“[ISIS] has amassed wealth at an unprecedented pace, and its revenue sources have a different composition from those of many other terrorist organizations,” said David Cohen, under secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
That takes some coordination to pull off, wonder how that could have happened so fast.
How CIA & Allies Helped Jihadists In Syria: French Covert Ops Expert Exposes New Details
As an aside, ever wonder how Marc Rich so easily sold cheap Iranian oil to Israel during the Iranian Oil Embargos?
From 1973 to 1993, Mr. Rich said he was Israel’s most important oil supplier, delivering 7 million to 15 million barrels a year.
In more than 30 hours of conversations with a Swiss journalist, Daniel Ammann, business editor at the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche, the usually tight-lipped Mr. Rich gave an extensive account of his oil trading from the 1970s through the 1990s. Those dealings, which straddled ideological lines from Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran to Fidel Castro’s Cuba and from the apartheid regime of South Africa to the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, are recounted in Mr. Ammann’s book, “The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich,” released this week by St. Martin’s Press.
buildingbetter ago
There were so many reasons our President has increased oil production right here in the good old USA.
Zadim ago
From oil being transported and sold to Turkey (a NATO member) and under the protection (via not being attacked) by obama
derram ago :
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