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friendshipistragic ago

I understand. I shall get to making thousands of half-baked subs immediately.

heygeorge ago

I’m working on a new one right now. I think it’s going to piss people off. I believe that means I’m over the target.

friendshipistragic ago

Interesting. I started one a few days back as well. Not ready though. It involves one of my other great interests. It might surprise you. European Myths and Folklore. Obscure stuff like the time St. Patrick cursed a village to become werewolves. Lol.

heygeorge ago

That sounds really awesome. I will check it out in the near future. I was on a kick of reading old classic tales (I found online) out loud, but we haven’t been doing those readings lately.

I’m still working on refining the concept, but some details of what I’m looking to create are here:

Input/criticism welcome!

friendshipistragic ago

Hmmm. Needs more murica. Lol. Looks good.

heygeorge ago

American Elegance

friendshipistragic ago

Like I said. Murica. Bacon n shit. says the southern who secretly wants a second confederate uprising