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magavoices ago

That’s what “they” would want

Now I'm curious. Why would you type "they" instead of (((they))) since you've been posting a ton of divisive anti-Jew copypasta, Srayzie?

Are you afraid that Q will ignore you if you show antisemitism?

2/3rds of the Nazifaggots on Voat think Q sent us here for no other purpose than to learn to put ((( ))) around everything bad in the world.

srayzie ago

Faggot. I’m not afraid of Q. Q knows all about me. I love Q, Trump, and my country. Q sees Jew stuff all over 8chan. How about this...

((( magavoices )))

magavoices ago

There, now you're being consistent. Good for you.

And you've also figured out why this multi-million strong movement, where every-other person in the line of a Trump rally knows of Q, yet you've achieved only 13752 subscribers in the space of a year and a half.

It's one thing for hostile shills to post loliporn and copypasta "3200 years ago the Jews were kicked out of Mesophotamia", but when the mods do it.

You directly contradict Q's call to end division. You show hostility toward Trump's children and grandchildren, unable to distinguish between Soros and the average American Jew walking down the street because ((( ))) references the entire Jewish race. 25% of American Jews actually voted for Trump last time around, yet you don't mind shitting all over them.

Trump only won by about 170k votes in 3 states. Without the demographic you disparage, we'd all be saying Madam Hillary right now.

Q sees Jew stuff all over 8chan

He also sees loliporn all over Voat. Are you insinuating that Q accepts it and enjoys loliporn? Nice logic you have there.

The good news is, nothing is going to stop what is about to happen. Even an insignificant moderator of a 13752 subscriber forum who shits over a large percentage of Trump's actual MAGA supporters because the forum has too little viewership to do enough damage.

kestrel9 ago

You are aware that v/GreatAwakening suscribers include people who came from reddit GreatAwakening? Yet you sound like you write them off not only as not worth giving a shit about, but even as if they aren't 'actual' MAGA supporters, and given what you said leading up to that, one could construe that if you knew what you were actually saying, it would be that no insignificant MAGA Goyts on voat can stop the 'actual Jewish MAGA' that got Trump elected.

magavoices ago

You are aware that v/GreatAwakening suscribers include people who came from reddit GreatAwakening? Yet you sound like you write them off

Yes, I know of reddit GreatAwakening. A large, thriving community that had fuck-all to do with anti-semitism.

What do you think? You're arguing on behalf the old reddit GA community's behalf? Do you have fond memories of when they were all throwing sieg heils and saying "Hitler was right" back on reddit GA? That never happened, right?

one could construe that if you knew what you were actually saying, it would be that no insignificant MAGA Goyts on voat can stop the 'actual Jewish MAGA' that got Trump elected

That's exactly what I said.

To paraphrase: It makes no difference that a bunch of Nazifaggots rant on a forum that MAGA Jews and MAGA minorities do not read in significant numbers, and the ones who were offended by said Nazifaggotry when they were trying to learn more about Q is a small enough number that it will not stop Q's plan.

That being said, it is disturbing when someone who professes to be a moderator for a Q forum, demanding that anything posted be Q-related, and turns around starting a bunch of anti-semitic/divisive threads contrary to Q's message.

kestrel9 ago

It makes no difference that a bunch of Nazifaggots rant on a forum that MAGA Jews and MAGA minorities do not read in significant numbers, and the ones who were offended by said Nazifaggotry when they were trying to learn more about Q is a small enough number that it will not stop Q's plan.

Q approved giving the subset of reddit Q supporters a place to unite on Voat once they had divided themselves between 8ch and Voat, I don't recall him telling people to migrate to 8ch.

You said:

Voat is a temporary home. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube will ban all discussion of Q, and Voat will go the way of Reddit. It's only a matter of time.

Start familiarizing yourself with 8chan. All discussion of Q will eventually be isolated there.

Harden yourselves. Become untriggerable. Desensitize yourselves to vulgar words and concepts. Other people's free speech cannot harm you, and the reward is you also get free speech. Much of the hazing/vulgarity you see are people trying to jolt you into appreciating and even defending free speech once again.

Baby steps Magavoices.

8mos ago "1.8 year old account that made its first comment 9 days ago." @Crensch @Kevdude @Srayzie @Vindicator

srayzie ago

Lol. @Magavoices also posts, asking users to go join the QGroup they made on a different site. It’s obvious they have an agenda here. With this person’s attitude, I can’t imagine being in that group. So negative.

Crensch Kevdude Vindicator Shizy Sandhog

magavoices ago

It’s obvious they have an agenda here.

It's ironic that you are arguing with another Q forum because your own personal standards were offended while simultaneously arguing with someone who suggested a different forum because his personal standards were offended.

You've read my history. You know that it's no different than your history, minus the antisemitic vulgarities. If you look hard enough you'd probably find my defending you against NeonRevolt in there somewhere.

So negative.

You don't get to say my objections of your negativity against Jews is negative.

You haven't the balls to walk up to Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump and tell them they don't belong in the US, they are subhuman, that their kids defective on a genetic level. Yet that is exactly what you do when you blame every Jew, as with ((( ))), for the sins of the cabal.

The fact is that Trump has Jewish children. Half of his cabinet are Jewish. Without Jewish voters you would have President Hillary right now. Yet instead of working to make Trump's support among Jews from 25% to 28% or 30%, as with all demographics, to ensure success in 2020, you've thrown your lot in with a group whose only purpose is to repulse all minorities from Trump.

You say you love Trump, and if that's true you wouldn't say to his face what you think of (((Ivanka))) or (((Jared))) or (((Trump's 3 grandchildren))) or (((half of Trump's cabinet))). That's why when directly addressing Q you used "they" instead of (((they))). You haven't the balls to do it in person yet you think it's cool to do anonymously on the internet.

Shizy ago

You haven't the balls to do it in person yet you think it's cool to do it anonymously on the internet.

I talk shit about Jews in person. Well, it's not really "shit" per se, but I relay what the bible says about Jews. (Hint: it's not very good).

srayzie ago

I don’t know where you’re getting that I talk like that. I very rarely talk about Jews. I made a post about the Holocaust. Did you get butt hurt? This is how stupid you are. You think I’m afraid to say something in the thread where I called upon Q, as if I think Q can’t look back thru my comment history and see everything I’ve said here for over 2 years.

Don’t compare yourself to me you miserable piece of shit. If your Q group went so well, then why do you keep coming back here loser? Crawl back over there to your little safe space.

magavoices ago

I don’t know where you’re getting that I talk like that.

You did ((( magavoices ))). Yes, me ... little old me, someone you actually read the history of, some of ... most of it is hidden in QRV, but there's enough that's visible from chatting in GA to know otherwise. You added me in with the same group you consider to be Jews, human traffickers, and child rapists, selling America out to the enemy. Just because I object to taking the sins of the cabal and spreading it among 4+ million American Jews with ((( ))) who had nothing to do with the shit you're complaining about.

I very rarely talk about Jews.

Enough for me to remember a couple copypasta posts that were designed to be divisive. You are the moderator and I know you said that only posts that are related to Q should be posted, yet you post questioning the Holocaust.

It is true. The Holocaust as stated, 6 million Jews supposedly dying to Hitler, never happened. But whether that figure was 600k or 60k or 6k has no bearing on Q, it's not related.

Every man, woman and child in the US has been indoctrinated to think Hitler was the worst person who ever lived. Everyone read Anne Frank in high school. Americans are conditioned from a very young age not to disparage Jews. Therefore, the JQ is 100x bigger a red pill than that of accepting Q. Doing a bait-and-switch, pretending to be a Q forum that only allows Q discussion and then swapping it with "leave now if you don't hate Jews like we do" is a disservice to Q and only serves to limit acceptance of Q.

That being said, I barely give a shit because Q has already reached critical mass and what is about to happen with Q will happen regardless of what happens on Voat.

kestrel9 ago

@Magavoices is one of the most negative voices to condescend themselves to use voat, no humor, the type of person that causes people to hate the Q movement.