This as a collaborative post - salient information/sources left in the comment section will be regularly edited back into this main body n.b. still editing links in
As the depth of Obama-era treachery starts to become more publicly accepted in the wake of the failed Soft Coup against Trump, I thought I might aggregate a number of news stories and sources which, read piecemeal might not trigger alarm bells but which, strung together, might present a clearer picture of the Jeopardy Obama placed the nation into with his Islamic Agenda
This post is specific to Obama’s Islamist aspirations and is not an overall examination of other topics of allegation (birth certificate, closet homosexuality, pizzagate etc - although the heavy Saudi ownership of the real estate strip of Comet Ping Pong infamy could well be included).
‘Promoting Diversity’ is one thing. Defrauding, Endangering and Disenfranchising American Christendom is another altogether, and this post will show you that wherever the line between those two lies, Obama went well beyond it, knowing the Country was so infatuated with itself in voting a Black President in that they wouldn’t apply due scrutiny to his actions and agenda.
Firstly, lets dispense with any doubt about the Global scale and aspiration of Islam. Its international body is the second largest organisation in the world next to the UN, and Islamists have captured much of the UN and EU through their Permanent delegations. The toxic influence exerted here is behind such lamentable developments as Saudi Arabia being placed in charge of senior posts on ‘women’s rights’, and European courts stripping European citizens of the right to state their opinion that Mohammad (who is unashamedly regarded by much of the Islamic world to have married Ayisha when she was 6, conjugating the marriage when she was 9 ) was a paedophile.
The UK, too has recently ratified ‘Islamophobia’ as a ‘hate crime’ and routinely fines people hundreds of pounds for mean tweets and the like. In the Rotherham Grooming gang disgrace, on two occasions British fathers banged on the doors of the paedophile pimps who held their 12 yr old daughters as sex slaves were relieved to see the police arrive, only to arrest the FATHERS, leaving the lambs to the paedophile slaughter. Such is the fear the UK establishment has in upsetting the Muslims in their midst. Belgium had elections in April 2019 and its openly Sharia Aspirant Islamic party won seats.
So it is not only the case that Islamic is the fastest growing population in the world, but the Islamisation of the body-politic of traditionally non-Muslim countries is also an advancing imposition.
Now lets look more specifically at Obama’s efforts to help Islam exploit our Civilizational weakness.
Obama has always kept a 'low profile' about being a Muslim, only letting slip occasionally that he regards it as his faith. He admits his Kenyan father was of a multi generation muslim line, and recalls fondly his childhood in Indonesia awakening to the morning call to prayer. In this video he also bows to the Saudi King, a deference he did not give to Queen Elizabeth
Malik Obama, his half brother, is a pro Republican and frequent antagonist of the former POTUS. He identifies as Islamic but appears to be in Good Faith with the West (he freely condemns Islamic terrorism and doesnt deflect or deny it) His twitter handle is @ObamaMalik from which he frequently trolls his brother with insinuations of Obama’s deceitful motives and associations, such as in a clandestine meeting with Louis Farrakhan in 2005
Valerie Jarrett, the Persian (from a hard-core Communist background, undoubtedly sympathetic to ‘revolution’ in the classic Marxist sense) was Obama’s aide and handler during his 8 yr tenure . Pro-Western Persians who lost their country to the Ayatollah in 1979 will tell you; the point at which Islam’s darker instincts were really unleashed was when it partnred with Communists.
Huma Abedin, spouse of the hapless pedo Anthony Weiner and Hillary’s aide, and expected successor to Jarrett, comes from a family instrumental in the globally influential and dangerous Muslim Brotherhood.
The Sunni Pakistani Awan brothers are another Democrat staff corruption scandal, according to this piece “a story that involves political corruption, alleged cybersecurity breaches, the potential sharing of private constituent info, possible large-scale fraud, cover-ups, and threats to our national security.” One of the Awan brothers was photographed drinking with Seth Rich on the evening he was murdered
One of the chief proponents of the Russian Collusion hoax, CIA director under Obama for his second term, John Brennan is rumoured to have converted to Islam when stationed in Saudi Arabia during the 90s. Brennan is not a very public figure and so its hard to find evidence to verify this, but even snopes noted Globalist shill ‘factcheckers’ say ‘unproven’, not disproven, and let’s face it, with the common knowledge of CIA sponsorship of the Taliban, bin Laden’s Al Qaeda etc, is it really beyond all ken that CIA agents themselves would convert (given many would require to develop intimate familiarity with the religion to infiltrate or negotiate in-situ). The close alliance between apparent neo-Con thug Brennan and pansy Liberal Obama makes more sense were Brennan a convert.
Yet another Soft Coup lynchpin - Peter Strzok -lived his youth in Iran and Saudi Arabia and was used by Brennan as an envoy to Middle eastern countries.
As revealed here yesterday, the currently incarcerated Tamil Tiger billionaire sponsor Raj Rajaratnam donated to Obama and Clinton lobby funds.
The Obama/Clinton machine distinctly aided and abetted - at a respectable arms length - the Jihadi insurgency that toppled Libya, whereupon 10s of 1000s skipped the pond to Syria to help form ISIS. With Open Borders as the transmission mechanism for jihadi redeployment (under the guise of asylum seekers of course), we once again see the evil synergy of Islam and Political Correctness. Obama’s fostering of ISIS was a disgrace, his administration dropping weaponry in the Syrian wildenrness supposedy intent for ‘good jihadis (remember that one?) falling directly into the hands of ISIS. Obama also allowed ISIS to truck stolen Iraqi oil unmolested by the US military (stationed all around it) hundreds of miles through naked desert to the Turkish border, where it flooded the world market enough to depress Brent Crude index. I’m unclear of the final tally but at one point a few years back ISIS had earned over half a Billion in that capacity.
In the dying months of his Presidency, the Obama administration, with his Saudi counterparts, facilitated the escape of 9000 trapped ISIS fighters out of the military cauldron the Iraqi and allied forces had so painstakingly deployed around Mosul, with the intention of sending them back into the fray against Assad in Syria
The details of Obama’s Iran deal are baffling to anyone who presumed him to have been acting in America’s interests. Effectively if gifted billions (the figures vary. Who knows how many CIA pallettes of cash parachuted down to the regime) of dollars to Iran in ostensible exchange for the Persian Caliphate refraining from nuclear bomb production, yet seems to provide bugger all safeguard the pro in the quid-pro-quo One wonders whether Iran used the proceeds to fund its proxies in the Yemen war and Syria - working at cross purposes to Obama’s clandestine support for ISIS
43000 Somali’s alone were migrated in Obama’s tenure, a land where Islam is especially, genocidally violent. A large portion ending up concentrated in one congressional district, paving the way for Ilham Omar, indisputably one of America’s most divisive political figures. This effectively ensures the district will henceforth always vote a Muslim candidate in, as muslims tend to not vote according to conscience or left/right leanings, but in the service of Islamic expansion
During the tenure of Obama’s rein, a number of Jihadi training camps are rumoured to have either commenced of continued unmolested, like the New Mex jihadi training camp, busted in July 2018 but whose crime scene was outrageously bulldozed by a clearly compromised FBI . The depth of complicity of the Democrats nearly became mainstream news, with SJW Democrat Darling activist Linda Sarsour having only one degree of separation to those running the camp.
One of the revelations of the Podesta wikileaks was that Obama kept a list of Muslims to be appointed to Govt jobs. Yes, it was done under the auspices of ‘diversity’ - but even Arabs who were Orthodox Christians didnt make the queue - that was reserved for Muslims, some who were of dubious security credentials
MolochHunter ago
Obama let Hezbollah off the hook in an international drug traffiking operation
Vindicator ago
Mueller FBI under Obama did indeed purge anti-Muslim "bias" from training documents
Here's the sauce I couldn't find yesterday. I found a biased but decent discussion about Obama purging the FBI training manual of Muslim terror-spotting material with additional links here at politifact.
They cite Wired in support of this article handwaving away the concern, which is of course a 100% Mockingbird publication.
The folks who did the most to expose this were Judicial Watch. Here is the pdf of their updated 2015 Special Report on the topic, based on information obtained from FOIA suits (the FBI refused to say what specifically had been purged -- either to Congress or in repsonse to JW FOIAs.
Judicial Watch filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests on March 7, 2012, seeking records pertaining to FBI Director Mueller’s secret meetings and the curricula purges. The FBI refused to respond substantively to our request, forcing us to file a lawsuit in the U.S.District Court for the District of Columbia, (Judicial Watch v. Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:12-cv-01183)).2 The litigation compelled the FBI to comply with the law and produce the requested records to Judicial Watch, many of which are discussed in this report.
Interesting it was Mueller trying to keep this information out of the public eye!
kestrel9 ago
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Saudi Royal) paid for HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, the idea came from Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, formerly known as Donald Warden, was a mentor of Huey Newton, who founded the Black Panther Party.
There's an article somewhere about the CIA bringing in African men into the US in order to control/create the black rights movement and recruit agents. Was it tied to Saudi's and Islamists?
You can read Vernon Jarrett's column "Will Arabs back ties to Blacks with cash?" here:
trivia, Obama's cousin is a married a Saudi national and is now a princess. From info posted by her father: Our daughter Debbie, graduated from Hutchinson Community Junior College before we left Kansas. Then she attended the University of Kansas at Lawrence, graduated with honors in Linguistics and became the first member of our family to receive a college degree. Today she is married, has five children all in school and is currently the Administrative Head of the English Department of an all girls school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Her husband, Abdullah Al-Ahmadi is a Civil Engineer and a manager with Saudi Aramco. There's a photo of Alwaleed giving her husband an award, related to his work.
Obama's uncle installed core banking computer systems in Riyadh. Inslaw/Promis precurser?
Info found from the archive of Cecil Goeldner's website, from 2001...For 30 years, he worked in the company that was linked to the Vince Foster and Mena Airpot drug running scandals: Systematics, Inc. and he had his pilot's license.
Hillary and the Rose Law firm represented Systematics in the 1970s and 1980s.
Shall we go full circle? PROMIS Inslaw Clinton Systematics FusionGPS all this the missing link?
That's a topic I had been discussing in relation to the Epstein/Ghislaine/Robert Maxwell story:
Is INSLAW the elephant in the room? Lady Ghislaine, Danny Casolaro & Khashoggi
MolochHunter ago
epic contribution m8
kestrel9 ago
Thank you. This is a great thread you created, I started going through some links/notes to contribute and the info fell into place. As you said "...aggregate a number of stories and sources which, read piecemeal might not trigger alarm bells, but which-strung together-might present a clearer picture of...Islamic Agenda."
Arrvee ago
Suhail Rizvi was pushing for Obama to be President, and Richard Branson warned us that Gavin Newsom is more of the same.
Rizvi shows up again as a major Twitter investor and part of Soliya which worked for Qatar.
MolochHunter ago
good sauce from crosspost contributor
MolochHunter ago
n.b: canada jihadi with enough carfentanyl to kill 2 billion people
SearchVoatBot ago
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srayzie ago
Excellent post! I was going to add Brennen and Strzok and it was already there.
solo7 ago
thank you
Blacksmith21 ago
Why does Obama wear a Muslim ring?
Obama in Muslim garb:
More later...
auralsects ago
That's some heavy boomering. The funniest part was describing returning Iran access to its own frozen assets as a fleecing. Or the 43k Somalis that constitute the US "capture" by Islam, as opposed to Trump's "more legal immigrants than ever before" giving the US to Latins.
LOL now you're literally hallucinating omfg
InfoWars-tier, kill urself
bopper ago
Jews gave us nigger gin.
bopper ago
Jews gave us jazz, man.
And nigger gin.
MolochHunter ago
heres the photo
so you kill yourself
that was the deal, right?
Vindicator ago
auralsects ago
Not only does that individual look nothing like Imran Awan, but he was kind enough to post the pic to his Facebook.
"Pwned" indeed. What a pair of stupid assholes.
srayzie ago
Of course Donkey, the Camel Jockie, has to talk shit.
LOL @Bopper @Darkknight111
Cristo316 ago
Busing Illegals to Red States under Renegade Admin
Holy Land Foundation Trial, CAIR and Hamas
JohnQ-Arkenstone ago
Brilliant and cogent overview of all the many issues that have concerned us over the years. Your comment;"Obama also allowed ISIS to truck stolen Iraqi oil unmolested by the US military (stationed all around it) hundreds of miles through naked desert to the Turkish border" brings to mind how the President of Turkey was denying that Iraqi oil was being trucked by ISIS to his country. It was the Russians who exposed this fact to the world after destroying one of those convoys. Once caught, the Turkish President was claiming that they were destroying the oil shipments. President Vladimir Putin then countered by saying, (just paraphrasing) "If you are destroying all this oil, where is all the smoke?" Nonetheless, thanks for this great post!
Leatherwood123 ago
Are the Somalians all citizens? If not, can they not be deported?
RightSideUp17and6 ago
Stellar post. o7 Also the collaborative effort-we are stronger when we work together. Not to be fooled, Patriots, that Islam poses a direct threat to who we are and what we stand for. A key factor is the zeal and dedication to task of those pushing the Islamist agenda through the exploitation of our God-given freedoms, and through use of force when there is sufficient percentage of the population as well as TERRORIST acts. (recall those who made calling it what it is, unacceptable). Will we have the resolve to thwart this increasing threat? I do not assess as much by what people say, but mainly by what they DO. And the actions and speech of Hussein does match the picture of one who upholds Islam. Then he seeded his nest (our governing and administrative structures) with other LIKE-MINDED persons. All hell-bent on destroying US.
MolochHunter ago
@Srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21
Collaborative post here ifn yooz cats have anything to contribute
Vindicator ago
Wow, great submission, MH! You are an excellent writer.
I would add using Beau Bergdahl to free the the Five Taliban dudes from Gitmo.
I believe there is a picture of Obama wearing an Islamic ring...why yes! Yes, there is. Source? Trump! Here's a submission about it:
Also, his Harvard education was paid for by Allweed bin Talal. @kestrel9 had some good research here on Obama's Muslim patrons:
@waldo1899 contributed this comment on the same topic a month ago:
Here, @surviveandheal15 goes into Obama connections to a Muslim-founded Indonesian cult called SUBUD.
This downvoted post claims Al Qaeda chose Obama's cabinet. That would need more investigating.
Finally, I remember that after the San Berndadino shooting there was discussion about Obama regime "sensitivity" changes to LEO training being part of the reason they failed to prevent that mass shooting or catch that the woman was a radical jihadist when they allowed her into the country. No sauce for that, though.
MolochHunter ago
top stuff, thx
bulrush ago
I vaguely remember that ISIS was selling oil to fund it's activities. This is good for people to remember. Some news stories may be old, but they are important to show a pattern of behavior of certain people or groups, and to paint a bigger picture which better illustrates how bad Obama was, and still is.