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WhiteRonin ago

People need to tell these asses about the truth:

I called it the best fake video of the year!

Because it’s fake! You can almost see the fade where the shell casings disappear.

2 guys see the shooter and keep walking ... had plenty of time to call the cops.

What ever ... this is just too dumb.

MiMiWoke ago

Other very shady stuff.

When he first walks into the hallway there is a magazine already laying on the floor in the hallway. Look to the left side of the hallway as he walks in, just after the 6 min mark I think, you'll see it. Then later, he picks it up. Also, all the folks piled up on the right hand side of the room with an open doorway right there? I know I'd be hauling ass out of there.

Why no blood splatter all over the walls, no bullet holes in the walls? As many shots and people, there should have been blood all over the place.

NZ sure doesn't want their sheep seeing it, it's so fake it's stupid.

WhiteRonin ago

Yep! And that he kills a woman through that cement fence and not one miss hitting the concrete.

Funny how he shows all that footage and notbthe footage of them running and screaming and him shooting them.

But this is real!