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argosciv ago

Shit, shouldn't have deleted my comment, my bad. Thought I had missed a step but I hadn't; reposting:

Fuck me...

What a mess this one became (comments section).

I was brought here from this (see link of main post):

Which is related to this:

Also relevant:

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @gamepwn

argosciv ago

Fuck me...

What a mess this one became (comments section).

I was brought here from this:

Which is related to this:

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @gamepwn

Vindicator ago


Vindicator ago

Dear God, am I the dweeb who requests a White Russian?

Thanks a lot, Kev.

Can't stand that drink. Although, my grandmother from South Dakota loved them...with Tequila, though, which makes it a Dirty Mother.

This is the grandmother who shot numerous squirrels through the eye with a .22 because she wanted a fur coat during the Depression.

bopper ago

My grandpa would boil the heads and break open the brain, they loved 'em.

Vindicator ago

Lol. I've never tasted squirrel, myself.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Is this from the same guy who banned me from a sub that I never even entered?

Stfu you faggot, fat fuck. Take you as back to reddit. We don't care what you have to say or if you were to die in a car wreck BBQ.

Get fucked. Die in a fire.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

I agree, the people who clearly disagree with this are wimpy girly men.

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heygeorge ago

Ideally, yes. But trolls gonna troll, and people love drama, so I imagine this is a fleeting dream. But we can always hope for the best.

heygeorge ago

Maybe goats will behave and there won’t have to be any deletions.

jkfaksj776 ago

then why do you expolits the ccp system of voat to silence people you disagree with ? @heygeorge @puttitout


heygeorge ago

heygeorge I have to call them out

This I can understand. A better Voat does not make itself.


Pornographic images are not speech

yet you support @seanbox who is @aged btw that actively posts loli porn and @gabara supports them

I can understand if you are directly quoting someone. But the pings of the iron fist and ol’ gabs to associate them with a college student?

gabara ago

@SeanBox is the original, best, and only Iron Fist. @Aged is Dial/SaneGoat

SeanBox ago

The Trufe of 1990 finally revealed.

SeanBox ago

Am I being bridaged? Seriously @puttiout, I would like to know.

srayzie ago

I’ve never heard of it. I rarely watch tv. Your character seemed freakishly awesome. 😂

srayzie ago

Lmao. That’s awesome


Shizy ago

It's fitting!

I've never seen that show either.

Crensch ago

You two are talking past each other. You're both right and wrong, from what I can see.

@Trigglypuff has been trying to say "don't feed the trolls" this whole time.

@Srayzie has been trying to correct incorrect statements made by Triggly.

First, what I see Triggly being wrong about:

@zyklon_b got banned for making 1990 comments.

Zyklon was banned for spam, not 1990 comments. Since he self-deleted his comments, unless anyone has an archive, the official reason is about all anyone has to go by. You might not think srayzie is unbiased, but ONE of the two erased the evidence. Zyklon's comments aren't in the modlog, and his most recent GA comment from SearchVoat was 10 days ago; meaning he removed them from there, too. Who had something to hide?

Oh. So you didn’t make a post saying that SBBH was brigading GA and QRV? Must have been my imagination then.

No, actually, she didn't. She said to prepare for attacks.

I honestly would have prepared for the same had I banned a zyklon alt. He acts like he doesn't care, but he takes stuff like that personally, and generally he has folks following him when he chimps out. All from SBBH. The label isn't a stretch. If the FBI is out to get you, is it all of them, or is it just some? You guys took that dick way too hard for being unflappable shitposters.

Regardless, she apologized for the wording, and explained what she meant. Everyone else that took umbrage at that seemed to cool off almost immediately. People make mistakes.

Because I’m sending group messages trying to brigade @Zyklon_b and @Gabara. Yeah I’m making a bigger issue out of this.

You don’t have to. It’s implied. Look at the reaction you got.

Brigade them? 23,000ccp and 52,000ccp. I highly doubt @srayzie was trying to brigade them; what good would it do? Do you think she's that stupid?

Hell, someone brigade me like that. Please ping people to read my words that you don't like. I welcome the feedback, or the jousting.

It looked to me like she wanted feedback from people she trusted before going public with it, or letting it drop if something got worked out. I see nothing wrong with this. Also, which of those she pinged are known for up/downvoting based on groupthink or following the leader?

Blatant attempt to call for support pinging users who are my friends too..

What's wrong with calling for suport from mutual friends? You did the same, here.

And yet your whole user base now thinks v/SoapBoxBanhammer is brigading this sub. Despite you being a SBBH mod.. not cool Hun

Why would they think SBBH is brigading? Attacking, maybe, but all she said in her post was to be prepared for it. She was an SBBH mod, a long time ago.

Yet I notice every comment of his has 3 or 4 downvoats now? Intent or not that’s what is happening.

I don't know where you're looking, but if users are acting out, those made aware of it aren't exactly honor-bound to not vote when pinged there. It's their choice what to do with their votes. Why is it her fault for making them aware of it? Again to the question of which ones follow her and vote blindly?

Now what Triggly is right about:

P.s. the circle jerk is acting like a circle jerk

Maybe the sub should consider classifying itself as a circle jerk.

It could be said that the mods are reacting in exactly the way that someone engineering drama would want..

Yes, it could. If someone is engineering this drama, then who is either the useful idiot, paid idiot, or the one behind this? Who still accepts that username?

You had enough proof to ban him and end the matter.

Yep. And you have evidence that she fully expected to be attacked just for banning his alt; a lot to consider going for a main if you're already worried about an alt. She obviously didn't think it would end the matter, but start a bigger one.

Why are you struggling with this concept? I’m trying to help you!

She is, @srayzie. Telling you what nearly everyone has told you at least once: Do your positive stuff in GA, have fun shitposting, and let the insignificant nobodies fade away, since they have no platform or reputation upon which to shout their message. You've powered through and caught a lot of shills by being stubborn on this front, but there's another way to win.

I don’t have a problem with loli or porn being banned. That was never my arguement.

This is true.

Until I offered an opinion that you didn’t like? Where did I say that we weren’t?

Triggly never said the two of you weren't cool, srayzie. You both were talking past each other and getting heated; I don't really see a reason that you wouldn't be, but I'd assume this was just stated because tensions/emotions were high.

What @srayzie is wrong about:

Always engaging the trolls and shills. I'd wager if a poll were to be taken, 99% of everyone would point to that as her main flaw.

@Crensch has seen our frustrations behind the scenes. Ask him if we’re engineering drama. What an insult Triggly.

She didn't say you were engineering drama, she said the mods are reacting as someone engineering drama would want.

I thought you and I were cool too.

I don't see any reason why the two of you wouldn't be cool. You butted heads, now cool off, read the above, smile face to face, and punch each other in the gut one good time. Then help each other walk out looking like you're both drunk and can't stand up straight.

What @srayzie is right about:

@Crensch has seen our frustrations behind the scenes.

She is frustrated. She wants to be left alone, and wants to make things better for people who are only guilty of believing in Q.

This is dumb.

A staggering amount of what passed back and forth was dumb, but only because the two of you weren't seeing each other. You were seeing an enemy, and blinded to each other's position and arguments.

No, I’m tired of the drama. But shit like this is what sparks it.

I won't claim to know what she's tired of, but she doesn't go an look for this stuff, she's just an easy target for it. Exceedingly stubborn, but that's worked out in Voat's favor at a decent rate; many very difficult to pin down shills were busted because she went on the warpath.

You’re insinuating that I wanted people to go brigade them, when what I did was provide proof, screenshots, and archived links of Zyklon encouraging gore and porn on QRV and threatening me and Shizy.

Undeniably true.

I'm with @gabara. I'd like it if the two of you took a breather and came back later with cooler heads. No reason to attack each other, and things really could have been talked out directly from the get-go, I think.

Yes, srayzie attacked SBBH. Yes, triggly got angry and lashed out. Yes, srayzie apologized. Yes, inaccurate and accurate things were said back and forth. Yes, tensions were high and thoughts and words about each other were maybe taken too far.

I think you both are awesome.

gabara ago

Dear @PuttItOut, @Kevdude, @TrigglyPuff, and @Srayzie. I'm sorry I unwittingly wandered into the battle of Agincourt and picked on a couple of my Norman cousins on either side. I had no idea there was a war going on. I should stick with supplying everyone with dank memes and surrealist absurdist anti-humour. Regards, @HeyGeorge.

heygeorge ago

@trigglypuff @srayzie @syklon_b @crensch @kevdude

Why not all just blame this on the jew and move on?

heygeorge ago

@zyklon_b see above

gabara ago

This is getting out of hand. GA are not our enemy. And I can't shitpost there when we are at war.

heygeorge ago

I can't shitpost there when we are at war.

This is the biggest problem. @srayzie fix this

srayzie ago

Me fix this? Fix what? Did you want me to send you guys an invitation to come shit in our house?

heygeorge ago

Don’t be silly. And you’re bunching everyone in the subverse together again... “you guys”...

I’m surprised you’re turning on Laura!

srayzie ago

You guys meaning “my buddies”.

I’m not turning on Laura. I spent an hour this morning helping her but she figured out it’s fun to be trolled. I’m helping her have fun. If she wants to be trolled, she can party here...

heygeorge ago

It seems more like you might be resentful that you put in time to make an infographic and she did not respond to it or subsequently behave how you wished.

I don’t like seeing you distraught. There’s still a little more time this week for a big BOOM!

srayzie ago

Ask @Bopper and @Shizy. We’ve tried over and over for more than a month. Me and @Vindicator feel like this confirmed a suspicion we’ve had. She’s a shill.

bopper ago

Yeah she's mighty suspicious as far as I'm concerned at this point.

The mods are tired of dealing with her. Myself, and I'm not even a mod.


heygeorge ago

Tried over and over to what?

srayzie ago

To teach her to ignore the attacks. She makes it worse. She’s the one that does it more than anyone else. That’s why she’s pinged from here and QRV all the time. She’s the perfect target. She’s on her own know. A free bird,

srayzie ago

Because some are in here, even at this very moment, shitting up our comments. Zyklon started it but it continues because everyone thinks it’s so fucking funny right now. Posts were made on SBBH pinging this user several times.

I spent an hour this morning making this so @LauraIngalls would stop feeding the trolls. She’s really innocent and naive and not used to this. Because of that, she won’t be left alone, even after I asked so called friends to stop. You spelled Zyklon wrong. Him and his friend are already making plans to “kilt GA today.

I’m trying to move on. I haven’t been feeding the trolls. I’ve ignored everything. I’ve done my part. “Friends” are still shitting in our house.

@Puttitout @Kevdude @Crensch @Shizy

Lauraingalls ago

I'm having fun today with the idiots. I'm in the mood to tell them off.

srayzie ago

Well great Laura. I’m archiving this. Don’t ask us mods to help again. You’re on your own. Don’t call us when you are trolled.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

We no longer need to help Laura. I’ve spent the morning helping her privately. She’s either an idiot or a troll. She gets what’s coming to her.

She’s all yours @Kevdude. Have fun with @LauraIngalls.

Lauraingalls ago

Ok. I won't. Doesn't really help anyway.

srayzie ago

Because you’re enjoying it Laura. It’s fun! Downvotes are fun too. I will start letting users know that you’re having fun and inviting shills to shit up our threads and remind them to downvote the shills, including you. That will be a blast!

I have a better idea. Instead of shitting up our threads, people can ping you to their subs! Yay! I can have fun with you too then because it’s not against some subs rules.

You guys, please feel free to ping Laura to SBBH because she’s in the mood to have fun this weekend. She’s curious about Jews and the Holocaust.

@HeyGeorge @Gabara @Trigglypuff @Sandhog @ExpertShitPoster

gabara ago

I was un-nice to @Lauraingalls a while back. Thought she was fake and was protecting Voat. I was wrong. Just doing my job. She probably has me blocked so please pass this along: sorry. I'll not only leave her alone, I will help out if she needs me.

srayzie ago

See parent...

@Crensch @Shizy

Lauraingalls ago

What is wrong with you?

srayzie ago

What do you mean what’s wrong? I’m trying to help you have fun.

Lauraingalls ago

Really? By inviting MORE people to attack me.

srayzie ago

I didn’t invite anyone to attack you silly. You’re invited to a party!

bopper ago

You're being hardheaded by not listening to her, what you're doing is screwing up her sub, because you're fighting with these shills who hate you, which is only causing them to stir up trouble here. Why don't you understand this? You are causing her to seriously doubt her. Show your good faith by doing what she says.

Lauraingalls ago

They attack anyway. I'm SICK of the attacks. I am getting flooded by attacks and nothing can be done. WHY/ I blocked the JERKS I can but some can't be blocked from other places. I will try to ignore the JERK but I am SICK OF THE ATTACKS.

srayzie ago

I’ve helped you countless times so you would stop being attacked. You haven’t learned. You refuse to learn or you’re too stupid. I no longer have sympathy for you.

You have a fun weekend. Praise God. 🙌🏻

Who did you say keeps pinging you? Oh yeah, @Think-... Laura said you keep pinging her. She’s in the mood to have fun.

bopper ago

If you can't block them just ignore them. It's all you can do. Srayzie would appreciate if you don't engage with them. She's having a lot of problems right now and you're not helping. If you're on Voat you have to accept that you will be attacked, it's just the way it is. And a lot of people here hate Israel and Jews (I do and I don't it's a complicated theological conundrum) so making a post like you did will draw plenty people down on you. Attacks here will never stop, you just have to get used to it. But help Srayzie right now, cause now you're making her upset with you, and causing her to doubt you, and eventually you will become even more isolated.

srayzie ago

Thank you Bopper

bopper ago

Damn she's hardheaded. sigh

srayzie ago

From now on, I consider her a shill. I think she plays stupid. Thank you for trying, you’re the best.

bopper ago

Thanks Xo

srayzie ago


Lauraingalls ago

Well if I am to expect attacks what difference does it really make? I am a Christian and will defend my Faith. The haters here are ridiculous. Don't we have FREE SPEECH? I will try to ignore the jerks but believe me it does NO GOOD. And by the way Srayzie is getting attacked too by the same person that is attacking ,me. They attack if they don't like your post. The JEW HATERS ARE SICK.

divine_human ago

stop engaging with the haters, laura, you cant change their opinion anyway.

the trolls set triggers. when you react, they have fun. its a dance that only works with two or more people, a party; when you ignore their triggers, they will be bored and eventually stop dancing.

srayzie spent time and energy to teach you and, as you seem to refuse to learn, is frustrated now.

just know that voat is full of racists and anti-religious people so posts on your love for israel or on your faith will be attacked far and wide.

from what i see, you have two options from which you can choose every day: when sensitive, avoid these topics and you will soon have peace again; when buckled up and level-headed, go ahead, enjoy the fight, but dont complain.

Lauraingalls ago


bopper ago

There is a time and a place to "defend your faith" sometimes retreat and discretion is the better part of valor, we can sometimes do more harm to the gospel by "defending" when it's not wise. K I'm done.

Lauraingalls ago

There is a certain group of people here that think they can scare people into SILENCE.

srayzie ago

See parent @Gabara

gabara ago

So can I post picture of Trump to GA?

kestrel9 ago

not if he's naked

srayzie ago

Why are you asking me? Free speech right? We’ve asked to be left alone but you do what you need to do.

gabara ago

So are all Q anons women? So far you're all women.

srayzie ago

I messed up your spelling Putt. Please see parent @Puttitout

Vindicator ago

many very difficult to pin down shills were busted because she went on the warpath.

Here here. All Voaters benefit from this.

I would also like to add that neither Voat nor Earth can afford to have RL Valkyrie like @Trigglypuff and @srayzie squaring off against each other.

heygeorge ago

The idea is to create discussion of (at times) weighty subjects which are shareable with polite society. The rules are clear and will be implemented from the get-go.

“Everyone shits, and if they didn’t fuck you wouldn’t be here,” is a factual statement, but also far too crude for dinner conversation. Both of the slurs you just mentioned are also crude and unseemly in a proper setting.

Do Voaters not know table manners?

SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago

as long as you voice the right ideas

Precisely. There are few places to be free of the thought police. Therefore, reddit is not a place for the free discussion of ideas.

I’m not trying to set a precedent. I’m trying to foster something new which would be blocked or ‘quarantined’ elsewhere.

It comes to mind that would not say fuck at a formal dinner. It’s probably best to avoid any coarse language. Shit is a crude word. Even belching at the dinner table is rude. So is standing on your chair. So is yelling.

I’d rather avoid banning unless someone wants to be banned, and in that case it’s only appropriate to do so. Because that would prevent them from participating at all if they have something to add and feel they can do so within the rules.

Were someone to state their position that they believe Jews are the greatest threat to white culture, and phrased it without being vulgar, or libelously, and it was on topic, then I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t share their idea. But crude terms like slope, kike, zipperhead, nigger, fat piece of shit, cocksucker, faggot, pussy... you get the picture, are to be completely avoided. It’s uncivil.

I don’t mind one bit ‘immortalizing’ the crude or vulgar in the modlog. In fact, that’s part of what makes this workable at all. The comments can live on at the ‘kids table’. And I don’t care about the CCP hit, either. If someone can’t manage to behave in a semi-formal manner, then the comment is moved to the modlog.

I can understand why the concept seems uncomfortable. To me, that’s part of the appeal.

I am still working through this, trying to suss it out. I was entertaining whether to give commenters a ‘grace period’ to rephrase themselves. But then if the discussion continues along that path, and they refuse to edit, the flow of the thread would be missing a beat. So that seems unweildy. I have also considered creating a sister sub, something like the smoking lounge, where a more freeform ‘after dinner’ sort of conversation may continue on the topic, uninhibited by all the etiquette a dinner discussion would require.

heygeorge ago

The entire point of the subverse is to create shareable dialogue around both the mundane and complex with a certain amount of decorum.

The comments relegated to the ‘kids table’ will still exist and be viewable in Voat’s built-in transparent mod logs.

The issue with providing contextual examples of what isn’t tolerated would tarnish the place itself with foul language, so that doesn’t seem to work.

If you think about it, with the rules I am proposing, it would be the only place on the internet where this exists. A free discussion of ideas, yet a requirement they be discussed in a more formal/public manner of speaking.

Of course I would not want to take it off of v/all, because that would inhibit people from joining in.

SandHog ago

Since I keep getting pinged and I don't want to add any more fuel to the fire I'll just link my thoughts on the matter. When it's all said and done spam is spam and should be removed. The bots get banned for doing it all the time and noone bats an eye. I don't see this as being any different. I expect that the goal the entire time was to stir up a bunch of drama and it definitely accomplished that.

You and @Empress are correct in that continuing to add fuel to this tire fire won't put it out. Just ignore the bait @srayzie the sooner you do that the sooner it will die down. The 'SBBH did this' post didn't really bother me since I already knew what was going on and I don't care too much about what people outside my circle of friends think. It definitely could have been worded more accurately, though.

heygeorge ago

I was thinking of banning as being asked to leave.

Removal of comments is what I would consider being made to sit at the kids table. The comments would be discoverable in the moderation log. Leaving them in the discussions would be akin to someone barfing on the table and not cleaning it up out of some misguided principle.

srayzie ago

You’re into absinthe and inhale the spice from the desert worms so stfu 🙄

srayzie ago

@Trigglypuff @Empress @Shizy

We’re trying. But disinformation is making it worse. I don’t want to fight Triggly. I like you and think you’re funny. We have a lot of same friends. We don’t have to agree on everything. We should just move on and let it go.

18664412? ago

Nobody wants to fight @Trigglypuff- it takes a lot to upset her and not listening to well-reasoned and tested advice is one way to do it.

Remove porn/gore, ban user, ignore the trolls, and move on. Do this and your problems will be solved. It's a quiet yet very powerful dance.

srayzie ago

Thank you Empress. That I can agree with.

18664662? ago

You're welcome. It's the best path forward. You've got this!!!

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Because I’m sending group messages trying to brigade Zyklon_b and Gabara. Yeah I’m making a bigger issue out of this.

My group message was trying to brigade? Is that why I included @Puttitout? Where did I ask Putt and the rest of the group to go brigade anyone?

No, I’m tired of the drama. But shit like this is what sparks it. You’re insinuating that I wanted people to go brigade them, when what I did was provide proof, screenshots, and archived links of Zyklon encouraging gore and porn on QRV and threatening me and Shizy.

Me and @Gabara are good now too. You are the one spreading disinformation and saying us mods are acting exactly the way that someone engineering drama would want.

What you or anyone thinks about Q or QRV is not the point. Loli Porn and gore shouldn’t be posted. That’s what Q followers have to see. Just because we have free speech, doesn’t make that right. It’s not stopping and their mods aren’t doing anything about it. It’s in Putt’s hands now. I’ve done what I could do.

I think that’s what Putt is hinting at when he made this post soon after...

I thought you would support that because you and I talked before about someone from a loli sub that you were disgusted by in the past.

I’ve let it be known for a long time that I don’t judge SBBH the same way as many others. I judge by the individual. @Kevdude @Sandhog and @HeyGeorge are some of my closest friends. I could name several. I thought you and I were cool too. I even said it in my post. I explained to HeyGeorge that I didn’t mean for the title to look like I meant the whole group. I couldn’t change the Title at that point.

My main problem is Zyklon and that’s what my private message focused on. Several people are witnesses to what I said. I, in no way shape or form, was asking anyone, including Putt, to go brigade anyone. I just want the porn to stop and us be left alone.

srayzie ago

See parent @Shizy @Crensch @Kevdude

srayzie ago

I’ll ping you too @Empress since you added “Well said” to Triggly’s reply. No need to reply. I’m not asking you to take sides. Just want you to see that is not what I said.

18664185? ago

My position is this: I want what is best for Voat. The Q subs brings many new people to Voat which makes me very happy. I only want Voat to succeed and that means I want to see all healthy subs succeed.


That being said, I disagree with your methods and believe that @Trigglypuff is exactly right regarding the trolls. If you feed them, they will come; ban and move on. Otherwise, (intentional or not) you addressing trolls will be seen as fanning the flames and giving them fuel- they are quite literally fed with more energy to screw with you and your sub more.


Ignore them. Ban. Remove porn/gore. AND MOVE ON. No need to address it further. Do these things and your problems will end.

heygeorge ago

Oh, that makes considerably more sense. In other news, I am winding up a new subverse reminiscent of v/thedinnertable. I call it v/BigRule. I just took a moment to start writing the sidebar. What do you think of a subverse like this?

18663156? ago

This comment is 100% factual. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS- it helps nothing and just makes the sharks hungrier.

heygeorge ago

porn is a gray area. I won't delete it from PV if the poster puts NSFW to warn people.


18661957? ago

Well said.

Shizy ago

I understand you point @Trigglypuff and it's good to see you are reasonable. You're right, zkylon earned his ban and everyone should just move on and ignore him.

Like you point out, this is NOT a GA vs SBBH issues at all. And it should never be made into that. Unfortunately though, zkylon does have a lot of followers and some of those people are also causing problems here as well. He has been putting out calls to cause problems here. But that's not a reflection of SBBH, it's just his buddies joining in on what he's doing.

I can understand @Srayzies reaction however, because it's really upsetting to keep being shit on and having threats made to kill you and kill your kids. She is dedicated to this sub and puts in a lot of hard work to keep it going.

Zyklon's threats are probably just jokes, but no mother wants to see repeated comments about harming her children. It upsets me that those things are being said about me and my kids, so I'm sure it upsetting to Srayzie who always gets the brunt of these kinds of things.

Anyway, thank you for your input and I agree we can't let this escalate to a "us vs them" issue at all.

d00danon ago


totes_magotes ago

What is he talking about? The only other alt I have is @Womb_Raider.

Womb_Raider ago


totes_magotes ago

I know I am, how sweet of you to say.

Though we shouldn't talk to each other too much or it will be obvious you're just my alt.

divine_human ago

never mind the 'muh censorship' cries here, lol, voat has enough NSFW subs where you guys can post your porn. its off topic here, nobody wants to see it so its being removed. end of story. mod logs are public so if you fear censorship of opposing comments, just check them daily and call the mods out in case they abuse power. its so simple.

i_scream_trucks ago

If the owners of this sub want to ban any comment or post they like they absolutely have that right just as we have the right to tell them to suck or dicks and go somewhere else.

721-AQZ ago

By a crypto-Jew. Big difference.

Vindicator ago

Yep. And it's what has allowed us to amass the world's greatest trove of serious research into globalist corruption.

The rules also happen to be just rigorous enough to be a pain -- and hence reveal the true intentions of submitters. Those who are truly in it expose the cabal and help the kids are willing to go to the extra effort to learn and adhere to the rules. Those that have other motives like pushing their own website or vlog, advancing a narrative, or just trolling the do-gooders are very quickly exposed. Imposters have to go to a great deal of trouble to spread their BS around.

srayzie ago

And that is NOT what got him banned.

srayzie ago

It could be said that the mods are reacting in exactly the way that someone engineering drama would want..

Wow seriously? Yeah, that’s not an exaggeration. You’re leaving a lot of the story out. 1 troll huh? The ones you pinged...

@Crensch has seen our frustrations behind the scenes. Ask him if we’re engineering drama. What an insult Triggly.

Me and @HeyGeorge are good. I included you in a group message and you’re acting as if I made a public post calling out everyone on SBBH.

You’re the one making a bigger issue out of this. Don’t worry. I won’t include you in a group message next time we have issues. This is dumb.

SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago

you’re acting as if I made a public post calling out everyone on SBBH

This is precisely what happened.

srayzie ago

I’m talking about the private message I sent to everyone. Are we going back to this? I explained that and we were fine. I didn’t mean for the title to come off like that. I explained it all in the comments and included it in the private message to everyone. It’s other people making this bigger than it needs to be.

Squalk ago

I agree.

Images are not treated the same as writing. Thats why you have adult sections with legal age restrictions with images.

We show no Age verification here and Minors can view.

Twisted that People are trying to defend gore porn as free speech.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Vindicator ago

This is ADHDferret's new account, right? He's always hated pizzagate's submission rules.

721-AQZ ago

Hitler's eugenic policies existed long before the Final Solution was ever put into motion. It was all part of his Aryan "master race" beliefs. He believed in that "master race" so much that he sent scientists to the Himalayas to look for it. (This is the legendary Aryan race that the Tibetans say exists in Shamballa. It's why Hitler chose to use the Swastika as his emblem. It's is from that region.)

This goal of creating an Aryan "master race" is why he organized baby "factories" in which the SS were allowed to impregnate specially selected "breeders." It's why Hitler shipped the Jews to walled-in ghettos in Poland as a preliminary step towards his Final Solution. He wanted to limit the world's gene pool.

As Q has been explaining in his drops, the Deep State is made up of Luciferians who believe Satan is the real God and that Jewish God (Jehovah) is an imposter. From that clue, it's easy to do research and discover that Luciferians believe evil was deliberately created by God as part of a good and evil Duality that's necessary to keep life in existence. This is why Luciferians can easily justify their evil deeds and human sacrifices. They belief that without evil, we can't exist.

Luciferians are part of a ancient cult that has hidden itself within mystery schools and secret societies for thousands of years. They do so by allowing the secret organizations that they've infiltrate to continue as schools of higher learning, but meanwhile they siphon off selected recruits to learn their Dark Arts. This is how the Illuminati has worked for the last 243 years. It's why Q talks about the three sides of the Illuminati pyramid and refers to the bloodlines of certain families. It's why Q talks about the Deep State, the Vatican, Israel and the Fed. But this isn't a Jewish agenda; it's a Luciferian agenda. That means it didn't just corrupt certain selected Jews of today. It means that Luciferianism has worked to corrupt everyone through whatever means possible.

Lucifer is the problem. He hasn't just corrupted Judaism. He has corrupted Islam and Christianity. And then he uses the hate that has been generated within his victims to form a thesis-antithesis dialectic to further ferment discord and hate. Examples of this are Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler.

So when you point the finger to blame the Jews for all the problems of the world, you're really pointing three other fingers back at yourself.

MudPuddlePie ago

Brilliant truth...thank you. May I copy (giving credit) and use?

721-AQZ ago

Of course. No credit needed. WWG1WGA.

Squalk ago

Very we written.

The true, often neglected verses in the Bible:

**Romans Chapter 2 **

9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

Judeo - Christianity the fabric of true culture.

Womb_Raider ago

Totes admitted to doing it under the Sanegoatsiswear account. No, I'm not a semite.

What does freshmeat or dial_indicator's actions have to do with me, Kevin? Nothing. How often do you conflate them with me? I'm not even fucking friends with them. You, however, are good buddies with all those degenerate fucks like totesmagotes. You know what they do and you don't care at all. You defend them.

You're honestly pathetic. Your double standards are disgusting to me. You deny deny deny. You and I both know what the truth is. Keep lying to your audience.

Womb_Raider ago

So... you're going to ignore my entire question, and ignore what totesmagotes did? You aren't answering what I've asked you. Is it because you know I'm right? Is it because it challenges what you've pretended are your principles?

Bac10us ago

As a faggotnigger I support this sentiment. Make no mistake, there are people here who are generally retarded but even the retarded shouldn’t be silenced.

721-AQZ ago

The issue isn't as simple as you present it. Muslim trolls work against free speech here by down-voting and spamming their Jew-hatred to the point that the "tone" of the Great Awakening is being sabotaged. The irony is that such trolls are inherently against free speech and want to impose their Sharia Law on us. So it's not a matter of "safe spaces." It's a matter of keeping the discussion honest and fair. A sort of level playing field.

PSYOPS is a reality. Every nation does it. I'd be interested to know what the IP demographics are of the people here. (But impossible to determine because the professionals can VPN themselves.) Is Iran represented here? Palestine? Russia? China? Or just your everyday Neo-Nazi?

The other issue is the shitposting that passes a "free speech." How many teenagers come here to taunt and bully people just for the fun of it? Likewise for the adults who never matured beyond their teenage shitposting phase. Is common decency really a thing of the past?

As you can see from the comments to your OP, the shitposting "kike, kike, kike, nigger, nigger, nigger" people are having a field day with your "reasonable" tough-skinned attitude. Ironic, actually.

So, as I was saying, more is going on here than simple "free speech." Yes, how the mods are allowed deal with it is up to the sidebar policies listed by the Board Owner, and by the overall policies of Voat. That sets the tone. Hence, the reason for all the frustration voiced in your post as well as the frustration being voiced by the people who sincerely came here be part of the Q-movement and Trump's Great Awakening.

If the mods (do you speak for the mods?) find the new goats too much to deal with, then too bad. Get thicker skin. Or figure out how to control the shitposting. Otherwise, this place will turn into the Lord of the Flies. It's a psychological inevitability. In fact, I believe that's the intention of most of the mean and harassing comments being slung about here and QRV. The pro-Hitler old goats want to create chaos so that we do in fact "fuck off back to reddit." The real issue is: What is their motivations for wanting that? Obviously, it's to silence us so that they can usurp the Q-movement and re-brand it a Neo-Nazi movement.

P.S. How many Dem-rats are here posing as pro-Hitler idiots just to give Q-Anons a bad name? So, as you can see, the problem isn't as simple as you try to make it out to be.

fuchs_davis ago

Keep saying that, but it's wrong.

NosebergShekelman ago

The porn stuff is stupid, for sure. When it is used as a weapon it makes one think

AR47 ago

Now what is funny?

You dodged my question if anyone here you actually associate with outside of this place.

It was that sting wasn’t it?

Know why everyone helped me that time? What they all told me when I asked them?

Because I am genuine. I don’t nor have I ever picked a side. I did what I thought was right and when I did ping someone it was never a call to arms such as you did earlier or get someone on the radar.

I pinged them because I knew they would find it interesting. I don’t need anyone’s else to fight my battles or defend me.

Imagine that would you? Do you remember how I updated everyone as well with what we did with that money? Bet you don’t as you didn’t make one comment in any of those threads.

None of you PV people did. Least with the mod list names you didn’t.

One person gave us a half a fucking Bitcoin. At the time it was worth over 1800. Saved our life’s really.

You think this site would do that for you?

Womb_Raider ago

Keep downvoating your feelings away, loser.

Womb_Raider ago

Nothing to say, @kevdude? You willfully ignored gay porn being spammed by an automated bot? Why is that?

Womb_Raider ago

You know, in pinging Srayzie and Vindicator, you basically admit you are in cahoots with them. Pizzagate and GreatAwakening are controlled by you people. You destroy all in your wake.

Vindicator ago

@Kevdude does not control pizzagate. @Crensch and I occasionally take his advice, because he is good at third-order thinking and stymieing disinfo pushers (as the butthurt in this very thread demonstrates).

Womb_Raider ago

Crensch is no different from him. You can call me a “disinfo” pusher if you want but kevdude is openly lying to voaters about his past actions and those of his friends. You don’t even care about his dishonesty. When I and others call him out, SBBH downvotes to bury. You don’t care. Your ethics are lacking and if that’s how you people operate you have no business being “guardians of truth” you so merrily advertise yourselves as.

srayzie ago

You have no credibility and you’re friends with the paid shill group that I’ve posted about. The only one who believes your lies are them.

You’re only here to be a trouble maker. That’s all you ever do. I don’t give a fuck who you think we’re in cahoots with. You’re a nobody.

Womb_Raider ago

LOL I'm not paid a dime to say that I think you're a liar, Srayzie.

If you don't think there's anything wrong with the way SBBH behaves, you have no right to even attempt to educate people on the Q movement because you have no values and principles. You don't care about other people lying to people. You don't care about truth and validity at all.

These things are evident. You accusing me of being paid to say this is amazing.

srayzie ago

I don’t like how SOME SBBH behaves. I judge by the individual.

I met @Kevdude when he was running @Pizzagate. He’s helped teach me how to run a Subverse. I’ll forever be grateful for that.

Kevdude cares about Voat. He’s not the one posting porn and gore on Q boards.

You’ve never liked me and I’ve never liked you. Has that stopped us from running GA? We’ve shown ourselves to be credible.

I don’t sit around worried about what your bitch ass thinks about me. You don’t affect my life. You’re just a negative little asshole that thinks he’s tough when he’s at his keyboard. That shows me you’re insecure. You’re the one with the issue here.

Womb_Raider ago

As opposed to kevdude? :,)))

BushChuck ago

Yeah, you fucking MAGATS.

Womb_Raider ago

So you admit you laughed it off because you lack principles and a spine.

AR47 ago

Oh I don’t have to because soon the Donald will be here and you can’t help yourself. It’s what you will do, but since I have screen shots of this conversation and of the subs you currently mod along with your fellow mods I can refer back to this each and every time you start your shit.

Not that anyone will care, but I know that it will just fuck with you that someone is watching. Someone will call you on your shit.

I will wait for you to get someone else in your group on me. You are a female after all, and someone will need to protect you.

AR47 ago

Not pizzagate, you and your group of rag tags that always want to get pinged.

Who do I ping?

No one as I am an individual with my own opinion. See I gave up my subs before I killed my name. Go look and see. You require that authority and crave that attention which is why you ping others (maybe alts but I am really not going to waste the time to find out).

It is you, well this username anyways and it’s persona. That I am attacking. What I am doing is laying out how you killed it and will kill this sub as well.

jenmarkov ago

Yeah fuck you op. Eat my ass like the faggot kike you are.

Jk, The fact I say that without censorship is why I come here. I love this place and I love you guys.

King_Leopold_II ago

How long do you bake it for?

recon_johnny ago

Turn it up to about 6 gorillion degrees, then milk out that dead cow for eternity.

fuchs_davis ago

As if it images aren't speech. That's ridiculous prima facie.

Freedom of the Press means the artist's press, too. Not just the newspaper's.

The courts have ruled that actions such as burning flags are speech. And Goats have ruled that actions such as downvoting are speech. To exclude actions such as drawing and painting is ridiculous.

Don't be so sophistic.

All that being said, rules are rules, and nonsystem subs are free to write them and enforce them as they wish.

DickTick ago

< NiggeroniFaggitoni

Shiftworker1976 ago

Comply I will. Good news is bad news for them.

QDPie ago

got it, thanks

rickki6 ago


holaymackal ago

What about spam, you faggots?

Occasionally, we'll see some odd comment that has nothing to do with the OPs comment, with some odd youtube links or long, rambling statements. They usually get downvoated pretty quick, and I report them for spam when I see thhem.

QNirmanakaya ago

I wish we could make a ad sign of your post. I am sick and tired of the politically correct world. It makes for weak people.

Mylon ago

I come to voat because the signal to noise ratio is better than on the chans. This means there is some curation involved instead of raw stream of consciousness.

If quality content is being removed for being "wrong" speech, we have public moderation logs and can link it and from there name and shame mods. If it's just noise being deleted, then that's a good thing.

expose ago

nigger kikes.

goatboy ago

Since pornographic images aren’t speech, as you claim: I will now describe in words of a pornographic response to your assertion.

Since I can neither photoshop, nor care to learn- you will imagine a hot, sweaty, naked Statue of Liberty 69ing and guzzling a Red/White/Blue cumload creampie out of a Blindfolded Lady Justice, delivered from Aryan Abraham Lincoln with a throbbing hard on, as all three lift one hand and a middle finger to say: “FUCK YOUR CENSORSHIP, COMMIE MOTHERFUCKERS!”

There, are you happy now? No pornographic images where used in my free speech today. QED

AR47 ago

That is it you go ahead and redirect all that shit like your reputation matters in this place.

Moment of truth and I can’t verify it, but you will know if your lying and it will sting hard.

Is there even one personal relationship that you have here that has remained a constant in say 2 years outside of just this site?

I have with 2.

Now funniest part is I am sure you remember about 2 years ago when I needed some help?

Yeah this site actually made me cry because they wanted to help. One of those people I still am in contact with on a very regular basis. We laugh at how fucking obvious you and your friends are.

See we (a group of people that I am associated with NOT you) know that this place is temporary and it will be pretty much you that brings it down. With your posting guidelines and submission rules like reddit.

You just kill off content creation till it is slowly just you and those within your circle. You did it to pizzagate, and it took 7 months lol.

I mean damn you are good at it.

It’s what you will do here and if there was one shred of honor in this subverse they would ban you and the protectvoat mod team and omit yourselves from this place and they yours.

That won’t happen as it’s been the plan all along.

I know because I watch and learn your patterns. It’s always the same.

New subreddit gets banned and comes here.

You encourage separate subs to be created and dissuade any bit of cohesion between them. They splinter off and one becomes the dominant. Then you become a mod and of course the child porn or other vulgar shit that shocks someone’s senses begins.

So you enact new rules and then more and you make it appear as it is for the greater good.

Really it is to control public opinion and steer the narrative.

I give this place same as pizzagate.

7 months and little to no new content will he added. Maybe a submission every 3 hrs and of that betting 1 of every 4 will be either a member of moderation or approved submitters.

srayzie ago

Bitch, he doesn’t need to prove anything to you. You’re not even a Q follower. Why would we care about your opinion of someone else?

He’s not our mod. He posted about our rules. He didn’t write them. Get a life queer. We don’t give a shit about your accusations.

AR47 ago

Captain save a cunt shows up.

Waiting for the rest of the team as well to say some shit, ban me, or just downvote.

You are right in that I am not a Q follower, but I am a proponent for your users to free speech and the accessibility to have on this site. I don’t have to like them or you for that do I?

It is what I feel is right, don’t you?

This is your problem. You think that you can make an enemy of me as easily as you do others, but what you don’t know is that while it’s likely you understand this corner of voat I helped make the rest of it long ago.

I was making subverses back when atko created forbidme and while I have changed names even kevdude can verify who I am. Don’t fuck with me alright because I want what is best for the site as a whole, and you will show that you don’t if you challenge me.

I get you want to curate your shit show, and that is fine, but I can show how many many times it was used to destroy subs in the past, or you can just go look at pizzagate and it’s history.

Before kev took over when kingkongwaswrong was still there it was thriving for months.

Then slowly it died once kkww left. That is when PV started the rules and such for submission. You will do it here eventually under their supervision or maybe even just because it suits you.

By the way. Are you using sexualism to insult me because you are a nigger?

That is what niggers value the most and it seems was your go to.

QDPie ago

Well, someone went after me on qrv and threatened to kill me. THAT is not free speech no matter where you are, so I'm reporting it. Insults are just water off a duck's back. Threats should be reported.

AR47 ago

User is correct in that you laughed about it in protectvoat when many, myself included said something about it. Same with sanegoat and reports of the shit they were doing.

You kept saying that chat was a worthless feature that was bound to be exploited.

No I won’t go digging back 3 years ago as I know what you said to me, because I was there when I read your comment.

It was the same policy you used when kingkongwaswrong when I was banned from pizzagate.

You didn’t give a shit until it hit the front page. Then of course all the sudden you and your friends became mods and slowly killed it with all your submission rules.

You will do it with greatawaking of course because that is what you do. Your good at it, and I am sure that if you are as good as you are, then you don’t do it for free.

progressbin ago

t. Ed Krassenstein

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

^^And this intellect is why one of us is subservient to the other. MIGA. Don’t forget next years tribute payment. I’m sure our lapdog in the whitehouse will increase it.

Womb_Raider ago

It's not a lie. It's your history.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Ok Pol Pot. Wrong think bad.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Your a stupid tankie faggot OP. Porn falls under freedom of expression. Go back to the fucking Soviet Union if you like patrolling thought crimes so much.

CerealBrain ago

Fine. Go express yourself in some other sub. Kike. What a fucking cloaked Jew shill.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I don’t cloak myself. Just look at my profile. I’m not going to be passive and let this place become some sort of anti-wrongthink place though.

CerealBrain ago

How about support the freedom of this sub to be run the way they want. You're free to go shit up another sub. Fair enough?

FromTelAvivWithLove ago


slumbermachine ago

Gas the bikes! Race far now!

Womb_Raider ago

This is empty lip service. @PuttItOut remembers when you and totesmagotes spammed homosexual porn in the chat feature voat once had. You had no problem with it - you thought it was funny. Don't pretend you are taking a stand against it now.

Greensbr ago

It should be socially shameful to prevent or punish someone from saying whatever they want.

It should not be shameful to say certain things.

pby1000 ago


pby1000 ago

Certain topics are not Free Speech. Other topics are not relevant to the sub. You know this.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago


i_scream_trucks ago


lord_nougat ago


wokeasfook ago

Fuck, shit, cock, ass, titties, boner, bitch, muff, pussy, cock, butthole, Barbra Streisand!

Paladin_Diver ago

That is really offensive! Please edit your post and remove the Barbara Streisand mention.

wokeasfook ago

Skip to 45seconds exactly

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm a huge South Park fan and that went right over my head. Great episode.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fucking Kikeshillfaggotpillowbitingcocksuckinghadjilovingporchmonkeyspearcjhuckingbeanergooks!

CerealBrain ago

I don't support any censorship at all. Deleting ANY posts is censorship. Removing ANY comment is censorship.

Your words. Why don't you take the opportunity to clarify?

pby1000 ago

One side believes that there are limits to behavior, and the other side believes it is a free-for-all. In this research sub, there should be limits to behavior. There are other subs for posting off-topic, such as over-dilated assholes.

CerealBrain ago

Spot on.

CerealBrain ago

Is removing child porn censorship?

Treefart ago


pby1000 ago

Off-topic posts can be removed?

Faggot, kike, nigger, jew.

NotWearingPants ago

IIRC, Larry Flint had a SCOTUS case or two that found porn is free speech. Obscenity is what you are thinking of.

Ban porn subs if you like, but don't do it on free speech grounds.

pby1000 ago


Good post.



MolochHunter ago


zyklon_b ago

No dude i am just going by actual laws in USA. things are different in different countries. Just cause Qtards being exposed as frauds aint any reason to try and white knight and virtue signal in. if u want her pussy pics just ask around. no reason for all the semantics

kneo24 ago

Maybe we just want your pussy pics instead. Meow!

CerealBrain ago

Jew @zyklon_b loves Jew "art."

Shizy ago

Well said @kevdude! No safe spaces, but we shouldn't have to keep a massive stash of eye bleach on hand either. Thanks!

Crayonall9t ago

Eye bleach for what? Mean comments?

Shizy ago

Eye bleach for what? Mean comments?

That wouldn't make sense now would it?

Eye bleach is needed for eyes. As in when you SEE something disgusting such as tranny porn.

zyklon_b ago

If its art it is not porn.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CerealBrain ago

Jew tranny porn poster right here.

zyklon_b ago