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MolochHunter ago

@Srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21

Collaborative post here ifn yooz cats have anything to contribute

Vindicator ago

Wow, great submission, MH! You are an excellent writer.

I would add using Beau Bergdahl to free the the Five Taliban dudes from Gitmo.

I believe there is a picture of Obama wearing an Islamic ring...why yes! Yes, there is. Source? Trump! Here's a submission about it:

Also, his Harvard education was paid for by Allweed bin Talal. @kestrel9 had some good research here on Obama's Muslim patrons:

During a 2008 interview on the NY1 TV station talk show “Inside City Hall,” pro-communist and former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton said he had been introduced to a young Barack Obama when the future U.S. president was applying to Harvard Law School in the late 1980s.

Sutton said he was introduced to Obama “by a friend who was raising money for him,” and he identified this friend as Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, whom he described as “a principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men.” Al-Mansour asked Sutton to write a letter to his friends at Harvard to support Obama’s entry.

The individual Sutton described as “one of the world’s richest men” was Alwaleed, and his principal adviser, al-Mansour, was helping to finance the education of select individuals who they believed could become assets in the future.

According to Trevor Loudon, author of “The Enemies Within,” Alwaleed’s choice of principal adviser was significant. Al-Mansour, formerly known as Donald Warden, was a mentor of Huey Newton, the founder of the Black Panther Party, which advocated for Maoist guerrilla warfare.

Obama’s campaign initially denied Sutton’s recollection, but news outlets found a 1979 column by Chicago Tribune columnist Vernon Jarrett (Valerie Jarett's father in law). titled “Will Arabs Back Ties to Blacks With Cash?” that further detailed al-Mansour’s agenda.

@waldo1899 contributed this comment on the same topic a month ago:

what did Alwaleed admit to during his month's of imprisonment???

Here, @surviveandheal15 goes into Obama connections to a Muslim-founded Indonesian cult called SUBUD.

This downvoted post claims Al Qaeda chose Obama's cabinet. That would need more investigating.

Finally, I remember that after the San Berndadino shooting there was discussion about Obama regime "sensitivity" changes to LEO training being part of the reason they failed to prevent that mass shooting or catch that the woman was a radical jihadist when they allowed her into the country. No sauce for that, though.

MolochHunter ago

top stuff, thx