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Subud and “The Octopus” of the Deep State
In this post I want to focus on the Subud cult, a bizarre little religious group that originated from Indonesia in the 1920s. According to Wikipedia, Subud has about 10,000 members worldwide, and began as a “spiritual movement” that was the brainchild of Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, an Indonesian “spiritual guru” also known as “Bapak.” Supposedly, the whole basis of the Subud “movement” Bapak created, was “.. a spiritual practice called latihan kejiwaan, which was said by “Bapak” to represent guidance from “the Power of God” or “the Great Life Force.”” Whatever the real practices of this group might be, according to Wikipedia, the Subud group is small, but appears highly structured and to have a global presence, with members in 83 countries.
What got me really started on looking Subud, was a book by independent investigator Wayne Madsen. Madsen is a former Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and NSA intelligence analyst. He wrote a book called “The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA’s insertion of Barack Obama, JR. into the White House.” In the book, Madsen goes into a ton of detail about Barack Obama, and the Obama family’s, deep deep connections to the intelligence world. In particular, Madsen looks at Obama’s whole family’s strong ties to the CIA, and to elite foundations like the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, and the elite families behind the foundation world and intelligence world (quite often “overlapping worlds,” so to speak.)
In particular, Madsen researched the Subud cult. Madsen says that Subud “…became popular in Indonesia and internationally following World War II, [and] attracted as adherents a few Western intelligence operatives assigned to Indonesia.” According to Madsen, Barack Obama’s own mother Ann Dunham, had a number of connections to the Subud group, while she herself was in Indonesia working for the Ford Foundation in the 1970s and 80s. As Madsen documents, during this period, Ann Dunham was quite possibly involved in covert operations on behalf of the CIA, with her work for the foundation serving as a cover. As Madsen states:
“Ann [Dunham] maintained close connections with [Subud]. Ann first encountered Subud members while working for the Institute for Management and Education and Development, while under a grant from the Ford Foundation, in 1971. She hired members of Subud […] to teach intensive courses in business English. Given her residence in Semarang [Indonesia], Bapak’s hometown and base, from 1978 to 1980, it is inconceivable that Ann was unaware of Bapak and his movement.”
What little is known about Subud, understandably seems to be focused on Obama and his family’s ties to the group. To be clear, Madsen documents a number of significant connections between the Obama’s and Subud that are worth looking into, but Madsen also basically says he is unable to prove, one way or the other, if Ann Dunham or any other of the Obamas were themselves members of Subud, despite the significant personal connections they had to the group. I definitely recommend Madsen’s “The Manufacturing of a President”, if you are looking for more info in this area.
However, for the purpose of a Pizzagate post, I want to focus this piece on looking specifically at Subud’s connections to the extremely dark world of child sex trafficking, ritual abuse, and covert mind control operations run by the elites directing “our” Intelligence Agencies and Military-Industrial Establishment.
Subud and the Intelligence World
As Madsen said, Subud started attracting as members some Western intelligence operatives after WWII, but the group’s connections to the intelligence world appear to run much deeper. As Madsen also states, “Bapak and his Subud followers were also well-entrenched at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, where Ann [Dunham, Barack’s mother] met her Kenyan and Indonesian husbands.”
It’s very interesting to hear that Subud was apparently “well-entrenched” at the East -West Center of the University of Hawaii? (does this mean a lot of faculty, students, or both were Subud members?). The East-West Center is a large and well-established academic program at the University of Hawaii, located on a 21-acre campus next to the University of Hawaii campus. It was founded by Congress in 1960, and according to the East-West Center website, its mission is to promote “… better relations and understanding among the people and nations of the United States, Asia, and the Pacific through cooperative study, research, and dialogue.”
Considering the Subud group’s allegedly large presence at this “East-Center Center” academic program, I should point out that CIA researcher Doug Valentine specifically documents The East-West Center as acting, at least in part, as a front for CIA covert operations, in his 2017 book “The CIA as Organized Crime.” (Please also see my previous post about Doug Valentine’s research and its relevance to the “Franklin Scandal” child abuse and trafficking scandal in the 80s.)
In “The CIA as Organized Crime,” Doug Valentine talks about Frank Scotton, a CIA operative who was recruited and trained by the CIA and was sent on assassination missions in the jungles of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos during the Vietnam War. When Valentine talked to Frank Scotton, Scotton told him directly that the East-West Center functioned as a front for CIA activities. As Valentine writes:
Scotton did, however, acknowledge the CIA-sponsored East-West Center’s espionage function. “It was a cover for a training program in which Southeast Asians were brought to Hawaii and trained to go back to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to create agent nets,” [Frank Scotton] said.
Doug Valentines’ information makes you seriously wonder what Subud member’s role may have been in all of this. Were Subud members amongst the students at the East-West Center who were recruited by the CIA and sent back to Southeast Asia as CIA-sponsored espionage agents? These connections suggest that Subud members themselves may have been directly involved in CIA covert operations.
Wayne Madsen points out more evidence that suggests that Subud may have functioned as a front for CIA-sponsored covert operations for quite some time. In the 1960s, the President of Indonesia was Sukarno. Sukarno was a left-leaning leader who was accused by the West of being allied with the communists, and in the late 1960s he was overthrown in a CIA-supported coup that brought the Western-backed dictator Suharto to power. Estimates are that between half a million and a million Communist party members were killed in Indonesia, as part of the extremely violent, CIA-supported coup.
Sukarno’s top ally, his foreign minister Dr. Subandrio, very publicly distrusted the Subud group, banning them from public meetings. The Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), accused Subud as being a CIA front. As Madsen writes, Subud founder “…. Bapak issued orders to his non-Indonesian members to leave the country before the coup and told foreign members abroad not to enter the country. When Suharto ousted Sukarno and declared the PKI illegal, Bapak celebrated the change, proclaiming that Indonesia was free of the Communists.” In another instance, in 1959 the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Solomon Bandaranaike, was assassinated by a Buddhist monk. Apparently, the Sri Lankan Prime Minister was allied with the Communist Party and was against the West, obviously attracting the anger of the CIA. The Sri Lankan Prime Minister was murdered shortly after ordering Subud leader Bapak to leave the country, and as Madsen writes, many believe the CIA may have been behind his assassination.
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SearchVoatBot ago
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sore_ass_losers ago
I just looked through all 8 parts (where is 6?) and didn't see this mentioned: Subud got a lot of publicity several years ago when the resemblance between former President Obama and the founder was noted:
darkknight111 ago
Subud is connected to the Laurel Canyon music scene via one of the Byrds.
Subud —> Byrds —> David Geffen, Paul Rothschild, Charles Manson.
UCLA is absolutely INFESTED with CIA.
Surviveandheal15 ago
Glad you saw that, Madsen also mentioned the Byrds connection in his book, I should have written about it
darkknight111 ago
Pay dirt.
I suspect some of those Vietnamese refugees ended up getting trafficked. After all, the ports are a chief route for sex trafficking.
Factfinder2 ago
Excellent lead, DK.
The Wikileaks Subud search included this cable, which lists Tarzie Vittachi as a Subud member contact at the United Nations regarding a request for transport of South Vietnamese refugees to Indonesia.
Varindra Tarzie Vittachi was the Deputy Executive Director of External Relations of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Here he is in a UN World Chronicle video interview: https://www.unmultimedia.org/avlibrary/asset/2109/2109913/
He was one of Subud leader Bapak's assistants. From "A Life in Subud" by Raymond van Sommers: http://www.undiscoveredworldspress.com/lifestwo.pdf Archive:
darkknight111 ago
Do you think its possible this cult had involvement in the Vietnam War? Some of those countries are smack dab in the Golden Triangle, a MAJOR drug and sex trafficking (half of the victims being underage).
9217 ago
Fantastic work.
Researcher @sharpedge42 on twitter has done an excellent amount of work on Subud over the last few years as well. They primarily post on twitter. You can find all their posts on Subud here - and archived here.
Acording to them, Subud was also linked to the McMartin case.
I also wrote about Subud and it's links to Gurdjieff, John G. Bennet, Esalen, etc in this post.
Surviveandheal15 ago
Thanks for those links, 9217, take care!
9217 ago
Wanted to add that it's fascinating to see the links to the CIA that you've documented. Were you aware of Subud's ties to British intelligence as well, via John Bennet as mentioned in my previous comment?
Overall, as a take-away from all of this, the fact that these obscure cults are the focus of so much intelligence agency attention, as well as ritual abuse, tells us that we are running into dead ends if we only look for ritual abuse where we see pentagrams and "satanism" in a typical sense. The groups involved often exist totally outside the judeo-christian aesthetic and religious symbology. #justsaying
Surviveandheal15 ago
Thanks for the link to the steemit article, I think this is a really relevant quote:
Bateson's early work took place in New Guinea and Bali. This area was also significant for its links to The Subud Cult, which influenced mystic/cult figure Gurdjieff as well as John G Bennet of British Intelligence. Gurdjieff is also of significance to RA Anon's experience, which again emphasizes the link between military intelligence, "mystical"/spiritual leaders as part of the study of various mind control projects, and ritual abuse. This is paralleled by Cult leader Marion Pettite's CIA connection and leadership in the Finders Cult, which practiced ritual abuse. One cannot separate military mind control efforts from the practice of ritual abuse, as they are deeply interconnected in many cases.
Surviveandheal15 ago
Glad to see others really digging into this link between military intelligence (apparently both US and UK, and who knows who else), and the nexus with bizzaro spiritual cults, child abuse and ritual abuse. The threads of evidence are there
9217 ago
Exactly, and if one follows the trails of connections through Gurdjieff (allegedly a Russian spy in his own right, and again, connected to Subud via UK intel man J.G. Bennett), we see connections to equally obscure locations like Bartlesville Oklahoma, which has a long history of ritual abuse allegations for such a tiny town. <- Forgive me for throwing more steemit links your way, but from one thorough researcher to another, I want to back up your findings by indicating where else the connections can lead.
9217 ago
You too!
Surviveandheal15 ago
Thanks for making this sticky Vindicator!! Glad folks appreciate it!
Vindicator ago
This is an incredible amount of research you've put together here, @SurviveandHeal. I am going to give the first installment the "Important" flair and sticky it, to encourage people to dig in. It's well worth the read. An excellent dive into much of our past research, as well as new stuff to investigate.
Surviveandheal15 ago
Thanks so much Vindicator!!
Surviveandheal15 ago
Thanks so much Vindicator, I really appreciate it! Definitely wanted to get this info out to this forum of folks, figured that was the best bet for this information. Thanks for all your work!!
Vindicator ago
The way you formatted with the cross links between submissions made it really easy to read. A challenging task well done. :-)
Surviveandheal15 ago
Thanks very much Vindicator lol, and thanks again for the sticky!
allonthesameteam ago
I'm just starting to dig in on this. Well compiled.
Curious if there are any Canadian connections to observe?
Surviveandheal15 ago
Didn't see anything specifically Canadian, but that doesn't mean its not there
allonthesameteam ago
Wazhappenin1 ago
What can you say when doug Valentine and Wayne Madsen are mentioned in the same post?Great work never knew about the east west center, even though I read Valentine's book on the Phoenix program. Great research.
Surviveandheal15 ago
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
wiki - https://archive.is/CxyRa
eastwestcenter - https://archive.is/Uzw7j
Mumbleberry ago
The sleepers shall awaken! With bullshit it seems
Kahlypso79 ago
Fear is the mind killer.