Paydaddy ago

Cruz was hearing "Demons" while cuffed up upon his arrest. That Retard couldn't get laid in a whore house let alone shoot up a school.

user17 ago

It just never fucking ends with these fucking people.. These are the worst god damn people I have ever seen... It's always way worse than it looks, and this one looks real real bad.. Who the fuck? Like, what kinda piece a shit do you seriously have to be to pull a job like this? This shit is making the average criminal look like a pillar of civil society... If these people went to jail, the whole wing would say, "wait, you did what man? what the fuck? hey don't sit here. go sit on your bunk." .. Shit I may need to pray a little bit today..

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Whut the H E double toothpick??? Seriously....some serious muckery going on here.

arbennett ago

Annika Dean of Ft Lauderdale airport "fame" is a parkland mother--cri sis actors get recycled

TurquoiseLover ago

Who paid for this sh-t?

Qackerjak ago

The Parkland shooting was such a farce...

Didn't John Podesta visit New Zealand just days before the massacre (much like Eric Holder visited Connecticut just a couple of weeks before the Sandy Hook shooting, and Bush visited Omaha one morning and a couple of hours later, the shooting a the mall occurred). And now we learn that some students from Parkland went all the way to New Zealand to comfort them about the shooting months before in Florida?

Seriously, how stupid do they think we are?

GodsAngell ago

Yes! This is obviously another False Flag HOAX!

Why Was John Podesta REALLY In New Zealand Days Before Mass Shooting? Signs This Was A HUGE False Flag To Demonize Nationalism And Further Censor The Internet

Nachose ago

They also visited a special effects studio. Went all the way to NZ for this. Hmmmm

Ranlove ago


GodsAngell ago

Another "coincidence"??? Or EVIDENCE of a False Flag HOAX!!!!