathreads you see his true colors. Start here https://voat.co/u/Crensch/submissions?page=2 and then keep hitting "next".

19259634? ago

I checked the first 2. Good riddance srayzie. She's a POS, and happy she's gone. Thanks for the links. I'll read the last link now.

19259645? ago

The last link is to a history of his posts.

19259828? ago

God he's an asshole! I think you might be right. He's a shill.

19255941? ago

wow tha makes so much sense thanks for posting your stunning and brave insight before killing yourself

19256132? ago

Oh no they are I know because I contacted them.

19256279? ago

thank you so much for your honorable snitching and sjw kvetching. you should win an award

19255233? ago

If they research at all they'll learn that Q doesn't operate here, but rather at 8chan.

19255536? ago

Which might actually be more racist than voat, if thats possible

19256208? ago

Semitic isn't a race tho nigga.

19255172? ago


19254966? ago

Q nutts don't need to be around potus.

19255927? ago

triggered as fuck with those down votes on anon board kek

19255429? ago

yeah you tell em cletus

19255299? ago

you mad brah?

19255426? ago

hes mad oh yeah

19254916? ago

Time and place for everything Q, not a big stretch of the imagination