I know this will be a controversial topic, but as you all know, we’ve been programmed since we were born to believe what we were taught in school. The media and entertainment industry continue to program us.
Us red pilled Patriots do not just believe what we’re told. We’re no longer blind sheep. We do our own research and spread the word. So why not do the same when it comes to the Holocaust?
For over 2 years now, many people on Voat have said that the Holocaust was a lie. I’ve been researching the subject and found an awesome website about it on https://8ch.net/qresearch. I was up late reading this last night, and I am convinced now that we were absolutely lied to. I’m not saying people didn’t die, but the whole story is very different than we’ve been taught to believe.
There are tons of pictures included. It’s a very interesting read no matter what your belief is regarding the Holocaust. So for those of you that are curious, here’s the link...
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Dragon40 ago
Utter bullshit.
Blacksmith21 ago
I love how these self-professed "historians" call all media propaganda now (which it largely is), yet don't consider the fact that most of this BS was propaganda then.
Crensch ago
Are you referring to the newspaper articles about 6 million before the war even happened?
Blacksmith21 ago
I'm referring to crap like this: https://files.catbox.moe/z3y3e4.pngPNG
It's Great Depression-era Daily Stormer crap. They had propaganda back then, just as they do now. Look at the history of this paper.
The Holocaust happened. Way too many first-person accounts to be a FF, statistically speaking.
It is the motives which are now in question.
We all know that the enemy we fight today is the 4th Reich. The Holocaust was a criminal act of persecution against the Jews for Deep State purposes perpetrated by the 3rd Reich.
History repeats itself. I
think- ago
I think the problem here is that @Crensch and other people who say the holocaust = genocide never happened have a list of arguments that should be responded to in detail; this is what @LauraIngalls wasn't able to do, she only replied in an emotional way, and quoted one Christian eye witness IIRC.
My suggestion would be to postpone the argument, immerse yourself in history books for a couple of months, and then come back, and have that discussion regarding the exact numbers, with a number of sources about how many Jews were killed where in which way.
I.e. instead of just saying that there are many eye witness reports, you might want to quote a couple of them, and link to sources.
I think it would be worth the effort.
Maybe @Crensch can do a list of arguments he has, and you can then come back and discuss these.
I feel this would be helpful for the whole community.
It doesn't matter whether @Crensch spends his spare time online or with fishing and hunting; as long as he has arguments you and others with the same position are not able to discuss in detail, with linked sources, he will be the 'winner' here.
@srayzie @Vindicator
Lauraingalls ago
I don't have time for all that. I know the TRUTH, President Trump knows the TRUTH, Paca Goat who knows survivors of the Holocaust knows the TRUTH. Anyone else that wants to be a Holocaust Denier can look up the history of that subject. I was told by Crensch that these Hitler supporters have been on Voat for years. They try to convert people to their side. I am not interested in being a Neo Nazi. By the way, there are many witnesses I "QUOTED". Obviously YOU didn't notice. And I am "EMOTIONAL" because denying that HORROR IS SICK. SOMEBODY has to CARE.
think- ago
Apologies if I overlooked that.
It's ok to be emotional about it, but you won't win an argument, or convince people reading the thread this way. You will need to quote historians, and their sources.
@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21
srayzie ago
Oh she’s not even willing to look or have an open mind. She keeps insinuating that we are denying it. I am NOT denying it. There is a lot we were not taught tho!
She told me she does NOT want to see anyone’s evidence and told me and @Bopper to not push this BULLSHIT on her and we said ok.
She dishes it out but can’t take it even people QUOTE something that is different than what she’s been taught her whole life.
@Think- @Vindicator
Vindicator ago
That is a normal reaction to cognitive dissonance. It's not surprising @LauraIngalls can't engage the topic. We've all been there.
I haven't read all the 700+ comments here yet, but I doubt anyone is saying "it didn't happen." More like "it didn't happen the way you've been told." My sense is that they're convinced it is the biggest psyop of all time, perpetrated and enforced with draconian censorship, brainwashing and demonization of doubters, and therefore it demands investigation, debate and reevaluation.
That question should really create cognitive dissonance. Instead of lashing out and running away, we should take a deep breath, pour ourselves a stiff drink, and humbly ask ourselves how awakened we really are.
Those who are Christian have no need to fear discovering whatever the truth really is. The truth is what brings all to freedom. As St. Paul said, "Put all things to the test: keep what is Good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21
Lauraingalls ago
There is NO NEED to personally attack me. I can engage a topic. I know the TRUTH. And if you do READ the comments PLENTY of people denied the Holocaust happened, smarty pants. You act like a liberal with your personal attack. They even said President Trump wasn't right when he said to deny the Holocaust makes you an accomplice in the Evil. You have NO RIGHT to act like I don't know what I am talking about. Every person that tried to prove these Neo Nazi. Holocaust Deniers are wrong were attacked. Even Paca Goat who personally spoke to survivors, and is from Germany was attacked. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT LIVES IN DARKNESS, not me.
Vindicator ago
Uhh...did you actually read my comment? It wasn't personal and it wasn't an attack. :-)
Lauraingalls ago
You mentioned ME, that was personal.
Vindicator ago
Yeah...I was stating that your reaction to the "Voat experience" on this topic is normal. It was about as far from a personal attack as you can get.
I mentioned you, because I was talking about you and it's damn rude to discuss someone on this platform without pinging them.
I spent the afternoon reading about 600 of the 700 comment sub threads on this post, Laura, and only two of those replying that I saw actually claim the Holocaust "didn't happen". The very vast majority were being quite civil and attempting to share facts that they themselves found disturbing enough to uproot their original views on the subject.
Why would you come to Voat, one of the only places in the world where you are literally free to say anything you want and have people engage you rationally, if all you're going to do is flip people the bird, stick your fingers in your ears and shout "EVIL" over and over again?
The person I saw in this thread "attacking" and name calling was not the "Neo Nazis", but you, who claim to be a Christian.
Christianity is not a Hallmark Card sentiment. Most people don't have the balls for the real thing. Jesus was butchered by the government and religious authorities of his day because they were able to whip up a mob of brainwashed sheep to demand his blood. If you aren't willing to examine the evidence of similar brainwashing and rabble-rousing today, how are you any different? This is an error all people in every age are prone to make. The wise know it, and err on the side of humility, rather than calling everyone else "evil".
Jesus: "First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." Matt 7:5
Also Jesus: "No one is good--except God alone." Luke 18:19
Crensch ago
And when I say "it didn't happen", I mean that the whole ostensible (not actual) reason they push it on us and our children is horseshit, and none of the fantastical Nazi fanfic claims happened.
think- ago
What exactly do you think didn't happen? Would you maybe have a list? That would be terrific as a starting point for @Blacksmith21's post maybe.
Thank you.
@srayzie @Blacksmith21 @Vindicator @PacaGoat @LauraIngalls
Crensch ago
Sure! Hell, I'll give them some things that DID happen, too. BS21 can pick and choose.
Let's start with the totally fair Nuremburg Trials that everyone is so keen on pointing out!
----My first claim: A fair trial didn't happen.
How is it that the victorious Allies get to act as prosecutor, judge, and executioner of the German leaders?
--Source: From Nuremberg to My Lai pp. 81-83.
Judge Iola T. Nikitchenko, at a planning conference before the Tribunal convened explained his view on the trials:
This is the man that presided at the opening session. Where were the trials that determined guilt?
--Source: Leo Kahn, Nuremberg Trials pp. 26.
In his memoirs, Nahum Goldmann, who served as president of both the World Zionist Organization and the World Jewish Congress reported that the Nuremberg Trials were the brain-child of the World Jewish Congress officials. They persuaded the Allied leaders to accept the plan.
--Source: N. Goldmann, The Autobiography of Nahum Goldmann pp. 216-217
The World Jewish Congress(WJC) made sure the persecution of the Jews was the main focus of the trials.
--Source: World Jewish Congress, Unity in Dispersion pp. 141, 264, 267.
Colonel David Marcus, a Jewish officer in the US Army selected almost all of the judges, prosecutors, and lawyers for the Nuremberg Trials.
--Source: "War Crimes" article written by him in Britannica Book of the Year in 1947, pp. 819-821.
Charles F Wennerstrum stated that many employed clerks, lawyers, researchers, and interpreters had only just become Americans in recent years, and whose backgrounds were rather steeped in certain prejudices. He also stated that the evidence selection was made by the prosecution, and the defense had access only to the documents the prosecution considered material to the case.
In regards to Nuremberg, Wennerstrum had "a feeling that justice has been denied".
--Source: Chicago Tribune article, dated February 23, 1948, pp. 1, 2. "Nazi Trial Judge Rips 'Injustice'", by Hal Foust.
US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone stated: "Jackson (Chief US prosecutor mentioned above) is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremburg." and "I don't mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a court and proceeding according to common law."
He specifically calls it a fraud.
--Source: Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law pp. 716.
Congressional representative Lawrence H. Smith of Wisconsin states: "The Nuremberg farce represents a revenge policy at its worst."
--Source: Congressional Record -- Appendix, Vol. 95, Sec. 14, pp. A 3741.
John Rankin of Mississippi, another congressman, declared: "A racial minority, two and a half years after the war closed, are in Nuremberg not only hanging German soldiers but trying German businessmen in the name of the United States."
--Source: Congressional Record -- House, Vol. 93, Sec. 9, pp. 10938
EVEN A JEW, Milton R Konvits, specialist of law who taught at NYU states:
--Source: M. R. Konvitz, "Will Nuremberg Serve Justice?," Vol. I, No. 3, pp. 11.
--My second claim: the German defendants were tortured by the Allies
They were tortured by the Allies against international law; violating at least articles 56 and 58 of the Geneva convention of July 1929.
--Source: Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial pp. 69, 302
Austrian officer, Emil Lachout, part of the postwar Allied War Crimes Commission testified under oath in 1988 that German officials had been tortured until they furnished fraudulent statements about alleged killings of Jews in German death camp gas chambers. He provided a copy of a 1948 document confirming this.
--Source: Robert Lenski, Holocaust on Trial, pp. 274, 278.
I've seen Rudolf Höss' confession rather often as a cornerstone document of Holocaust extermination. It's certainly one of the most widely known pieces of "evidence" by anyone that has dipped their toes into this subject.
--Source: Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, pp. 235-239
Rudolph Hoess was tortured for his testimony. After a beating, "It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him, but once he started talking, there was no holding him."
--Source: Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, pp. 236-237JPG
His testimony included claims that 2,500,000 people had been killed in the Auschwitz gas chambers, and another 500,000 had died of other causes.
--Source: Höss testimony at the Nuremberg Tribunal, published in: IMT vol. 33, pp. 275-279
These claims by him are now dismissed by reputable historians, and contradicted by their own, remade memorial stonePNG. 4 Million, really? Does anyone really think the 6 million number wasn't based on 4 million supposedly dying in this camp?
--My third claim: the Allies were guilty of the same things they were "prosecuting" the Germans for.
Chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson stated, in a letter to President Truman that the Allies...
--Source: Jackson letter to Truman, Oct. 12, 1945. State Department files.
The British Government admitted that they, were themselves guilty of "crime against peace" in the planning of a military invasion of Norway before Germany made their move. Britain and the Soviet union jointly invaded and occupied Iran, a neutral nation in 1941.
--Source: J. McMillan, Five Men at Nuremberg pp. 245, 414. "Behind the scenes at Nuremberg," London's Daily Telegraph, Jan. 27, 1977
--My fourth claim: the above, by no means exhaustive on the hypocrisy on crimes, is why there was no definition of "aggression" in the Tribunal's charter, which makes any "conviction" of Principle VI part A, Crimes against peace, a miscarriage of justice.
Funny side note: Notice how the UN adopted the same kind of language? Have you seen what Israel, a member since 1949 has done to PalestineJPG?
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xenoPsychologist ago
well said. saved.
Vindicator ago
This is interesting. Thanks
Crensch ago
@PeaceSeeker @EyeOfHorus @antiliberalsociety
Crensch ago
@kevdude @Trigglypuff @Empress @gabara @ExpertShitposter
ExpertShitposter ago
@Lauraingalls is a dumb jewish bitch, or one of the retarded jewed Christians who think jews are allies of the christian church because its the origin of jesus.
She is the poster-child for why i have no respect for Qtards, most of them are simple minded old farts whose brains don't work anymore.
Humans were meant to live 50-55 years, and there is simply a point where you become incapable of processing new information. This is why i don't bother redpilling anyone older than 40. They are not relevant to the revolution.
Furthermore, I spen't hours watching the violence on the streets of Paris. Not one of these fuckers had the balls to stand with the yellow jackets. Why? Because they like the gibs. They don't want to bring down the system. They don't want to give up their boomer comforts. They want the nigger slave labor to keep the economy rolling just long enough to pay out their pensions. Fuck the world after that amrite?
Apologies to rare exceptions. But for the most part....fuck old fart q boomers, they have no value any longer, they are just a drain, similar as the niggers. Generation revenge will save the world.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
it's sad to see that people like her can only attempt to shout people down, whatever yo believe you should at least be able to explain and argue for it
NeoGoat ago
I managed to red pill myself over 2 years in my early 50s. Yes, I swallowed the big pill one last. It was painful as hell for a couple days, as the last fairy tale was seen for what it was. In spring 2016, I supported Bernoe. Now, Trump is to my left. @Empress @Censch
ExpertShitposter ago
As i have said, apologies and respect to exceptions. I know 60 year olds who are 24h le mans racers. Not to many such exceptions.....
Teeder ago
I'm going to reply only because I think it's hilarious, not because you'll care. I'm 43. I've already been where you are. As have countless millions of white men. You aren't the first, nor even remarkable in any way. I blamed older people until I hit my 30's and realized the average 40 plus works harder than you ever have. Get up every day knowing their lives, and their families well being relies on it. We complain about most of the same things. The difference is, you believe the end is nigh. I believe it's all circular, and has been for generations. There's no revolution happening right now. Young people haven't done shit to instigate one. They sit, like you do now, complaining non stop about 40 plus folks on an age scale, like it has some important milestone of waste. Fact is, take away all those people and sure, you get rid of them, and then you starve, or get murdered. That's your war? On bot sides of that equation are people who think like Jews, or socialists, or libtards. Your only reference to life after this is what? Walking Dead? Call of fucking Duty Zombies? Metaphorically speaking of course.
When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I was already doing labor jobs. I was taking a tent and my dog and canoing up rivers and camping. Catching what I needed through fishing and trapping. That didn't start with idiotube. When we did something that deserved punishment, we didn't lose our cellphones or xbox. We lost our freedom and some skin. We didn't hit twitter and decry how mean the meanie parents were. Fucking over 40's always ruining everything. The average 40 year old male would hand the stupid smirk back to your, in a bag with your ass.
As far as what you posted about Nuremburg. Guess what? Every over 40 already knows. We didn't have to look it up on some chan site. Common knowledge. The difference though is we have families. Those things that require us to have jobs and put food on the table. We can't preach this shit because the over 40's when I was your age made sure we'd suffer, and harshly. But that was a drop in the bucket compared to the ones who winked, knowing full well it would come back around again. because it always does.
Hitler wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. The incoherent thoughts of this 43 year old also knows something else. Nothing you've done on Voat matters to anyone. Nothing has changed from yours, or anyone elses posts on here. There is no revolution of young people because this is all they can do, without guidance and know how, and all the pretending in the world won't change that
ExpertShitposter ago
Firstly not true in my particular case. I'm in my 30's and i have worked every moment of my life after i finished my education, and spent a year working two shifts back to back on my first job. On my second job i worked most Saturdays + overtime, and when the company went bankrupt after 2008, i had to take what ever shit job i could quickly. So despite being used to my office job, i transitioned to washing cars in freezing weather, and at times such as new years eve. Did not quit that job till i could find better first.
Difference between boomers and zoomers is that boomers got paid a lot more per unit of work done.
No we don't. In serious right wing circles, we complain about the complete destruction of the white civilization in the next 50 years, what is causing it, who is really behind it, and what the final solution is.
In Qtard wing circles, discussion revolves around the democrat/republican circus, put on by the jews, with the goal of keeping you occupied with meaningless bullshit and believing you have a political choice.
I agree. The people responsible for the current cycle of shit is primarily boomers.
The system is currently too strong, despite this, there are small revolutions happening around the globe, but boomers are not part of it.
Venezuela is burning, but its not the boomers who are dying on the streets. They were the ones who cheered on the commies who wrecked the country tho.
France is burning for months now, but its not the boomers having their hands and eyeballs blown of every day by cops. They were the ones who invited all the niggers draining the system tho.
Did the boomer have the balls to clean the island of leftists?
Did a boomer have the balls to clean the church/mosque of muslims?
Teeder ago
First, I appreciate that you spoke to me. I half expected the opposite, and just some rantings. My take on your responses. You're right in the sense that no, we don't clean the shit up. I say this because before you did, and by you I mean your age group, we also did. Remember 9/11, and the bombings from the 80's, 90's, and 2000's? That was us, and before that it was the boomers. As far as work? The overarching theme from young people is that there's no work. All the older people have jobs ect. Guess, what? We complained the same way. Young people, and by young I mean all the way down to my 8 year old, believe they deserve everything. They don't. I started in landscaping because it was the only thing I could find. I own my business now because I put in the time. I'm 43 and I feel like I'm 60 most nights. The business side of things is as bad as the labor. I'm inundated with the shit people we make fun of on a daily basis expecting to get hired over my regulars and take no thanks I have no openings as the means to an inquisition on my hate for immigrants, fags, dykes, and women. I'm not just expected to hire these fucks it's a demand from my own government. In my employ I have 5 people. 4 are white. One aged 47, 3 in their 30's and a 22 year old East Asian. His hiring came about when the local chamber of commerce decided that businesses that don't hire the influx of unwanted immigrants might have work directed towards the ones who do. I can't compete without that business. He's a lazy pos who refuses to take direction, speak English, or stay off his cellphone that he suddenly could afford before his first pay. It isn't rosy on the other side either.
As far as what we speak about in the confines of our own groups? It's the same. We've been talking about this since I was young, in my late teens. The destruction of white society started in 1914, and continued through today. Every war is whites dying to protect a lesser species. Sometimes against other whites, and sometimes that's the sole purpose. It wasn't boomers who said gays were ok. It was jews. The prevalence and acceptance by the way started with your age group, and the bloggers and media pushing it. Boomers may have set the laws in motion but only because your age group pushed it to fever pitch. Theres a reason old folks are considered racist and homophobic, and the younger generation more accepting. Except libtards. They're just degenerate fucks driven by greed and debauchery and that predates boomers by a millenia.
As far as whats going on in the world today? You don't seriously believe this started right now do you? Protests have been going on since the beginning of democracy, and communism. Difference is that today you get hit by rubber bullets for the most part. Not real ones. Governments attacking people? Not new. Police acting as govt agents? Not new. Media acting for special (((interests)))? Also not new. Equating boomers or anyone over 40 with the problems the world sees now? Obama says hi. So does Trudeau. And Merkel. All voted in by your age group in the last 15 years. All being given a carrot and still running towards it. My point? I don't hate you for it. I hate the ones who actually did it. There's a massive distinction to make. Most older folks I know fucking hate liberals. Their policies. Their beliefs. Their lemming like state of thought. The liberals when I was younger aren't the liberals of today. These are socialists and communists. The conservatives of today are a mirror image of the older liberals, at least in Canada. The old conservatives are what you'd call alt-right.
As far as France goes. I honestly could care less. If an election was held today they'd likely put their yellow vests away and vote Macron right back in. That movement started out with great intentions, but that isn't what it is now. Look at the people. Not the front lines. The back lines. The ones not getting their hands dirty.
Sorry for the long post and no quotes. haven't figured that out yet. You know, it's no different now than it was 50 years ago, at least concerning how younger people view older ones. We all go through the hate and vitriol for the next generation up the ladder. Older folk blame younger folk and younger folk blame older folk. Once you get to my age, which is not that far, or even older, you'll see the same things I see. I'm terrified of socialism and communism, because neither will be voted in by older people, but we'll be the first to pay. And you'll be second
ExpertShitposter ago
Not really. If you look at the point when the shit really started to hit the fan in terms of laws, it was the 60's.
Then there were all the flower power hippies, that may have been right about the shitshow of how Vietnam was conducted, but wrong about everything else....
Nether of us were even close to being born back then.
I hate those who, in today's world of easy to access information, still haven't consumed the redpillls that they perhaps couldn't before the time of internet. And still refuse to acknowledge their responsibility for the current state of affairs. And yet they claim to be "researchers" and "patriots" and "woke", and saviors of the world.
Q people are like a down syndrome man who set an entire building with 1000 residents on fire, and is now trying to extinguish it by throwing glasses of water on the massive building. Simultaneously, he is denying he set the fire, and is calling the burning residents assholes for criticizing him.
That's who i hate. I expected better of them. Those who "did it" were always evil, nothing good was to be expected of them.
Just select the text, and hoover over the buttons above the text-box box to see what they do.
Meh, i already hate both boomers and zoomers. And they both hate me back ;D
Those who start prepping now, and achieve full prep in the next 20 years will get to see the undeserving masses eat shit. And if they lose it all, will always have the opportunity to go out fighting. As long as they hold on to their little stash of "boom".
Teeder ago
One thing we do truly agree on, is the qtards. If ever there was a group who would take credit for everything that does happen and no responsibility for anything that doesn't, it's them. And the jews
I know it's easy to feel hopeless and look for anyone to blame, but blame has to be put on the actual perpetrators. We have whites calling for our extinction. How fucked is that? We have men dressing as ladies and not only using it to access little girls, but being giving permission. Our kids are being taken from us and put in muslim homes. We have murderers being set free because they're black or muslim. There's expectations of reparation for people who were never slaves and had no slave bloodlines and the actual slave traders are still doing it while pushing for whites to pay for their crimes. We send billions to Africa so they can use cell phones while starving, raping and murdering their own and showing it on Facebook.Taking over countries where whites built something over 100's of years and destroying it in a week. Every single subversive media title is meant for one thing. Every single govt ploy for acceptance of migrants. Every single tranny and homo walking down the street. When I was 30 those things didn't exist. We had immigrants but skilled and from non-threatening countries. It says a lot that Sikhs, who bombed a passenger jet for attention, are now the most liked, and less feared non whites in Canada. That...is...fucked...
Prepping should be mandatory training for all white people. As well as firearm training, other weapon training, and carpentry. I include hunting, fishing, gathering and farming under prepping. It might not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen. We're a very patient race, but that push too far usually involves millions not seeing tomorrow.
17917278? ago
Never put this together but yeah, makes total sense.
Crensch ago
@Dragon40, since you linked support for your position from the Nuremberg Trials
And since you specifically referenced Eichmann,
A JEWISH historian by the name of Hannah Arendt wrote that the "eyewitnesses", who testified in 1961 in Jerusalem against Adolf Eichmann were only rarely able to distinguish between what actually happened to them years earlier, and what they had read, heard, or imagined in the meantime.
Source: H. Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, pp. 224.
Lucy Dawidowicz confirms this, stating that "the survivor's memory is often distorted by hate, sentimentality, and the passage of time. His perspective on external events is often skewed by the limits of his personal experience."
Source: L. Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader pp. 11.
ANOTHER Jewish Holocaust historian, Gitta Sereny complained of those who "invented Holocaust events."
Source: G. Sereny, New Statesman pp. 17.
Dragon40 ago
I suggest that you consider two things: One, read the transcripts of the trial (which are online), and Two, examine the documents presented at the trial (which can be found in the printed set of Eichmann trial transcripts.
think- ago
Thanks. I will try to find these sources online.
think- ago
Thank you, Crensch. Going to read it later today.
@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @PacaGoat @LauraIngalls