Nipplesurfer ago

It's too late dude. They swallowed every kosher hool, mostly out of spite probably.

Bqqmers, as you know, are the physical incarnations of weakness and the jewish effort to destroy all life on the surface of earth. Whether they admit it or not, their desire is to complete the work of murdering all human children for the glory of isreal.

It's just their programming dude. Was the only possible outcome.

zyklon_b ago

maybe you shall join me on my crusade to liberate Voat from qrv and /v/greatawakening

Nipplesurfer ago

Lol bud Ive been at this since they got here. Voat is one of many battlegrounds where the jew is working overtime to weaponize the stupidity and gullibility of the boomer.

Redpilleveryone ago

I totally agree fellow goy, rubs hands intensely, we need to black pill our fellow goys ASAP.