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As the depth of Obama-era treachery becomes more publicly accepted in the wake of the failed Soft Coup against Trump, I thought I might aggregate a number of stories and sources which, read piecemeal might not trigger alarm bells, but which-strung together-might present a clearer picture of the Jeopardy Obama placed the nation into with his Islamic Agenda
This post is specific to Obama’s Islamist aspirations and is not an overall examination of other topics of allegation (birth certificate, closet homosexuality, pizzagate etc - although the heavy Saudi ownership of the real estate strip of Comet Ping Pong infamy could well be included).
‘Promoting Diversity’ is one thing. Defrauding, Endangering and Disenfranchising American Christendom is another altogether, and this post will show you that Obama went well over that line, knowing the Country was so infatuated with itself in voting a Black President in that they wouldn’t apply scrutiny to his agenda.
Firstly, lets dispense with any doubt about the Global scale and aspiration of Islam. Its international body is the 2nd largest Org in the world next to the UN, and Islamists have captured much of the UN and EU through their Permanent delegations. The toxic influence exerted here is behind such lamentable developments as S.Arabia being placed in charge of senior posts on ‘women’s rights’, and European courts stripping European citizens of the right to state their opinion that Mohammad was a paedophile.
The UK, too has recently ratified ‘Islamophobia’ as a ‘hate crime’ and routinely fines people 100s of pounds for mean tweets and the like. In the Rotherham Grooming gang disgrace, on 2 occasions UK fathers banged on the doors of the paedophile pimps who held their 12 yr old daughters as sex slaves were relieved to see the police arrive, only to arrest the FATHERS, leaving the lambs to the paedophile slaughter. Such is the fear the UK establishment has in upsetting the Muslims in their midst. Belgium had elections in April 2019 and its openly Sharia Aspirant Islamic party won seats.
So it is not only the case that Islam is the fastest growing population in the world, but the Islamisation of the body-politic of traditionally non-Muslim countries is also an advancing imposition.
Lets look more specifically at Obama’s role in this
Obama has always kept a 'low profile' about being a Muslim, only letting slipYouTube occasionally that he regards it as his faith. He admits his Kenyan father was of a multi generation muslim line, and recalls fondly his childhood in Indonesia awakening to the morning call to prayer. In that video link he also bows to the Saudi King, a deference he did not give to Queen Elizabeth
Malik Obama, his half brother, is a pro Republican and frequent antagonist of the former POTUS. He identifies as Islamic but appears to be in Good Faith with the West (he freely condemns Islamic terrorism and doesnt deflect or deny it) His twitter handle is @ObamaMalik from which he frequently trolls his brother with insinuations of Obama’s deceitful motives and associations, such as in a clandestine meeting with Louis Farrakhan in 2005
Valerie Jarrett, the Persian (from a hard-core Communist background, undoubtedly sympathetic to ‘revolution’ in the classic Marxist sense) was Obama’s aide and handler during his 8 yr tenure . Pro-Western Persians who lost their country to the Ayatollah in 1979 will tell you; the point at which Islam’s darker instincts were really unleashed was when it partnred with Communists.
Huma Abedin, spouse of the hapless pedo Anthony Weiner and Hillary’s aide, and expected successor to Jarrett, comes from a family instrumental in the globally influential and dangerous Muslim Brotherhood.
The Pakistani Awan brothers are another Democrat staff corruption scandal, according to this piece “a story that involves political corruption, alleged cybersecurity breaches, the potential sharing of private constituent info, possible large-scale fraud, cover-ups, and threats to our national security.” One of the Awan brothers was photographed drinking with Seth Rich on the evening he was murdered
One of the chief proponents of the Russian Collusion hoax, CIA director John Brennan is rumoured to have converted to Islam when stationed in Saudi Arabia during the 90s. Brennan is not a very public figure and so its hard to find evidence to verify this, but even snopes noted Globalist shill ‘factcheckers’ say ‘unproven’, not disproven, and let’s face it, with the common knowledge of CIA sponsorship of the Taliban, bin Laden’s Al Qaeda etc, is it really beyond all ken that CIA agents themselves would convert (given many would require to develop intimate familiarity with the religion to infiltrate or negotiate in-situ). The close alliance between apparent neo-Con thug Brennan and pansy Liberal Obama makes more sense were Brennan a convert.
Yet another Soft Coup lynchpin - Peter Strzok -lived his youth in Iran and Saudi Arabia and was used by Brennan as an envoy to Middle eastern countries.
As revealed here on G.A., the currently incarcerated Tamil Tiger billionaire sponsor Raj Rajaratnam donated to Obama and Clinton lobby funds.
The Obama/Clinton machine distinctly aided and abetted - at a respectable arms length - the Jihadi insurgency that toppled Libya, whereupon 10s of 1000s skipped the pond to Syria to help form ISIS. With Open Borders as the transmission mechanism for jihadi redeployment (under the guise of asylum seekers of course), we once again see the evil synergy of Islam and Political Correctness. Obama’s fostering of ISIS was a disgrace, his administration dropping weaponry in the Syrian wildenrness supposedy intent for ‘good jihadis (remember that one?) falling directly into the hands of ISIS. Obama also allowed ISIS to truck stolen Iraqi oil unmolested by the US military (stationed all around it) hundreds of miles through naked desert to the Turkish border, where it flooded the world market enough to depress Brent Crude index. I’m unclear of the final tally but at one point a few years back ISIS had earned over half a Billion in that capacity.
In the dying months of his Presidency, the Obama administration, with his Saudi counterparts, facilitated the escape of 9000 trapped ISIS fighters out of the military cauldron the Iraqi and allied forces had so painstakingly deployed around Mosul, with the intention of sending them back into the fray against Assad in Syria
The details of Obama’s Iran deal are baffling. Effectively if gifted billions (the figures vary. Who knows how many CIA pallettes of cash parachuted down to the regime) to Iran in ostensible exchange for it refraining from nuclear proliferation, yet seems to provide bugger all safeguards
Islamisation of children in Education
43000 Somali’s alone migrated in Obama’s tenure, a land where Islam is especially, genocidally violent. A large portion ending up concentrated in one congressional district, paving the way for Ilham Omar, indisputably one of America’s most divisive figures. This effectively ensures the district will henceforth always vote a Muslim candidate in, as muslims tend to not vote according to conscience or left/right leanings, but in the service of Islamic expansion
During the tenure of Obama’s rein, a number of Jihadi training camps are rumoured to have either commenced or continued unmolested, like the New Mexico jihadi training camp, busted in July 2018 but whose crime scene was outrageously bulldozed by a clearly compromised FBI . The depth of complicity of the Democrats nearly became mainstream news, with SJW Democrat Darling activist Linda Sarsour having only one degree of separation to those running the camp.
One of the revelations of the Podesta wikileaks was that Obama kept a list of Muslims to be appointed to Govt jobs. Yes, it was done under the auspices of ‘diversity’ - but even Arabs who were Orthodox Christians didnt make the queue - that was reserved for Muslims, some who were of dubious security credentials
18210399? ago
This is a wonderful thread. There is so much more to add to this.
All of this is leading up to a huge reveal. Q said Historical AND Biblical.
That's the part everyone forgets about, but it's the lynchpin holding everything in place.
God did say he would hide his servant among the people. Everyone missed that point or really doesn't want to face it.
But I know it's being felt by millions, the effect of his return. Some will feel it, other's, well, that's the part that would put 99% in the hospital.
Drop 918
18203002? ago
The inclusion of muslims (specifically radical one) into our government (not to forget the 100s of thousands that have 'invaded' our country) is going to be a big deal that no one is really talking about. Obama placed tens of thousands in our government in plain sight. There are muslim camps all over this country. Mosques are built where they feel they have 'conquered' or infiltrated enough of our cities. 1.2 billion in the world. Stated on the internet that approx 15% are radicalized - that still makes 180 million radicals. That is about half the population of the US. The muslim brotherhood wants to destroy America from within. Starting in our government is the first step.
18202949? ago
Aimen Nabi Mir (archive)
In addition... (archive)
That is also called "Project Pelican."
Also at WilmerHale:
His father Ghulam Nabi Mir was
It sure looks like a Paki spy ring! What else was ISNA up to? The Inclusive America Project with Michael Chertoff's wife, the Aspen Institute, and the Anti-Defamation League whose leadership Obama had replaced with his own White House staff.
18634731? ago
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18203463? ago
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18203077? ago
great, nice contribution